• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 13,553 Views, 439 Comments

The First Year - TwilightsmyMare

A continuation of Living and Dying in Equestria

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Chapter 10 (If you go out in the woods today...)

With the excitement and fun of Nightmare Night done for another year Ponyville continued its preparations for winter, plenty of food needed to be stored and homes repaired and winterized.

My job afforded me plenty of extra time so I assisted anywhere I could, helping repair roofs, cutting and piling up wood for fireplaces as well as going with Twilight out to the some of the outreaching farms to see if they needed any assistance.

Letters and packages kept arriving for me for another week before they started to slow down. The amazingly generous ponies of Equestria had sent me in total seven thousand some bits, a crazy amount. We did all we could around Ponyville with them, donating to the few charities there were as well as making sure the seniors home was well repaired and supplied for the coming winter, we also made anonymous donations to the less well off families around Ponyville.

Still all that had only run us not even a thousand bits; we would have to look further afield for ponies to help.

Twilight informed me of another Ponyville tradition that was coming up, the Running of the Leaves. A race through Whitetail Woods to assist the dying leaves falling from the trees. Seemed a bit strange but no more so then anything else I had seen.

Race day came up quickly and there were plenty of ponies lined up to compete, chief among them was Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Twilight had told me last time they competed they had been so eager to win they overdid it tricking one another and being suspicious they hardly had any fun at all. Twilight and I walked up to the start line just before the race was to begin.

"Heya Twilight an Rick. Where’s yer number sugar?" She asked Twilight.

"Oh I don't think I'll compete this year. I wouldn't want to embarrass you and Dash again." She answered with a sly smile.

"Now hold on! You wouldn't have beaten us if we hadn't been so busy trying to outdo and trick one another!" Dash broke in.

"Exactly." She answered again with a smug grin.

"Ya don't gotta worry about that this year sugar. Nothin but a good clean race right Rainbow?"

"Definitely! It'll be me then Applejack then the rest of these racers this year."

"Ah think you mean Applejack then Rainbow Dash then all the others close behind doncha?"

"No way! You might be close behind me but I'm winning this year for sure!"

"Hmm... We'll see."

They glared at one another for a moment determined looks on their faces but then burst out in laughter.

"Well good luck to you both. You'll have some competition this year for sure." I offered.

"What? From who?" Dash scoffed.

Twilight and I stepped aside and Scootaloo sprung from between us her number proudly displayed.


"Yeah! Its gonna be great!"

"Have fun honey"

Twilight and I walked off to the side as they were ready to start the race.

Pinkie Pie was floating above the racers in a balloon ready to start and give commentary for the race.

"On your mark! Get set! Get ready! Get prepared! Get motivated! Get down! What was I supposed to be doing again...? Oh right! Go!!!" She shot off her confetti cannon to start the race the force of it pushing her balloon ahead of the racers, I have no idea how she even got her balloon to fly with it up there... Typical Pinkie.

And with a thunderous gallop they were all off, I couldn't quite tell through the crowd and the dust but it looked like Dash and Applejack were leading the pack I imagined Scootaloo right on their heels, she might not be as big as most of the other ponies racing but she was fast.

I bowed to Twilight and gestured after the pack of racers. "Shall we my love?"

She smiled and curtseyed to me. "I thought you'd never ask."

So we walked side by side my arm over her enjoying the scenery. We were far enough behind the racers that as we walked the leaves fell all around us the sunlight flitting between them. It was quite beautiful.

As we walked we pulled down any large clumps of leaves that had failed to dislodge with our telekinesis. I picked a few of the last flowers of the season and tucked a few of them in Twilights mane kissing her while I did so.

A perfect day. With the most beautiful mare in Equestria.

She blushed slightly still not used to me complimenting her. Oh you. And me with the most handsome human in Equestria. She smirked.

I chuckled and kissed her again softly. Not a huge accomplishment. But if you’re happy with me I'm satisfied.

I am. I love you.

I love you too Twi. So much.

We kissed passionately then resumed our walk through the woods. As we walked we passed a few ponies resting, they had exhausted themselves in the first big sprint and were regaining their energy to continue. Shortly after we walked by they quickly passed us as we ambled along.

"So Twi."


"What’s winter like here? Do the Pegasus control and maintain it like the normal weather?"

"No not really. They start it off but then it simply goes on its own much like the rain storms they can't control how hard the wind will blow or where the lightning will strike. It can get quite cold, snowing and blowing but that’s why we do all our preparation."

"Makes sense, I'm sure it’s beautiful."

"It is. Oh I can't wait to walk with you like this with a beautiful coat of snow on the ground, icicles in the trees..." She sighed happily.

"Sounds good love."

We eventually got to the end of the trail back in Ponyville to find plenty of exhausted racers collapsed on the ground Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo among them.

"So how did it go this year?" Twilight asked.

"We tied... Again..." Dash grumped.

"Ah common Rainbow at least we tied for first this time!" Applejack laughed chucking Dash on the shoulder.

"Okay, okay... And there’s nopony else I would rather share first place with." She grinned.

"How about you Angel?"

"Aww, I only got sixth place Dad..." Scootaloo kicked a nearby pebble looking disappointed.

"Sixth place?! That’s wonderful honey!"

"Sure is Angel, you were racing against adults. Couldn't be more then a few other racers your age, you did great!"

"You sure did Squirt!" Dash chipped in.

"I couldn't agree more." Added Princess Celestia as she glided down from her vantage point up on a cloud.

We all bowed respectfully. "Good to see you Princess, I had no idea you would be here."

She smiled at me. "I always try to find time in my schedule for the running of the leaves. It’s one of my favourite times of the year. You did very well young Scootaloo Sparkle, you should be proud."

Scootaloo turned excitedly to us. "She knows my name! Thank you Princess!"

She smiled and turned to Dash and Applejack. "A tie? How unprecedented, though with you two I suppose I really should have expected it." Her horn glowed and brought forward the first place medal, it flashed suddenly and split it into two halves a picture of Applejack on one and Rainbow Dash on the other both with separate chains. She levitated them over each of their heads. "Congratulations to you both."

"Thank you Princess!" They echoed holding up their medals they fit them together into one showing the crowd. Everyone cheered and the Princess passed out awards to the other four top placers.

She then turned to go to her chariot stopping before us. "Sorry Scootaloo but there’s no medal for sixth." She said softly.

"That’s okay Princess, I've already got the best medal in Equestria!" She beamed showing her my medal. "My Dad lets me wear it! And I'll do even better next year you'll see!"

The Princess smiled. "I see, your a lucky filly. I look forward to seeing you race next year. Good day to you all."

We all bowed as she departed.

"That was fun; let’s go Angel I think the sixth place filly deserves a milkshake to celebrate." I picked her up placing her on my shoulders.


"Sounds good to me!" Pinkie Pie chimed in hopping down from her balloon behind us.

The six of us headed to Sugarcube Corner and celebrated with a round of milkshakes.

The next morning I was up early, Twilight had been struck by inspiration in the middle of the night and had been up doing research. There were piles of books all over; I offered to clean things up while she and Trixie went out to practice.

I was making good headway when Scootaloo burst in; school had just recently gotten out for the winter holiday. She, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom all came in smiling like angels, now what were they up to?


I put down the load of books I was carrying. "What’s up Angel?"

"Well... We were hoping..."

"We wanted to go visit Zecora!" Apple Bloom burst out.

"Well... I'm pretty busy here girls maybe later?"

"We can go on our own. We know the way." Sweetie Belle offered.

"No no... You know the Everfree forest is dangerous, the path to Zecora’s is quite a bit safer but still..."

"Dad! I'm not a little foal..."

I knelt down and hugged her tightly. "I know, I know. Don't be in such a big hurry to grow up Angel. If anything happened to you... Any of you..."

"Well... What if we took a Wardstone with us?"

"I... I'm still not sure..."

"Pleeese!" All three of them lined up staring at me with big cute puppy or rather pony eyes.

Scootaloo turned to the door and beckoned someone in. "Come on we need backup!"

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon trotted in beside them and fixed their too cute gazes also on me.

"Okay! Okay I give, I give!" I grinned. "You girls sure don't play fair." I sighed and got one of my spare Wardstones from the closet making sure it was fully charged. "Alright you will be safe with this along... Just be careful all of you ok? Be sure to listen to Zecora she has plenty to teach."

"We will! Thanks Dad!" She flew up kissing me on the cheek and allowing me to give her a hug before I put the stone in her saddlebag. They all thanked me and the group of them trotted off toward the forest.

I watched them go for a moment then turned back to cleaning up lost in my own thoughts. It was nice to see all five of them getting along. I was a bit worried but I knew they were a group of very smart fillies and with the Wardstone nothing would bother them.

I worked for another hour shelving and cleaning up; I was carrying my last load of books to their shelf when I stepped on something causing me to drop my load when I stumbled forward.

"Scootaloo!" Always leaving her things laying about for me to trip over that filly. I gathered up my pile of books and turned to kick whatever I tripped over towards her room and stopped dead. A Wardstone... I glanced at the closet to see if maybe it somehow fell out of its sack and made its way here... No they door was closed, it could only be...

I dropped the books and ran out the door toward the Everfree forest. Everything will be fine; everything will be fine I kept repeating to myself as I ran. The path is safe they should be ok even without the stone. But it was that same path that Twilight and I encountered a Manticore... I ran faster.

The path to Zecora’s wasn't well used of course and a short way into the woods I easily picked up the girls tracks, I slowed watching the tracks for any irregularities looking ahead occasionally to see if I could spot them. About halfway to Zecora’s the tracks stopped and milled around for a bit before turning and heading into the forest, what was she thinking!

I followed carefully wanting to run but I had to move at a slow and steady pace so I didn't lose the trail. A short ways in I found another set of tracks intersecting theirs,

I didn't recognise them but they didn't look good. Pads and claw marks almost like a... Wolf...

I broke into a run again. "Scootaloo!!! Sweetie Belle! Apple Bloom! Diamond Tiara! Silver Spoon!?" I rushed along shouting for them and trying to keep on their trail as well as listening intently.

To say I was worried wouldn't do it justice I was freaking out. Suddenly some distance away I heard what sounded like a scream. I headed that way as fast as I could; it had to be them...

I burst into a small clearing to find a small pack of Timber Wolves circling a tree containing Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara on one of the lower branches with Scootaloo trying to haul her higher up and with good reason, the Timber wolves were clearly more intelligent then I had given them credit for two of them stood side by side with another balancing on top of them in a small pyramid formation.

A perfect springboard for another of them which was about to run up and with their help try to get to the girls, from my vantage point I could see it would have an excellent chance of doing so.

I rushed forward and grabbed its tail wrenching it to the side getting a few splinters but throwing it off balance as it as was about to charge.

"HEY! Get outta here!"



The Timber Wolf I had thrown off balance jumped back as I kicked at it, I rushed by to the tree the girls were in causing the wolves circling it also to back off. "Are you all ok?" I asked turning my attention to the girls for a moment.

"Dad look out!"

Again I had misjudged the wolves, I hoped the suddenness of my appearance would throw them off and confuse them long enough for me to get in the tree myself and pull the girls up higher.

I felt a stabbing pain in my calf as one of them bit down pulling me off balance, fortunately Rarity made her clothing out of superior fabrics and her seamstress skills were unquestionable. So instead of it ripping through the fabric and taking away a hunk of my leg it gashed my calf and ripped some of the fabric.

I stumbled forward as it released me and that likely saved me from losing a few fingers from the wolf that was about to bite down on my hand that I hadn't even seen sneak up. My hand jammed into its mouth and its sharp teeth punctured my skin as it bit down, but before it did too much damage it encountered my ring pushed deep back between its teeth keeping it from closing its mouth fully.

I yanked my hand back losing some more skin as well as getting cut a bit more, I punched it on the side of the head immediately regretting it, it was like hitting a solid plank of wood. I backed up against the tree holding my hand to my body as the pack spread out to surround me.

I glanced up to see Scootaloo about to soar down. "No!" I gasped. "Stay in the tree Angel. No matter what."



Something occurred to me, how they heck were they even getting close enough to bite me? I fumbled in my pockets for a second. I didn't bring the stone... Idiot!

The wolves remained in a semicircle growling at me but made no further move closer, I was about to try to get into the tree when from behind them came another wolf.

Much bigger, nearly the size or Big Mac, clearly the Alpha of the pack. The other wolves parted as it came forward; it stalked toward me unafraid its intentions clear.

I was in considerable pain but I didn't feel weak from blood loss yet. I drew my self up straight staring into its glowing yellow eyes; there wasn't much I could do.

Try to climb and it would be on me in a second, try to fight and I would lose, I had only moments to do something before it attacked and I was unarmed... Or was I?

I summoned a small ball of flame into my hand about the size of a marble, it was the best I could do and tossed it at him. I hoped maybe to singe its nose, scare it off a second maybe delay it long enough to get into the tree. What happened was far more then I could have imagined.

The fire caught on its wooden skin immediately and began to quickly spread; it leapt back with yelps of pain slamming into its pack mates setting them also ablaze. In mere moments those of the pack that hadn’t fled were burning, running in circles, snapping at each other, yelping in pain and even rolling on the ground in an attempt to put the flames out, another testament to their intelligence.

But rolling did them no good the flames were too well entrenched in their bodies, at this point they were clearly no longer any threat to us.

"Stop!" I shouted. They did and turned with a snarl and then whimpered. It was far easier to put flames out then to create them and I snuffed the flames off the group of them all at once and then waited to see what they would do. I was hoping they would be smart enough to know I had helped them and what would likely happen if they attacked me again.

They lined up staring at me the pack leader smoking and burnt in places still at their head.
I made a shooing sort of gesture. "Go on. Get out of here."

He stared at me for a second before turning and loping into the woods the pack close behind. I collapsed against the tree relieved and feeling a bit weak.

"Dad!" Scootaloo sailed down landing on me hugging me tightly. I put my good arm around her and held her tight kissing her brow. "I'm so mad at you right now..." I sighed. "No... Not really Angel just relieved..."

"I'm sorry! I didn't realize the stone fell out until they started chasing us!"

Diamond Tiara made her way down and threw herself into my embrace as well. "Thank you!"

Silver Spoon, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom made it down safely and I hugged them each tightly glad they were all safe. I concentrated and managed to heal myself enough to stop my bleeding but I wasn't able to close my wounds completely.

"Its ok girls. We're ok. It’s all my fault."

Scootaloo hung her head. "Because we're not old enough to go on our own and you shouldn't have let us...?"

I ruffled her mane and held her tightly. "No. You did well; you stayed together and got yourselves out of danger quickly. You did everything right."

I pulled her saddlebags off showing them the small hole in the side that that widened and allowed the stone to fall out. "No, if I had fixed this when I said I was going to..."

"I said it could wait though Dad! You were busy!"

I smiled at her though still mad at myself. "Thanks. I'm just glad you’re all ok."

"Um Rick?"

"Yes Silver Spoon?"

"Why did you put them out? They hurt you! They could have..."

I rubbed her back comfortingly. "Yes they could have. And if they had hurt any of you, of if they had kill... Well, I would have let them burn to the ground and probably this whole forest too... But they didn't, and their just animals. Smart animals but animals still, their just doing what they have to, to survive. I didn't want them to suffer or burn down the forest with us still in it! Not to mention Zecora’s home so I took a chance, don't worry I was ready to light them back up if I had to."

Diamond Tiara was cuddled up right beside me shivering. "Can... Can we go home now?"

With their help I got to my feet but I had no idea where we were. "Angel, can you fly up and find us the most direct way back to Ponyville?"

"You bet!"

Within moments we were headed slowly straight back towards the border. The closer we got to the Wardstones the better I would feel. I kept a sharp eye behind us just in case the Timber wolves were following us. I didn't see anything but somehow that didn't make me feel much better.

Only when we broke through the edge of the tree line did I relax as we slowly made our way back toward Ponyville.

"By the way girls, why did you leave the trail?"

"Oh... We thought we saw some wild Zap Apple trees and went to investigate." Scootaloo explained.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle opened their saddlebags to show them half full of rainbow colored apples. "We woulda gotten more but we heard howling behind us!" Apple Bloom gasped.

"We weren't real scared but as soon as they burst through the underbrush right behind us we ran!" Sweetie Belle added.

"We were scared then but Spoonie remembered what you said about putting food in a tree to protect it from animals and we figured it would work for us too!" Diamond Tiara hugged her friend causing her to blush.

"Yes... But we never would have made it up if it wasn't for Scootaloo. She helped each of us up the tree!" Silver Spoon gushed.

Scootaloo blushed as well. "Aww, I couldn't leave my friends in trouble."

"You all did amazingly girls, I'm proud of you." We reached town and I sent the girls off to their homes.

"Tell your parents as much as you are comfortable, if they want to yell at me tell them to come see me I take full responsibility."

They all shook their heads stubbornly and rushed off before I could say any more.

"Well let’s get home Angel."

"What!? Shouldn't we go to the hospital?"

"No its ok when I get my strength back I can finish healing myself, no need to take up their time."


I felt a bit better already and healed my leg a bit more so I wasn't limping through town. I was hoping Twilight wasn't home yet so I would have some more time to heal and I could downplay how life threatening the encounter had been.

No such luck.

She was in the kitchen making dinner when we came in. "Oh your home, why were all those books thrown on the floor I was a bit worr..." She turned and saw our haggard appearance not to mention the blood on my pant leg and sleeve. "Ahh!" She rushed over pushing us down on the couch. "What happened!?”

I held her tightly and explained making sure I took full responsibility for what happened and my little Angel came right back claiming it was all their doing.

She sighed and frowned at me then pressed forward kissing me fiercely causing Scootaloo to roll her eyes and head to the washroom to clean up.

Why do you keep putting yourself in these dangerous situations?!

I'm sorry Twi. I hate making you worry, I just reacted...

And did the right thing again... Sigh... You keep scaring me like this and I'm going to have to tie you up and keep you home with me!

I grinned slyly. Sounds like fun.

Riiick! Naughty.

I kissed her softly. Never want to lose you love. I'll be more careful.

Okay. We're a team now; if there’s danger to face we'll face it together.

You got it.

We had dinner and I managed to heal myself enough by bedtime to rest comfortably.

We lay warm and safe together drifting off.

That was too close, far too aggressive, too close to the trail.

What could be happening in the Everfree forest?

I'd have to go see Zecora and get her opinion on it...