• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 13,553 Views, 439 Comments

The First Year - TwilightsmyMare

A continuation of Living and Dying in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 21 (Welcome to the Zoo)

I woke up early the next morning feeling good I stretched out and immediately yanked my arms and feet back under the covers it was freezing! Only natural after being so warm and cozy all night, Twilight and Scootaloo were still asleep so I gently and quietly slid out of bed wincing with every step on the cold floor as I crept downstairs and quickly filled up the fireplace with wood starting a fire and leaning back on the couch for a few moments warming my chilled feet.

Soon the immediate area began to warm up and I knew the rest of the house would as well, Twilight had explained the heating system to me once how the heat from the fire traveled through special, magically enhanced piping thought the tree spreading warmth without hurting the tree, it could even be adjusted to provide more or less heat. Magic... Useful stuff.

But for the moment it was still cold, "Gah!" I hissed quietly stepping back on the cold floorboards. Maybe I should ask Rarity if she could make me some slippers for mornings like this? Bah! I'm a man! I can take a little cold! I boldly stepped forward and immediately stepped on a small chunk of jagged ice we had unwittingly brought in from the night before.

"Son of a..." I managed to clap a hand over my mouth before spewing any profanities hopping on one foot to the kitchen. I sat down rubbing my foot thinking evil thoughts at the karma gods. Fine maybe I could use some slippers I grudgingly admitted to myself with a grin able to see the humour in the situation now. I listened for a moment but couldn't hear anything from upstairs so thankfully my outburst hadn't awoken anyone.

I opened the fridge to see what I could whip up for breakfast and... Nothing, right... We emptied it because we were going away, okay then. Checking the cupboards and they too were pretty bare, a few boxes of cereal and some other dry goods were all we had, no milk though. Thinking it over a moment I crept back upstairs watching where I stepped this time.

Twilight and Scootaloo were snuggled together looking so cute I kissed each of them softly on the forehead tucking them in a bit to keep the warmth in then got dressed quickly sneaking back downstairs to get my shoes on and throw on a coat. It was still pretty early in the morning just after six but I did know one place that was open at this time and they would have what I needed to make my girls a nice breakfast.

It was quite a cold morning with a biting wind but I had plenty of buildings to shelter me from the wind so it wasn't so bad. I trudged through the snow mentally going over what I would need and reminding myself to learn that insulation spell from Twi. I didn't mind the cold really in fact winter was one of favourite times of year nice and cold, makes it easy to sleep no annoying bugs and plenty of fun to be had in the snow but still numb extremities are to be avoided.

Not surprisingly there were no ponies out and about but I could see a few homes had lights on and smoke coming from chimneys as some early risers got ready for the day. After awhile I came to my destination, Rich's Barnyard Bargains. It was always open early and closed late, it was definitely the biggest store in Ponyville and where most ponies came to get their supplies and household goods. Most ponies shopped for their produce in the market in the middle of town but in the winter there were far fewer options, Rich's still had dried fruit and dairy as well as plenty of dried goods and also sold items from any of the market stall owners who couldn't set up in the winter, (for a small fee of course.)

I entered the warm store and shook off the snow and cold cleaning off my shoes at the entrance. The store was pretty abandoned only a few stockers around filling the shelves and two ponies behind the counter one of them familiar to me, Sweet Treasure. Diamond Tiaras mother was it seemed patiently trying to instruct a new employee on how to use the cash register, it wouldn't be too hard for most to explain it but as she couldn't talk... As I walked up I could see her operate the till then stand back to let the new recruit try gently stopping him when he made a mistake with a gentle smile and shake of her head.

She looked over as I walked up smiling and rushing around the till to hug me tightly.

I squeezed her back for a moment. "Good to see you as well Sweet Treasure. How are you?"

She excitedly started signing to me stopping after a moment realizing I couldn't understand them. She waved the employee back to his practice levitating a pad of paper and pencil from behind the desk writing quickly and showing me.

'I am very well thank you for asking. Tiara is doing well too; I still cannot thank you enough for saving her! I'm so happy to see her running and playing with her friends. Including your daughter Scootaloo, I am so glad they finally came to an understanding. I know she was perhaps a bit... Overbearing before?'

I grinned and squeezed her shoulder gently. "Maybe a bit. But you don't need to apologise, I'm glad their getting along as well."

She smiled happily and wrote some more. 'I DO need to. We tried for a foal many times before... But we failed again and again, we had almost given up but when I finally got pregnant with Tiara we were so overjoyed! We spoiled her, her father and I. It's no excuse but we only wanted the best for her, as time went on we started to see we might have been a bit too lenient with her but its hard to change.'

"I understand, thanks for telling me. Hopefully they'll be close friends someday but when you become a teenager anything can happen right?"

Her eyes widened in surprise and she smiled pulling me in for another quick hug writing a single word on her pad. 'Definitely!'

I let her get back to her teaching and got myself a shopping cart quickly going about the store getting what I needed for breakfast and replenishing our basics, the cart was pretty loaded by the time I was finished. I headed up to the till and started unloading, the new cashier trying his best to add up my items Sweet Treasure stopping and correcting him a few times. It didn't take long before everything was bagged and ready.

"He looked up at me a bit nervously and swallowed. "That will be thirty six bits sir."

I dug out my money and was counting out the thirty six when Sweet Treasure held up her forehoof and shook her head writing on her pad. 'You know there’s no charge for you Rick.' She wrote an explanation on the pad and showed the cashier who nodded in agreement.

"Sweet Treasure I don't want to..."

She cut me off with a stern look then a smile.

I thought for a second spotting a charity box beside the till I grinned depositing thirty six bits into it. "See you later Sweet Treasure, good job on your first customer." I complimented the cashier awkwardly gathering up my bags and making my way out the door.

I had two bags on my right arm and two on my left not to mention the two I was levitating; needless to say the short trip from the store back home felt a lot longer! But I thankfully made it without spilling or dropping anything. I got inside putting down the bags and flexing my fingers to get some feeling back into them while listening to see if anyone was up. It was about a quarter to seven so I still had some time before Twilight usually got up and all was still quiet so I brought the groceries into the kitchen and tried to quietly put everything away except the few items I would need to make breakfast.

The library had warmed up a bit and I tossed a few more logs on the fire to maintain it then got busy making breakfast, some pancakes were simple, easy and quick to make. No fresh fruit to go with them unfortunately but some toast and strawberry jam would accent it nicely.

I served it all up on plates and a big platter, syrup, butter and juice aside and carefully balanced my way with it up the stairs. I hadn't heard anything so I was hoping they were still sleeping and when I got up there they were still snuggled together Twilights forehooves wrapped around Scootaloo holding her close.

I set the platter down gently at the bottom of the bed and just watched them for a moment, I then knelt down wrapping my arms around them both gently kissing then whispering in Twilights ear. "Morning love."

"Mmm? Oh, morning." She stretched turning her head to kiss me softly.

I just stayed like that a few moments face to face smiling at one another lost in her eyes.

She sniffed slightly her stomach emitting a small grumble. "Did you get up early to make us breakfast?"

"I was awake anyhow, and we needed groceries and basics badly too."

She gently released Scootaloo and sat up pulling me in for a passionate kiss. "You’re so good to us." She whispered.

I ran my hand through her thick beautiful mane kissing her soundly. "I love you both so much you know there’s nothing I wouldn't do."

"I know. Love you." She smiled.

"Well we better eat before it gets cold." I moved the covers aside to find Scootaloo still fast asleep, I rubbed her back gently whispering to her. "Angel, time to wake up."

"Mmf..." Was my only reply.

I tried a different tactic reaching down to just behind the knees on her back legs where she was especially ticklish. She giggled slightly in her sleep then suddenly came awake. "Dad!" She admonished rolling up to her hooves and stretching her wings. "Ooh pancakes!"

We all laughed and dug in, it was a good thing I made extra as Twilight and Scootaloo were both ravenous finishing everything off by the time we were done.

"Thanks Dad!"

"It was delicious, thank you love." We kissed; I could still taste the syrup on her lips.

"So what shall we do today? Unpack? Or go and see how everyone’s doing?"

"I need to see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle! It feels like its been forever!" Scootaloo burst out.

"Well I was going to say we should unpack first and then go visit but..." Twi smiled slyly. "I guess we could go visiting first."

"Yay! Thanks!"

We both smiled at her excitement as she raced downstairs to get ready. It was still quite early so we headed to Sweet Apple Acres first, Applejack was always up bright and early and even in the winter she had things that needed to be done around the farm. It was still quite cold out but with jackets for each of us and Twilights insulation spell we were just fine.

We arrived at the farm before too long and found Big Mac and Inkie out clearing a path from the house to the barn.

"Hi Twilight and Rick! You too Scootaloo, Apple Blooms in the kitchen." Inkie called out to us as we walked up and Scootaloo was off like a shot.

"How was yer trip to Canterlot?"

"Busy Big Mac! We'll explain to everyone it’s a long story." Twilight gasped.

We helped them finish their path and joined Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Applejack in the kitchen. Granny served up tea for everyone while we told the story. I was careful to leave out certain parts that I was either too embarrassed about or I thought might disturb them too much even without them the story concerned them all and we assured them that they wouldn't have to worry about it again in their lifetime... We hoped.
Afterwards everyone was exchanging Hearths Warming stories when Applejack pulled Twilight and I aside.

"That was one heck of a story! Glad you two are alright and Princess Cadence's daughter too. So are ya'll staying around Ponyville for awhile?"

"Oh yes Applejack we've definitely had enough excitement for this winter! And then some. Why do you ask?"

"Oh... Well Twi I wanted to ask the two of ya for a favour, but I don't want to impose on ya."

"Applejack you know we'd be more then happy to help you out any way we can. You've done so much for Twilight and I."

"Thanks... Ah don't like askin for favours. But we're all gonna be headin to Manehatten for Blinkies weddin as well as to see some relatives of ours. Now most of the critters here on the farm can take care of themselves an for the others we have someone who’s gonna stop by to check on em, but Winona here..."

Hearing her name Winona hopped up from her mat by the door and came running over, Applejack lovingly ran her forehoof over her head. "She needs more then just an occasional how'd ya do. So I was hopin ya might have room for her while we're gone?"

I knelt down and petted Winona while her tail wagged happily, I had no problem with dogs and Winona was very well trained I couldn't see her being any problem.

What do you think Twi?

Shouldn't be a problem, and like you said Applejacks done so much for us.

"We'd be happy to." We echoed.

"Thank ya kindly! I was a mite worried about what to do, well here we got her dog chow and her favourite toys and if ya would grab her mat by the door there on yer way out. It’s her favourite place to sleep. She'll do all the rest won't ya girl? Yes you will, mommy's gonna miss you!" She puppy talked with Winona for a moment more letting her give her kisses before remembering we were there straightening up with a blush.

"Ah... Like I was sayin, she'll let you know when she’s ready for a walk and when she... You know... Has to do her business..." She whispered. "She's always ready for some fun and roughhousin but she’s happy just layin by your side by the fire too."

"We will take good care of Winona Applejack don't you worry. As a matter of fact I may even have a few books on canines!"

"Ah know you will."

We stayed a bit longer chatting a bit more before gathering up what we would need for Winona and heading out, Applejack promised to drop off Winona on their way out of town that evening. Apple Bloom joined us as she wanted to see and say goodbye to Sweetie Belle not to mention hanging out with Scootaloo some more. So we headed to Carousel Boutique to see if she was there.

The closed sign was still flipped which was not to surprising, Rarity naturally needed her beauty sleep. We knocked once just to see if she was up but got no answer, Sweetie Belles parent’s house wasn't too far away so we turned to go there getting a few steps before we heard someone call out to us from behind.

"Wait! Twilight, Rick! I'm here!" Rarity was waving to us from her window a robe wrapped tightly around her. We headed back to the shop as she shut her window coming down quickly to let us in.

"Oh I'm so glad to see you darlings! How was your trip? And your parents Twilight? Oh Shining Armor and Cadence too! And the foals!" She was clearly eager for some gossip so we came in and she as well made some tea. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were looking a little bored so I told them they could go see Sweetie Belle if they were quiet about it. They promised they would be (fat chance) and took off together.

We sat in Rarity’s kitchen telling her about what happened in Canterlot when Opal came strutting in, she sniffed each of us then hopped up in my lap and settled down letting me stroke her soft fur and favouring me with a small purr. Opalescence could be a very difficult kitty I had heard but I had always gotten along with kittens and cats don't pursue them and let them come to you looking for attention and they'll come to see you as their friend. At least that usually worked for me and Opal was no exception, she hadn't paid much attention to me initially but shortly after I had arrived and I was helping Rarity on occasion she got more and more curious and after a few friendly scratches behind her ears she decided I was worth her time.

We had just finished telling Rarity that we were taking care of Winona for awhile when she frowned.

"Drat! And here I was going to ask you to do the same for Opal. We're all going to see my Grandparents; they live just outside of Phillydelphia. We wanted to go and see them for Hearths Warming but the trains were booked just solid! I would leave her with Fluttershy normally but she and Trixie are going away as well!"

"Is everyone going away just as we're getting back?" I asked.

"Of course not... Well I'm sure many ponies are just getting back from their visiting. However among our circle... Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Trixie are all going to Cloudsdale. Dash to see her parents and Fluttershy to see hers and first introductions to Trixie! Oh I do hope it goes well for them. We're heading to Phillydelphia as I said and Pinkie Pie, Applejack and the whole family are going to the wedding in Manehatten... I'm so sorry, but we will still have plenty of time together when we get back!"

"That’s very true Rarity, and we understand seeing your Grandparents is important and so is everypony else’s reasons for going... Opal and Winona get along fine I'm sure we can handle one more right Rick?"

"I'm sure we can." I smiled trying not to grimace as Opal kneaded her paws on my leg digging her claws in just a little bit.

"Oh thank you ever so much! I'll have everything ready to go tonight along with a list of her likes and dislikes. Thank you again!"

She thanked us a few more times as we exited, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were all playing together in the snow so we simply let her know where we were going and to be home for lunch before we headed to Sugarcube Corner to see Pinkie.

The store was open when we got there and Pinkie was busy displaying the goodies Mr and Mrs Cake were baking while simultaneously trying to keep an eye on two energetic foals. As soon as she saw us she rushed over hugging us both tightly and talking a mile a minute. "Ohmygosh! It feels like so long since I've seen you guys! How are you? How was the trip? Look how big Pound and Pumpkin are getting!" She squealed shoving each of them into our embraces while rushing back to her work. "Just let me put a few... More... Dozen... Things away and we can talk!"

We smiled and shook our heads, good ol Pinkie. We brought the foals over to their toys and played with them, they were a bit apprehensive not knowing us too well but they warmed up pretty quick as we played make believe and helped them build a castle with their blocks (which Pound promptly knocked over and then happily began to rebuild.)

Pinkie quickly got the shop in working order and just in time too as customers were beginning to line up for the tasty treats, Mr and Mrs Cake came out thanking us for watching the foals as they began helping customers. Mr. Cake took Pound and Pumpkin off for a snack while Mrs. Cake began helping the customers and Pinkie took a break leading us upstairs to her room.

We retold the story again, I was getting a little tired of telling it honestly but Pinkie was enthralled with it.

"Wow! Wow, imagine if I got taken over it would make me do the most horrible things! Like, like... Accounting! Or eating brussel sprouts! Without hot sauce!" She shuddered in revulsion and I wasn't quite sure if she was kidding or not...

"Well you have a great trip Pinkie, Twilight and I still need to go see Dash and Fluttershy and get back home for lunch so we can get ready for Winona and Opal to stay."

"Winona and Opal are staying with you? Aww that’s so sweet! Wait! What about Gummy?! I can't leave him here alone!"

"What about Mr and..."

"Their busy with Pound and Pumpkin! Oh no! Don't panic Gummy! Don't panic I'll think of something...!"

Gummy was sitting on her bed looking around about as unpaniced as a small toothless alligator could be. I sighed sharing a look with Twilight.

"I suppose we could take care of him for you while your gone Pinkie..."

"You could!? Oh thank you, thank you!" She gathered up a few things for us to take with us promising to bring him and anything she forgot to us later tonight.

Ya, I could see where this was going...

We picked up some treats for later having a few ourselves and sharing some with the girls when we came across them on our way to Dash's place. For the life of me I still couldn't get how a house made out of clouds could be kept warm or even in one piece in weather like this. I'd have to remember to look that up.

Dash was out clearing snow off her house Tank hovering right beside her. I was a little worried about him; reptiles and cold don't go together so well until I got closer and saw she had him bundled up a sweater over his shell even covering his neck and little legwarmers too.

"Oh hey guys! Your back, what’s up?" She swooped down landing in front of us Tank landing on her back none too gently but she didn't seem to mind.

"Good to see you Rainbow. We're just seeing how everyone is doing... And getting roped into taking care of their pets apparently..." Twilight mumbled.

"You don't need someone to take care of Tank while your gone do you?" I asked.

"What?! Heck no, Tanks no delicate little kitty! And I was going to bring him with me anyhow!"

"Rainbow Dash. Just because I made him that flying harness doesn't mean he can walk on clouds and it has a finite power supply you know. Even if I cast the cloud walking spell on him it won't last long... I just don't think it’s a good idea."

"Gosh... I really didn't think about it too much. Well that sucks I really wanted to show him off to my parents, but I don't want you falling through a cloud either little buddy!" She exclaimed rubbing noses with him. "So you guys'll take care of him then? Thanks! I'll be sure to drop him and his stuff off tonight!" She flew back up not waiting for an answer.

This could be... Interesting.

We can handle it, besides our friends help us out so much.

Very true.

We headed out to Fluttershy’s cottage taking a short detour to check the Wardstones recharging them and observing the animal paths going into and out of the forest. Not too much activity which was to be expected most animals hibernating or in the birds cases having flown south for the season but there were still some and everything looked fine.

Our treats were pretty much gone by the time we got to the cottage. "Twi! Those were for later."

"I can't help it I'm hungry! All this walking and visiting is building up my appetite!"

I laughed scooping her up in my arms kissing her soundly while she levitated our bags beside us. I put her down gently as we came up to Fluttershy’s door knocking we heard galloping and commotion inside. After a moment the door opened and Trixie looked out.

"Oh! Twilight, Rick please come in. Shy's a little... Frantic."

Coming in we found the cottage in disarray several bags in a state of half packed, half unpacked Fluttershy zipping by dropping items into them and taking others out mumbling to herself about what they'd need and what they wouldn't.

Trixie rolled her eyes slightly with a smile. "Shy, Twilight and Rick are here."

"What?! Oh." She flew over embracing us both tightly. "Sorry I'm just so busy... We need so many things but we can only take so many... And my parents... Oh maybe we shouldn't go... But I want to see them! I want them to meet you!"

"Calm down Shy. I told you it'll be fine, we'll figure it out." Trixie comforted nuzzling her.

"Your right... It will all be ok... But what if it isn't!?" On anyone else the look of sheer terror would be worrying but on her it was kind of adorable, I tried very hard not to smile.

"Fluttershy, calm down... Just relax a moment and we'll tell you about our holiday in Canterlot, maybe it will help distract you a bit."

So again we told the story and I'm not sure it helped with Fluttershy’s worries, maybe it just gave her a whole new set of fears to deal with. Trixie took it in stride but she too looked a bit nervous when we described the Miasma and what it could do and had done in the past. We assured them that all was safe and they had nothing to worry about.

"How horrible for you both, it kind of puts my concerns in their place..."

"Fluttershy that’s not what we..."

"I know, I know... But it does, actually it makes me feel a bit better about this trip. If you two can handle an Equestria destroying evil entity than Trixie and I should be able to handle a simple visit right?" We both nodded smiling.

"I've just been so worried about it and on top of it all I'm not sure what to do with Angel Bunny! Almost all my other animal friends are hibernating for the winter! But he’s a very special Bunny!" She explained scooping him up and hugging him tightly which he tolerated... Barely.

I sighed heavily resigned to not having a moment’s peace for the next week... Or longer, it occurred to me I hadn't asked anyone just how long they were going for!

"Well Fluttershy I'm sure we could take care of him while you’re gone, he'll have plenty of company..." I began.

"We're going to be taking care of Winona, Opal, Gummy and Tank so Angel Bunny should feel right at home." Twilight finished.

"Oh my! You’re going to be so busy... I don't want to impose on you..."

"Fluttershy." Twilight admonished with a smile.

"Well, he does like Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo... And we do always have fun at our pony / pet play dates... Its just he can be a very picky bunny..."

"We can handle it Fluttershy, don't you worry."

"Well... Ok then. Thank you! We will bring him and everything you'll need tonight."

"Is everyone leaving at the same time too? Oh how long will you be gone by the way?" I asked.

"Oh! Only a week, Dashie might be staying a bit longer I'm not sure and I don't know about the others..."

"That’s okay Fluttershy we'll see you tonight. Trixie you remember the cloud walking spell right? You'll definitely need it!"

Trixie gave her a 'oh please' look then smiled. "No I was just going to have Shy carry me everywhere! Kidding! Kidding, of course I do and thanks for teaching it to me this trip wouldn't be possible without it."

"Sorry! Just making sure..." She smiled sheepishly blushing slightly. "Okay, we better get going we've got a lot to get ready!"

"You've got it love."

We bid Fluttershy and Trixie goodbye heading back into town, it had warmed up a bit and was getting close to noon so we rushed home so we could have lunch ready for Scootaloo and we suspected Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

We had a big plate of sandwiches made when all three of them came galloping in starved from their play. We told them we would be taking care of the pets while they were gone, Apple Bloom was glad Winona would be here and Sweetie Belle while she and Opal didn't get along too well was still happy she'd be taken care of. Scootaloo was excited to have Winona and Angel bunny to play with, she too didn't get along with Opal too well (the Crusaders were a bit too rambunctious for her I guess) she didn't know what to do with Gummy and she was VERY excited to have Tank here! Rainbow Dash's pet!

We spend the rest of the afternoon trying to pet proof the library with the Crusaders 'help' which often ended up in a big mess but they tried. By late afternoon they began to arrive thankfully not all at once! Applejack and Winona arrived first, we already had her food and toys as well as her bed and that was all she needed. She excitedly ran around the library sniffing everything including Owlicious when he swooped down to see what was going on. I was momentarily worried but the two of them seemed to get along well.

Applejack and Apple Bloom tearfully bid her goodbye with lots of hugs and kisses thanking us again for taking care of her before they headed to the train station; they were going for two weeks. Pinkie Pie came next she had Gummy all bundled up against the cold and had a small assortment of things for him. A small pool that he liked to lounge in and... Do his business in. Some food and a large flat rock, she held the rock up in front of the fireplace heating it up then putting it down and he crawled happily onto it warming himself up. Pretty low maintenance as pets went.

Pinkie then had to go being late as she was but she promised Gummy she'd be home soon with lots of presents for him to which he simply blinked but I could see when she scooped him up and hugged him tightly he snuggled against her nipping at her mane. She too was going to be gone for two weeks with the Apple family.

Dash, Fluttershy and Trixie arrived next. I had thought Gummy was low maintenance, Dash brought a bag of food for Tank as well as his flying apparatus and cold weather gear and that was it. Angel bunny however had a bit more, a cozy little bed and special food as well as instructions on how to fluff his tail properly combs and shampoos to keep his fur soft. A bit overboard for a bunny I thought but he was Fluttershy’s pet so we'd do our best.

Fluttershy and Dash both hugged their pets goodbye before heading out held between them was a sort of travois that Trixie would be riding only instead of dragging it across the ground it would be through the air while she levitated their luggage with her. Fluttershy and Trixie were only staying a week but Dash wasn't sure, she said she would let us know later.

We waved farewell to them just as Rarity arrived with a mountain of luggage piled in a cart which her father was pulling, he and her mother both waved to us.

"That’s not all for Opal is it?"

She laughed. "Don't be silly darling." She levitated ten bags off including a fancy cat carrier, I grabbed what I could and we brought them inside. She had special designer food for her as well as different outfits, scratching posts, toys, beds and a long list of instructions.

"I know it’s only for a week but Opal is used to only the best! Come along Sweetie Belle, Mother and Father are waiting; now you take care my little Opaly wopaly. Mommy will be home before you know it." She cooed squeezing Opal tightly.

They headed out to the cart and were off. It was pretty much suppertime then so we set up all the pets bowls, making sure they each had their space and fed them all then making dinner for ourselves. The pets were far better behaved then I could have imagined possible, interacting calmly with one another and exploring their new temporary home.

After dinner we set up their beds where we thought they would like them again making sure they had their own space, as well as getting out some toys and grooming tools. We played with them a bit but it was getting late so we let Winona out cleaning up after her and anyone else who needed to be then we showed them all where we placed their beds.

Tank lay down a bit in front of the fire Gummy lying atop his back apparently enjoying the heat he was soaking up, Tank didn't seem to mind. Scootaloo snuck Winona’s bed into her room as well as Angel bunny’s and they both seemed happy with that arrangement. When Twilight and I peeked in a bit later we found Winona curled up on the bed at Scootaloos hooves and Angel bunny snuggled up on the pillow beside her.

Owlicious of course had his own nest up in the rafters of the library; we had placed Opals bed on the couch so she could be extra comfortable and get the warmth from the fireplace.

Twilight and I went upstairs to bed cuddling together under the covers tired after a long, long day. Suddenly I heard a 'Mrrr?' And Opal jumped up on the bed walking up to my chest glaring at Twilights head resting there with a small growl.

"Opal..." I warned.

"That’s okay love." She smiled moving back and laying her head beside mine on the pillow. "I have you to myself three hundred and sixty five days a year I guess I can give Opal a few nights." She giggled as Opal curled herself up on my chest.

"I guess." I leaned forward kissing her softly. We turned out the lights closing our eyes; I petted Opal gently as we all drifted off.

Well that wasn't so bad...

After all we're heroes of Equestria right?

What could go wrong...?

Author's Note:

Ahh... Having time off makes writing so much easier. But I can't have forever off, too bad. Anyone got a few million dollars to loan for say... fifty or so years? Interest free of course. lol
Well Spring is coming and shortly after it then end of my first year in Equestia... Perhaps two more chapters I think, and yes Luna's 'gift' will come to light.
As always thanks for reading and commenting. Dosvidanya my friends.