• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 13,557 Views, 439 Comments

The First Year - TwilightsmyMare

A continuation of Living and Dying in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 11 (Trouble and Tribbles)

The next morning I woke up to a... Interesting sight. Twilight standing right over me in our bed, a so cute look of concentration on her face her beautiful eyes closed and her horn glowing brightly, sweat was running off her.

"Morning love." I whispered as I reached up and put my arms around her gently.

"Shh... Just a second, I've almost got... It!" Her horn stopped glowing and she collapsed onto me.

"Are you ok Twi?"

She opened her eyes and smiled pressing forward to kiss me softly. "Harder then you make it look."

"What is?" I asked confused.

She snuggled against me. "Healing."

I held up my hand to see it was fully healed, I flexed my calf and it too felt fine. I held her close to me kissing her neck. "Thanks Twi. You didn't have to do that."

"Don't be silly. I've been meaning to try that spell for ages anyhow. Whew... Its going to take some more practice for sure."

"For your first try at it you were amazing."

We lay there together for a few moments as she caught her breath and I just stared at her.

"You’re so beautiful Twi." I whispered as I caressed the side of her face.

She blushed slightly and favoured me with a derisive snort. "Ha! I'm all sweaty and my manes just a mess I'm..."

I stopped her by gently pressing my finger to her lips. "And yet you’re the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I kissed her firmly as a few tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

She smiled at me with a half shake of her head. "You make me feel so... So... Wanted... Needed... Desired... Loved." Her blush intensified as she spoke.

I ran my hands down her body loving the feeling of her soft fur against me. "You are love, so much."

Before things got too heated we got up and I carried her downstairs where we shared a perhaps suspiciously long shower.

When we came out Scootaloo was sitting at the table eating her cereal pointedly ignoring any noises she might have heard from the washroom.

Twilight and I shared a smile. "Morning Angel." I kissed the top of her head on my way upstairs to get dressed.

"Morning..." She mumbled through her cereal.

I got dressed quickly and Twilight called up to me from the kitchen.

"We should hurry and check on Zecora Rick."

"Be right there."

"You’re going to Zecora’s? Can I come?"

"Sorry Angel not this time." I answered coming down the stairs.


I knelt down beside her chair and gave her a hug. "Not this time, and I do mean this time. I want to take you, and your friends back into the forest later. I don't want you to be afraid of it. Just to be cautious, ok?"

She favoured me with a small smile. "Ok Dad!"

"That’s my filly."

"I'll go tell Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle... I guess Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon too..."

"Aren't you getting along with them yet honey?" Twilight asked.

"I'm trying! Sometimes they act nice and sometimes they act like they used to..."

"It’s not easy to change Angel, even for you Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom to change your perceptions of them. Just promise me you'll try."

"I will! I won't let you down!"

Twilight and I hugged her tightly. "We love you honey."

Scootaloo flew off as we headed out of town towards Zecora’s; we walked casually together enjoying each others presence but also a bit on edge. I checked my pocket for the tenth time to make sure the Wardstone I had brought was still securely there. Twilight had her saddlebags on with some snacks, books and another Wardstone just to be sure.

The forest seemed quiet; a few birdcalls were all we heard. Perhaps the lack of activity could be attributed to the coming winter... Maybe. We approached the clearing Zecora’s house was in with no incident but seeing the outside of her home we stopped short a moment.

Her masks and fetishes from her homeland had been scattered about some of them broken, every window we could see also had been smashed and the door lay ajar. We approached cautiously.

"Zecora?" Twilight whispered as we entered her horn lighting up to show us the horror show that was the interior of Zecora’s house. Here too all her decorations had been thrown to the ground and smashed, her potions scattered and broken as well as her cauldron having been upturned.

We moved in further afraid of just what we might find and careful of the glass on the floor. Most of her small library of books were ripped up and wrecked causing Twilight to gasp in outrage but quite a few looked to be missing, looking back I realized there were likely a great many potions missing as well.

"What could have happened Rick?"

"I don't know. I’m just glad and worried we haven’t found her yet.”

We searched around a bit more finding her simple bedding as well ripped up and flipped over, but no sign of Zecora. Even more worrying was looking around outside I couldn't find any tracks at all of what could have caused this. A single set of pony tracks led away from the back of Zecora’s hut, these we followed carefully.

The tracks followed a small but well worn trail, they proceeded straight with no deviations, maybe she got out of there safely... As we followed the trail we both felt like something was watching us but we couldn't see a thing through the thick foliage.

As we followed the path we began to hear rushing water perhaps a creek or small river. We rounded a corner and found a beautiful and relieving sight, a small creek that cascaded down from an outcropping making a small waterfall and pool before meandering back into the forest. And under that waterfall apparently enjoying a shower was Zecora looking none the worse for wear. She glanced our way and gasped.

"Twilight and Rick, this is a surprise to see you here before my eyes."

"Zecora!" Twilight shrugged off her saddlebags and waded right into the small pool to hug Zecora tightly. "We were so worried!"

Zecora looked a bit uncomfortable and confused when she glanced over to me for guidance I was placing my Ward stone on the ground carefully and looking about still suspicious of what might be out there.

Zecora raised her eyebrow questioningly. "These precautions have a reason of this I am sure, what is the concern of your paramour?" She asked Twilight.

They both got out of the pool and dried off as we explained what had happened to the girls and I the other day and what we had found at her hut today. To say she was shocked and outraged would be an understatement, she quickly gathered up her things as did we and headed back toward her home.

"Do not think I don't believe what you have seen, but I must see for myself before I scream."

We hurried down the trail following her, the forest still seemed quiet and oppressive but before too long we came to her hut. We both stood back as she circled her home righting her masks and fetishes shaking her head sadly at the ones that were damaged beyond repair.

She then turned to the interior of her home and we followed her in Twilights horn lighting the small space until Zecora located a lamp that hadn't been smashed and lit it up. She sighed and began sorting through the mess calmly.

"Such acts of hatred were far too common in my homeland, that is why many of us fled after witnessing it firsthand."

"We're so sorry Zecora." I said apologetically as we helped her sort through the mess for undamaged items.

"They have ruined much and broken even more, how fortunate they chose not to check the floor."

She moved some things aside and carefully pried up a cleverly concealed trapdoor revealing a small stock of potions as well as several important looking books.

"In the wrong hooves these could do much harm, to think they had been stolen filled me with alarm."

"What are you going to do Zecora? You can't stay here alone now!" Twilight reasoned.

"Let them chase me from my home?! No they shall not make me roam."

Twilight and I shared a concerned look. "Just for now Zecora, please come back to town with us. We need to figure out what’s going on, gather the other Elements of Harmony and consult with the Princess's." I offered.

She looked at us seeing the concern in our faces and sighed heavily. "You are right we must go see, I should not let my stubbornness govern me."

We helped her gather up everything salvageable then we exited shutting the door behind us with hopes she might be able to return someday soon. We traveled steadily out of the forest the feeling of being watched even stronger, even the birdcalls were silent now as we reached the forests edge.

Zecora turned back looking longingly back towards her home as we exited, suddenly from the concealment of the underbrush came a flurry of thrown rocks. I quickly moved in front of Twilight to block them shielding my own eyes. They were pebble sized and only stung slightly when they struck.

"Who's there!? Show yourselves!" I shouted.

The underbrush rustled and another hail of stones flew toward us, Twilight was ready this time though and her telekinetic shield protected the three of us. And a good thing too as this hail of stones were quite a bit bigger then the last. When it stopped a hissing voice came from the concealment of the underbrush.

"This forest ours now. Go and never come back."

"Who are you? What do you want?" Asked Twilight.

The only answer was another volley of thrown stones which bounced ineffectively off the shield followed by some rustling in the foliage then silence.

We backed off slowly towards town then turned and fled still casting fugitive glances behind us in case we were being followed, thankfully it didn't appear we were.

We got to town and immediately headed home. Twilight and Zecora stayed there to write a letter to the Princesses while I headed out to gather our friends as quickly as I could.

I found, or rather Pinkie Pie found me quickly bouncing up behind me as I was headed to Sugarcube Corner.

"Hi Rick!"

I jumped slightly still a bit on edge. "Ahh! Pinkie!"

She grinned apologetically. "Oops, sorry!"

I shook my head with a smile. "It’s ok. But we've got problems, head to the library ok?"

She saluted and zipped off in that direction. "You got it!"

I headed to Carousel Boutique next.

The bell above the door jingled as I entered, Rarity was helping a customer so I just waited to the side until she was finished.

"So nice to see you Rick. What’s the matter?" She asked clearly seeing my anxiousness.

"Sorry Rarity no time to explain, everyone is going to be meeting at the library though as soon as possible."

"Not a problem darling, I'll close up shop and go there now."

"Thanks, I'll see you there. Bye!" I called out as I exited the shop and headed to Dash's place hoping to catch her there. But no such luck, keeping an eye out for her I took a winding route out to Fluttershy and Trixie's cottage.

When I arrived I found them in front of the house with a larger then usual it seemed group of animals. Fluttershy was talking to them while Trixie stood back looking concerned.

"Oh dear, oh dear... I'm so sorry! I'll see what we can do. Please go and help yourselves to some of my vegetables for now." The animals headed back to her garden as she turned to see me. "Oh! Rick, I'm so glad to see you! Something is terribly wrong in the Everfree forest! We've been talking to groups of animals all day, haven't we Trixie?"

Trixie smiled and nodded. "You have Shy. I'm just here to support you; it all sounds like squeaking to me."

"Thanks Fluttershy, but we know something is wrong. Everyone’s meeting at the library; can you two head there right away?"

"We'll get there right away! Right Shy?"

Fluttershy nodded with a smile then glanced at Trixie. "Race you!" She took off half flying half galloping with Trixie in close pursuit.

"No fair!"

I watched them go for a second with a smile on my face, I then shook my head remembering what a hurry I was in and turned towards Applejacks farm. It was midafternoon by the time I got to the edge of the farm. I could hear the familiar THUNK from applebucking, must be the last harvesting of the season I thought as I headed in that direction.

Clearing the trees I was relieved to find both Applejack and Dash, they were taking turns bucking a clearly dead tree in an effort to uproot it.

THUD! "Nice one AJ!"

THUD! "Ya almost got er Rainbow!"

They paused seeing me rush up.

"Well howdy Rick, what’s up?"

I caught my breath for a moment. "Whew, sorry. We've got trouble in the Everfree. Everyone is meeting at the library."

"Well what are we waiting for then?!" Dash asked.

They both shared a smiled and turned together both kicking the tree as hard as they could simultaneously, with a loud crack the trunk split and the tree slowly and almost gracefully toppled over ripping the majority of its roots out with it as it did so.

"Wow..." Was all I could say.

"Well come on lets mosey!"

Dash took off flying low with Applejack close behind leaving me to try to keep up with them. Fat chance, they did stop occasionally to let me catch up then took off again.

We got back to the library quickly but I was winded from trying to keep up to those two. Applejack and Dash had already beat me there and entered so I opened the door and went in. Everyone was gathered around the kitchen table asking questions to Twilight and Zecora, Scootaloo was by Twilights side looking happy to be included in the grown up conversation but a little worried about what the conversation was about.

They all turned when I entered.

"Took ya long enough Rick. AJ and I've been here long enough to hear the whole story." Dash smirked.

I smiled and shook my head. "I won't be keeping up with either of you I know. But what do you all think? What can we do?"

"We're not quite sure... We've been passing ideas around but we're really just waiting to hear back from the Princess." Twilight answered.

"Good plan. Well it’s a little late for dinner, how about a late evening snack for everyone?" I asked.

At their affirmation Twilight and I made some tea and put out some snacks, Scootaloo helped of course. We discussed further what could be going on, everyone had an opinion of course but no concrete ideas. It was getting late so I turned to Scootaloo with a look.

She pretended not to see but I persisted. "Awww... Just a bit longer Dad please! Just till the letter comes!"


She hopped in my lap staring up at me with her big purple eyes clutching one of my hands in her hooves.

"Okay! Okay..." I grinned hugging her tightly. "Jeez you sure got your old Dad wrapped around your hoof don't you?"

She hopped off with a smile. "I don't know what you mean Dad you know I don't like that namby pamby stuff..."

All the mares around the table were smiling watching our exchange Twilight chiefly among them.

Such a softie.

You know me, for the mare and filly I love I'd do anything.

I know... Love you.

Love you.

We talked and snacked a bit longer, I was beginning to worry Princess Celestia wouldn't be able to get back to us before nightfall but suddenly a scroll popped into existence above Twilight and settled gently down onto the table. Twilight unfurled it and read it aloud.

My dearest Elements of Harmony

Again I find myself asking you to brave dangers for the good of Equestria. I apologise, but whatever threat lies in the Everfree forest clearly poses a danger to Ponyville and as such to all of us. In the morning I ask that you go and investigate together. Zecora, you have the most knowledge of the forest I hope you will consent to go along giving them the benefit of your experience and wisdom. Sir Sparkle, my newest knight. I hope I can count on you to go with the Elements and guard them from harm? (Though I am certain you could hardly be stopped from doing so.) Trixie Lulamoon, as my faithful students, student and by extension my student as well I hope I can count on you to stay behind from this quest, Ponyville must be guarded from anything that may be using this as an excuse to invade while the Elements are away. Thank you all my friends, please be careful and stay safe. Never forget your connection to one another; your friendship gives you strength.


Everyone was silent for a moment.

"She's really counting on us..." Fluttershy whispered.

"An we won't let her down! We done it before we kin do it again right?!"

"You got it AJ!" Dash and Applejack hoof bumped excitedly.

"Ugh I can certainly tell you I have no desire to go into that horrid forest again. However, duty calls and I will answer."

"Together we can do anything!" Pinkie squealed excitedly.

"I wish you were coming with us Trixie."

Trixie shook her head with a smile. "It’s an honour that Princess Celestia would trust the safety of the town to me. I'll do my best to show I'm worthy of that trust! I'll be worried about you Shy." They rubbed noses and kissed softly causing Dash to groan in exasperation.

"Okay... Are we meeting here in the morning then?"

"Yes, everypony come at seven and we'll get ready." Twilight answered.

Everyone nodded and headed their separate ways.

I got some spare pillows and blankets from the closet finding Zecora making herself comfortable on the floor.

"Ah, this spot is good enough for me, many thanks a blanket and pillow will make it more cozy."

I gave them to her then went into the kitchen where Twilight was beckoning me. She was gazing down at Scootaloo’s sleeping form lying at the foot of her chair, I scooped her up gently and we took her into her bedroom tucking her in.

As we turned to go she opened her eyes I could see a few tears forming in their corners.

She sat up. "Mom, Dad... Please be careful tomorrow."

We knelt down and both hugged her tightly.

"You know we will Angel."

"You stay with Trixie and do what she says ok honey?"

"Ok... Love you."

"Love you." Twilight and I echoed tucking her back in as she drifted off to sleep.

We made our way up to our own bed, I undressed and we cuddled down together.

I'm worried... Scared. Rick what could it be?

I held her tightly kissing her softly. As long as we're together it doesn't matter. I won't let anything happen to you love.

I know. When we're together I feel... Complete, like everything’s the way it should be.


Sleep tight, I love you.

Sweet dreams, I love you.

We drifted off into a somewhat uneasy sleep.

Early morning came all too soon, we reluctantly got up from each others warm embrace. I got dressed and we headed downstairs to find Zecora already up flipping through a few books while Scootaloo pretended not to stare at her from behind her cereal.

Applejack showed up soon after Pinkie right behind her, Fluttershy and Trixie were next. Dash came shortly after looking tired and grumpy, and last but looking perfectly made up was Rarity.

We spent about an hour getting ready, each mare had their own saddlebags and I was sure to give each of them a Ward stone in case we got separated or anything else that might happen. The rest of my extra stones I gave to Trixie so she could place them about town just in case.

We packed some food and water for everyone as well, we weren’t sure how long we might be in the forest. With those preparations ready we started out, Trixie and Scootaloo bid us farewell Twilight, Fluttershy and I cast glances back toward our loved ones as the passed out of view.

We reached the forests edge quickly and cautiously entered, Zecora led the way steering us around dangerous plants while keeping a wary eye out for danger. We were all on edge, Dash flew up occasionally to try to see ahead but the canopy was quite thick and she couldn't see much of anything. There was still a few small birds and animals about and from these Fluttershy pointed us in the direction they had noticed other animals fleeing from.

We traveled deeper and deeper into the forest Zecoras expertise couldn't keep us from tripping on roots and getting scratched by brambles, by midafternoon we had covered a fair bit of distance but hadn't encountered anything. There was no animal life to be seen and even the fruit and vegetables seemed to have been stripped from the area...

We stopped to rest and eat discussing what we had seen so far, something was definitely driving the wildlife out of the deep forest and upsetting the natural balance but none of had any good idea who or what it could be.

We started out again pushing through a heavily overgrown area a few beams of sunlight barely making their way through the branches making the whole area dark and creepy.

Suddenly out of the bush in front of us stepped three earth ponies.

"Stop right there!" The foremost of them demanded.

We did as he asked more out of shock of seeing another pony here then anything.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?!" Twilight asked.

The three ponies shared a disturbing smile. "You'll find out soon enough... NOW!"

With his shout nets sprung up from below us as well as falling from above enveloping us all, with them came more ponies from above tackling us to the ground and binding us within the nets.

Twilight and Raritys horns immediately lit up pushing the ponies on them away and beginning to untangle the nets around them. Applejack, Dash and Zecora were not idle either bucking and kicking out as well as trying to gnaw through the nets and ropes binding them.

The 'leader' for lack of a better term looked a bit concerned for a moment then relieved as at least ten more ponies streamed out of the forest from behind him. "Get them!" He ordered.

I was pretty well entrapped and not willing to use my magic just yet unless I really had to. The reinforcements quickly joined the others leaping upon Applejack, Zecora and Dash to subdue them. Fluttershy was ignored as she was cowered on the ground and no threat to them. Twilight was almost free by this time when several of the newcomer ponies leapt on her slamming her violently to the ground.

"No!" I shouted struggling harder. "Stop please. We give up, just don't hurt her. Please girls..." The others stopped struggling as I managed to crawl my way over to Twilight, pushing my arms through the holes in the net I gently cradled her head in my lap the glow of magic under my shirt and coat not visible as I scanned her for any injury. Thankfully she wasn't hurt badly, a lump on the side of her head which I rubbed and stealthily healed. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at me.

"What happened?"

"Are you ok Twi? I... I surrendered for us; I couldn't let them hurt you." And hopefully we can see who’s pulling the strings here if we go along with them.

You're right but I still have to pretend to be mad at you. "How dare you! You've endangered us all...!"

"Enough! Bind them." The group of ponies circled around each of us binding us tightly and clipping a strange black item upon Twilight and Rarity’s horns, a magic inhibiter I imagined. Something occurred to me as they bound us in twos hanging us upside down from poles between groups of four of them; none of these ponies had cutiemarks! I looked around but couldn't see a one from where I was.

Twilight and Fluttershy were bound together and taken away first with Dash and Zecora next then Applejack and Pinkie Pie finally Rarity and I were bound together and hefted off the ground following the others.

"Are you ok Rarity?" I whispered.

"I... I am. My magic won’t work though. What are these horrid ponies going to do with us?!"

"Calm down. I've still got a trick or two we'll be ok really."

"Yes of course. Thank you darling." She took a deep breath calming herself. "Oh... This may not be the best time but I have been meaning to remind you of something..."

"Oh? Well we seem to have plenty of time at the moment."

"I'm sure you were not aware or you would have been making plans already but Twilights birthday is coming up very soon…”

"What?! Why didn't she say anything?"

"I'm sure it just slipped her mind dear. With winter coming she’s been so busy..."

"Quiet you two!" Growled one of our guards ending our conversation.

We traveled for some time, the guards were less then careful not lifting us over roots and humps in the ground, Rarity’s mane and tail were both getting messy and bedraggled to her dismay. Eventually we were transported over a long rickety suspension bridge and dumped in a cobblestone courtyard together, a heavy mist covered the area as it cleared I beheld a old dilapidated castle, overgrown and in bad disrepair.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"Nightmare Moon Castle..." Twilight whispered.

We sat in silence for awhile the group that brought us here standing in a circle around us; slowly more ponies came out of the mist to join them one by one most normal sized but quite a few smaller fillies and colts. As a whole group though they had no cutie marks, not a one on any of them I could see.

"What’s going on here!?” Dash demanded.

"Quiet!" They all turned as one facing the castle as the ancient drawbridge slowly cranked down and through the mist strode the last pony any of us would ever have expected to see...

"Princess Celestia!" We all gasped. She strode forward smiling radiantly spreading and flexing her wings majestically.

"Nonono... It’s not possible!" Twilight cried out.

"No it really isn't." She smirked, slowly the color seemed to drain out of her, her coat turning a dark grey and her mane and tail a deep blue, she opened her large green cat-like eyes and grinned down on us showing her pointed fangs her wings now insectoid flittered slightly.

"Chrysalis!" Twilight growled.

"That’s Queen Chrysalis to you!" One of the guards snarled. Turning we noticed they too had all changed showing their true colors as well.

Changelings... Twilight had of course told me of the events that occurred at her brothers wedding but I had no real experience with them.

"What is it you want…? Queen Chrysalis?" I asked.

She looked at me confused for a second. "What is this... Thing? A helper monkey? But it talks, delightful! What’s your name little monkey?" She laughed.

"I am Rick Sparkle. Knight of Equestria, again what are you doing here?"

"A... Knight?" She burst out in laughter the other Changelings following suit. "Oh Celestia must really be desperate! Wait a moment..." Her eyes narrowed as she stared at me for a moment. "Sparkle... You don't mean...?" She looked over at Twilight who stared back without fear.

"My husband. How did you get here!? What are you doing?!"

Chrysalis giggled a few moments more before sitting down and wiping her eyes. "Well you've been amusing at the very least. How did I get here? Hmm... Well after your brother and his annoying wife blasted me and my children out of Canterlot ruining my plans I managed to get my wings open after awhile and simply drifted down here. I was in shock and removed from my children I fell into despair. I sent out my call to bring them back to me, only thirty eight have made their way here so far... I hope the rest are alright..." She shook her head and glowered down at Twilight. "And you! You’re the one who ruined everything!"

"You were trying to enslave us!"

"To survive! Fine we tried to make you our slaves; in our place you would have done the same! To protect those you love."

"I... I would have found another way." Twilight shot back clearly a bit shaken by Chrysalis’s dedication to her children. The rest of us remained silent watching the exchange.

"Humph. Maybe you would have, and so have we. We need love to survive you well know and landing here I couldn't see how I or my children could survive... Until I made an interesting discovery..." She whistled and all around the castle we could hear the buzzing of wings and quickly surrounding the area were small tennis ball sized bugs? Circular with four buzzing wings, four tiny legs and two huge glittering eyes as well as a little mouth, they were quite cute looking... For bugs.

They swarmed around the Changelings snuggling happily against them.

"Parasprites! Are you crazy?! They'll devour everything!"

"And? We need love to survive, not food. We give them food and they love us for it. Oh but you do need food don't you? How sad."

"But... They'll keep multiplying! They could destroy all of Equestria!"

"Not my concern. Taking care of my own is all I'm worried about."

Twilight collapsed down exhausted from holding herself up and arguing. The food from our bags had been divvied out and the Changelings were feeding it to the Parasprites, as I watched one of them coughed out a ball nearly the size of itself that immediately sprouted wings and legs becoming another Parasprite! I could see now exactly what Twilight was worried about, like Tribbles only much worse.

"Now what to do with you?" She scratched her chin thoughtfully. "Ransom you to Celestia for more food? No, then she'd know of our plans and we're not ready yet to release the swarm upon Equestria. Lock you up? Perhaps, but we have no food to spare for you. Starvation is such a bad way to go, trust me I know. Fortunately for you the Sprites have no interest in eating live food. I have no real desire to harm you but..." She stepped toward Twilight raising one of her fore hooves; I managed to roll over to cover Twilight with my body glaring up at Chrysalis as her hoof descended...


Her hoof stopped inches from my chest as she turned to see who had called out.

It was a Pegasus he flew down and changed his appearance before us into a larger then average Changeling.

Chrysalis gasped. "Number sixty two! I had almost given up hope!" She hugged him tightly a few tears running from her eyes.

"It’s good to see you too mother. But you don't have to do this."

"What do you mean?! Its all for you..."

"I know you think so... Just a moment." He let loose a piercing whistle and at least forty more changelings emerged from the forest and sky.

Chrysalis smiled brightly. "Oh my children! I knew you'd come back!"

The Changeling called sixty two smiled and shook his head. "But we haven't. We've only come back to keep you from dooming us all."


"When we were expulsed from Canterlot I like many of us I'm sure felt anger and despair. I finally crashed near a small village far to the east, I was found by villagers who had never seen or heard of a Changeling but they didn't react the way I thought they would... They way you always told us they would! They took me in and tended to my wounds, took care of me though they were curious why I never ate. There was so much love! All about, everywhere! I didn't need to force it, steal it... It was given freely... Once I had recovered I could hear your call but I was reluctant to leave, instead I chose to seek out more of our kind that were far flung as I was. The villagers wished me well giving me some of their hard earned bits for my journey... It was hard to leave, and I will return to them when my task here is finished."

"I don't understand... What are you saying?" Chrysalis stammered.

"We don't have to force the ponies to do anything! We don't have to hurt them! Every one of my brothers and sisters I found had a similar story; many of them had encountered prejudice and fear but also compassion and understanding. Some even found mates among the ponies, mates who loved them for who they were not who they could pretend to be!"

"Lies! The ponies hate us! They always have! My mother told me and hers before her!"

All around the just arrived Changelings gathered with the others telling them of the outside world and their experiences within.

"No mother. Mayhap at one time that was true but it’s likely to have been as much our fault as theirs." He turned and addressed the gathered Changelings. "Brothers and sisters we don't have to stay here, you can have a home. With ponies that care for you or even on your own, we'll help you." He turned to us. "Maybe you could put a good word in for us with the Princess? We'll do what we can to fit in..."

Twilight just laid there shocked for a moment, she looked up to me and I smiled my support to her. "I'll certainly talk to her about it... Everypony?" She called back to the others, they gave their affirmation even Dash though reluctantly.

"Thank you. Free them..."

"NO!" Chrysalis thundered her horn glowing brightly. "You want to go?! Be a pretty pony?! Fine GO! But I'm staying here and my prisoners are staying with me. You traitors can go but don't come crying to me when they toss you aside again!"

"Mother..." He pleaded.

"I said go! You’re no child of mine! That goes for any of you who follow him." She turned her back and the Parasprites flocked around her.

With a sad shake of his head and an apologetic smile to us he flew over to his brothers and sisters where they had a prolonged discussion. It was late evening when they finally parted.

"Goodbye mother..." He and all the other Changeling flew up and out of sight disappearing entirely after a few moments.

Chrysalis spun with a gasp I could see the pain and anguish lined in her face as she watched them go.

I managed to raise myself up onto my knees. "You can still reconcile with them Chrysalis... It’s never too late." I offered.

She turned on my in a fury kicking me across the courtyard into a wall breaking several of my ribs.

"Rick!" Everypony cried out.

"Never! I have all the sprites love now. I have enough power to take my revenge on you all! And them..." She added sadly her eyes and horn glowing brightly.


I'm ok Twi. Can you change the Wardstones?

What do you mean?

Can you add to what they will repel?

She caught on to what I was asking. Yes! I mean I've never done it before but I think I can. But my magic is blocked!

Mine isn't, I don't have the power to change the stones but I can get that off your horn I think.

Okay... Are you sure you’re ok?

You can practice that healing spell on me again after love.

Twilight wiggled forward to where their saddlebags had been tossed after all the food had been taken from them, a few of the Wardstones had fallen out the Changelings had no idea what they were for and had no interest in them and left them where they lay.

I concentrated on trying to telekinetically remove the lock on Twilights horn but it was on quite securely. I strained harder and harder gasping in pain as my broken ribs grated together because of my heavy breathing. Chrysalis was still ranting angrily when I felt the lock slip just a millimetre, I pushed even harder and it slipped off fully.

Twilight was ready and her horn lit up brightly as she channelled her magic into one of the nearby stones.

"What?!" Chrysalis screamed her own magic lighting up to protect her. Twilights spell completed and she collapsed back down as many of the Sprites were forced to flee, but easily more then half of them remained either by their own stubbornness or perhaps Chrysalis’s magic.

Twilight modified another stone and another, the magical force from the stones was too much for the Parasprites to overcome and they were thrust away en masse.

I had managed to remove Rarity’s lock while this was going on and she quickly freed herself and the others.

"NO! You've taken my children and now this?! You'll pay for this Twilight Sparkle!"

She reared up to stomp Twilight and I was too far away to do anything and still bound, thankfully the others acted quickly pulling her back as Chrysalis’s hooves came slamming down.

"Fine! You all want to suffer her fate?! So be it!" She reared up again her eyes and horn ablaze with her considerable magic power, everypony closed their eyes waiting for the blow to fall... And waited...

We opened our eyes to find Chrysalis sitting on the ground a short distance in front of the group her head held down tears streaming from her eyes.

"Go... What good would hurting you do? My children are gone... I have nothing left."

She turned her back to us as they freed Twilight then me; Twilight focused what power she had left on me fusing my ribs back together as well as she could.

We gathered together still watching Chrysalis warily while she sobbing with her back to us.

"Lets get they hay outta here" Dash hissed.


We all turned to Fluttershy in shock.

"What?!" We echoed.

She turned to us with tears in her eyes. "It’s not right. Sure she did some bad stuff but she doesn't deserve this."

"Fluttershy dear maybe your being a bit too kind...?"

She shook her head in negation and turned to cautiously approach Chrysalis. I moved to stop her but Twilight stopped me.

"Trust Fluttershy... I know it seems crazy but... Just trust her ok?"

"Okay." I was still ready to rush forward to help her if I needed to, everypony else seemed similarly ready.

Fluttershy crept forward. "C... Chrysalis...?" She whispered.

"What?! What else do you want from me?" She spun angrily stopping when she saw Fluttershy behind her alone the rest of us further back.

"You... You don't have to stay here alone. Come with us, I don't know what we'll do but we can figure out something..."

"No... I deserve to die here alone... My own children want nothing to do with me..."

"That’s not true! They wanted you to go with them! Don't give up!" Fluttershy urged gaining more confidence as she spoke.

"I... I don't know. I've been hating your kind so long I don't even know how to stop... Maybe..."

Suddenly we heard a buzzing came from above as three small shapes flew down interposing themselves between us and Chrysalis.


"B... Babies?" She gathered them up in her arms hugging them tightly. They must have broken away from the group to come back to her... Or maybe, I'd like to think Sixty two still had hope for his mother and sent them back.

"So what’s it going to be Chrysalis?" Twilight asked softly.

She sniffed wiping tears away with her hoof. "I... I'm going to try to rejoin my children. They were right... Maybe... Somehow I can make it up to them... Come babies; let’s rejoin your brothers and sisters ok?"

"Mommy!" Was their answer.

"Thank you for your understanding, and your kindness." The last bit she directed at Fluttershy specifically. "If we meet again I hope it will be under better circumstances. I'm not going to say I'm sorry, I did it for them... But I was wrong. Goodbye."

With that she flew up into the night sky her children by her side.

"Are you sure we should have just let her go?" Dash asked.

"Well I don't recon we had much choice. But I think it was the right thing ta do."

"It’s all so sad." Pinkie sniffed. "But now I hope she'll be happy and stop being such a meanie!"

We gathered up the saddlebags and stones and started back towards town.

"What about all the Parasprites?" I asked.

"Have no worry about them, their rampant numbers nature will condemn."

As we traveled we found without the Changelings influence the creatures that preyed upon Parasprites were reclaiming their territory gorging on the Sprites huge numbers.

"Oh those poor cute Sprites." Fluttershy squeaked.

"You don't have one hidden on you again do ya?" Applejack asked with a grin.

"What? Oh, no of course not." She blushed as we all laughed knowing full well she couldn't as we had the Wardstones on us.

It was nearly midnight when we approached Zecora’s hut still in the same condition as we had left it.

"Thank you my friends for solving the forests riddle, hopefully some time will pass before we meet under such circumstances again, or at least a little."

"Are you sure Zecora? We have plenty of room for you..." Zecora interrupted Twilight smiling gently and waved goodbye before entering her hut and lighting her lamp we could hear the sound of sweeping glass as we walked away. I had left a Wardstone in her bag just to be careful.

We approached town and we were all exhausted from the long and stressful day.

"Not quite the conquering heroes I hoped we'd be." Dash chuckled.

"At least we were able to help." Rarity laughed her mane and tail finally brushed back to their pristine state.

"Could have been worse!" Pinkie grinned bouncing around happily.

"Could have." I agreed squeezing Twilight softly.

Coming to the town’s edge we found Trixie and Scootaloo asleep together, there were a few magical wards placed around which Twilight dismantled before we set them off.

Fluttershy nuzzled Trixie awake while I gently picked up Scootaloo.

"Oh! What happened?! Are you ok?" Trixie asked Fluttershy.

"I'll tell you on the way home. Goodnight everyone." She whispered as they headed off.

Applejack stretched. "Well I better mosey too, gotta get up in a few hours... Ah heck maybe I'll let myself sleep in till eight. Night all!" She galloped off.

"Eight?!" Dash gasped. "I'm not getting up till noon at least." She flew up and away.

"Oh me as well darlings, you know I need my beauty sleep. Tata..."

"Wait up Rarity I'll walk with you! Night Twilight and Rick!" Pinkie galloped to catch up with Rarity and they rounded a corner out of sight.

Twilight and I carried on to our home; we tucked our little filly into bed then retired to the study to write to the Princess. We explained the whole situation and asked for some clemency for the displaced Changelings, even Chrysalis...

Finally we settled down together in our bed tired and sore, Twilight and I combined our healing mending my ribs as good as new.

Thanks love.

Silly. Did we do the right thing?

I hope so... If not we'll be seeing her again and it might not end as well.

Hope not.

Same. Love you.

Love you.

We kissed and drifted off warm and secure together.