• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 13,556 Views, 439 Comments

The First Year - TwilightsmyMare

A continuation of Living and Dying in Equestria

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Chapter 7 (Sickness and Health)

I awoke the next morning to the sound of wings fluttering and a little Pegasus bouncing on the bed.

"Uhh... I really hope its later then it feels..."

A glance over at the clock showed me it was five thirty in the morning.


"I got my mark! I got my mark!" She squealed happily.

Twilight looked over at me sleepy eyed but smiling.

"Oh let her be happy."

I leaned over and kissed her softly. "Okay, okay."

"I gotta go show Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom!"

I grabbed her pulling her into my embrace ruffling her wild mane. "Hold on a sec there Angel. It’s Sunday morning, really early Sunday morning. I don't think Sweetie Belles parents would appreciate you bursting in at this hour. And Applejack... Well I guess she might be up already or soon..."

Scootaloo struggled to get away. "Okay! I'll go see Apple Bloom first! Then Sweetie Belle after... At seven. Ok? Please? Pleeeese?"

"Wellll..." I tried to sound like I was thinking it over. "Okay, but be sure you help Apple Bloom with her chores ok?"

She hugged us both. "Okay!"

"And be careful!" Twilight called out as she zipped out the window and flew off.

We cuddled together for awhile contemplating getting up or going back to sleep.

"You know... We do have the house to ourselves Rick..."

I kissed her amorously while closing the window telekinetically. "You little minx..."

We lay entangled together afterwards kissing and cuddling.


"What is it?"

"You don't think I'm too... Demanding... Do you?"

I looked over at her lying beside me, she was blushing slightly. "What do you mean?"

"Well... With this..." She gestured to us together.

"Oh." She really did have a lot to learn about us human males. "No Twi, not at all. Why do you ask?"

"Well... I've never really had anything like this before..."

"You mean the sex?" I immediately felt stupid for saying it, you gave her, her first kiss idiot it’s real likely she wasn't sleeping with any stallions before.

She blushed even more fetchingly. "Yes... But also just having someone to be with. Someone I always want to be with..." She looked over at me biting her bottom lip slightly.

"Oh Twi." I kissed her softly. "I feel the same; I've never had anything like this before either."

"But you said you had... Girlfriends before."

"Nothing like this... Nothing like you. You don't think I'd just go marry anyone do you? I've never felt this way before. I want to hold you and be with you. And yes make love to you anytime you want, every time you want for as long as we live. Fifty years, a hundred years..."

Her beautiful eyes were filled with tears. "What... What if we live even longer...?"

"Well I know you said Unicorns live a long time but we still don't know..."

"I'm pretty sure. I feel good, young and strong still." She smirked and pushed against me kissing me fiercely to emphasise her point. "You?"

"Well... Yes I do feel good, really good. Ever since we got out of the hospital..."

"How old were you before?"

I was a little embarrassed by that question. I was probably too old to have anything to do with a young beautiful mare like her. "Well... I..."


"Thirty... Ish..."

She kissed me again. "No secrets between us."

I hung my head. "Ok, ok. Thirty eight, too old to have anypony as amazing and beautiful as you interested in me I know."

She giggled and hugged me tightly nuzzling my neck in that way she did that drove me crazy. "Oh please. Did you think I didn't know you were older? That’s part of the reason I fell for you. More mature and insightful. You know my Dad is one hundred and fifty seven and my Mom is only one hundred and eleven! The scandal!" She put her hooves over her mouth in mock horror. "Or do you think a poor little twenty two year old mare like me can't make up her own mind?"

"No of course not... But younger women... Er mares tend to stick with males their own age."

"I'm not like other mares."

"A fact for which I am eternally grateful."

"Besides. Your not older anymore, even those few grey hairs that were in your stubble are gone. Too bad I kind of liked those."

"So what are you saying? I'm..."

"Likely the same age as me now, physically. We could be together for a long, long time..." She looked a little anxious again. "You... You wouldn't get tired of me would you?"

I kissed her passionately taking both our breaths away. "Get tired of you? The most beautiful, intelligent, passionate, loving woma... Mare... Female I've ever met? The one being in the universe, the infinity of universes and dimensions who knows me and loves me so well? My very soulmate? No Twi. Even if we lived as long as Princess Celestia and Luna I'd never 'get tired' of you. I love you and the day I stop loving you is the day I die, if then."

"I'm sorry! I just... I'm just so happy! It scares me; I know it’s only been a short while we've been together... I'm scared it will get taken away."

"Some mornings I wake up worried this will be the day I open my eyes and be back on Earth, back to my empty life... But every morning I wake up and you’re right beside me. Eventually I'll stop being worried at all. What about me? I can be annoying sometimes I'm sure... Maybe you'll get tired of..."

"Never!" She interrupted fiercely kissing me hard.

I held her tightly more in love with her then ever. "Then it’s a plan. We'll be together for as long as we live. And we'll be happy." I kissed her again. "So, so happy for hundreds and hundreds of years."

"Yes. But... I can't promise anything..."


"Well Equestria still has its dangers, monsters you well know but also diseases that flare up taking many lives." She levitated up a book from her desk in the library below and we skimmed through it. "I was studying to make sure Scootaloo didn't have anything and to try to keep her from catching anything."

We poured over the tome for awhile; there were a great deal of diseases. Some merely annoying or just requiring some bed rest to recover from but there were many others that were debilitating, crippling and deadly. They had medicine and magic but both were in their infancy. Most of the magic utilised in the hospitals dealt with injury not disease.

We came to an especially long entry for a disease called Equine Encephalitis, it was fast acting and almost always fatal. They knew very little about it except how to spot symptoms, once caught immediate quarantine had to be implemented or it would spread like wildfire.

Twilight looked at the entry with a sorrowful look on her face. "That’s what killed Applejacks parents... She never talks about it, but Granny Smith told me the whole story one day... When Big Mac and Applejack were both just young, Applejack even younger then Scootaloo is now and Apple Bloom was still just a tiny foal their mother came down with it. They didn't recognise it for what it was quickly enough and their father became sick as well. It was a miracle the rest of them stayed healthy, their parents locked themselves in the cellar forbidding any of them to come down. Granny said its fortunate Big Mac hadn't grown into his current size as she could barely hold him back then. Equine Encephalitis is a horrible disease only one in twenty survives. They didn't..."

I held her close to me kissing her neck softly. "I'm so sorry Twi."

"Its still as deadly today as it was then, but we know the signs much better now. Unfortunately all we can do is quarantine the pony or ponies and wait..."

"Surely somepony is searching for a way to stop it?"

"We just don't know enough about it... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring us both down. I just wanted to say..."

I interrupted kissing her gently. "I know. And we will treasure every moment we're together Twi."

We cuddled together for awhile longer before getting up and showering together. My mind was working overtime, I'm no doctor to be sure and I know next to nothing about diseases but I do have a different way of thinking. I had noticed that a lot of ponies had a very black and white way of thinking, very little lateral at all.

My mind worked a little differently then theirs, I hoped perhaps I could come up with something they couldn't and unlike any human researcher back on Earth I had a leg up.


As the week passed I threw myself into my research with a passion, fortunately Twilight and Scootaloo were there to keep me on an even keel, reminding me to check the Everfree forest border as well as to remember to eat and of course spend time with them and our friends.

I consulted by letter often with Luna, trying to glean what I could from her knowledge. She put up with me as long as she could before she started repeating herself and passed me off to Princess Celestia. Her knowledge was vast but unfortunately didn't include a great deal of healing, her responsibilities to the kingdom took up nearly all of her time and had been doing so for a long, long time.

By the end of the week I had a mountain of notes, ideas and theories to go through. Was all this studying what Twi went through all the time? Wow.

I was sorting through my notes when I noticed something strange sticking out of the middle of the pile, something pink... I reached out and grabbed it and my paperwork fell away to the sides to revel Pinkie Pie grinning like the Cheshire Cat with me holding onto her nose.


I let go and fell backwards. "Pinkie! How long have you been waiting there?!"

"Oh a few hours, didja know when you concentrate you get a crinkle in the middle of your forehead? Oh right! I just came to invite you to a party tomorrow!"

"Oh? What’s the occasion?"

"Its Gummys birthday! And my birthdays the day after but I can't invite you to that one it’s probably a surprise." She giggled. "So? Can you come?"

I thought about it a second. I still had tons to do but it was nothing that couldn't wait and I could use a break anyhow. "I'll be there Pinkie. Want me to invite Twi and Scootaloo as well when I see them?"

"Oh no! That’s half the fun is inviting everypony! Promise you won't tell them?!"

"I promise."

"Pinkie promise?"

I sighed. "Really Pinkie do I have to?"

She looked down at me her eyes wide. "Pleeeese..."

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

"Yay! Thanks Rick! I'll see you tomorrow at noon ok? Oh here you might need this." She passed me a rolled up scroll and bounced out the door.

I sat back with a relieved sigh, that Pinkie. I loved her but she’s crazy. I closed my eyes for a moment trying to regain my focus when I remembered the scroll she had handed me. An invitation?

I unrolled it carefully as it seemed very old; it crackled and cracked as I unfurled it. What the... It was an ancient manuscript laid down by Starswirl the Bearded outlining a few of his spells. Specifically dealing with poisons and disease.

I looked up to yell to Pinkie but she was already long gone. Where the heck did she get this? I was sure it hadn't been in my pile of papers, I would have to ask her tomorrow.

I spent the rest of the day carefully copying the ancient script so I didn't damage it any further; I knew Twilight would want to see it as she idolized Starswirl the Bearded.

Scootaloo got home and I tried to steer her clear of it, which of course enticed her further to try to see it until I let her take a peek at it, booring was her opinion.

Twilight and Trixie got back shortly after, they had been out practicing some spells outside of town where they wouldn't hurt anything if they messed up.

They were both very excited to see the scroll placing a preservation spell on it immediately so it could be transported to the Canterlot museum later, they also modified and corrected my translation of the scroll, the older terms and language could be tricky.

When I asked how Pinkie could have gotten such a scroll Twilight responded with a shrug and a giggle. "I gave up trying to understand how Pinkie does what she does a long time ago."

I spent the rest of the day going over what Starswirl had written. He too hadn't quite perfected the spells but I felt with what I had learned beforehand and his insights I could formulate a working spell to remove poisons and diseases from their victims, all I needed was somepony to help with it. I would have to go to the hospital in a day or two and see if I could render assistance there.

Twilight and I lay together that night tired and ready to sleep.

"Did that scroll help with your research?"

"Definitely! I think I may have a working spell." I explained the spell to her and she of course understood completely.

"That might just work. It could be difficult though, we better keep it to ourselves until you can confirm it."

"Good idea, and if I can pull it off it would help a lot of ponies. Sorry I've been so busy and distracted lately. Did we get a present for Gummy? And Pinkie the next day?"

She smiled. "I can understand getting a little obsessed with some studying. We got Gummy a nice little ball to play with, he loves those. And Pinkie doesn't want presents she just wants to have a good time with all her friends. We've got a nice little party set up for her at Carousel Boutique. It’s the last place she'd think we would have it; we always try to surprise her... It doesn't always work out well..."

"I'm sure it will be a great party."

"I hope so."

We kissed then snuggled down together and drifted off to sleep.

The next day the three of us headed to Sugarcube Corner for Gummys little birthday party. It had all the Pinkie Pie hallmarks, food, games and music. A good time for everyone, Gummy was a funny little Alligator with no teeth, cute to be sure but a little strange. Perfect pet for Pinkie Pie.

I managed to pull her away from the fun later in the day for a moment.


"Hi Rick! Are you enjoying the party?"

"Sure, fun as always. That scroll, where did you find that?"

"Scroll? Oh that funny round thing? I found it in a flower pot that almost fell on my head... That happens a lot around here. I know you and Twilight are into those things. Did you like it?"

"Well, yes... It was a huge help, thank you very much Pinkie Pie." I gave her a hug.

"Aww... I'm so glad I could help!" With that she bounced back to the party.

Ookay... As the party wound down I excused myself, I was too eager to get to the hospital to see if there was anypony I could help and of course verify my spells effectiveness.

I'll meet you two back at home love.

Okay. Be careful, you never quite know what might happen with a new spell.

I will. Love you.

Love you.

I bid everyone farewell and walked over to the Ponyville hospital, it was getting to be later in the afternoon and they were thankfully not very busy. I was able to secure a meeting with one of the doctors fairly quickly.

He ushered me into his office. "Now then... Rick was it? How can I help you?"

"Well Twilight and I have been doing some research into the myriad of diseases that can plague Equestria. I was wondering if you had anypony who was suffering from any ailments currently that I might examine so I could gather more information?" I was being deliberately vague about the spell as well as my own capabilities, the vast majority of Ponyville had no notion of my ability to do magic, and I wasn't ready to revel it yet but this could be the opportunity to do so.

He looked at me for a minute considering. "Well... Fortunately there is no great outbreak currently and other then a couple minor cases of feather flu we have nothing."

I hid my disappointment. "I understand, I apprec..."

"However..." He interrupted. "We do have one... Special and very disturbing case. Normally I wouldn't allow intrusion but... Well I'll explain it once you see. Follow me please."

He led me through the hospital down into the basement then further into a sub basement past a checkpoint with a couple of security guards to a large glass wall with a sealed door leading to small room. I could see a small form on a hospital bed in the room covered with a sheet.

"What’s going on here?" I asked.

The doctor sighed. "Equine Encephalitis... The first case in some time. Thank Celestia the symptoms were spotted quickly and we were able to quarantine the subject right away. The family and friends are showing no signs thankfully, though the father and mother are both distraught and inconsolable. I can't blame them of course. The subject can show as the disease progresses, sensitivity to sound, periods of excitement and restlessness. Brain lesions will appear quickly causing drowsiness, drooping ears, circling, aimless wandering, and an inability to swallow. Paralysis follows and death shortly after, two to four days at most."

"And there’s nothing that you can do?"

"Nothing we haven't tried time and again, quarantine is the best bet. If the subject can recover, excellent. But if not... This subject has already shown a few symptoms and has been here a day, things don't look good needless to say. The subject’s time may be short as well as your time to observe, but in this case perhaps it will be alright if you stay. I must do my rounds and acquire the parent’s permission before you do anything. Please wait here and do not disturb the subject."

"Of course, thank you."

He trotted off as I settled down on the floor watching the rhythmic rise and fall of this pony’s chest under the sheet. I wonder who it could be? The doctor referred to it as a subject, I suppose to distance himself from emotional attachment. I stood up and moved closer quietly to get a better look.

The sheets covered its sleeping form completely so no help there, as I was about to sit back down I spotted something on the nightstand by the bed. A small tiara...

Diamond Tiara? That poor little filly. Sure I disliked how she teased my little Scootaloo and her bratty behaviour but she didn't deserve this...

As I watched she stirred poking her head out from the sheet, her mane was dishevelled and her eyes red no doubt from crying.

"Daddy? Mommy..." She looked around the room then out the window seeing me. "R... Rick?"

I knelt down. "Hi Tiara."

"What’re you doing here?"

"Just watching. I... I've been studying diseases with Twilight and the doctor was nice enough to let me see you."

"I'm real sick. Aren't I?"

"You are honey."

Her eyes welled up with tears as she collapsed against the glass wall. "I... I don't want to die!"

"You won't..."

"Why do they have me all locked up then? No one can come visit... I haven't even seen my parents since they brought me here..."

I didn't know if this disease would even affect me, and I hated to be endangering Twilight. If I died she would as well. And if we died abandoning Scootaloo... But neither could I just leave Tiara here alone without trying.

But to use my spell I had to touch her, before I even knew it I moved to the door and unlocked it stepping quickly inside and securing it behind me, I stepped through the plastic curtains separating the entry from the room and walked over to her.

"What? Why? Now you'll get sick too!" She cried.

I knelt down and pulled her gently into my embrace as she sobbed. "Its ok honey. I think I can help you, but it’s not for sure..."

"Please! I... I'll do anything! I'll never make fun of Scootaloo again! I'll never make fun of anypony again!"

I squeezed her tightly and was suddenly distracted by a loud banging on the glass, the doctor was back several orderlies in tow as well as Filthy Rich and a mare I could only assume was Tiaras mother.

"What have you done?!" The doctor yelled.

The orderlies were struggling into hazmat suits to no doubt drag me out, I didn't have time to explain and I wasn't sure they would even believe or understand me if I did. Instead I turned back to Tiara.

"I'm going to cast a spell, I've done a lot of research into it and I think it will work to get rid of the disease. But this is the first time I've ever cast it, no guarantees. Its going to hurt too, I'm sorry. Can you be brave?"

She looked shocked but nodded her little head bravely.

"Good filly." I searched around the room for a second locating a medical waste disposal container, if the spell worked as planned we would need it.

I laid her out on her bed with one of my hands on her cutie mark and the other on her neck; I closed my eyes and began by using the detection spell to locate the disease. It was in there all right, to my vision it showed as a sickly black and green intrusion inside of her, concentrated mostly in her lungs and organs moving its way up through her body to her brain.

The second part was considerably trickier, the spell I had devised was simple in its design but complicated in what it would do. I created a point of force in her stomach, it acted like a magical magnet drawing the disease from all over her body to it and holding it there. The further the disease had to travel the more I had to concentrate, I hadn't been grabbed from behind yet so I hoped somepony outside had an inkling what was transpiring and had held them back.

Minutes passed and the glow from my Cutie Mark intesified shining through my shirt as I concentrated, Tiara groaned and cried out as I slowly forced the disease through her body, painful but with no lasting damage I hoped. Thankfully it had not reached her brain yet.

Ah hour passed but to me it felt much longer, sweat was pouring off me and my hands were shaking against her as I maintained my concentration. In a corner of my mind I could see my failure causing her death and my own, Twilights... But overriding it and my anxiety was the thought of being with Twilight for hundreds of years, cheesy perhaps but my love for her and for Scootaloo gave me the strength and conviction to press on.

Finally it was all gathered, I moved the mass up through her throat causing her to gag and retch, I gently cradled her head as she threw up her stomachs contents but more importantly the small ball of condensed disease into the container. I sealed it quickly and with what little strength I had left scanned the room and myself for any lingering signs of the disease. Relieved at finding none I fell backwards onto the floor and let the darkness take me.

I woke up aching all over, opening my eyes I saw the familiar ceiling of Twilights and my bedroom. I sighed in relief turning my head painfully I found Twilight and Scootaloo both asleep lying against me. I gently stroked their manes and after a short while they stirred.

Twilight sat up suddenly and looked at me her beautiful eyes a bit red. "Rick! Oh thank Celestia! I was so worried!" She threw herself against me and I held her tightly kissing her brow.

"Sorry Twi, it was tougher then I thought."

She leaned back and Scootaloo sat up as well, they then both punched me in opposite shoulders.


"Dad! Don't scare me like that!" She pressed against me and I hugged her tightly as well.

"I'm sorry Angel."

Twilights gaze was filled with fury and concern. "That was reckless! And stupid! You could have died! What would we...? And Scootaloo... Damn you!"

I grabbed her and pulled her to me as well kissing her gently. "I've got no excuse. I love you both so much."

"Almost lost you for Diamond Tiara, what were you thinking Dad?"

"Angel. You don't think she really deserved to die do you?"

"No... But..."

"I know. I didn't have any time, she wouldn't have lasted long. But it worked... It did work right? Is she ok?"

"You can ask her yourself, they've been waiting outside. I'll get them." Twilight looked at me over her shoulder as she headed to the stairs. "I'm not done with you yet."

I nodded; she could yell at me all she liked I was just glad to be there to be yelled at.

Diamond Tiara and her parents came up the stairs, she immediately threw herself onto me hugging and thanking me profusely to Scootaloos annoyance. She looked good, no lingering signs of the recent torment she'd been through.

"Angel. Why don't you go and show Tiara your room?"

"Do I have...?” I looked at her sternly. "Okay... Come on."

Filthy Rich stepped forward shaking my hand vigorously. "I can't thank you enough! Anything you want from my store EVER for you and your family is free!"

"You’re too kind Mr. Rich. I didn't do it for any reward..."

"None the less your money is not longer any good at Rich's Barnyard Bargains." His wife stepped forward her eyes filled with tears. "Ah, this here is my wife Sweet Treasure."

She rushed forward and hugged me tightly; it was clear to me and would be to anyone she was Diamond Tiaras mother. She was a unicorn as well and their colorings were nearly identical, Tiara only seemed to have inherited her eyes from her father.

She moved her hooves in a strange pattern and as I looked at her confused Filthy Rich spoke up. "She says thank you so much for giving her back her little filly. My wife doesn't talk you see, mute. My little girl makes up for it though... And thanks to you she can keep doing just that." He looked on the verge of tears himself and quickly turned away his wife went to comfort him.

Sigh. I was going to yell at you some more. But seeing them so relieved and happy... You did the right thing.

Thanks love. I couldn't stop thinking about you and Scootaloo, I was worried. But your love helped me through.

Oh you. But you scare me like that again and you'll get it!

I'll deserve anything you do to me. By the way how long was I out? Did I miss Pinkie's party?

Actually it’s only been a few hours. You just needed rest thankfully.

The Rich family excused themselves with many more thank yous. I then got up and came downstairs for supper.

"Did you and Tiara get along Angel?"

"Ya, I guess... She was real apologetic. She promised not to make fun of me or Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom anymore. It was weird."

"Well being in a near death experience like she was can change a pony honey." Twilight explained.

"We'll see if she can keep it up. Just be patient with her Angel, I know you can, you have been all this time after all."


After dinner all three of us snuggled down in our bed, they were both still mad at me but far more relieved that we were all still together.

Me too...