• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 13,556 Views, 439 Comments

The First Year - TwilightsmyMare

A continuation of Living and Dying in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 23 (A year can pass so quickly.)

I woke up feeling warm and content, also a bit crowded. I could feel Opal again curled up on my chest and a heavy warm weight on my legs that could only be Winona. I could also feel someone nibbling on my ear; Twilight was still feeling a bit frisky I guessed.

Twi... Angel and the pets...

Suddenly I heard giggling on the other side of the bed, what? I popped my eyes open looking over to see Twilight and Scootaloo cuddled together with Angel bunny all three of them grinning at me and at Gummy chewing on my ear.

"Ugh!" I pulled him off holding him at arms length trying to look him in the eye to scold him. I quickly gave that up good luck trying to look him in the eye and why bother scolding him he's just being himself, just like Pinkie Pie. Though when he starts growing teeth...

Gummy shivered slightly in the cold morning air so I quickly tossed him back under the covers, 'accidentally' right at Angel bunny. He turned to get away but only succeeded in allowing Gummy to latch onto his tail, he hopped around the middle of the bed trying to dislodge him while Twilight and Scootaloo giggled, Opal attacked them from above only being able to see the blanket moving and Winona hopped up watching the whole scene tail wagging happily. Tank was still in his shell likely still asleep, I couldn't contain my laughter collapsing back on the bed.

After a minute I took pity on him snagging Gummys tail, he flew forward landing on Scootaloo and glaring back at me then looking with concern at his tail. Amazingly enough it seemed to be even fluffier then before though a bit damp.

"Well that’s one way to fluff a bunny’s tail." Twilight giggled.

I smiled and gently lifted Opal off me putting her down and swinging my legs out of bed. "I'll go get the fire started just keep Gummy and Tank here till it warms up and we'll all have some breakfast together. Sound good?"

"You bet Dad!"

Twilight smiled and nodded as well. I hopped out of bed throwing on my robe and again wishing for something to keep my feet off the cold floor, I briefly considered tying Angel bunny to one foot and 'hopping' my way along. With a chuckle I headed downstairs Winona at my heels showing no concern for the cold floor, she ran around on the snow and ice outside so I guess some cold floorboards weren't going to bother her.

I put a few logs in the fireplace using my magic to light them in several places to speed the burning then relaxed back on the couch for a moment letting the fire warm me up scratching Winona behind the ears and petting her. As the warmth suffused me I let my mind drift a bit and must have dozed slightly as I suddenly heard the fluttering of wings as a exuberant little Pegasus leapt into my lap.

I hugged her tightly so happy she was here with me, with us. "Heya Angel." I whispered giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Was I taking too long?

"Nah, I was just bored. Moms reading." She added with a roll of her eyes. "So what are we going to do today?! Go sledding? Maybe skating? Snowball fight?!"

I chuckled and squeezed her again. "You bet, all of the above. We'll just have to include the pets as much as we can right?"


"Sounds like a busy day." Twilight smiled sliding onto the couch beside us levitating Tank and Gummy down in front of us beside the fire, Angel bunny hopped over to us as well and from the flutter of wings overhead I could tell Owlicious was up as well... Or maybe just going to bed? Not sure, I looked over my shoulder to see Opal ignoring us as she walked into the kitchen standing before her bowl and staring back at me with a ‘well?’ look.

"Oops looks like someone’s hungry." I grinned standing up I headed over to the kitchen and as soon as I grabbed Opals food the other pets figured out what I was up to and all rushed in. I fed them all and retreated back to the couch sliding down between my two girls pulling them both to me and kissing Twilight softly.

"And what shall we have for breakfast? We'll need our energy today."

They both smiled and we went to the kitchen and made a delicious breakfast then all got ready and spent time getting the pets ready for some fun in the snow, Opal had designer boots as well as a soft warm jacket which she strutted around in and showed off with pride.

Angel bunny had a small coat as well as a pair of pink ear warmers that were just adorable, he kept glaring at me as I snickered at him.

Gummy didn't have any cold weather gear I guess Pinkie kept him inside but I could only imagine what might happen if we left him alone in the library. He was a fair sized lizard but he just fit into one of the front pockets in my coat and seemed happy to poke his head out and observe from there.

Winona didn't have or really need any cold weather gear but if she did get cold later in the day we could easily take a break and warm up.

Owlicious was up and watching with interest, I didn't imagine he needed anything for the cold but Twilight did have a small scarf for him which she wrapped around his neck and he happily wore.

Lastly we got Tank all bundled up with his warm sweater and boots also a small scarf and helmet with goggles, Twilight carefully assembled and attached his flying harness she charged it up as well and we were ready.

The morning was still a bit cold but we set out undeterred determined to make the most of the day. We headed to a nice hill making a short stop at Barnyard Bargains to acquire another sled, we had one for Scootaloo already but we figured we would need another larger one.

We got situated at the top of the hill, Scootaloo was in her little sled Angel bunny in front of her and Winona perched behind her tail excitedly wagging. I sat near the back of our sled with Twilight right in front of me; I wrapped my arms around her holding her close, breathing her in. Gummy popped his head out of my pocket and seeing the steepness of the slope we were perched atop of ducked right back in.
Twilight shut down Tanks flying rig placing him in front of us so he was covered but could still see. I held out my arms towards Opal.

"Are you coming Opal?"

She gave me an 'As if.' Look and settled down to watch the carnage, Owlicious as well seemed quite content to watch from up in a tree.

"ReadysetGO!" Scootaloo squealed her pushing herself off, we watched them gain speed down the hill Angel bunny hanging on for dear life and Winona barking excitedly while Scootaloo screamed in joy.

"Ready love?"

"It’s been years since the last time... Armor used to always drag me out every winter. I needed the exercise he said hah!" She smiled in memory. "I always had fun though..." She leaned back and we kissed softly as I pushed us forward.

"Here we goooo!" A moderate hill seems a lot steeper when you’re at the top of it and as we began to pick up speed I was momentarily worried this might have been a mistake. But just a moment, I squeezed Twilight as she too screamed with excitement as we surged down the hill snow flying all over coating us thoroughly. Tank was squeezed up in his shell but I could see him peeking out as well as feel Gummy half out of my pocket chomping away at errant bits of snow as they flew past.

After what seemed like a long ride but really was only moments long we slid to a stop at the bottom of the hill, Scootaloo had her sled pulled a short ways up the hill and was trying to mould a ramp for her next ride.

Twilight levitated the sled and turned on Tanks blades. "Why don't you help the daredevil while I get us setup for our next run?"

"You got it love."

I walked over and found Scootaloo and Angel bunny piling up snow while Winona happily ran around them sometimes dislodging some of their work to their annoyance.

"Need a hand?"

"Thanks Dad! Help us build it up, I bet we could get ten feet of air next time!"

"I don’t know Angel... That might not be safe..."

She turned around and gave me a condescending look waving her wings at me with a smug grin. "I wouldn't let anything happen to them either."

"Alright, let’s see what we can do."

We worked for about fifteen minutes piling up and shaping the snow into what I was hoping was a safe ramp. Some other fillies and colts were beginning to show up and I knew they were going to want to try it too so I toned it down a bit to Scootaloos disappointment but she could see it was safer that way.

We headed back up the slope I carried her sled for her and got her, Angel bunny and Winona all lined up again then sat back in my own sled with Twilight to watch nervously.

The three of them sped down the hill again Winona barking excitedly and Scootaloo squealing my heart skipped a beat as she hit the ramp and became airborne but my worries were for naught as they got only about four feet of air soaring about seven forward before slamming back down and crashing into a big pile of snow. Before we could even move the three of them were up digging out the sled and heading back toward the hill.

With a sigh of relief and a squeeze to Twilight I pushed us off and we slid down the slope again making sure to steer clear of the ramp. Twilight and I transversed the hill a few more times before we'd had enough and sat down at the top of hill leaning together against a tree, Tank was flying about to the filly and colts delight and even carrying a few of them short distances letting them jump from his grasp into fluffy piles of snow.

Winona and Angel bunny seemed quite happy to keep riding with Scootaloo, with the other children and their sleds there they began having races down the hill firing up Scootaloos competitive spirit. Gummy crawled out of my pocket and into my jacket no doubt seeking more warmth thankfully his claws weren’t too sharp but I could definitely feel them as he scampered around eventually finding a comfortable spot between Twilight and I.

Opal immediately came over when we sat down climbing up on my lap and cleaning off her paws, I guess she didn't like standing in the snow. Owlicious occasionally took flight snagging lost toques and scarves and returning them to their owners.

Twilight and I snuggled together watching the races and cheering for Scootaloo whenever she won which admittedly was quite a bit.

Ahh the invincibility of youth.

What do you mean?

You know, when you were young and you felt you could do anything and you were immune to harm?

Not really... But I guess I didn't go out much...

I smiled and kissed her softly. You didn't miss much love, it can be a thrill but it definitely leads you to do some dumb things. I chuckled. I do remember it, right up to the point when my appendix burst and that was the end of that.

She looked at me quizzically. Appendix? Text added to the end of a book or an article, containing information that is important to, but is not the main idea of the main text?

I laughed. No, no... It’s an organ in the human body; I guess maybe ponies don't have them. Anyhow no one seems to know what it was for originally but sometimes it can get infected and swells with pus and bacteria and if not removed it can burst spreading that poison through your insides. That’s what happened to me, it hurt a bit beforehand but I figured it was just a stomach ache or something and ignored it. Once it burst though the pain was overwhelming, I had to crawl to the phone to call for help which did come of course. They took me to the hospital and cut a small incision then removed all the pieces and gunk they could. At least so far as I know, I was knocked out for the operation naturally. But I survived so all good right?

She squeezed me tightly kissing me firmly. Ew... I'm glad it turned out ok; I never had any experiences like that when I was young but...


Well awhile ago I did have a near death experience...

I could see she was bothered by it; I gently rubbed her side and kissed her neck. You don't have to talk about it if you don’t want to love.

It’s ok, just thinking about how much I would have lost... If it hadn't been for Fluttershy.


Don't discount her, when her friends and loved ones are in danger she can be a tiger!
Fluttershy? I found that a bit hard to imagine...

Anyhow, Fluttershy was having the Crusaders over for a sleepover at her cottage to give Rarity time to work. I was going to see Zecora she makes the most amazing herbal tea! Oh... Right. Well I was on my way to her place when I heard a strange noise in the bushes. I took a quick look and the last thing I remember was seeing the face of a chicken...

A chicken?

Turns out it was a Cockatrice... Turned me to stone in a second. I'd probably still be there... No, I hope... I know my friends would have come and found me eventually. And Princess Celestia might have been able to turn me back... She shook her head as if to dislodge troublesome memories. The Crusaders were up to their old tricks naturally and had snuck into the forest to find one of Fluttershys lost chickens. Fluttershy of course followed them in and they too were confronted by the Cockatrice! Fluttershy try’s to play down what she did but I questioned each of the girls thoroughly and found their stories all matched. She faced down the Cockatrice countering its power and forcing it to release me! And her wayward chicken too... I thanked her of course but... Well, now that I have you... Just looking back so many things seemed so dangerous, so much I could have lost...

I held her tightly and we kissed passionately. You got through, and together we'll keep getting through.

She sighed and snuggled against me. Quite a pair aren't we? What are we going to do with one another?

Well I have a few ideas...

Rick...! She smirked pressing against me to kiss me softly. Just you wait until the pets have gone home and you'll see.

You naughty mare, my naughty mare.

It was a bit past noon and fillies and colts were being called home for lunch by their parents an excellent time to collect our little Angel and pet friends and take a break ourselves.

We got back home and spent a bit of time cleaning and drying the pets as well as ourselves before making a simple lunch for us and some snacks for the pets.

Afterwards we took a little time to just warm up together by the fire before Scootaloo as well as all the pets were raring to go out again.

We'd done some sledding so we decided to head to one of the frozen lakes to do some ice skating, there was a rental place near most of the lakes and ponds for skates, though they had none that would fit me my shoes would have to do.

Twi was a bit nervous and even though we had been skating together before our skating skills remained dismal at best. I assured her I would stay by her side skating or landing on our butts.

Scootaloo slid out on the ice quite gracefully though I imagined the wings helped more then a bit. Angel bunny rode on her back and Winona scrabbled and slid across the ice chasing them happily.

Twilight and I advanced cautiously onto the ice; I couldn't slide very well and just took small steps holding onto her trying to keep us both upright. To no avail, within our first few minutes on the ice we slipped and slid falling more times then I cared to recall. Soreness aside we were still having an amazing time, simply the beauty of the season, being together and watching Scootaloo enjoy herself as well as the pets.

Opal still wasn't too interested in joining in watching haughtily from a bench with Tank who seemed happy to sit beside her. Owlicious was still back at the library, he'd been nodding sleepily throughout lunch so we let him sleep. Every time we took another sudden trip to the ice I tried to make sure Gummy wasn't getting squashed at all but thankfully he was a very resilient lizard.

We all had a good time for awhile and it was moving into later afternoon but I had promised Scootaloo we would do everything she wanted so after a short rest we found a nice field of pristine snow and separated into teams, girl’s vs boys. So Twilight, Scootaloo, Winona and Opal were on one team (No help there from Opal I guessed.)

And Tank, Angel bunny, Gummy and I were on the other. (No help from our side with Gummy too.) Twilight and I smiled at one another across the expanse of snow then we all burst into motion grabbing or levitating snow and began tossing them at one another. Slowly at first then with wild abandon laughing, dodging and getting plastered with snow.

Opal sat aside watching with amusement while Winona chased snowballs back and forth, Twilight and Scootaloo focused mainly on me Scootaloos enthusiasm hampering her aim but Twilight more then made up for it with her precise shots. Tank took legfulls of snow and hovered above them dumping it down on them repeatedly making the area look like a mini snowstorm had hit.

Gummy remained hidden in my pocket lunging out to occasionally snag a snowball in his jaws then spit out the cold snow, Angel bunny was technically on my side but the mini snowballs I occasionally felt impact the side of my head told another story, the snowballs he made were tiny but he was very accurate with them. He tossed some at the girls as well to keep me guessing and even 'accidentally' nailed Opal a few times, he better watch his fuzzy little butt after that I chuckled.

We tore all over the field making quite a mess; I was taking the majority of the punishment but managed to get both of them a few times. Despite being clearly outmatched I refused to surrender, my pride was at stake here. They finally had me cornered at the edge of the field, Twilight had several snowballs levitated beside her and Scootaloo had a big one clutched in her hooves ready to fly up and drop it on me. Angel bunny and Tank had both had enough and were resting over by Opal but Winona was still full of energy and ready to go.

"Surrender my husband! You cannot win!" Twilight theatrically commanded.

"Yeah! Um... Give up!" Scootaloo chimed in.

"Never! I'll take you both down into the icy depths with me!" I replied hefting a pair of snowballs.

I tossed one at each of them missing entirely and Scootaloos giant snowball fell apart when she tried to lift it leaving Twilight, she tossed one then another at me both of which I managed to dodge then her last she lobbed up and over just missing and falling behind me.

"Aha! You missed!" I taunted.

"Oh did I...?" She asked with an innocent smile.

I looked behind me to see what sort of trap she might have set just in time to get bowled over by an exuberant pup in hot pursuit of the last throw. Knocked on my back with the wind knocked out of me as well I lay there soaked and chilled but amused definitely. Twilight and Scootaloo walked up to find me lying there trying in vain to fend off Winona as she barked excitedly licking me.

"Okay, okay!! You got me!" Winona sat back her tail wagging happily as Twilight and Scootaloo offered their hooves to help me up. With sly grin of my own I grabbed them both pulling them down into the snow with me hugging them both as Winona and the rest of the pets came running to pile on too.

We three lay there laughing and cuddling with our animal friends a bit before we started to get cold, we quickly rounded everyone up and headed back home. It was getting to be quite late in the day and the temperature was starting to drop as well.

I got a roaring fire going as soon as we got inside and we dried off and cleaned up the pets letting them do their business and such. I went out with Winona and by the time we got back in Twilight and Scootaloo had the pets bowls all filled and they dug in ravenously. We let them eat while we prepared our own supper eating then sitting by the fire a bit letting the warmth suffuse us all.

Scootaloo was nodding sleepily so I scooped her up and carried her to her bed Twilight and I tucking her in each kissing her on the forehead.

"Mom, Dad?"

"What is it Angel?"

"Can I have a pet?"

We both jerked slightly at the question but quickly recovered both of us smiling ruefully.

"Maybe someday honey... A pet is a big responsibility you know?"

"I know..." She yawned sleepily. "Thanks..."

She drifted off and Angel bunny slipped in the covers right beside her as Winona curled up at her hooves as comfortable as could be.

We both slipped out and cleaned up our mess from supper just before we headed to bed I stoked the fire finding Tank asleep in front of the fire Gummy atop his shell again and surprisingly enough Opal fast asleep above them on the couch. I tiptoed away so as not to disturb them following Twilight up to our bed.

We both read a bit our nightly ritual together before we put our books aside turning out the lights both of us yawning a bit tired and sore from our days excursions. She stretched languorously against me her fur so soft against my skin; I chuckled slightly putting my arms around her.

"What?" She whispered.

"Just remembering... After I first started sleeping in this bed with you, how you'd stretch against me sometimes. Drove me near to madness you little vixen." I explained with a soft kiss.

"Well... I had to get your attention somehow..."


"Well..." She blushed slightly in the moonlight. "I was still so unsure how to approach you... I wasn't sure how you felt but I wanted... So badly... And I couldn't find any good books on flirting in the library..."

"Oh Twi..." I ran my hands over her gently kissing her neck causing her to gasp softly.

"Rarity said I needed to wait for you to make the first move, but... She figured it wouldn’t hurt for me to coerce you a bit to make it."

"I'm sorry I was so unsure love..."

She giggled lightly. "Doesn't matter now, we have each other." She pressed against me kissing me passionately enflaming my desire and hers further.

We quietly and softly made love in the moonlight gazing into each others eyes as we kissed collapsing entwined together afterwards drifting soundly to sleep.

I awoke to Twilights soft breaths against my neck still enveloped in one another’s embrace, I squeezed her gently stroking her mane and watching her sleep. I still couldn't wrap my head around how this was even possible. Equestria and the pony race itself were more then a leap of faith but Twilight... How she could be so...

I shook my head slightly. Time to stop questioning it and just live it, and there was nothing else I would rather do.

She awoke with a small yawn and a smile.

"Morning love."

"Morning my love."

We just lay there together smiling and staring at one another when the silence was broken by the clinking of bowls from down below and a hushed whisper.

"Shhh... Mom and Dad are sleeping, be good and you'll get a treat later."

Twilight and I grinned at one another listening as Scootaloo fed the pets talking to each of them in turn even Opal.

I guess she’s more responsible then we thought.


We'll take her to Fluttershy in the summer and see what... Fits.

Who’s the softie now? I teased kissing her neck holding her close with a chuckle.

Oh you.

After a short while we got up and joined Scootaloo and the pets downstairs, we didn't say anything about it but the way we were both smiling I think she could tell how proud we were of her.

The rest of the week passed by pretty quickly, there were still misunderstandings and problems but nothing we couldn't handle. While they were very intelligent animals they still ran on instinct sometimes and those times... Well, nothing Twilight and I couldn't heal, fix or replace.

Late afternoon on Sunday there was a knock on the door and it was Dash, Fluttershy and Trixie back from their trip. We invited them in to get warm and to hear all about it.

"How did everything go with your parents Fluttershy? Trixie? Oh I hope it went alright! And Rainbow Dash what about your parents?"

I chuckled and rubbed her back. "Just give them a second to answer love."

"Oh! Right... Sorry."

"Well they were a little... Apprehensive, about Trixie... Not about that she's a Unicorn or anything! My father just feels being a student or a performer isn't a viable future..."

"What...!?" Twilight began but Trixie cut her off quickly.

"However, when I explained I was assisting Sapphire Shores on some of her tours their attitude took a bit of a one eighty didn't it Shy?"

"Well... Not that he would ever admit it but both he and my mother are fans..."

"I'll have to offer my services to Sapphire again and maybe see if I can get them some tickets to a show."

Fluttershy nodded with a smile kissing Trixie softly. "I think that’s a great idea."

I could hear Twilight grumbling to herself. "Education isn't a viable future... Bah..."

I smiled to myself. "And you Dash? How did your trip go?"

"Good, good... Well I mean me and my Dad butted heads a few times about what I'm doing with my life but..."

"What do you mean? He doesn't approve of your working as a weather pony?" I asked.

She smiled sheepishly rubbing the back of her head with her fore hoof. "Heh... Kind of the opposite actually, you see my Dad and Mom both work for the weather services in Cloudsdale, their parents did before them and theirs before them... Well you get the idea, so he was actually really pleased to hear I was working as a weather pony here in Ponyville... It’s my plans... My dream to join the Wonder Bolts he doesn't understand... I mean, he tried not to show it but I could tell he was disappointed... Mom less so, she just wants me to be happy but... I dunno..."

"It’s your life Rainbow, I know you want to make your parents proud but you have to try for your own dreams too... They might not know it now but I bet when you’re up there with the Wonder Bolts their going to see just how proud of you they can be." Twilight comforted with a smile the rest of us nodding in agreement.

"You think so...? Thanks guys." She scooped up Tank holding him close as he walked up. "And how are you doing Tank? Ready to go home big guy?" She grinned rubbing noses with him. Scootaloo and Angel bunny came out of her room then with Winona on their heels.

"Oh Angel! I missed you!" Fluttershy scooped him up hugging him tightly which he tried to look above but I could see he was happy to see her; I leaned over to whisper to Trixie.

"So how exactly do you put up with that little…? Bunny, day in and out?"

She giggled. "Oh had some first hoof experience with his shenanigans have you? Oh he learned quickly enough not to mess with Trixie."

I raised my eyebrow at her tone and she smiled. "No nothing like that, he played a few pranks on me when I first started living there. Nothing too mean really I don't think he liked me taking up Fluttershy attention... But it did have me questioning my decision to even come here... Fluttershy caught him one time and I don't know what she said to him but after that he never bothered me again, it might seem like he mistreats her sometimes but he really does truly love her. We get along pretty well now."

"I'm glad."

"Looks like ya took pretty good care of Tank squirt, thanks."

"I shined his shell and clipped his nails and made sure he ate all his food too...! I guess Mom and Dad helped too."

We all laughed. "Well thanks again but I'm eager to get home, it’s been a long trip and I'm exhausted." We gathered up Tanks things for Dash and she winged off with him flying close behind. Just before I closed the door he turned back and seemed to wave before following Dash.

I shook me head and smiled as I closed the door. "Say Fluttershy, just how old is Tank?"

"Oh?! Not that old at all... For a tortoise that is, I think he just turned sixty eight in the summer. Not even middle aged."

"Sixty eight? Hmm, well he’s definitely got some experience on his side I guess... No wonder he’s such a good chess player."

"Chess? Oh yes, I can't even come close to beating him but I have picked up a lot of tips from playing with him... Trixie couldn't beat him either." She whispered with a grin.

"I... I was just out of practice! Just wait until the next time! He better watch his shell!"

We all had a good laugh again then gathered up Angel bunny’s things bidding them farewell. We spent most of the rest of the day indoors I took Winona for a short walk later in the evening. I guess Rarity and her family weren't making it back today. No big deal we still had plenty of food for Opal and she even let me brush her occasionally to keep her looking good for when Rarity came to get her.

Early the next morning I was awoken to a knocking at the door, I stumbled downstairs wincing at the cold floor to answer.

Opening the door I was surprised to find Rarity at the door in midargument with her father. "Honestly Father! Why we couldn't have waited to get back to Ponyville until later in the day?!"

He smiled good naturedly with a chuckle. "Oh come on my little gemstone, we made great time!"

"Father! I asked you not to call me that! It’s embarrassing...!"

"Oh give your father a break dear he just forgets sometimes. Say goodbye to your sister Sweetie, we'll see you later okay? Oh there’s your friend..."

"Oh hello..." Rarity turned to see me in the doorway and immediately blushed pushing me back through the doorway followed by her myriad of bags, she shut the door waving as she did. "Goodbye Mother, Father! I'll see you later today Sweetie Belle!"

I sat there half covered by bags and still half asleep as she levitated them off she gave me an impish grin offering me a hoof up. "Honestly Rick, I did make you a perfectly good robe to wear..."

Huh? I looked down to find I was still just in my shorts and blushed embarrassingly turning to rush upstairs only to have my robe levitated down to me by Twilight yawning her way downstairs followed by Opal.

There are better ways to get attention you know? Twilight smiled sticking her tongue out at me momentarily as I put on my robe.

Ugh, too early. Sorry love.

She giggled as Opal walked up to Rarity allowing her to stroke her fur.

"Oh Mommy missed you so Opal! Ooh! Her fur is so soft; you've done an amazing job thank you ever so much!"

"She was no trouble at all Rarity. She behaves very well for Rick, and kind of ignores Scootaloo and me." Twilight giggled. "Join us for breakfast? It’s so early; whatever possessed you to get into town at this time?"

"Humph... Father has some crazy idea that if we left early we'd beat all the traffic... And I suppose we did at that but its winter there’s hardly any traffic as there is!"

"Oh well, you got home safe and sound and that’s what matters. Oh and how was the trip by the way?" I asked as we whipped up a simple breakfast.

"Oh quite lovely, Phillydelphia is beautiful and so cosmopolitan. Ah the sights and sounds! I was quite inspired by the fashion trends there as well; my Grandparents are both doing well... Well, my Grandfather is... He’s a spry hundred and sixty still in the prime of his life for a unicorn stallion. My Grandmother however...

"What?" Twilight and I asked.

"Well, she’s an earth pony you see..." She smiled wanly. "Nearly ninety four years old, and she’s doing quite well honestly but... It’s a matter of time, I mean it always is a matter of time isn't it? For us all..."

Tears started forming in the corners of her eyes. "Rarity you don't have to..." Twilight began as we both made to rise to comfort her.

She waved us back down pulling out a handkerchief and dabbing her eyes. "No, it’s alright really. It just makes me sad, their still in love I can see it in how my Grandfather dotes on her every need..." She laughs lightly. "She hates it of course; she was always so independent so strong. My father came from their union you know? And several aunts and uncles we only occasionally see."

She sighed heavily sitting back and taking a drink, Opal sensing her distress snuggled down beside her. "It just makes me think, my father... I can see he’s slowing down too, not quite the same powerhouse on the gridiron as it were, not like he used to be. Don't get me wrong he’s not over the hill by any standard but... Someday... I don't know how to put it, my grandmother, my father... They can see their time coming so soon, too soon... But they don't dwell on it; they don't fight it or accept it. They just... Live. Fully and without regret, I can't imagine... Falling in love and having to say goodbye so soon..." Twilight and I squeezed one another knowing all too well what that could have been like.

She shook her head and smiled. "So sorry, the trip back gave me far too much time to think. Oh and look at the time! I must get home and settled, Sweetie Belle is coming over tonight while Mother and Father get unpacked, and to give them some alone time. Twilight we must all get together when Applejack and Pinkie return okay? Scootaloo would you like to come over and see Sweetie Belle for a bit? With Twilight and Rick’s approval of course."

She looked over to us hopefully.

"Sure Angel, I'll come pick you up when I take Winona out for her last walk ok?"


We helped gather up her bags and get Scootaloo bundled up as well as Opal waving goodbye as they trundled out of sight. We both collapsed back on the couch, quiet both of us thinking. Winona could somehow sense our troubled thoughts and crawled up on the couch atop us licking and wagging her tail like mad until we both gave up our melancholy thoughts and smiled petting her.

"Good girl Winona, so what shall we do Twi? The library could use some cleaning and organizing..." I added with a smile knowing that would get her.

"Your right!"

I chuckled kissing her soundly and we got started. We didn't want Gummy or Winona to be bored so we broke out several of his balls for them to play with, mostly by him clamping down on one and her shaking him like mad to dislodge him and run away with it only to have him sneak up on her and snag it back to start the cycle all over again.

By late afternoon we had things cleaned up nicely still had more reorganising to do but Twilight had a special time in the spring when she removed all her books off the shelves to sort and organise them.

I took Winona out for a walk winding about town before we arrived at Carousel Boutique, the shop was closed of course but the lights were on. I tapped at the door and it was shortly opened Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo smiling up at me then petting and cuddling Winona.

I removed my boots and headed to Rarity’s workroom warning the girls not to let Winona run amok making a mess but she seemed happy to sit and accept the girl’s attention.

I had to duck as soon as I entered fabrics, thread, gems and needles were all flying about in a ballet with Rarity at the center a deep look of concentration on her face as she worked on several outfits at once, I closed the door quietly sitting on the floor out of the way and watching.

Her creative process was beautiful to behold, stitching and decorating her outfits putting them aside on her mannequins and adding little touches here and there as she progressed. An hour passed, then another I was a little worried that the girls might be getting bored but I was sure Winona would keep them occupied. I was just about to sneak back out as she showed no sign of slowing down when she placed her outfits on the mannequins and her supplies fell to the floor followed by her.

I quickly got up and knelt down by her she wasn't passed out thankfully but was breathing heavily and sweating as well, she seemed to finally notice me there before her and blushed fetchingly.

"Oh my! How... How long have you been here? I'm so sorry I get lost in myself sometimes when I'm creating, oh and look at me I'm such a mess!"

I helped her up and over to her counter where she had a jug of water, I poured her a glass and held it for her as she drank deeply. She was still unsteady on her own legs and didn't even seem up the most simple of levitation tasks.

She finished off two glasses then sat back with a gasp and a grateful smile. "Thank you ever so much." She looked over to her creations and the mess scattered about. "Oh my, well that’s what this room is for. Creation and destruction."

"Beautiful dresses as always Milady Rarity."

"Oh you shameless flatterer you." She waved me off with her fore hoof with a pleased smile. She pushed herself back up with a groan. "I do tend to overdo it on occasion though, and it’s getting so late I must make some dinner for Sweetie Belle!"

"Perhaps I could help with that? We do enjoy having Sweetie Belle over and I'm sure Scootaloo would be happy to have her friend over after so long for a sleepover?"

"Oh I couldn't impose on you after taking such good care of Opal!"

I bowed slightly with a grin. "No imposition at all."

She regarded me with a sly look. "Are all you humans such charmers?"

"Everyone’s different you know." I opted for a safe answer.

"Of course darling, well I'm sure Sweetie Belle would be thrilled. Won't you Sweetie?" She asked sweeping the door open depositing two fillies and a pup into the room that had their ears pressed to the door.

"Can I?! Please Rarity?"

Rarity sighed with a smile. "Of course you can Sweetie. Go grab a few things." Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo raced off to her room Winona hot in pursuit I was pleased to see they must have cleaned off her paws as she wasn't trailing snow and dirt around Rarity’s home.

"Thank you I do appreciate the time to get things back to normal around here."

"Not a problem but..."


"Are you sure you... Want to be alone? We have plenty of room if you need someone..."

She stopped me gently smiling. "Thank you. I'll be all right, honestly after a week with Sweetie Belle and my parents I could use some time to myself! Don't you worry about me Opal will keep me company while I spruce things up won't you?"

Opal looked up momentarily from where she was napping in a pile of fabric before rolling over and ignoring us causing us both to laugh, the girls came galloping back a small overnight bag on Sweetie Belles back. I carried the bag for her as we went downstairs and got ready to go, we waved goodbye to Rarity and trudged our way through town it was dark and cold but still a beautiful night the stars and moon shining above...

"Come on Dad! Race you!" Scootaloo squealed taking off with Winona right behind her; I scooped up Sweetie Belle giving her a hug and taking off in pursuit.

After an entirely one sided but fairly short race we got back home, I stopped to get my wind back setting Sweetie Belle down gently.

"Aww so close Dad." Scootaloo grinned.

I swept her up in a hug tousling her mane. "I'll get you one day Angel."

"Awww..." Cooed Sweetie Belle prompting Scootaloo to immediately push herself away from me embarrassed.

I laughed and opened the door ushering the two fillies and Winona in snagging the exuberant pup before she could dash off and cleaning her paws off. An easier said then done task with the loveable girl pawing at me and licking away. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were no help wiping off their own hooves then giggling at my predicament.

"Alright you two, why don't you go help Twi with supper eh?"

"Kay!" They echoed racing off as I finished drying Winona off letting her take off as well. I just stood there a moment watching the two of them run up to Twilight asking to help, she gave each of them some dishes and sent them off to set the table which she could have easily done herself with levitation, Winona sat patiently at Twi's hooves eagerly anticipating something to fall or a treat of some sort. The scene was so surreal, so warm and inviting it brought a tear to my eye.

Twi saw me standing there and smiled motioning with her head to come over; I took off my boots and joined her in the kitchen.

What’s up?

Nothing love, just watching and thinking how good life is.

She smiled and I leaned down to kiss her. Don't I know it.

I fed Winona as well as Gummy and we all sat down to a delicious meal, we got the girls set up in Scootaloos room Winona laid down beside them as they chatted. It was getting quite late but they were both still full of energy so Twilight pulled one of her Daring Do books from the shelves and the two of them lined up eagerly in the bed to listen.

Gummy came crawling in climbing up Scootaloos bed and settling himself on Winona back, she didn't seem to mind even giving him a friendly lick. Twilight and I both read the book to them she doing all of Daring’s lines and any female character and me doing the narration and chipping in for the males. We both got into it putting on an amusing performance at least.

About halfway through I noticed there weren't any more questions coming from the girls and peeking over the book we found them both sound asleep Winona and Gummy as well. Twilight pulled up their covers while I draped a small portion of them over Gummy on Winona’s back to keep him extra warm, we both kissed the little filly’s goodnight softly and crept out of the room leaving the door slightly ajar so Gummy could return to his rock if he wanted. I put it right in front of the fire stoking it up to last the night.

We cleaned the dinner dishes side by side no conversation just the occasional hip bump, smile and kiss. We cuddled down together in bed too tired to read we put out the lights and just lay together in the moonlight.

"I love you so much Twi. Everything’s just so... Perfect, nothing gets to change we'll stay just like this forever." I teased hugging her tightly.

"Sounds good to me."

Sleep came easily warm and wrapped in each others loving embrace.

The next week too passed fairly quickly with just Gummy and Winona to look after we had more time and Twilight continued the preparations for a successful Winter Wrap up finding some time to sort out a study schedule for her and Trixie as well. I had time to check the borders and not surprisingly everything was still quiet, the stones were a fair bit harder to locate under the snow but I knew how many there were and searched until I found and recharged them all.

My studies too progressed when I had the time, there was a lot to learn but I was slowly getting the hang of it at the very least I was able to recharge the stones on my own now and even levitate a fair sized load.

Scootaloo was glad to have one of her compatriots back despite their new 'friendship' with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon she still didn't get along with them very well. The two of them as well as Winona ran and played everyday with the other fillies and colts, I felt bad for poor Gummy with no one to play with but he didn't seem upset or needy in any way, he ate plenty and lay on his rock contently we were sure to play with him when he was active.

I was taking Winona for a short walk Friday afternoon when she suddenly stiffened spinning around and running off down the road ignoring my calls, I followed her worried about what could have set her off but rounding a corner I found my fears to be unfounded.

Applejack was laid out in the snow Winona's tail wagging madly while she licked her yipping excitedly, she briefly ran to each member of the family Pinkie and Inkie included to show how happy she was to see them too but came right back to Applejack repeatedly.

"Ah missed you too girl. Hey Rick, hope she wasn't too much trouble?" She called up from the ground.

"Hardly any at all Applejack, good to see you. And you all too Mac, Inkie, Pinkie, Apple Bloom and you too Granny Smith."

She snorted coming awake momentarily. "Huh? Oh good to see you too youngin, we home yet? Ponyville huh? Well wake me when we get there..." And dozed right back off causing everyone to chuckle.

"How was the wedding...? You know what just wait Twi will want to hear too why don't you all come over for some hot chocolate to warm you for the last leg of your trip?"

"Well that’s right kind of ya Rick, what ya'll think?" She answered finally getting back up brushing off her hat Winona at her hooves gazing up happily at her.

"Eeyup, Sure, You bet! With marshmallows right?! And Zzz..." Were the responses, we made our way to the library finding Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle playing outside.

"Apple Bloom! Your back!" They shrieked tackling her off the wagon into a snow bank all three of them talking a mile a minute.

"Girls we're going in to talk and have some hot chocolate... I'll save you some." I finished seeing they weren't paying attention, I followed everyone in except Granny Smith who they had left wrapped up asleep in the wagon. I directed everyone to relax putting the kettle on and looking around for Twilight, I noticed the door to the basement was ajar and headed down to find her lost in a book oblivious to the noise up above.

I just watched her a moment, I loved everything about her, her little mannerisms every page she turned her left ear flicked slightly. When she was reading something she really enjoyed her tail would swish back and forth slightly and when she found a particularly interesting factoid she would make a little excited noise and jot down some notes.

I slid down beside her brushing her mane aside and kissing her neck up to her ear nibbling gently on it.

She shivered slightly with a gasp turning to kiss me softly. "Rick! You know what that does to me...! Oh? What’s all the noise?" She exclaimed suddenly hearing all the hoof beats above.

I chuckled lightly. "The Apple family is back, I invited them in for a bit on their way home for some hot chocolate so we could hear how the trip was."

"Sounds good." She stretched against me marking her book and wrapping her forelegs around me pulling me in for a passionate kiss leaving us both breathless, she pulled away and headed to the stairs with a sexy sway of her hips and a sultry smile. "You tease me I tease you, quid pro quo my love." She stuck out her tongue and raced up the stairs before I could grab her.

Temptress. I grinned following her up.

It’s only a temptation if you don't think it’s going to happen, for us its more like... Inevitable.

We made the hot chocolate and thankfully did have some marshmallows or Pinkie would have been devastated, amusingly she didn't put them in her coco instead hollowed them out poured some in and then ate them! Her hollowed out bits she gave to Gummy who she was very happy to see, him I couldn't really tell but he didn't leave her side all night so I guess he was happy to see her too.

The wedding had gone well the only problem was how far away Blinkie and Inkie were from one another now they were both close to Pinkie of course but they had spent their whole lives together and were having trouble adjusting, hopefully their new families would keep them both preoccupied. Their parents too were well also having difficulty adjusting to not having to get up early everyday to work!

As it began to get late we helped them pack up and watched them ride off, The three of us then walked Sweetie Belle home letting Rarity know that Applejack was back when we passed by. we picked up some simple to go food on our way home eating by the fire, we relaxed afterwards noticing how quiet the library was now.

"It’s so quiet... I guess I was just used to Winona’s claws clicking all over and Gummy’s and Tanks and..."

"Your right Honey but that’s alright, you did so well taking care of them."

"I did?"

"You sure did Angel. And Mom and I talked it over and maybe in the summer we'll all go to Fluttershy’s and..."

I never did get to finish as she threw herself on us hugging and kissing. "Oh thank you! Thank you! I'll be the best pet owner ever! You'll see!"

"We know you will." We held her between us for a bit before bed tucking her in soundly. We did a minor bit of cleanup then headed to bed ourselves; I caught Twilight at the foot of the stairs scooping her up into my arms carrying her up kissing passionately.

And well... Thank goodness for the sound suppression spell.

Another week passed and preparations were well underway for winter Wrap Up, every pony had been assigned to a team though I was a bit of the odd 'man' out not fitting in anywhere and unable to use my magic to assist anyone in their tasks as apparently it was traditional to do all the work by hand... Er hoof. I simply offered to assist anywhere they needed me with anything I could do be it shovelling, knocking snow off the roofs or bringing warm beverages to the hard working ponies.

That weekend however we all finally got together, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Trixie and I. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were all at Sweet Apple Acres having a sleepover under Granny Smiths supervision, though more likely Big Mac and Inkies.

Rarity had brought several bottles of Dandelion Wine she had purchased in Phillydelphia for just this occasion. The girls all poured glasses sipping on the liquor making pleased sounds, now I'm not much of a drinker in fact I never drank at all since I was young and split a taboo stolen beer with my cousin and when I was a teenager and had a few at a Christmas party neither of which I enjoyed really or got me drunk so I was a bit apprehensive about this. Taking a small sip though I was pleasantly surprised at the taste. It was fruity, sweet and crisp quite enjoyable. Still I only sipped moderately sitting beside Twilight listening to the girls talk about their Hearths warming experiences interjecting with Twilight when we talked about ours.

As the day passed and we moved onto our second bottle of wine the topics of conversation moved all over the place, I kept pretty quiet despite having been here for awhile I still felt like an outsider a lot of the time but Dash wasn't having any of that focusing on me.

"So Rick, you've been here for awhile now. How does Ponyville, heck all of Equestria compare to where you lived before?"

Everyone turned waiting for my answer. "Its great Dash, its beautiful, friendly the occasional problem but what place doesn't have that? And..." I turned to Twi kissing her softly. "I couldn't imagine being anywhere else now." That elicited a chorus of Aww's and Dash to roll her eyes with a grin.

"Alright, but you must miss some things right? What do you miss the most?"

"Meat..." I answered without thinking clapping my hand over my mouth immediately after. Twilight had thankfully just swallowed or there would have been wine sprayed everywhere. I was worried my big mouth was going to ruin things again when everyone broke out in laughter.

"Rick! I thought you would say your friends or family at least!" Twi scolded.

"I do but..."

"Honestly darling how gauche, missing food is so unseemly... However this wine is simply divine." Rarity giggled helping herself to another glass.

"Well..." Fluttershys soft voice was drowned out.

"Ya Rick! I mean it’s not like your missing Mrs Cakes sugar covered glazed donuts... Uggggh... Donuts... Wait! Is it like that?"

"Not quite it’s just something I'd eaten since I was young I mean most humans do..."

"Well I guess I kin understand that sugarcube, Winona'll only eat her special food and it has... Well, you know in it. Ah try not to think about it too much, circle of life an all."

"Actually..." Fluttershy squeaked again quietly going unnoticed.

"I can certainly understand the appeal from a scientific point of view, I mean there are plenty of meat eating creatures out there, Winona, Opal even Owlicious! It is a part of Equestrian society but we kind of... I'm not sure, sweep it under the rug. We don't eat meat so... Although we do eat and use eggs in our cooking... But we make sure to only use unfertilized eggs..." She gazed up at the roof lost in thought and before anyone else could speak up Fluttershy broke in.

"I've eaten meat..."

"What!" Was the general consensus of all gathered.

"Well... Sometimes the baby animals can be picky and need encouragement, some are so tiny I need to chew up their food for them before giving it to them so in the case of the carnivores... Usually just a little piece to show them its okay to eat or some juice down my through from chewing... It’s kind of gross but... Well it’s not so bad, just nature." She shrugged taking another small sip of her wine.

"Heck I've swallowed plenty of bugs when I was flying... I guess that counts too right?"

"Ah recon I may have bitten a worm or two in half in my time eatin an apple... Shucks I guess we're all just a big ol pack of carnivores ain't we?!"

We all laughed at that, I took a big swallow of wine relieved I hadn't said anything too stupid as Dash leaned over with a sly look and grin.

"Maybe you aren't missing it too much Rick, from what I hear you've enjoyed plenty of 'eating out' while you've been here..."

Poor Fluttershy and Trixie, they were the recipients of my mouthful of wine as I spittaked Dash fell backwards kicking her legs as she laughed, Rarity blushed slightly covering her grin, Pinkie dissolved into giggles falling down with Dash as Fluttershy and Trixie dried themselves off both of them blushing a bit as well. Applejack hid her wide grin and blush behind her hat while Twilight and I both stammered and blushed heavily.

"Rainbow Dash! That was a secr..." Twilight began then clapped her fore hooves over her mouth turning even redder glancing at me.

"Well it’s hardly a secret darling you are quite vocal so we've heard, and besides it’s nothing to be ashamed of. A healthy sex life is an important part of a marriage, the rest of us should be so lucky... You and Fluttershy excluded of course Trixie." Rarity stated nonchalantly causing them both to blush now and the rest of us to laugh.

The rest of the night progressed much along those lines, the mares getting more then a little tipsy and the conversation getting more and more risqué! Everything from past conquests to how they... Relieved tension at home. And they certainly weren't through with me asking Twilight and I all sorts of inappropriate questions...

By late evening the wine was all gone and we were all exhausted from laughing so much the cold air at least helped sober everyone up as they all insisted on heading to their own homes, no one was falling down drunk so I wasn't too worried. Fluttershy and Trixie had each other to help them get home, Dash had a straight albeit wobbly flight home, Applejack seemed the least intoxicated of everyone maybe she was simply used to the occasional hard cider, Rarity demurely made her way away with only the occasional stumble and hic and Pinkie... Honestly I didn't see too much change in her at all she cart wheeled away giggling uncontrollably, I shook my head watching them go and letting the cold air clear my head before heading back in.

"Riiick..." Twilights voice came down from up above in our room followed by a giggle.

Her slight inebriation amused me greatly as she had even less wine then I not even two glasses. I climbed upstairs carefully and found her waiting for me.

I walked over and she lunged off the bed at me wrapping her fore hooves around my neck as we kissed losing ourselves in our passion.

I love you.

I love you.

The next morning I awoke with a mild headache and found Twilight and I snuggled together in front of the fireplace a single blanket wrapped around us. I levitated another log on the fire wincing at my sudden discovery that trying to use magic while hung over even slightly was a bad idea...

I finished the task anyhow leaning back and massaging my temples for a moment then wrapping my arms around Twilight holding her close breathing in her beautiful scent and caressing her soft fur.

She shifted slightly. "Ooh... My head, what happened?"

I gently rubbed her temples kissing her softly. "First time drinking love?" She smiled wanly and nodded. "Same boat."

She giggled slightly snuggling against me. "Oh! Someone’s happy to see me..." She smirked.

"You know I'm always happy to see you Twi... But... Yeah." I blushed a little naturally my clothes had all been lost at some point last night.

"Well I think I can help with that." She breathed.

We made soft and sweet love by the fire making my headache and I hoped hers disappear. We lay content together afterwards a bit before I scooped her up and turned to head to the shower and almost dropped her...

Apparently we had been... Busy, last night. There were books strewn about the couch flipped over the table settings thrown aside and more...



Some things were definitely coming back to me and I whisked us off to the shower quickly, we needed to get cleaned up and get the library cleaned up before Scootaloo came home.

In the shower we were soon laughing and sharing what we remembered from the night before both of us blushing slightly and a little embarrassed. Neither of us was that uninhibited... We loved to be together in every sense of course but last night with our inhibitions loosened clearly we had gone much further. No regrets.

We got everything straightened back up easily before Scootaloo came home, though for the rest of the day... Even the next few days we couldn't look at one another without a knowing smile.

Winter wrap Up... I still didn't quite get it, Twilight had explained and I had read up on it a bit but it still seemed strange to me to have to send a season packing! But hey, different world, magic, ect... Didn't matter, I would get used to it.

Early in the morning, really early our alarm went off and Twi was up and excited to get going, I was still sleepy and Scootaloo was downright hostile this early in the morning but after a hot shower and a good breakfast we were all ready.

Twi was very excited to try out a new organizational plan she had devised as we walked to the town hall for the meeting she sighed with a faraway look in her eyes.

"What is it?"

"Nothing... I just miss Spike." She smiled sadly. "He always made it such a chore early in the morning; he'd be sleeping on my back half the day!"

"I can do that Mom!" Scootaloo jumped up on her back curling up and pretending to snore.

Twilight laughed and smiled. "Thanks honey. Lets hurry they might be waiting for me!"

We were still very early and there was no one waiting for us, undeterred Twilight took the time we had to set up her folding blackboard outlining her plan on it showing the pony groups and what they would need to do and the order they would need to do it in.

Before even an hour had passed it seemed all of Ponyville was gathered only the little fillies and colts and those needed to take care of them and the elderly ponies were exempt. Soon she had everyone split up into teams, the Weather team started clearing the sky, the Animal team waking up all the hibernating critters and the very important Plant team to begin planting the crops that all of Ponyville would need for the rest of the year.

They had definitely learned from the past and everyone worked well together to get things rolling, still I had no specific task assigned to me so I helped Twilight at first to hand out all the assignments then Fluttershy and the Animal team to wake up the animals Twilight was glad at least to have someone’s arms to jump into when the snakes and bats woke up. Personally they didn't bother me and I was more then happy to hold my beloved, I was just glad we didn't have to wake up any spiders...

After that I was kept busy following the snow and then regular plow's to plant the seeds. As the sun began to set from the clear sky somehow the fields were clear as well as the roofs and streets in Ponyville the snow strategically piled in places where they would melt and run into the lakes and ponds around town, everyone was exhausted but we had done it! Ponyville was ready for Spring!

That evening as we got ready for bed Twilight folded her special vest and put it away with a sigh slipping into bed.


"It’s just the one day of the year when I get to organise on such a grand scale! I hate for it to end..."

I chuckled sliding into bed with her holding her close. "And you do such an amazing job of it love, without your planning I don't know how it could ever get done."

"Not to toot with my own horn..." She grinned. "But they did have a lot of trouble getting ready on time before I came. I'm glad I could help, another few years and they'll know all the tricks and won't need me at all..."

"Don't be silly Twi, even if they know all the tricks you’re the one who keeps everyone on point and if something goes wrong... And something always will. You get things back on track don't you?"

"I guess..."

"No guessing, they'll always need you." I kissed her softly. "I'll always need you."

"And I'll always need you." She sighed. "Always calming me down when I start panicking."

"Always will, love you."

"Love you too."

She laid her head on my chest and we slipped easily into sleep together.

Spring has come, getting close to the time I first came here... A whole year downs and ups. Far more ups then downs though...

It wasn't too long after the Wrap up that school began again, Scootaloo was less then thrilled to be going back but grudgingly accepted it especially since she could see her friend’s everyday. (This song and picture pretty closely show how disgruntled she is, adorably so.)

With the warmer spring weather also came plenty of Pegasus created showers to accelerate plant growth, the Everfree forest too came alive the game trails busy and me trying to remember everything Fluttershy had taught me. The Wardstones held firm though as I knew they would, Scootaloo wasn't the only one with homework all of a sudden.

Twilight and Trixie threw themselves into their studies trying to make up for plenty of lost time trying to learn new spells and magic’s as well as new things about the magic power Twilight and her friends shared, The Elements of Harmony, the magic of their friendship...

Twilight and I... I don't know. I had heard the term never ending honeymoon before though I never really understood it. Not to say things were perfect, we had differing opinions to be sure. My point of view was a human one hers a pony, sometimes there was simply no point of reference for us. So we made one, no matter what came up, no matter how much we both felt we were right we would always work it out. It wasn't easy, most things worth having, worth building, worth keeping aren't.

One evening we were out for a walk while Scootaloo worked on her homework when the sky opened up and the rain came pouring down, we took shelter under an awning for a moment before I fashioned a simple telekinetic shield to keep the rain off us and we continued. Twi wanted to head home but I convinced her to keep walking with me, to enjoy the fury of the storm.

We stood at the edge of Ponyville the rain pouring down when I let the shield lapse catching her up in my arms kissing her so hard, so passionately I lost sight of anything else then her. If you've never kissed the one you love in the pouring rain... Well it’s an experience.

We made our way back home in the rain unconcerned side by side.

Scootaloo had been passing me 'hints' that something important was coming up so I checked the calendar and below many notes Twi had on it for various things she wanted to accomplish was printed 'Hearts and Hooves day'. Now what was that?

After a little research I found it was I guess the equivalent of Valentines Day, a day I had never cared for too much. I don't think I had ever been in a relationship on Valentines Day so it was simply a day like any other to be alone... Now however... I had to make some plans.

Hearts and Hooves day morning came and I wanted to get up early to serve Twi breakfast in bed but I soon found she had the same idea, I slid out of bed quietly sure she was still asleep and as I turned to look I saw her across the bed doing the same thing! We both starred a moment quizzically then burst into laughter falling back down on the bed together.

"Great minds think alike right love?"

"You know it." She pushed me down kissing me sweetly. "But it’s definitely my turn so you stay there mister."

I held up my hands in surrender. "Okay."

She smiled and headed downstairs while I looked out the window stretching and waking myself up. Soon enough she reappeared with a delicious breakfast for the two of us and another plate put aside which soon attracted a hungry little filly.

"Its Hearts and Hooves day Dad! Did you remember?!"

"I did Angel thanks to your 'subtle' reminders. I would have sure felt bad if I hadn't."

"Don't worry Dad I wouldn't let you forget!"

"Angel, how would you like to go over to Rarity’s after school and have a sleepover with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom?" Part two of my brilliant plan.

"Sure! Why? Do you and your very special somepony have plans?"

"I have a few ideas, how about you love?"

"Oh you'll see..."

After breakfast we saw Scootaloo off to school and cleaned up then things progressed as any other day, Trixie showed up and they got busy studying for a few hours. I too had studying to do knowing my plans were all set up for later this evening.

Shortly after noon Trixie left as she had her own Hearts and Hooves day plans with Fluttershy, I was reading in the living room when Twilight snuck up behind me sliding a blindfold over my eyes.

"What’s this?"

"A surprise." She whispered nuzzling my neck. She stood me up and led me away with my hand on her shoulder, a long and winding path we took I heard more then a few townsfolk commenting, giggling or whispering to one another as we traveled. Twilight was quiet but just the feeling of my hand on her fur the two of us moving together was heaven. After awhile I couldn't hear the hustle and bustle of town anymore just the wind blowing through the trees after a few more minutes she stopped suddenly.

"We're here."

I reached up to pull the blindfold off but she stopped me pushing me gently down to my knees wrapping her fore hooves around my neck and kissing me softly while she pulled it off.

"Okay, you can look now." She whispered.

I opened my eyes to find us on a spread out blanket picnic fixings waiting, looking around I figured we must be on a far corner of Applejacks farm there were a few scattered apple trees but mostly a huge field of golden flowers, Goldenrod. I looked around a moment then back to her bearing her gently down to the blanket and kissing her passionately.

"Its beautiful Twi, you’re beautiful. Thanks."

She blushed slightly her modesty one of the many parts of her I loved so much. "Our last picnic got rained and lightninged on if you recall." She smiled.

"I do recall something like that." I grinned back.

We lay there for awhile kissing and cuddling before enjoying the picnic she had so carefully and lovingly packed then simply relaxed together enjoying the beautiful scenery and each other.

Later that afternoon we packed up and slowly made our way home, no need to rush, no need to teleport plenty of other couples out and about enjoying the end of the day and each others company just like us. We stopped at a few places in town getting each other little things we didn't really need but we knew one another would like. I got her a fancy new quill, silver embossed and engraved with her initials something she always admired but would never buy for herself.

She surprised me with an assortment of sweets from Bon Bon's shop that I hadn't even known that she knew I liked, crafty mare...

We stopped by Rarity’s momentarily to make sure everything was still ok, she looked a bit frazzled already by the three fillies but smiled and waved us off. We got home a short while before the sun was to set and put away the picnic supplies taking a short rest. We had already done a lot of walking today but my plan required us to take another...

"Shall we take another stroll my love?"

"Hmm... Always have something planned don't you?"

"Who me?" I asked feigning innocence. "Who wouldn't want to go for a leisurely walk with the mare he loves?"

"Sneaky." She smiled kissing me softly as we got up to go.

We wandered through town again stopping only to buy her a flower to tuck into her mane before we arrived at the train station.

"Oh? Hmm, I half expected you might.. You’re slipping." She teased.

I chuckled and scooped her up in my arms kissing her soundly not caring who might see. "Just close your eyes and relax love, we'll be underway soon." We could see the train approaching.

She smiled and closed her eyes nestling her head in the crook of my shoulder. I squeezed her tightly as the train pulled up taking a deep breath... And teleported us.

I gasped and fell to one knee still holding Twilight tightly, it was the furthest I had ever teleported and bringing along another with you only intensifies the drain, but I had been practicing diligently and I would likely pay for it tomorrow but for now plan accomplished.

Twilights eyes fluttered open as she gasped. "Did you just... Where are..." She stopped, staring ahead as I turned sitting down to try to catch my breath at the small unassuming hillock before us. A very special place.

"Rick..." She breathed as I lifted us back up and made my way forward, I just smiled and kissed her softly as we approached. I had gone to a fair amount of trouble to keep my plans a secret from not only her but Scootaloo and the other Crusaders, I knew they might make a slip and I didn't want anything to ruin this.

At the top of the hill I had setup what appeared to be five pieces of sturdy canvas sew together in squares the middle one having several blankets laid out as well as a small picnic basket and Twilights small telescope and several of her books on stars.

I put her down gently having gotten my strength back a bit and pulled on cords attacked to the four panels to the sides lifting them up on supporting poles and fastening them together sheltering us, sort of like a tent but with an open roof.

I knelt down beside her, I could see a thousand questions in her eyes but I spoke first.

"This is the spot Twi, where I fell for you completely my heart was yours from that moment on and forevermore." I lay down beside her gazing into her beautiful eyes.

"I was so confused, conflicted. I wanted you, needed you... But I didn't think I ever had a chance, against all odds you’re with me now... My wife, my lover, my soul mate. Since that night it’s been only you Twilight Sparkle, you’re all I want, all I need. Now and forever... I love you.

Tears cascaded from her eyes and a few from mine as well. She lunged forward as I wrapped my arms around her kissing feverishly my clothes were soon scattered as we made love under the stars.

We lay together afterwards staring up at the sky of infinite stars.

"You've made me so happy..." She whispered turning her gaze to me. "How could the universe have known I needed someone…? Needed you, so badly. You've changed everything..."

She leaned up and kissed me softly her beautiful voice filling the air as she sang.

(Original song 'Double Rainbow' by Katy Perry)

You're a one of a one

A one of a kind

That you only find once in a lifetime

Made to fit like a fingerprint

A code that clicks open a gold mine

They say one mare's trash is another mare's treasure

When I found you, it was all pitter patter

Secretly, I hit the lottery

'Cause you're brighter than all of the Northern Lights

You speak to me, even in my dreams

Wouldn't let you go for even the highest price

They say one mare's trash is another girl's treasure

So if it's up to me, I'm gonna keep you forever

'Cause I understand you, we see eye to eye

Like all the stars in the sky

And wherever you go, so will I

'Cause what we have is hard to find

Was a phenomenon when you came along

Yeah, our chemistry was more than science

It was deafening, loud like lightning, it was striking

We couldn't deny it

They say one mare's trash is another mare's treasure

The two of us together, make everything better

'Cause I understand you, we see eye to eye

Like all the stars in the sky

And wherever you go, so will I

'Cause what we have is hard to find

To the bottom of the sea, I'd go to find you

Climb the highest peak to be right beside you

Every step I take, I'm keeping you in mind

'Cause I understand you, we see eye to eye

Like all the stars in the sky

And wherever you go, so will I

'Cause what we have is hard to find


It's hard to find, it’s hard to find

Once in a lifetime

"Once in a lifetime..." I whispered back holding her close, feeling our hearts beat in tandem lost in her eyes and the overwhelming love I felt for her. We laid there together watching the stars until we fell asleep...

The suns rays woke me up and I found Twilight awake already watching me with a little smile.

"Morning love." I whispered pressing forward to kiss her my muscles, tendons and nerves jerking to attention reminding me of my earlier abuse of them.

"Are you ok?" She asked with concern in her eyes.

"Hmm..." I smiled. "I'll be fine Twi, might have overdid it with that teleport. Totally worth it, let’s just rest here for a awhile longer ok?"

She shook her head slightly and smiled snuggling against me. "Silly... I love you Rick."

"I love you Twilight."

We rested for awhile talking and kissing, she fed me from the picnic basket I had set for us, and after a few more hours I felt... Good enough to move at least, I got dressed and we packed up the blankets and basket. Then undid the cords letting the canvas fall the scene behind making us both jump.

"Well howdy Twilight an Rick, have a pleasant night did ya?" Applejack grinned.

They were all there Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle included all smiling knowingly at us.

"Twilight and Rick sitting in... Er on a hill, k, i, s, s... Drat that doesn't rhyme..." Sweetie Belle squeaked making us all laugh.

"How long have you all been here?!" Twilight asked.

"Oh not that long darling, when I brought Scootaloo home and you both were absent still I was slightly worried. So we asked a few questions and eventually they led to Rainbow Dash."

"Heh, sorry guys."

"No worries Dash." I had 'bribed' Dash with some of her favourite treats to make sure this particular area would be cloud free last night.

"How was your Hearts and Hooves day Dad?"

"It may have been my first, but I think its going to remain one of the best."

Life goes on, it doesn't slow down for anyone or anything better get in, hold on and live.

A few weeks later I was just getting back from checking the Everfree early in the afternoon when I saw Twilight entering the library, even from where I was she seemed preoccupied looking worried. I rushed up following her in before she could close the door.

"Twi... What’s wrong? You ok?"

She walked into the living room and sat on the floor silently her ears laid back, I came over and knelt before her gently rubbing her shoulders and neck trying to get her to look up, look at me.

"Love... What is it? You’re scaring me."

She looked up tears streaming from her eyes plopping onto the floorboard she looked so confused and anguished it rent my heart I would have done anything to make it better for her.



"I... I've been feeling funny lately, not sick really but... Off."

"Why didn't you..."

"I didn't want to worry you! I made an appointment with the doctor and..."

"And? Are you ok? What’s wrong! I can scan you myself...!" I was ready to cast the spell when she put her forehooves around my neck pulling me to her, I embraced her tightly. "Its ok Twi, whatever it is we'll get through it. No matter what."

She drew back slightly and I kissed her softly.

"It’s... I'm..."

"What? Please Twi..."

"I... I'm... Pregnant..."

Author's Note:

And finally, finally... Thanks for your patience, really. I hope it was worth the wait. I'm sure there will be tons of comments of 'I knew it!' and that's fine. What else could I ever want, really? I do have a name in mind for the baby already but I am more then open to hearing your ideas. And there will be a epilogue... Soon? No promises. But there will be.
As always thank you for reading and sticking with me. Please comment if you like I do love to read and reply.