• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 13,557 Views, 439 Comments

The First Year - TwilightsmyMare

A continuation of Living and Dying in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 17 (Darkness Within)

I awoke early the next morning and stared at the unfamiliar ceiling for a moment lost in my own thoughts. I drew a deep breath, I felt good, rested and ready. Despite the worries hanging over me I still felt we could and would come up with some way to help Shimmer.

Twilight sighed in her sleep snuggling against me her beautiful mane in disarray tickling my nose with her head on my chest. I smiled and soothed it down, gently stroking her mane and neck lost in the love I felt for her. It overwhelmed me every day, like a kick in the chest every morning when I woke up next to her.

I closed my eyes just enjoying the feeling of her against me, every breath, every heartbeat, every second... After a short while I felt her stir and she lifted her head up to look at me with those amazing deep and beautiful eyes.

"Morning love." I whispered.

"Morning." She smiled as we both pressed forward to kiss softly.

She laid her head beside mine on the pillow as we stared at one another smiling and gently caressing one another under the covers. Suddenly struck by inspiration I opened my mouth and began singing even more surprised when she sang along with me.

(Original Song My Cadence by matthewmosiermusic (Ft. Megaphoric and ismBoF) it’s amazing.)

The lights fade out every night (Rick)

I can't see you in my sleep (Rick)

I can't do this without you (Rick)

The darkness doesn't hide you from me (Twilight)

Even when all I'm seeing are shades of grey, (Twilight)

I can't do this without you (Twilight)

When everything’s crumbled, the fight begun (Together)

With you by my side, I'll never run (Together)

My Twilight, my love song (Rick)

These stars are shining for you alone, (Rick)

I know I can't win (Rick)

My Twilight, my love song (Rick)

My love blooms everywhere you go (Rick)

I know I can't win, without you by my side (Rick)

Best friends since we first met (Twilight)

I should have known. Can't believe I was wrong (Twilight)

I need you here by my side (Twilight)

I've loved you since the day we met (Rick)

I hoped your heart wouldn't stray from me. (Rick)

I need you here by my side (Together)

When danger has risen, Equestria undone, (Rick)

Rick my love you must hold on. (Twilight)

My Twilight, my love song (Rick)

These stars are shining for you alone, (Rick)

I know I can't win (Rick)

My Twilight, my love song (Rick)

My love blooms everywhere you go (Rick)

I know I can't win, without you by my side (Rick)

I'll never run and I'll never hide (Twilight)

I won't give up and I will not die (Twilight)

I will stay strong and I will fight (Twilight)

As long as you're here by my side! (Twilight)

My Twilight, my love song (Rick)

These stars are shining for you alone, (Rick)

I know I can't win (Rick)

My Twilight, my love song (Rick)

My love blooms everywhere you go (Rick)

I know I can't win, without you by my side (Rick)

My Rick, my love song (Twilight)

These stars are shining for you alone, (Twilight)

I know I can't win (Twilight)

My Rick, my love song (Twilight)

My love blooms everywhere you go (Twilight)

I know I can't win, without you by my side (Twilight)

I know I can't win, without you by my side... (Together)

I blinked a few times the smile on my face impossible to erase even with the tears falling from my eyes matching her own. "What...? How did that..."

She put her hoof to my lips then kissed me when she removed it. "In Equestria, songs... Happen. I've done some research into it, and it may be some old powerful magic laid upon the kingdom or even woven into ponykinds very essence. And now that we're..." She ran her hoof lightly over my chest and her mark on me. "Linked..." She smiled apologetically.

I kissed her sweetly smiling still. "I can live with that."

We kissed again more passionately suddenly interrupted by a little Pegasus leaping upon us. "Wow! That was great! Do me now! Sing a song about me! Pleeese!"

We both laughed and I racked my brain quickly to come up with something...

Scootaloo Sparkle is a funny little filly.

With a wild little mane and a spirit that’s a dilly.

She soars through the air like a leaf on the breeze.

Free, wild and so incredible if you please.

I'm proud to call her daughter, so happy she calls me Dad.

She’s the best little filly a father ever could have had.

I sat up leaning against the backboard blushing and smiling awkwardly at my clearly lame rhyming. Looking up I found Twilight and Scootaloo with their heads down together, I hadn't thought it had been quite that bad that they couldn't even look at me.

I was about to reach out to them when Scootaloo sat up suddenly a wide smile on her face and a few tears in her eyes which she quickly blinked away. "Thank you!" She threw herself against me and I held her tightly. "Thank you Daddy..." She whispered her head buried in my chest causing me to squeeze her even tighter.

I looked over to Twilight and found her with a beautiful smile on her face and a few tears in her eyes as well.

How can you make us even happier?

I blushed slightly. Just doing my best.

Love you.

Love you.

I lifted up my little Angel giving her a kiss on the nose. "I love you!" I then pulled Twilight over to us kissing her firmly. "And I love you! Enough mushy stuff right Angel? Let’s go see what they can offer us for breakfast eh?"


I got dressed quickly and we all went to Celestia’s meeting room, a large selection of breakfast food was laid out and Scootaloo excitedly galloped over getting the servers to load up a plate with pancakes, syrup and icing sugar for her. Armor and Cadence were there already, she was nursing the twins while Armor ate. Twilight and I grabbed some food and joined them and Scootaloo. Armor was burping the foals while Cadence ate now; they both looked good but worn... Tired. I couldn’t fault them for that I can't imagine sleep was coming easily to them.

Seeing our concerned looks they both smiled faintly. "Everything’s fine. It’s just been a difficult couple of nights..." Armor grimaced.

"Every time Shimmer has her nightmares I'm so worried that... But then I'm so relieved when she wakes up herself and we sooth her back to sleep. It’s going to be ok." Cadence stated hopefully.

"It will. We're with you." Twilight comforted.

With breakfast over we played with the foals a bit before they left and we headed back down into the castle depths. I was about to fit the key into the lock when it and the door glowed faintly and it swung open of its own accord. As we stepped in the lights began to light up revealing the bookcases and a great deal of work piled up!

We walked down row after row finding the books, scrolls and items all separated. Books alphabetically as well as by age, the scrolls the same and the items well spread out into small piles one per section. As impossible as it might have seemed it looked like Alizarin had sorted and separated out at least ten full bookcases both sides!

While we were both gawking a soft voice came from behind us. "Rick and Twilight Sparkle, so good to see you both again."

We both jumped slightly but turned with a smile to Alizarin. "Please Alizarin just call us Twilight and Rick."

"You've done an amazing job Alizarin! I knew you'd get a lot done but this..." I gasped.

He smiled and bowed. "I am glad you are pleased, I could have done more but Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both came down and we had a very long chat. It had been so very long since I saw them last, they've both grown into such fine mares. I know their parents would be proud of them. And thank you for sending them my way, truly." He bowed again deeply.

"Glad to do it, once we mentioned your name they remembered right away and came down to see you."

"I'm glad they still see some need for an old construct like me."

"Don't be silly Alizarin! You were made by their parents they'll always want you around! If only to remind them..." Twilight stopped blushing slightly remembering that he would be reminding them of their parent’s demise.

He nodded sadly. "Yes their parents passing was when they stopped coming altogether, though I hadn't seen too much of them shortly before that. They were both grown mares with their own busy lives. Still it was good to see them again; they gave me permission to travel where I please within the confines of my enchantment of course. And I intend to do just that. So much to see after all these years. But first and foremost I have a job to do here."

"You've set us up so much already. It will take us days to go through what we have now if you want to take some time to look around." I offered.

"Well... I suppose it couldn't hurt to take a small hiatus from my duties. Very well! Exploration! But I shall return by this evening to resume."

"Have a good time!" We called out together as he faded away.

We took a look at the first pile of books and Twilight was quite impressed with Alizarin's organizational skills. We began sorting through the horde of information side by side again setting aside anything promising and still a few things relevant to our own interests.

The books were pretty straightforward, the scrolls a bit less so but the artifacts were at best confusing. A very few had tags that explained their significance and history but most were simply a mystery. We both tried a myriad of spells (Twilight of course more then I.) To try to identify or activate some of them, safely of course. Twilight would suspend the item within a telekinetic shield before we tried anything.

Most we simply couldn't figure out and didn't have the time to do a more in depth study. By midday we had gone through one full row and were just thinking of breaking and getting some lunch when a familiar tray came floating up to us again laden down with food and water as Alizarin appeared in front of us lowering it with a smile and a bow.

"Alizarin! Thanks! And good to see you but I thought you were out and about?" I asked while pouring Twilight and myself a drink.

"Indeed I am, but I noticed the hour and felt you would both need some sustenance. Canterlot has certainly changed, so many more ponies, homes, shops and even parks and playgrounds! Truly it is what I believe the King and Queen would have aspired for Canterlot to become. A shame they never got to see it..."

Twilight smiled comfortingly. "Your still here Alizarin, Princess Celestia and Luna as well. In a way they are right here with the three of you, and I know they would be proud of your dedication and that of Princess Celestia and Luna."

Alizarin smiled and nodded. "Thank you for your kind words, it has been so many years and I still have much more to learn... To understand about you ponies, and humans." He added with a nod to me. "If you need nothing further I will continue my exploration."

We both nodded and he faded away again, we settled down on a clear spot on the floor and ate.

"Amazing how much he is like a... Well 'real' pony. Back on Earth people have been trying to make programs that would think and respond like a person would and had limited success. But here clearly the King and Queen had the right idea... Well magic helps I'm sure but they must have had plenty of input into his personality and mannerisms. Well, its just remarkable is all." I looked over to find Twilight regarding me with a dreamy look. "What?!" I asked smiling sheepishly.

She climbed into my lap kissing me passionately. "I love it when you’re all thoughtful and insightful."

I held her tightly kissing her back, we lie there a few minutes on the cold stone floor but warm and comfortable together before getting back to sorting.

By the days end we had sorted through two rows of the ten Alizarin had separated, we could have moved faster but we wanted to be thorough. Unfortunately we hadn't found much that was promising. Still we had a dozen books and scrolls to go through tonight as well as a few for ourselves. We headed to the door taking a last look around when we reached it Alizarin surprised us appearing before us causing us to jump slightly again.

"My sincerest apologies. I rushed back in hope of catching you before you left for the day."

"No problem Alizarin. How did your day go?" I asked.

"Fascinating. So much to see and experience, I've missed a great deal... I suppose after the demise of the King and Queen I shut myself away a bit... Strange to think of it now, I have no idea why their passing should have affected me so much..."

Twilight smiled softly. "They were your creators Alizarin, parents practically. When they created you, poured their magic and time into you some of them came with it. You feel very parental towards Princess Celestia and Luna don't you?"

A curious look came over his face as he considered that. "Well... Yes. Strange, with my thousands of years of thought and experience I never considered... So much time wasted..."

"Not to worry my friend you and they still have plenty of time together right?"

He looked at me strangely. "What?" I asked.

"Friend? You... The two of you consider me a friend?"

We both nodded smiling warmly.

"I... I've never had a friend before. I mean the Princess's when they were young and perhaps now again we have the beginning of such... Thank you! Thank you both. I shall do my utmost to show I am worthy of the friendship of ponies and humans. And also thank you for allowing me to shirk my duties to gallivant about today, it was quite enlightening."

Twilight and I shared a look and the same thought. "Alizarin you accomplish so much at night we want you to have the day to yourself, go out and experience all you want!" He looked about to object but Twilight simply smiled and shook her head. "Please."

He smiled to himself shaking his head. "So many things I fail to understand... Thank you my friends. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow sleep well."

We bid him farewell and headed up to Princess Celestia's meeting room to find dinner laid out and everyone waiting for us, together we ate and looked through what we had brought. Unfortunately again we found no useful information, Shimmer was still doing well energetic and adorable as always. Even though she was the cause of her parents distress she was also a source of their strength along with Prism they buoyed their and all our spirits. The innocence of youth is a beautiful thing.

Scootaloo was worn out playing with and being chased around by a bunch of little foals had kept her busy all day long when we entered our room she clopped over to her bed and immediately collapsed into it. Twilight and I smiled to one another and covered her up both of us giving her a kiss.

We were both extremely dusty from our long day of sorting, I filled up the tub pouring in some of Twilights favourite bubble bath I got undressed and followed her in sitting behind her and gently washing her beautiful mane and coat. When I finished she turned around pushing me back with a smile and washing me with a soft sponge reminding us of our time in the hospital together.

We relaxed in the tub our kisses growing more and more heated with our passion, soon enough our 'excursions' left us with little water left in the tub thankfully there was a drain in the floor or we would have had quite a mess. We dried off and slipped into bed reading for a bit together.

Still nothing. She sighed putting her book aside.

It's only been two days love. We'll find something if we have to check every scrap of paper in there!

You're right there must be something.

I'm as sure of it as I am of my love for you.

Oh you. Goodnight, love you.

I love you. Sleep tight.

Over the next three days things went much the same, we sorted through and searched throughout more and more finding many interesting books, scrolls and items but still nothing definitive pertaining to the Miasma. We found books and scrolls with hints of outbreaks of violence and strange behaviour, whole villages found empty the inhabitants never found.

These records were quite old dating back to even before the King and Queen had come, we supposed they must have begun collecting information when they set up their castle here. The further back we got into pony history the less I could understand their written language and Twilight had to take over checking those books and scrolls entirely. (She had of course learned the ancient pony dialect when just young as part of her training with Celestia.)

We also began to find some items from the time mankind had been here, mostly scrolls detailing the reactions of them and ponykind when first they encountered. But also the exchange of culture and magic. I found a few books I thought would be especially useful to me detailing the differences between human and pony magic, perhaps if I understood how it worked better I would be able to enhance my abilities.

The items continued to puzzle and confuse us though we did find a few that were interesting, a small dagger clearly of human make it was quite small I could hold it between two fingers fairly easily it must have been made for a child I reasoned until while fooling around with it unsafely I discovered it was sharp, very sharp. A small miscalculation with it and it swept over the palm of my hand I expected a small cut, no big deal I could heal it easily. Instead it sliced thru my flesh like it wasn't even there! Thankfully it fell away from me before slicing clear through the bones in my hand as well! I wasn't sure if I could even heal that bad of an injury!

We both freaked out a bit as we poured healing magic into me to staunch the bleeding and repair the damage, with that out of the way we turned out attention back to the dagger finding it had fallen point first and amazingly was embedded to the hilt in the stone floor. Clearly enchanted with an extreme and an eternally fine edge, we chose to leave it there for the time being safer that way.

There were also other weapons, armor and jewellery of human design. Most had a fair bit of damage from time but not nearly as much as I would have thought, there were old suits of pony armor and weapons as well, breastplates and helms the weaponry limited to lance type weapons that seemed to fasten to the outside of the armor.

We found some other enchanted items as well, some simple everyday items enchanted to make their users lives easier, others like saddlebags that made their burdens light as a feather.

Also a strange crystal orb about the size of a clenched fist with a removable top, opening it we found a scrap of paper inside which after we read it I was glad Twilight levitated it out, it was referred to as an Oubliette. Anything placed inside would be held in stasis immune to everything but also unable to move or react, it probably wouldn't have hurt my finger but one close call a day was enough for me.

We agreed it was an amazing item but of little use to our present situation, it was small for one thing and we had no desire to place Shimmer in stasis also we didn't even know if the Miasma could be affected by such.

Alizarin continued to sort at night soon having half the archives done and we having gone through nearly half again of that we still had a great deal of work ahead of us. During our trips to and from the archives we began to hear rumors of a strange ghost in Canterlot, a helpful one. Saving ponies from nasty falls off ladders, carrying groceries for the overburdened and many, many more examples. We both smiled at them knowing full well who the mysterious 'ghost' was.

Arriving at the archives the morning of the fourth day we were surprised to find Alizarin waiting for us just inside pacing back and forth a book levitated before him.

"Oh thank goodness your here! I feared to release this tome as I would forget all about it if I did!" He turned the book to show us and I couldn't make out the writing on it but Twilight could thankfully.

"A collection of studies on the magical phenomenon known as the 'Miasma' as written by Starswirl the Bearded!" She squee'd happily jumping forward to hug Alizarin only to pass through him and land on the floor. She got to her hooves quickly with a blush and a sheepish smile. "Oops... But this is just what we need Alizarin! Thank you!"

"Well when I saw the cover I knew it would be something you would both want to see." He levitated it into my hands, upon releasing it his eyes seemed to go blank for a moment then he smiled. "Now then what were we talking about?"

We both smiled. "You found this book for us Alizarin and hopefully it will be the key to unlocking this mystery. Thank you again."

"Oh?! Well I'm glad to have been able to help, if you will excuse me I was going to speak to Princess Celestia about some of the things I've seen and experienced around Canterlot."

"I know she would love to hear that. Talk to you later Alizarin!" Twilight called out as he disappeared.

We immediately turned our attention to the book, Twilight read it aloud slowly and carefully while she sat in my lap with my arms around her both of us hoping to find a breakthrough.

Starswirl wrote of past instances, rumors and facts as he saw them, outlining what he knew and what he only speculated on. All in all it was a very detailed and comprehensive book... That told us nothing we hadn't managed to find ourselves. Granted it had been written long ago but still we were both disappointed, we put the book aside and lay there together.

"I was so sure!"

"It’s ok Twi, I guess even he didn't have all the answers. We'll keep looking."

She squeezed me tightly. "We're running out of time!"

"I know love, I know..." I got up holding her in my arms and kissing her softly. "But today could be the day. We won't give up."


We got back to work sorting through the stacks with even greater determination and purpose. We took a short break for lunch (Alizarin was as always kind enough to bring us some) then got back into it I was flipping through a book when I heard Twilight gasp.

"This... This is it... I think this is it!"
I spun around and she had a thick tomb open before her, again I couldn’t read it, it was a very old pony book.

"A spell for the removal of harmful spirits within a pony... But I'm not sure... Some of the terminology is... Strange, I don't know if they ever successfully used this spell..."

"It’s worth looking into though right? I mean between you and Princess Celestia and Luna you could make it work? Maybe?"

"I think so!" She tackled me holding me tightly and kissing me repeatedly. "We did it! I hope! Cross my hooves." She giggled.

We laid there a few minutes in relief cuddling and kissing when I saw her ears perk up suddenly. "What is it Twi?"

"Someone is rapping on the door... Urgently!"

We quickly got up and rushed over to the door, I could hear the rapping easily now. I opened the door expecting a messenger or something but instead found Scootaloo with Shimmer on her back hopping from hoof to hoof nervously.

"Mom! Dad!" She rushed into our embrace trembling slightly, Shimmer didn't seem herself either. She was happy to see us and smiled but looked distracted and in pain maybe.

"What is it? What’s wrong Angel?"

She was a bit out of breath but gasped and explained. "We were playing out in the courtyard with all the other foals having fun, Shimmer just tackled me but she didn't try to tickle me or anything like she usually does and when I looked she was crying and holding her side so I took a look and... I saw... Something! Moving under her coat!"

She pointed to Shimmer her hoof shaking a bit and I clasped it in my hand gently. "It’s ok."

She calmed down a little and continued. "I touched it to see if I could figure it out and I felt it move! It was hurting her! I... I panicked! I should have gone to Cadence or the Princess’s but all I could think of was to get her to you and Mom! I swept her up and flew around until I got directions here! I'm sorry!"

Twilight and I hugged her tightly. "You didn't do anything wrong honey, we'll see what we can do and go to the Princess's if we need to ok?"

She sniffed slightly. "Ok..."

I held Shimmer gently in my lap running my hand over her to see if I could feel what Scootaloo might have felt. There was definitely something wrong as Shimmer was crying and whimpering. There, I felt something push against my hand under the fur and skin pushing its way up toward her head. It was about mid-way up her chest and it was a horrible and disgusting feeling just having it brush against me I can't imagine how bad it was for her.

I immediately relayed what I had felt to Twilight and reached out with my magic to take Shimmers pain away, normally I would only take a portion but in this case I took it all. It was like a slight pinching and itching but underneath the skin. It didn't hurt me too badly but for a little foal like her it must have been very painful. I used the diagnostic spell to look her over to see if I could find what the heck it was and I did. It showed up as an ugly green and red aura’d bug of some sort, quite large for a bug about the size of my little finger to the second knuckle and I could see it very slowly inching its way up her body under the skin biting and hurting her as it went.

I very nearly flinched back but I didn't want to scare her or Scootaloo, I explained what I saw to Twilight mentally, what was it? How did it get into her? Was it the Miasma? Could it... Manifest like that? We had no idea.

We have to do something! Get to the Princess's quickly!

It had traveled as we 'talked' and was nearing her shoulder. No time! We need to do something now...! I racked my brain then, an idea. Maybe not a good idea but… A sleep spell love, for them both I don't want Angel to see.

"What’s going o..." Scootaloo collapsed onto the floor along with Shimmer as Twilight worked her spell.

"What are you going to do?!" She asked as I scooped up Shimmer and began running heedless of any piles of books I might knock over.

"Everything I can."

We reached what I was looking for and I gently put Shimmer down pulling off my shirt to put under her.

"You can't be serious?! Rick we can't do this..."

"Twi, please. Trust me, we don't have time. If it reaches her brain... I don't know..."

"Okay, okay... What do you need me to do?"

"I've got to contain the pain so you'll need to heal her as soon as I..."

"I don't know if I can! It’s too much, more then I've ever...!"

I grabbed her kissing her soundly. "I know you can."

I set aside the Oubliette leaving it open and carefully pulled the dagger from its stone sheath. The 'bug' was just moving past her shoulder when I tried to grab and pinch it, stop it maybe if I could crush it all this wouldn't even be necessary but it was tenacious far stronger then it should be and as unyielding as steel. I managed only to slow it. I pinched her skin pulling it back wincing not only from the pain I was causing her and taking onto myself but also for what I was about to do.
I very slowly and carefully cut with the dagger across where I was pinching, the pain was sudden and overwhelming but I couldn’t, wouldn’t let it distract me. If I faltered or passed out… It sliced through with horrific ease exposing the horror underneath, I immediately grabbed it between my thumb and forefinger trying to dislodge it, crush it, anything! But it was dug in and slippery, I was forced to pull far harder then I wanted to it sickened me to see the gouges it left in poor Shimmer as I wrenched it off but Twilight was already busy pouring everything she had into her the cuts slowly closing up as I pulled the 'bug' away.

I turned to shove it into the Oubliette, perhaps I should have just pierced it with the knife cut it to pieces but I really had no idea what it was and if it would even be able to affect it and I had no intention of letting it get away if it didn't work. These thoughts all passed through my head in a second causing me a moments hesitation and that was all it needed to spin in my grasp and latch onto my finger digging its sharp legs and pincers in.

I gasped in new pain smashing it to no avail on the ground simply hurting myself further, without any other option I stuck my finger 'bug' and all into the Oubliette.

Nothing happened... It began slowly crawling up my finger digging itself in with every step. The lid, crap! Again with no choice and really not wanting to lose a finger I carefully dug the blade of the knife under my skin slicing through and down peeling back and screaming with agony barely managing to dump it into the Oubliette as I fell backwards cradling my hand.

As the pain overwhelmed me the last thing I saw was the lid levitate onto the jar...

Thank you Twi...

I love you.

Author's Note:

Ahh shameless song theft where would I be without you? Scootaloos song I did make up on my own if that wasn't obvious by it's simplicity. Anyhow hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!