• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 13,556 Views, 439 Comments

The First Year - TwilightsmyMare

A continuation of Living and Dying in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 8 (Away)

I awoke early the next morning, Twilight and Scootaloo were snuggled against me keeping me warm and secure. I loved them both so much, I gently untangled myself from them and snuck downstairs to the kitchen.

I tried to quietly whip up a quick breakfast of pancakes and fresh fruit, and then I brought it all back upstairs on a large tray. I peeked over the edge to see them both still more or less where I left them though I could see Scootaloo had a little grin on her face.

"Okay you two, I know you’re awake."

Scootaloo sat up immediately. "Aww! What gave us away?"

I chuckled as Twilight sat up as well smiling beautifully. "Your little grin Angel. But that’s ok your still in bed so here we go breakfast in bed for the two most beautiful and my favourite fillies in the whole of Equestria." I sat the tray down before them and Scootaloo dug in immediately as I leaned over and gave Twilight a good morning kiss.

"So what time is Pinkie Pie's party starting?"

"Noon. Say... Maybe you should bring her, perhaps she'll be less suspicious of you and we can surprise her a little."

"I'll try my best."

We finished up breakfast and Twilight and Scootaloo headed to Carousel Boutique to help get ready. I waited for a bit before leaving to give them time, at about ten thirty I left for Sugarcube Corner.

It didn't take me too long to get there, I entered and Mrs Cake was behind the desk she smiled warmly to me as I entered.

"She's upstairs in her room dear, I think she's been up since the crack of dawn."

"Thanks Mrs Cake." Pound and Pumpkin's playpen was set up by the stairs and I took a moment to ruffle their little manes and tickle them causing them to squeal.

I headed up the stairs, Pinkie Pie's door was very easy to locate. It was decorated with streamers and balloons, I wondered if that was because it was her birthday today or was it like that all the time?

I knocked and the door was flung open immediately. "SURPRISE!" She squealed.

Taken aback I stumbled backwards almost falling down the stairs but she darted forward grabbing my hand and hauling me back.

"Oops, sorry! I guess I shouldn't surprise anyone in front of my door." She smiled at me her eyes wide with excitement. "Sooooo what are you doing here?"

"Oh I just dropped by to say hi, Hi. Well I guess I better be going see you later Pinkie." I turned to go starting down the stairs slowly.

"What?! Butbutbut..."

I looked down to find her clinging to my leg staring up at me a few tears forming in the corners of her eyes, I laughed lightly. "Okay, okay. I'm here to bring you to your party. I shouldn't tease you."

"Yay!" She hopped up hugging me then zipped down the stairs. By the time I had gotten to the bottom she had the twins out of their playpen hugging them tightly. "It’s my birthday Pound and Pumpkin!"

They squealed excitedly as she spun them around, Mr and Mrs Cake looking on with amusement. "You have fun at your party Pinkie and happy birthday."

"Thanks!" She placed the twins back in their pen with a kiss for each of them and bounced out the door.

As I started toward the door Mr Cake came up a fairly large package on his back. "For the party."

"No problem, thanks." I balanced it carefully as I exited, looking around I couldn't spot Pinkie anywhere. Now where the heck did she go...?

I jumped slightly as her giggle came suddenly from behind me. "Silly me! You’re the one leading me not the other way around!"

Trying to be a bit crafty I led her towards the edge of town in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres, she bounced around me excitedly as we walked talking a mile a minute telling me about previous birthdays and how excited she was to see all her friends.

We were about halfway through town when I stopped suddenly levitating the box for a moment while I snapped my fingers once as if remembering something.

"Darn. I forgot I need to pick something up at Carousel Boutique. You don't mind if we make a small detour do you Pinkie?"

"We won't be late will we?" She asked anxiously.

"We have time; there won't be a party without you." I answered carrying the box again.


We turned and headed straight there. The drapes were closed and the closed sign hung in the window.

"Gee, it looks like she must have left already Rick."

"That’s okay she said she would leave the door open. The package is just on the counter, would you mind grabbing it for me Pinkie? Kind of got my hands full."

"No problem!"

I followed her up to the door as she opened it and hopped in, suddenly the lights came on and everypony jumped out with a huge SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PINKIE PIE!

For the first time since I had met her she was shock still with her mouth slightly agape. Quickly recovering she screamed in excitement and rushed in to tackle her friends in a huge hug.

I smiled and followed her in closing the door behind me and placing the package on a table.

Nicely done.

Heh thanks love. It’s nice to see her so happy.

You haven't seen anything yet, watch this.

"I know you’re excited and surprised already Pinkie but we have one more for you. Come on out!" Twilight called out.

From behind one of Rarity’s curtains trotted four earth ponies, an older mare and stallion, she with a light grey coat and a darker grey mane and tail her mane done up in a no nonsense bun a pair of spectacles balanced on her nose and a handkerchief around her throat. And the stallion a light brown with a moderate grey mane and tail as well as impressive sideburns a farmers hat upon his head and a tie around his neck.

The two fillies looked to be near Pinkies age one with a moderate grey coat and a dark grey mane and tail her mane styled to one side partly covering one side of her face. And the other filly with a dark purple/greyish coat and a light grey mane and tail her bangs cut short.

They all smiled warmly seeing Pinkie and she fell backwards on her rump her mouth agape again. "Mom? Dad? Blinkie! Inkie!" She catapulted herself forward into their waiting embrace crying and smiling.

Twilight trotted over to me and I put my arm around her squeezing her gently. "It’s her family." She whispered.

"Did you arrange this?" I asked kneeling down to hug her tightly.

She blushed slightly. "Well... I know she almost never gets to see them so I thought it would be a nice surprise for her."

"You’re the best Twi." I kissed her softly then stood back up as Pinkie led her family over to us.

"These are my friends Twilight and Rick! They just got married! Don't let Rick’s appearance scare you, he’s a great guy! Their daughter Scootaloo is around here somewhere too. And this is Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack and my best friend and the most awesomeist pony in Ponyville Rainbow Dash!"

"Yeah, I am pretty awesome." Dash bragged.

"I'm so happy to see you all! But what about the farm?"

Her father smiled at her. "Well dear we're glad we had the opportunity to come see you not just for your birthday but to let you know we decided to sell the farm and retire."


Her mother continued. "Don't shout dear. Your father and I are getting on in years and with your sisters both getting married soon..."

"What... Getting married?!"

"Moomm! We were going to tell her!" Inkie burst out.

"Oh sorry dears, it just slipped out."

"Who...? Where...? When...? How...?" Pinkie was running in circles she was so excited.

Her sister Blinkie stopped her. "Well, six months ago when I was bringing a load of rocks to Manehatten for paving stone I met a very nice stallion. Despite me being all dirty, sweaty and tired he stopped to talk to me, then he invited me to lunch and things just kept getting better! His name is Quartz Dasher, his family is into rocks as well, theirs are just more refined. He’s a jeweller and a Pegasus; ooh those wings make me shiver!" She said with a grin and a wink. "We got to know one another and I was amazed when he started flying to the farm just to visit me! He proposed to me a week ago, I was so surprised it was all I could do to stammer out a yes!"

"Wow! That’s great! What about you Inkie?"

"Well I was actually coming here to visit you a few months back but I got lost on my way and almost wandered into someplace called the Everfree forest." Everyone gasped but she just smiled. "I guess I was lucky that he stopped me when he did, he offered to show me to your place but I had been wandering for too long and it was getting late and I needed to get back home before dark."

She blushed slightly. "He was so nice and kind, he walked me back to the road home. As he turned to go I asked him if he would be passing this way tomorrow, he said he would be and I met him again the next day it almost seemed like he was waiting for me... I had every intention of coming to see you sis really! But... Well we got a bit sidetracked, he showed me around for awhile but when it came time to come see you I didn't want our time together to end so I said I was tired and wanted to rest. We spent the rest of the day by a creek just talking, at the end of the day on my way home he apologized for keeping me from seeing you. I kissed him quickly and ran... We've been spending a lot of time together ever since..."

"Well where is he! What’s his name? What does he do?" Pinkie excitedly questioned.

"Well... He’s here actually, just outside. He didn't want to intrude."

"Bring him in!"

"Okay, just a sec close your eyes everyone." She exited through the back.

Who is it?

I don't know! They didn't say anything about this, I'm so excited!

We kept our eyes closed and heard two hoofbeats enter the room.

"Okay, you can open your eyes. But I think most of you already know my coltfriend..." We all opened our eyes and gasped. "Big Mac!"

He blushed a little and looked down sheepishly. "Howdy ya'll."

"So that’s why you've been so behind on your chores Mac!" Applejack beamed. "I couldn't be happier for ya big brother!" She rushed over to hug Inkie, Blinkie and Pinkie. "And you too, sisters!"

"Now hold on there." Big Mac broke in. "I ain't proposed yet." He smiled and bucked his back legs slightly causing a small box to flip over his head and land in front of Inkie.

He smiled. "But I recon this is the right time." He then went down on his knees fumbling with the box with his big hooves trying to get it open, finally Inkie knelt down as well smiling with tears in her eyes and helped him.

He pulled out a plain but beautiful necklace with a strange black rock set in it with his teeth. He swung it over her head and began. "Inkie Pie, when you gave me this rock, your favourite rock, the one you've had since you were a little filly ah knew I had to do something special for you with it. So ah had it set as a permanent reminder of my love for you. I don't have a lot to offer but it’s all yours. I love you. Please marry me."

Applejack, Blinkie and Pinkie clutched each other tightly holding their breaths, Mr and Mrs Pie as well waited anxiously with proud smiles on their faces. Twilight and I held each other tightly teary eyed watching and waiting.

Inkie's tears flowed down her face while she clutched one of Mac's big fore hooves with her own small ones. "Of course I'll marry you! I love you!"

Everyone let out the breaths they had been holding and cheered for them as they kissed.

Trixie and Fluttershy were crying holding each other, Rarity had a box of tissues out and was offering them to everyone as she dabbed her own eyes, Dash stood aside trying to look unimpressed but I could see a few tears in the corners of her eyes as well.

"This is the best birthday ever! Two new brothers and two new sisters! How could it get any better?!?"

"Well, how about with this?" I asked as I levitated the box off what Mr Cake had given me, a beautiful cake decorated just for Pinkie. Chocolate and pink frosting spelling out 'Happy Birthday Pinkie Pie'.

She rushed right over. "Ooh my favourite! Marzipan meringue!" She was about to chomp down the whole thing in one bite but then remembered herself and grabbed some plates.

"Would you cut it for me please Rick?"

"Sure." I cut the cake up and she gave a piece to everyone, it was delicious! The party got into full swing, there was plenty to celebrate.

As the party continued into the afternoon everyone having a great time, I found Applejack and pulled her away from the party out behind the store so I could talk to her.

"What’s up Rick?"

"Uh... That’s amazing news about your brother eh?"

"Sure is! I knew he had it in em. But I don't think that’s what you wanted to talk to me about. Now tell me what’s goin on sugar?"

I took a deep breath. "I just wanted to apologise."

"Apologise? Fer what?"

I took a deep breath. "Okay... Okay, yesterday at the hospital I devised a way to cure Equine Encephalitis... The disease that... Well I just... I'm sorry. If only I'd been here sooner... If only I could have..."

She stared at me for a moment before bringing up her forehoof and smacking me across the face, not nearly as hard as she could have thankfully but hard enough to make my vision spin for a second.

"How dare you."

"Applejack I..."

She threw herself against me tears streaming from her eyes, confused I held her tightly. "Don't you dare try to take that away from them. They... They gave their lives for us. I miss them everyday, sometimes I thank Celestia Apple Bloom wasn't old enough to remember them very well. I know that’s an awful thing to say but to spare her this pain..."

She looked up at me her tears glistening. "But what happened is not your burden to bear sugar, don't try to make it so." She wiped her eyes. "Besides, when that happened Twilight was just a little filly and lived in Canterlot, how would ya'll have fallen in love an gotten to this point?" She said with a smirk.

I shook my head. "I don't know."

"You really found a cure though?" She asked.

"I did, with a lot of help."

"Well then I'm glad nopony else will have to feel what I do because of that disease."

I squeezed her gently. "I'm sorry I tried to do that. I just feel guilty..."

"I know all about it. I questioned myself everyday for months, I'm sure Granny and Mac did too. What could we have done to save them? What didn't we do? Eventually I came to the realization there was nothing we could have done. They saved us, and I'll always love them and hate them for it. I know they had no choice and it’s not fair of me to do so... But they left us alone..."

There was nothing I could say so I just held her comfortingly.

"Anyhow... Enough of that, this is a day of celebrations." She smiled and chucked me in the shoulder. "Thanks for tellin me Rick." She kissed me on the cheek and went back inside.

I just stood there a minute; I really need to learn to think before I open my big mouth.

"That went well." Twilight’s soft voice came from the corner of the shop.

"Twi! I didn't... She wasn't... I'm sorry."

She walked over to me pushing me over onto my butt kissing me passionately.

Don't be silly. I heard what you were trying to do. It was sweet.

I hope it can make her feel better... I don't know, maybe I'm just being dumb.

Never stop being the way you are. I love it, I love you.

I love you.

"Mom, dad! Not in public!" Scootaloo flew over pushing us apart while Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom stood back giggling.

"What have you three been up to?" I asked.

"Just playing."

"Well there’s some exciting news, especially for you Apple Bloom." Twilight smiled.

"What?! Why?"

We explained what happened and she, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo rushed inside excitedly.

We lay there a few moments more enjoying each others presence before getting up and dusting ourselves off and heading back inside to enjoy the rest of the party.

That evening after we tucked Scootaloo in we cuddled in bed getting comfortable.

"Oh, I'm so happy for them. Inkie is going to move to the farm with them after she helps her parents move."

"Oh? And where are they moving to?"

"Manehattan, so they'll be close to Blinkie and her husband at least. They have some relatives there as well."

"Well that’s good. It'll be a big adjustment for them."


We drifted off together.

The next morning I woke up and just laid there contently gently stroking Twilights mane and neck feeling her soft breaths as she slept. Downstairs I heard Scootaloo's door open and her clop sleepily to the kitchen rummaging around in the cupboards for a bowl and some cereal as she usually did in the morning.

She thumped her bowl and cereal down on the table pouring some and soaking it in milk then crunching away.

"Huh? What’s this?" I heard her ask downstairs followed by her hoofbeats up the stairs and her soaring onto the middle of the bed. "Mook Mad!" She mumbled a scroll in her mouth.

"Shh Angel, Twi's still sleeping."

Twilight sighed and stretched. "I'm awake." She leaned over and kissed me causing Scootaloo to drop the scroll in between us and tromp back down the stairs to her cereal.

We laughed together as she levitated the scroll opening and reading it quickly. I leaned back waiting for her to finish when she sat up with a gasp.

"What is it Twi?"

"It’s a royal summons for you! They want you to come to Canterlot as soon as possible!"

"What? Why?"

"It doesn't say. They sent a train ticket for you! Quick, quick! Get up, we've got to get you showered and ready! You've got to make the first train!"

She dragged me out of bed and down the stairs stammering. "Wait... What...?"

Scootaloo giggled as Twilight dragged me in to the washroom. We got into the shower together; she turned the hot water up quickly causing me to press up against her to avoid the sudden blast of heat.

She giggled. Now, now. We don't have time for any of that. She kissed me softly dumping some shampoo on my hair and pushing us under the water.

But they only sent one ticket? What about you and Scootaloo?

Its no big deal, I bet it has to do with your discovery yesterday.

How would they know already?

Well... Somepony might have been bragging about her amazing husband a bit.

I embraced her kissing her passionately. Oh Twi, I'm so lucky. I have the most amazing wife and daughter in Equestria.

We finished showering and quickly towelled off, she galloped upstairs to find my most respectable outfit while I brushed my hair then followed her up. It didn't take long to get ready and Twi rushed the three of us out the door.

We got to the station well in advance of the train even arriving.

"I dunno about this... I don't want to be away from you two..."

They both hugged me tightly.

"Don't be silly, we'll be ok right honey?"

"I'll look after Mom!"

I ruffled her mane and hugged her tightly. "I know you will Angel."

"And its such an honour, I'm sure it'll only be a day or two..."

I kissed her softly. "Too long to be away from you..."

"Oh..." She kissed me hard causing Scootaloo to turn away shielding her eyes.

The train pulled up as we were goodbying, by the time we managed to pull away from each other the train was ready to go. I presented my ticket and found my cabin opening my window and sticking my head out to see Twilight and Scootaloo waving to me.

"Bye! I love you!" I called out.

"I love you!" Twilight called back as Scootaloo flew quickly up to my window.

"Love you too Dad."

"See you soon Angel." I kissed her on the cheek and watched as she flew back to Twilight then they shrank in the distance.

I closed the window and sank down on the seat with a sigh. I missed them already. Silly I thought. I’ve spent the better part of the day away from them many times but this time I knew it was going to be for a day or more…

I tried not to dwell on it as I traveled, eventually managing to nap for awhile waking when the train pulled into the station in Canterlot.

As soon as I disembarked I found Shining Armor and a small contingent of guards waiting.

"Armor! Good to see you brother in law."

"Hey! Skip the in law stuff Rick. We're family now." Glancing back at his guardsmen he cleared his throat. "Anyhow, we're here to escort you to the palace."

The guards fell into formation around me as we began to walk Armor walking ahead of me.

"So what’s this all about?"

"It’s not every day someone discovers a way to cure diseases and poisons bro!"

"Come on, you know as well as I do Twi would have figured it out before too long."

He laughed. "You’re probably right, but it was you so you get to suffer through a long ceremony and meeting lots of dignitaries."

"Great. Is it too late to change my mind and go back home to Twi?"

He laughed even harder. "Far too late. Hey it’s not all bad, the food at those receptions is great and I arranged with the Princess for you to stay with Cadence and I."

"Well that’s some good news at least. How are Shimmer and Prism doing? Cadence too of course."

"Their great! Already trotting around on their own, their so smart and curious. You'll see tonight."

"Can't wait."

We arrived at the palace and the guards peeled off leaving Armor and I to travel down the massive halls to the hall where Celestia held her royal court.

The doors opened for us as we approached, the hall was filled to capacity and everypony was staring at me filling me with unease. I shook it off walking up with Armor to Princess Celestia both of us bowing deeply.

"Thank you Captain."

"A pleasure Princess." He stepped aside standing by the throne.

"Good to see you again Rick. And again I find myself thanking you."

"Really Princess there’s no need..."

She arced an eyebrow with a smile. "Don't be silly. We owe you a great debt; this spell you have devised will save innumerable lives and alleviate much suffering."

"I can't take all the credit. I had plenty of help."

"So modest. Your lovely wife has informed me of the circumstances leading to your discovery; I look forward to seeing that scroll Starswirl the Bearded left. Did you know I knew him? Before he even had a beard and was just a student at the school of magic here in Canterlot. Even then he amazed his instructors."

She smiled down on me. "Kneel please." I did so and she stepped forward off her throne before me, leaning down she touched each of my shoulders and then my forehead with her horn. "Arise Sir Sparkle, knight of Equestria." She levitated a necklace with her cutie mark emblazoned on the front over my head, turning it over I found Luna’s mark on the back.

"Thank you Princess I hope I'm worthy of such an honour."

"Oh I think you'll manage. Now then I must introduce you around. I have sent for every available doctor, nurse and healer in Equestria who uses magic to make their way here so you can teach them this new spell. Luna, Cadence and I are also very interested in learning. I hope you don't mind us taking up a bit of your time?"

"I would be glad to teach it to anyone willing to learn Princess."

We made the rounds and she introduced me to many important ponies most of which seemed a bit uneasy with me but I guess I couldn't blame them for that. After several hours the Princess bid everyone a good night bringing the evening to a close. Armor and I left the palace and he led me to he and Cadence's new home.

It was a large house with a beautiful front and backyard, plenty of room for a pair of foals to romp. We walked through the front door to a surprising scene, Shimmer and Prism bouncing around and tackling a small purple and green dragon.


"Help!" He called out. Armor and I walked up and the twins stopped their rambunctious play to run to their daddy, clutching his legs tightly they both looked up at me suspiciously. Shimmer took a few cautious steps toward me staring up with her big amber colored eyes, she smiled suddenly and held up her forehooves with a squeal asking to be picked up.

I swept her up and gave her a hug; she snuggled in my arms happily still staring up at me.

"Looks like she remembers you." Cadences voice came from the living room where she had been watching the action.

"I don't see how she could..."

"Oh you'll find unicorn foals are full of surprises." Armor grinned.

I leaned down still holding Shimmer to smile at Prism causing him to hide shyly behind his fathers legs.


"Don't take it personally he'll warm up to you." Cadence smiled. "You’re just in time for dinner." Armor levitated Prism onto his back and walked over to kiss Cadence following her into the kitchen.

Shimmer seemed happy in my arms for the moment so I walked over to Spike and knelt down. "You alright there buddy?"

He groaned and sat up. "Yeah their just a little wild. Oh congratulations 'Sir' Sparkle." He grinned.

"Heh, thanks. It seems a bit silly to me but I can understand it too. And how’s your search going?"

"Good!" He hopped up stretching out, he looked longer and bigger then I remembered. He saw my confused look and chuckled. "Ya I grew a bit, it turns out greed for knowledge can make me grow too but the Princess is very careful. Maybe... Maybe when I come back to Ponyville I'll be able to impress Rarity..."

"You know she loves you already Spike."

"As a friend! I'm in love with her! Do you know how hard that is?!"

I smiled. "Sure do buddy, sure do. Well I hope things will work out, we'll just have to wait and see. Lets go get some dinner, are you staying with Armor and Cadence?"

"No, no. They just invite me over for dinner sometimes. Cadence is an amazing cook! Even with no gems her cooking is great! I have a room in the palace, jealous aren't you?" He stuck out his tongue and scampered into the dining room, same old Spike.

I chuckled and Shimmer squirmed to get down so I gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead setting her down and watching her gallop off into the kitchen.

True to Spikes work Cadence's cooking was amazing and I told her so. She accepted my praise graciously congratulating me on my knighthood; I looked at the medal hanging around my neck blushing slightly and tried to brush it off as no big deal.

By the time dinner was finished it was getting late, Shimmer and Prism were falling asleep in the highchairs and Spike was yawning a bit as well.

"Well I had better get back, time for bed. Thanks again Cadence and Armor for dinner! See you later Rick!"

"Anytime Spike!" Cadence called out to him as he left.

"Sleep tight Spike."

Cadence took the twins off to bed and Armor showed me to their guest room.

"Thanks for putting me up while I'm here Armor."

"Hey not a problem bro. See you in the morning; it's going to be a busy day."

"I imagine so."

I got undressed and laid down on the bed, it was soft and comfortable but something very important was missing... Twilight. I tossed and turned for a few hours before giving up; I got up and got dressed again. Maybe a short walk would help.

I quietly exited the house careful not to wake anyone. The night was cool and clear, Luna’s moon shone in the sky along with the infinity of stars. I vaguely recognised the area I was in, Armor’s new home was only a short walk away from the rampart, The special place of Twilight and I.

I found my way there and sat down on the bench looking out on the night sky, I missed her so much. It hadn't even been a whole day but my heart ached for her voice, her touch, her scent.

I sighed and leaned back closing my eyes.


No such luck.

Well I better try to get some sleep if I'm going to be of any use tomorrow I thought standing up and opening my eyes only to fall back down on the bench with a thump in surprise at Luna floating a few feet in front of me with a gentle smile.


She giggled. "Sorry to spook you."

"Not at all just a surprise, how are you?" Remembering myself I got up and bowed deeply for her.

She smiled and performed a midair pirouette and curtsey for me. "I am well Sir Sparkle."

"No honorific’s between us Luna." I grinned.

"Of course not Rick. Congratulations though on your successful spell. Even Starswirl the Bearded didn't manage that one."

"With your help, and Celestia's, Twilights and his as well. I really didn't do too much."

She smiled knowingly. "Of course. But what are you doing out so late? Not that I mind the company there are so few who stay up through my night."

"Just having a hard time getting to sleep without Twi."

She smiled sadly. "Of everything you've done and accomplished what you and Twilight have is what I envy the most... A life as long as ours alone is... Difficult."

"No one in all those years?"

"Well... There was one. It didn't turn out well, I... I don't want to talk about it."

"I understand. I know there’s someone out there for you Luna, don't give up."

She landed beside me putting her head over my shoulder allowing me to hug her tightly. "Thank you, you're a good friend." She then levitated me onto her back taking off rapidly causing me to throw my arms around her neck to hold on. She giggled and swooped around Canterlot once before landing in front of Armor's house.

"Thanks Luna that was amazing."

"My pleasure, sweet dreams." And with that she flew up into the darkness of the night.

I made my way back to bed trying to relax finally managing to drift off.

The next morning I awoke after too few hours of sleep to something that made me feel a hundred percent better. A little filly bouncing up and down on my chest with the cutest smile.

"Good morning Shimmer. Now how did you get up here?" I looked over to see Cadence smiling as us from the doorway.

"She got frustrated trying to climb up on the bed and came to get me to lift her up. She really likes you." I noticed Prism on her back watching me warily through his mother’s mane.

I chuckled sweeping Shimmer out of the air midjump and tickling her causing her to squeal with delight. "Well I like her too." Suddenly remembering I was just in my shorts I pulled the covers back up blushing a bit. "Ah sorry Cadence."

She laughed and levitated my clothing over to the bed then picked up Shimmer and exited with Prism on her back.

I got dressed and freshened up in the washroom before joining them in the kitchen. Cadence had a simple breakfast laid out Shimmer and Prism were happily nursing, again I blushed turning away.

Armor laughed. "Come on Rick, Its perfectly natural. Not to mention they might not even be here if it wasn't for you don't be so bashful."

"Sorry, sorry." I sat down and helped myself to some fresh fruit to go with my porridge. "What’s the itinerary today?"

"Well the Princess is going to bring in a small group at a time so you can demonstrate. Once they have it down they'll be able to go back to their homes and teach it to others. Its going to be a long day though there’s quite a few ponies that she invited and more on the way."

"It’s no problem, and definitely a good plan.”

"You sure? You look a little tired."

"I just didn't sleep well without... I just didn't sleep so well. I'll wake up when we start, I'll need all my concentration."

"Well if you’re sure...?"

"No problem."

We finished up breakfast and I played with Shimmer a bit, Prism was still a bit shy and watched from a distance but still pushed the ball back to me when I rolled it to him. Then Armor and I headed out, he kissed Cadence sweetly as well as his two foals and we walked to the palace.

Arriving at the palace we were immediately led to a large gathering area where the Princess introduced me around to healers from all over Equestria, some were warm and friendly and others sceptical.

She and a small group led me to a side room where to my surprise a bio hazard containment tent had been set up with a very sick pony inside waiting for us.


"If we're all going to be learning, we may as well do some good while we're doing it."

I nodded in agreement. Most of the doctors put on protective equipment but Celestia and I walked right in.

Once everyone was assembled I explained the spell to them then demonstrated it. She had chosen the pony closest to death for the first demonstration, I was a bit stronger now then I had been when I first attempted the spell but still by the time I had removed the disease from this poor pony’s body I was barely able to stand.

I collapsed down in a chair as the doctors and Celestia discussed the spell and its effects asking me the occasional question. The cured pony was taken away he still needed a great deal of bed rest to recover and another was brought in. Celestia herself attended to this one and it came as no surprise to me that she mastered the spell quite easily. She too was a bit winded when finished but not nearly so much as me.

The healers all put their best efforts forward to heal several other ponies finding they could pool their magic to cure with less fatigue. They were all dedicated professionals and grasped the spells mechanics quite easily and wondered aloud how none of them had ever thought of it!

It was a very long and tiring day; I demonstrated the spell for group after group thankfully given resting time between as they tried it for themselves and asked questions.

Eventually we ran out of patients from the Canterlot hospital and resorted to using the spell on samples and cultures from the few doctors that had been studying diseases, who were simultaneously not happy that their field of study was about to be eliminated and delighted because most of them had entered the field to do exactly that.

At the end of the day Armor arranged a chariot to bring us back to his house as I could barely walk; I wasn't going to have much trouble sleeping tonight I thought. I collapsed on the couch as soon as we entered, Shimmer trotted up to me nuzzling my hand.

I smiled down on her and lifted her up onto my chest. "I'm ok Shimmer just a little tired." She might not have understood what I was saying but she smiled just the same snuggling down on my chest. I felt a little tug on hand and looked down to see Prism looking up at me, I lifted him up and put him beside his sister and he snuggled down contently as well.

"Awwww..." Cadence cooed. "Guess your not going anywhere for awhile."

"I'm comfortable right here."

At ease with the comforting warmth from the two foals I drifted off to sleep easily.

I awoke with a start. "Twilight!" Remembering where I was I was I looked down hoping I hadn't scared the foals but they were gone, sleeping in their crib I imagined. A glance at the clock showed me it was a little after four in the morning. I felt good and rested... And lonely, I hoped Twi wasn't missing me too much. Scootaloo would keep her spirits up I was sure just like Shimmer and Prism were keeping mine up.

Cadence worked so hard to feed us all. This morning I would make sure she could relax, I snooped around the kitchen for awhile locating everything I would need to make breakfast. By the time Armor and Cadence got up I had quite a mess going but I also had a nice breakfast prepared for them.

"Rick! You're our guest you shouldn't be..."

I interrupted her. "Please Cadence, its no trouble. I was up early and needed something to do with myself, keep me from thinking too much..."

She smiled understandingly. "Well thank you, it looks delicious."

We all settled down to eat, I mashed up some fruit for Shimmer and Prism and they eagerly chomped it down making quite a mess as they did. After eating Armor swooped them off for a bath and Cadence insisted on helping me to clean up.

"You're really missing her aren't you?"

I sighed. "Yes. It’s like a knife in my heart..."

"I know how you feel. When I was trapped away from Armor... I thought I would never see him again, it hurt so badly." She sniffed and wiped her eyes. "But Twilight came and saved me, and you came and saved her. I wish I could save you."

I smiled. "Not to worry, I can survive another day. Hopefully I can head back tonight; not that staying here hasn't been great. Because it has."

"I know what you mean."

We got the kitchen cleaned up quickly and Armor emerged with a sparkling clean Shimmer and Prism, Armor and I headed to the palace Cadence promising she would see us later in the day.

The second day of training went much quicker then the first, clearly the ones we had trained had been speaking to the others and as such they already had a good idea of what to do going into it. We had a few more very sick ponies that Celestia had arranged to be transported here by any means possible, I demonstrated the spell several more times and the healers got the technique down quite easily. My last group of the day included Cadence and Luna to my surprise.

"My magic might not be as strong as Celestia or Luna's but I would like to learn as well."

"Don't sell yourself short niece, it was you and Armor who banished Chrysalis after all." Luna gently reprimanded.

To no surprise they were both extremely quick studies mastering the spell after only a few tries. As the day wore to a close I could see there were still even more new arrivals, I might be stuck here for awhile...

Cadence, Celestia and Luna were conferring over in a corner glancing at me occasionally, after awhile they beckoned me over.

"Rick I think we can handle things here from now on. Its time for you to get home to your family." Celestia smiled to me.

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you in the lurch..."

"Don't you think we can handle it?" Luna asked with a sly smile.

"Of course you can! I know you’re all very busy though..."

Cadence laughed. "Enough arguing, Twilights waiting for you..."

"Thank you. Thank you all." I bowed deeply to all three of them; Celestia pulled me aside for a moment before I left.

"You have done a great service for this kingdom. Ask any favour and if I can I shall grant it."

"Princess I..."

She looked at me sternly showing she wasn't taking no for an answer. I came up with an idea and whispered it to her, she smiled and nodded.

"Done. Here is your train ticket, be sure to say hello to Twilight Sparkle for me."

"I will, take care all!" I stopped by Armor saying goodbye to him as well as hugging Shimmer and Prism giving them both a kiss.

I hurried to the train station eager to get home, I thankfully arrived a few minutes early to catch the last train and settled in my compartment too excited to nap. I watched the scenery pass by but my eyes truly lit up when Ponyville came into view.

It was late evening when the train pulled in and I exited quickly coming to a sudden stop to find Twilight and Scootaloo waiting at the far end of the platform.

"Twilight! Angel!"

Scootaloo zipped ahead slamming into me knocking me off my feet. "Dad! I missed you!"

I hugged her tightly. "I missed you too Angel."

I moved her to my side as Twilight caught up also knocking me down and kissing me passionately.

Never leave again!


I love you.

I love you.

We walked back home together and I told them about what happened.

"That medal is so cool Dad!"

I took it off and looped the chain once hanging it around her neck. "You can wear it as long as you like Angel."

She hugged and kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks Dad! I can't wait to show everyone at school! It’ll be the best show and tell ever!"

We got home and tucked Scootaloo in bed, Twilight resized the chain on the necklace to fit her properly and we hung it on her bedpost.

Once we were sure Scootaloo was asleep we made love wildly and passionately.

Cuddling together afterwards we whispered to one another.

"I missed you so much Twi. I know it wasn't long but..."

"I felt the same. Lying here alone was torture."

"How did you know to meet me at the train station?"

"Cadence. She got Spike to write me and let me know you were coming home tonight, and I'm so glad."

"Me too, Canterlot is great and all but it’s missing the two most important things in my life. You and Scootaloo."

She sighed happily and cuddled against me.

Home again.

Couldn't be happier.