• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 13,557 Views, 439 Comments

The First Year - TwilightsmyMare

A continuation of Living and Dying in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 20 (Back to Normal... Ish)

We didn't quite make it to noon before being disturbed. But as it was Armor, Cadence the twins, Scootaloo and Twilights parents as well we could easily sacrifice a few hours sleep for them. They had thankfully brought some of the extra clothes we had packed and soon I was dressed and we were free! Out in the fresh air it felt like years since I had been outside.

I was a bit stiff and sore from nearly a week being incapacitated but after a few blocks I loosened up a bit and everyone didn't have to walk too slowly for me. We just walked around for awhile seeing the sights and talking, the twins and Scootaloo romping in the snow by our side and we joined them many times chasing the squealing foals and trying in vain to catch Scootaloo.

Twilights parents insisted on taking us all out to dinner settling on a nice family restaurant, everyone was hungry but I was famished I ordered enough for two and still had room leftover for some dessert.

That evening Twilight and I were snug in our own bed Scootaloo between us yawning sleepily as we read. The bed and couch downstairs were still the only pieces of furniture we had here. With all the excitement we hadn't had the time to go shopping at all and our holiday here was almost over. We could have stayed later of course but honestly we just wanted to get home, back to the library and our friends in Ponyville. Scootaloo too was eager to get back to her own room and stuff as well as missing her friends.

She finally gave up trying to stay awake settling her head down on the pillow. "I'm really glad you’re ok Dad." She whispered.

I brushed her mane aside and kissed her on the forehead. "Thanks Angel. Sleep tight."

She mumbled a response and drifted off. Twilight put her book down and turned over smiling at me.

Back to Ponyville soon. I love spending time with Cadence my brother and my parents but Ponyville is my home now and I miss it.

Me too love.

We leaned over and kissed softly careful not to wake Scootaloo and drifted off together.

I awoke the next morning from a thankfully dreamless sleep... At least as far as I knew. We all got up and had breakfast at Armor and Cadences then we all hit the stores to furnish our new home as best we could. We mostly looked for the basics though we did let Scootaloo pick whatever she liked for her new bedroom.

We must have made an interesting sight two unicorns and two baby unicorns a young Pegasus, an Alicorn Princess and some odd monkey levitating a bunch of items, dressers, tables, nightstands, bookshelves (quite a few of those despite the built in ones in the basement I was sure we would need more eventually.) A couple of desks, various chairs, bedding and kitchenware as well.

By the time late afternoon rolled around we thought we had everything well covered, there would be things we'd find we needed later I was sure but for now we were good. This time we treated everyone to supper in thanks for the help. By the time we got back home late that evening we were all exhausted but in a good way. We finished setting up Scootaloo’s room and tucked her snugly in her new bed before collapsing into ours.

"Last day in Canterlot tomorrow." She whispered to me.

"For now. We'll have to say goodbye to everyone and thank them all for a... Interesting holiday."

"Interesting!? Interesting my behind! Dangerous and heartrending is more like it!"

"But it’s such a cute behind." I chuckled giving it a squeeze and kissing her passionately. "I'm so sorry to worry you Twi..."

She interrupted me kissing me back with a small smile. "Don't be. I just get scared, sometimes... I don't know... It seems like the whole world is against us.”

I held her close looking into her beautiful eyes. "You know I would stand against the world for you and I know you would for me as well. So let them come! I love you."

She shook her head smiling. "And I love you. Let them come."

We kissed again making heady love then cuddling together warm and secure afterwards as we fell asleep.

We got up bright and early the next morning dragging a still sleepy Angel from her bed heading out to visit Twilights parents first before they went to work. They both held fairly important positions so their holiday time was sadly limited but they were both dedicated to their jobs as well.

We let ourselves in and found them in the kitchen with a full breakfast waiting as if they knew we'd be coming, Grandparent senses I guess. They doted on Scootaloo loading up her plate and asking her questions about Ponyville, her friends and what she did for fun. She was more then happy to answer, mostly with her mouth full earning a smile from me but a disapproving look from Twilight. She swallowed her food and continued with an impish grin while Twilight and I ate smiling to one another at how cute the situation was.

After breakfast we walked them to the castle Scootaloo zipping ahead showing off her flying skills for her Grandparents while we walked and talked.

"Sorry we didn't get a chance to visit more Mom and Dad! It was a... Very, very busy week!" Twilight apologised.

"Now my little bookworm don't you apologise. Your mother and I heard more then a few rumours of what was going on. Whatever it really was we're glad and proud the two of you were there to help."

"Besides it was still a lovely holiday and with little Scootaloo and Shimmer and Prism frankly we're a bit exhausted! We'll have more holidays my dear and we can't wait to see how we'll all grow as a family."

Twilight’s father smiled and nodded but then his look turned serious. "Twilight... I know your mother and I have always been so busy... And we haven't always been there for you and your brother when you needed us... We just wanted to say we're sorry and that we are both so happy for our two children!"

Twilights eyes widened at that admission filling with tears as she jumped forward embracing them both.

"Don't say that! You kept us fed and sheltered encouraged us on whatever path we wanted! Sacrificed so much for us! Maybe you weren't always there but the love always was!"

The three of them collapsed together crying but smiling too, Scootaloo flew up and settled in my arms looking at them.

"What’s going on?"

"Family togetherness Angel. Get in there." I tossed her in the pile and she got caught up in the hug right away.

"Your a part of this family too Rick." Twilight’s mother admonished telekinetically grabbing me and pulling me over.

We all hugged it out for a few minutes enjoying the closeness and love we all felt before Scootaloo had had enough mushiness and struggled to get away causing us all to chuckle.

They headed to work while we went to Princess Celestia’s throne room to hopefully get to talk to her before the never ending horde of ponies arrived to petition her. The doors were closed when we arrived which I thought was a good sign she hadn't started yet. There were a few ponies already lined up but Twilight undeterred pulled us past and up to the door.

Come on.

But Twi, we shouldn't just butt ahead.

Your too nice sometimes Rick. You know she'll want to see us before we go and with how busy she gets this will be our only chance.

Ok, ok. Your right.

The guards looked us over once and either recognised Twilight or perhaps me and opened the doors ushering us in and closing them behind us.

Princess Celestia was already seated and looking through a pile of scrolls held by one of her assistants, seeing us enter she smiled and gestured us forward. We both approached and bowed as she dismissed her assistant.

"So good to see you both. I hope you are still recovering Rick?"

"I am Princess thank you."

"We will be heading back to Ponyville tonight Princess and we just wanted to say goodbye and thank you for all you did."

"All I did?" She arched an eyebrow with a smirk. "Luna and I did what we could but without your efforts. All of your efforts." She added with a smile to Scootaloo. "The consequences would have been too terrible to imagine, but imagine and plan for them I must and I am so glad we had no need for any alternative plan. Luna and I, as well as the best minds Canterlot has to offer shall study the Miasma and learn all we can. Hopefully next time we won't need you to take such drastic actions."

"Well if they only come every thousand years or so I don't imagine we'll be around for it..."

Celestias eyes widened a bit and she even blushed slightly smiling lightly. "Oh course. I am sorry..."

Twilight smiled and held up her hoof to stop her. "You know as long as we're around we will be more then happy to help any way we can."

"I would be surprised if that were not the case." She looked over our heads; glancing back I could see her aide waving franticly from the door causing her to sigh wearily. "I am sorry my friends but duty calls. Please continue to write Twilight and I look forward to seeing you both again."

"Thank you Princess." We echoed. I noticed Armor at a side door motioning to us so we took our leave joining him as the doors were opened and ponies filed in filling up the chamber.

He closed the door behind us and breathed a sigh of relief.

"What’s wrong bro?" I asked.

"Oh nothing... Well its just ponies all around town have been seeing you naturally and rumours are beginning to fly. And with that Jet Set and his friends adding to the mix... Nothing we can't handle but I didn't want you three getting mobbed by ponies asking stupid questions."

"Thanks uncle Armor!"

"Thanks b.b.b.f.f." Twilight hugged her bother tightly and smiled at my confused look. "My big brother best friend forever."

I worked that out in my head for a moment apparently my look of confused concentration was amusing as they both chuckled.

"Ah, sorry. But thanks Armor, I hope we haven't caused any trouble?"

"Like I said nothing we can't handle. And with you three heading back to Ponyville this evening they'll go back to gossiping about everything else they used to soon enough."

"Why don't ponies just mind their own business?!" Scootaloo asked grumpily causing us all to smile.

"I'm not sure Angel, but we won't worry about it. Thanks again Armor."

"It was great seeing you all. We'll have to get together again in the spring maybe. Cadence is waiting for you in the little park just outside the castle, you remember the place right Twily?"

"Of course. Thanks again!" She hugged him again as did Scootaloo, I offered my hand and he shook it then pulled me in for a quick hug.

"None of that brother of mine. I've got to get back to work, take care!"

The three of us waved our goodbyes and headed out a side door, Twilight lead us around the castle to a small but beautiful park. Snow covered of course but still nice with plenty of trees and a small playground. We made a beeline for the playground seeing Cadence and two little foals playing there.

Seeing us walking up the three of them turned and Shimmer and Prism came galloping over.



I scooped Shimmer up giving her a hug and a kiss while Twilight did the same for Prism. Scootaloo sat in the snow to the side a slightly grumpy look on her face as Cadence walked up beside her and put one of her wings over her comfortingly.

"I love my foals so much you know, but it’s a bit sad too. Their both Unicorns and I have no one to teach my flying tricks too..." She sighed with a wistful look to the sky and a small, sly smile on her face.

Scootaloo digested that for a moment. "You know flying tricks?!"

"Well... I'm no Rainbow Dash to be sure but I have a few tricks under my wings." She smiled with a wink.

"You could... Teach me?" She asked with a hopeful smile.

"Well... Only if Twilight and Rick approve."

Scootaloo looked to us excitedly and we both nodded smiling.

"Okay! Thank you Cadence! Thanks Mom and Dad!" She squealed excitedly.

Cadence spread her wings and Scootaloo did the same, she began flying in ever widening circles with Scootaloo right beside her as she explained.

"First thing you need to know is the difference between flying in the summer, spring, fall and winter; we need to use more energy when it’s cold to stay warm as well as..."

Her voice faded as the rose up still in view but too high to hear. The four of us watched them for a minute before the twins got restless struggling to get down and play. We chased them all over the playground, tickling and wrestling in the snow, pushing them on the swings and spinning them on the merry go round.

They both had little coats on so we weren't too worried about them getting cold but we still took occasional breaks to dry them off and replenish OUR energy! After an hour or so Cadence and Scootaloo soared back down.

"That was awesome Auntie Cadence! The way you swooped down and doubled back! I don't know if I'll ever get it as good as you, why'd we stop? I'm not tired I wanna practice some more!"

Cadence giggled as Shimmer and Prism ran over to her where she landed. "We will do some more in a bit Scootaloo, but right now my foals need to be fed and I could use a short break and I'm sure Twilight and Rick could."

I cleared off a bench for her to rest on as the foals nursed I still averted my eyes mostly but I couldn't help noticing how tenderly she held them enfolded in her wings... Made me smile.

Soon enough they finished and after a quick burping they were fully charged and raring to go again, Cadence and Scootaloo practiced for a few more hours while we had fun with the foals, by late afternoon they were pretty tuckered out and so were we! Scootaloo too had worn herself out as well but Cadence seemed fine still levitating Shimmer and Prism onto her back with a smile as Scootaloo snuggled down on Twilights back as well.

"Thanks auntie, you’re the best!"

"You’re welcome Scootaloo. I'm glad I could teach you a little of what I know."

"Maybe you could show me more next time?!"

"I'd like that." She pulled Twilight and I in for a hug whispering. "And thank you both for saving my little filly."

"Aww Cadence you know Twilight and I love Shimmer and Prism we would do anything for them."

"I know, but thank you all the same. You as well Scootaloo."


Twilight and I gave the sleepy foals a last hug and kiss each before the headed off.

"Well its getting late. I guess we should go and see Princess Luna then get to the train station... Wait! Spike! And Alizarin! How could I have forgotten?!" Twilight gasped.

"Hey it’s alright Twi. We've still got time... I'm not sure where to find Spike though."

"Oh! I've got a spell that can locate him if he’s within a mile of me!"

"Why would you have a spell like that Mom?"

"Have you ever tried to keep track of a baby dragon?! I'll tell you some stories another time honey." She giggled as her horn glowed softly, she immediately turned right and began walking I followed and before too long we found ourselves outside a familiar donut shop. The bell jingled as we entered just as Joe was rounding the counter.

"Sorry folks just closing up for the evening... Oh! Twilight Sparkle! And your friend, good to see ya!"

"You too Joe, have you seen..."

Joe seemed to know what she was about to ask and gestured over to one of the side booths getting back to his cleaning up while we walked over to find Spike passed out among the crumbs of what must have been a lot of donuts.

"Oh Spike..." Twilight sighed gently patting his head. He grunted and opened his eyes slightly then fully with a gasp as he saw and his brain registered us.

"Twilight! Rick!"

"Hey I'm here too." Scootaloo broke in peeking out from behind Twilights mane where she was still resting sticking her tongue out at Spike.

"Ah, you too Scootaloo. What are you guys doing here?" He asked quickly brushing crumbs off the benches and table gesturing for us to sit.

"We came to see you Spike! We're heading back to Ponyville tonight and with everything that’s happened we've hardly seen you! I miss you. How are things going here?"

"Good, good... I miss you and everyone in Ponyville too. I've learned so much from Princess Celestia! And I've grown a bit too... Physically and I hope mentally too. And from what she tells me it doesn't sound like you need me back in Ponyville..."

"Spike! You know that’s not true! I'll always need you!" Twilight admonished softly hugging him tightly.

"Thanks... I needed that..." He shook his head with a smile. "I feel a lot better, wow look at the time! I guess I got a bit carried away I've got to get back to the palace and you've probably got more ponies to say goodbye to!"

"Just a few more and their both at the palace, so we'll walk you there buddy."

"Sounds good!"

We walked together and Spike told us all about what he had learned about Dragonkind, plenty of things Twilight didn't even know! He still hadn't learned about his mother but Princess Celestia had promised to tell him everything she knew eventually, she just wanted to take it slow. He seemed happy enough with that but something about that situation seemed... Troubling, to me at least. I could only imagine she was holding back the information because it would hurt him. But I suppose any information about how you had been abandoned would be painful for anyone...

We arrived at the palace before too long and parted ways, Spike headed to his chambers after a final farewell from us all and we headed down to the Archives. The door swung open for us and we walked a little ways inside, apparently he had been busy as the piles of books and items had been reshelved mostly in the order Twilight had left them in to her delight.

"Alizarin!" I called out.

A few moments later he appeared before us with a bow and a smile. "Rick and Twilight Sparkle very glad to see you. Oh and greetings to you as well young Miss Sparkle."

Scootaloo hopped off Twilights back and looked around. "You mean me? I'm not a Miss! I'm Scootaloo Sparkle!"

He smiled warmly. "Of course Miss... I mean, Scootaloo. May I ask what brings you down here? Surely not more research?"

"I could spend months down here looking through every book Alizarin!" Twilight gushed. "But we are heading back to Ponyville tonight and we wanted to see you and say goodbye and thank you for all your help!"

"Ah... I see... I knew of course you wouldn’t be staying long… Strange, your departure has me... Saddened? Strange..."

"It’s natural to be sad when your friends leave Alizarin. But don't think for a minute we won't be back to see you again. In the meantime I'm sure you and the Princesses have plenty to catch up on, not to mention your good deeds around town." I explained with a wink.

"Oh, you could tell that was me could you? Well it was too be expected; thankfully the Princesses were not too cross with me over my 'investigational' blunders. Princess Celestia was actually quite amused." He bowed again deeply. "A safe journey to you my friends, I shall miss having the company around." He looked around at the partially lit Archives. "To be honest now that I have experienced your companionship I shall be at quite a loss what to do down here. I suppose it is my home but it has never truly felt as such."

Twilight smiled suddenly and looked up at me excitedly.

Just follow my lead.


"Alizarin would you come with us? We have some time yet before we have to get to the Train station and we would like to show you something."

"Of course, I have all the time in the world. Please lead on."

Twilight gleefully trotted ahead leaving us in the dark to what she had planned but I wasn't worried. Scootaloo flew after her as Alizarin and I followed behind, she stopped once to whisper something to one of the guards then we were back on our way. As she led us through town Alizarin faded out so I couldn't really even tell if he was with me or not, I guess he didn't want to cause any sensation with the ponies out and about. With some of the looks I got I partially wished I could fade out too.

As we approached our neighbourhood I still had no idea what Twi was up to, she led us right up to the door of our house and inside. Once inside Alizarin reappeared looking about with interest.

"This is our house here in Canterlot Alizarin!" She explained.

"It’s very nice but..."

"We want it to be your house too!" She burst out smiling broadly.

"What?" Alizarin, Scootaloo and I all echoed.

"Those Archives are amazing but they really are no home, you can stay here! I know you don't need to sleep or eat or anything like that but when you want to relax or just read, maybe even entertain guests! Princess Celestia and Luna and I'm sure you'll make more friends...!" She stopped a moment to catch her breath.

"Alizarin... I have to admit, when we first met I just thought of you as a spell. Something the Princesses parents made... A thing. But as we got to know you I could see you were so much more! I don't know if they made you this way but I don't think so, I think over the hundreds of years you've 'evolved', changed. Your a true living being now I am sure of it! So please accept our hospitality, stay here don't lock yourself away again."

Your so amazing love. Great idea.

Thanks... I just know he needs to get out, see things and he'll be an important member of Canterlot forever!

Alizarin looked back and forth between the two of us for a minute his expression unreadable. "This... This is more then I could have ever hoped your generosity overwhelms me. I can think of no reason to turn down your offer, truly I am honoured that you would entrust your dwelling to me. I will care for it as it were my own while you are gone." Seeing us about to object he held up his fore hoof with a smile. "I am well aware you had no intention of making me a caretaker here but I insist, if this is to be my home as well as yours I shall make sure it is always ready for you to return."

Twilight and I smiled both of us bowing to him. "Thank you Alizarin, we're glad to have you here."

"You are too kind." He responded bowing in return. "Now I must go and see Princess Celestia before she turns in for the night to see if she minds my change of residence. I can hardly imagine she will though, take care my friends I look forward to seeing you all again in the future."

And with that he faded away.

Scootaloo shook her head. "I don't get it."

Twilight and I chuckled. "Honey, it’s important to show your friends how much you care for them. That doesn't mean just giving them things mind you but when you know they need something... Even something as simple as a hug or an encouraging word you shouldn't hesitate to give it to them." She explained giving Scootaloo a hug.

"That makes more sense!"

We exited the house and locked it back up; instead of heading back to the palace Twilight led us to 'our' place. The three of us looked out over Equestria the night cold and clear, our cheeks numbed by the slight breeze and our lungs filled with the crisp air.

I knelt down and pulled them both into my embrace partly to warm them but mostly just because I loved them both so much.

"Shouldn't we go and see Luna though Twi? We don't want to be..."

I was interrupted as a shadow swooped over us landing lightly beside us.

"No need for that Rick, Twilight thought ahead and left a message for me where to find you. I am sorry to see the three of you go but I know your home calls to you and I can understand that all too well."

"Thank you Luna, if you ever need us for anything..." I began.

"You know where to find us..." Twilight finished.

"I know." She spread her wings then grinned mischievously pulling all three of us into her embrace and with a flash we found ourselves at the train station just as the train was pulling in. "Safe journey my friends, I shall see you tonight and every night until we meet again." And with a flap of her wings she soared up and off towards the castle.

We gathered our luggage which Luna had teleported here as well naturally and waited for the arriving passengers to disembark. We presented our tickets and found our way to our cabin sitting back together Twilight by my side leaning against me and Scootaloo curled up sleepily between us.

We snuggled together enjoying the ride trying not to drift off so we would get a full nights sleep when we got home. As I idly stroked Scootaloo’s mane staring into Twilights eyes I softly sang.

(Coming Home Skyler Grey)

We're coming home

We're coming home

Tell the World we're coming home

Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday

I know our kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes

We're coming home, we're coming home

Tell the World we're coming...

We kissed softly smiling.

Home. I love you.

I love you.

We rode the rest of the trip quietly ignoring the scenery simply focused on one another and the warm bundle between us. When we finally arrived in Ponyville it was late evening, Twilight levitated our luggage while I gently carried our sleeping Angel. Along with the few other passengers to disembark we made our way into town each of them turning eventually to their own homes and loved ones homes with a 'Happy Hearths Warming' exchanged between us and them.

Finally we came to the library, it was dark and the windows shuttered but a very welcome sight. Twilight popped the door open and put our luggage aside, we could unpack tomorrow. We started a fire to warm things up and relaxed on the couch for a moment waiting for the temperature to rise.

Scootaloo snuggled sleepily in my arms as it got warmer. "We're home Angel." I whispered kissing her on the forehead.

"I don't wanna go to school Dad...!" She mumbled causing Twilight and I to chuckle.

With things a bit warmer I carried her to her room but it was still too cold in there so we brought her upstairs and tucked her into our bed. I got undressed and just as Twilight was about to climb into bed I remembered something and scooped her up in my arms.


My hands were full when we came in. I grinned kissing her and carrying her once around the room before settling her in bed and climbing in as well.

You’re so silly.

I know it.

I still love it, I'll always love it and I'll always love you.

Every time she said those three words my heart ached for her so badly, even more then every moment I was with her.

I caressed the side of her face gently and kissed her softly. And I you my love, now and every moment until our last day together and beyond.

We pulled the covers up and drifted off the three of us warm and secure together.

Quite the holiday...

Author's Note:

Such a long time for so few words... No excuses just life and my general laziness but I do apologize. I hate to keep you waiting and I am grateful that there are people who enjoy my story. I'll keep writing and try to be more... Consistent.
As always thanks for reading and commenting. Oh... Side note, tomorrow is my birthday... Yay. Another year, but more ponies so its not all bad right? And I've taken the week off so I won't make any promises but I am going to try to have another chapter done by weeks end. We'll see eh?