• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 13,557 Views, 439 Comments

The First Year - TwilightsmyMare

A continuation of Living and Dying in Equestria

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Chapter 15 (Within Dreams)

I awoke with a start. Luna! She might be able to shed some light on Shimmers dreams! I looked over to wake up Twi but stopped dead, something was very wrong... We were still in bed Twilight still lay across from me but we appeared to be in the middle of a field of flowers and Scootaloo was nowhere to be seen.

"Angel!" I tried to shout but it came out barely a whisper. "Twi!" I reached over and gently shook her.

"Ooh... Is it morning already? I was having the most amazing... Dream..." She looked around wide eyed. "What’s happening? Where are we?" Her voice whispered.

I pulled her to me and held her tightly. "I don't know, but Angel isn't here and... I don't know where here is!"

"Be calm." A voice rang out above us as a shadow swooped down forming itself into a familiar mare.

"Luna!" Twilight and I echoed. "Are we...?"

"Dreaming? Yes, do not fear. Your and Twilights connection runs even deeper then my sister and I imagined if you are together even here."

"Yes... You are always with me in my dreams Rick. I didn't know why but..."

"I'm glad; I don't remember my dreams usually though sorry..."

Luna smiled and winked. "I think this one you might."

"Definitely. Scootaloo is ok right? I mean she must still be between us back at the house..."

"She is, sleeping and dreaming peacefully."

"She is? What is she dreaming about? I mean if you can tell us..." Twilight asked.

Luna thought for a moment. "Normally I would say no, but as you are both in her current dream I don't think it could hurt to connect you for a moment."

Her horn flashed and suddenly I felt... Young, free, wild... The wind rushing by as I flew by cloud after cloud, looking up I could see nothing but an endless blue sky and below like tiny miniatures of themselves trees, towns, ponies...

I looked to my left and was surprised to see Twilight soaring beside me I felt myself grin so happy she was beside me on this adventure, looking to the right I was doubly surprised to see... Me? Soaring my arm outstretched and my hand holding my hoof? Looking back left I also notice Twilight hoof in hoof with... Me...? No. Scootaloo. Her dream... To take us with her, to see what she sees up there, up here...

Tears were streaming from my... Her eyes falling behind as we raced onward into the never ending sky...

And suddenly back in bed Twilight and I clutched tightly together, gazing into her eyes as my tears flowed and hers as well.

"Oh Scootaloo..." She cried.

"We're so lucky love."

"Sorry to pull you from it but you can easily become lost in another’s dreams if you aren't careful."

"Thank you Luna, thank you so much." I took her hoof in my hand and kissed it softly causing her to blush and pull it gently away.

"It was nothing..."

"I was not nothing Luna! We love Scootaloo but we're still getting to know her. This was amazing, so thank you." Twilight complimented.

Luna blushed some more clearly not used to being complimented so much, she shook her head and smiled softly. "I heard your call Rick that why I came, what can I help you with?"

"Your call? What does she mean Rick?"

"When I 'woke up' here it was with the thought that Luna might be able to give us some insight into Shimmers nightmare problem..."

"Oh? My great niece is having nightmares? I wasn't aware of this."

"Perhaps Cadence didn't want to bother you... Oh maybe we shouldn't have brought it up without their permission..."

"Relax Twilight; I am sure they would be glad that you are worried about little Shimmer. I would be happy to see just what is troubling her; I'm sure by your looks you would like to come along to see for yourselves. Sadly that will not be possible; to navigate through the dreamscape requires considerable skill and willpower. And while I am sure your wills are up to the task I would not have your minds lost out there. Remain here and I shall return I am sure you can find a way to keep yourselves… Busy..." She smiled slyly as she faded away.

I turned and kissed Twilight softly. "Amazing, it all feels so real. And up in the sky like that with Angel..."

"I know, it was exhilarating, thrilling! I'm so glad she wanted to share it with us... But I guess we'll never be able to tell her."

"We know, and that’s enough... Now then..." I pulled her onto me kissing and nibbling her neck while I ran my hands thru her silken mane.

"Riick! What if Luna is watching?!"

We kissed hungrily before breaking with a gasp for air. "She wouldn't do that..."

"Well..." She leaned back with a sultry smile before throwing herself on me and we embraced with wild abandon.

Time it seemed worked strangely in dream, I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised really. Dreams when I can remember them always seem so much longer then they last. When we finally fell back from one another exhausted yet somehow not tired at all, surely hours have passed and we would be wakening up soon? Or Luna was waiting for us... That prompted me to sit up and look around pulling on my shorts... Or dream shorts rather but no Luna to be seen...

I lay back down beside Twi putting my head on her chest listening to her heartbeat and inhaling her scent, was it really her scent? We weren't really here... I suppose my mind knew her scent well enough for it not to matter. I gently caressed her chest and abdomen kissing up to her soft lips and looking into her beautiful eyes.

"I love you Twi. I know I say it all the time, but I do so much..."

She smiled kissing me. "I know I feel the same, so lucky, blessed..."

We held each other tightly drifting off slightly. Sleeping within a dream? I suppose anything is possible, when there came a sudden THUMP beside us. We both sat up looking over expecting to see Luna smiling at us with good humour. Instead we found her splayed out on the ground her face buried in her hooves.

I hopped off the bed picking her up with ease to my surprise I suppose the rules of weight and gravity don't apply in dreams, I placed her in the bed between Twilight and I.

"Luna! Are you ok what happened!?” Twilight asked.

Luna simply threw herself against us sobbing as we both held her tightly for a few moments. She took a deep breath and sat back looking at us both I could see a look of despair in her eyes.

"Luna..." I gently held her upright as she seemed as if she might collapse at any moment.

"I am sorry. It is not seemly for a Princess to debase herself so." We both shook out heads emphatically and she smiled slightly. "Though with you two I shall not feel too uncomfortable."

"Please Luna is Shimmer...?" Twilight begged.

"She is fine... For now. I... I shouldn’t speak of it without my sister present and Shining Armor and Cadence as well... This... Problem she is having is well connected with my past, Equestrias past..."

"Is there anything we can do? Can we help...?" I offered.

"Only listen. This is my story though many are connected with it, I am... Ashamed of my past, but I trust you both and while I once had nothing but hatred in my heart for you Rick I feel a great kinship between us now. And you Twilight Sparkle, you and your friends saved me, reunited me finally with my sister. Despite anything I may have granted you before I owe you for that more then you can ever know..."

"Princess you don't have to share anything you don't want to..."

"But I do Rick, It is simply… Difficult, please..." She gestured to the other side of the bed and Twilight and I sat there together holding each other tightly. She smiled sadly at us and began.

"Before the humans came when my sister and I were young, she perhaps a hundred years old and me near to your age Twilight. Our parents ruled Equestria fairly and justly, there was little strife and the war two hundred years before for the expansion of our borders over and largely forgotten. It was a wonderful time, back then there were other races within our country. Oh I know we have a few nowadays but back then we were quite diverse, Donkeys, Cows, Minotaur’s, Dragons, Griffins and even more... Also there were the Draconequus..."

Twilight gasped in shock though I wasn't sure what that was.

Luna smiled calmly and continued. "Yes Discord was alive then and far from the chaotic being he has become, the Draconequus were very few in number most of them preferred a life of isolation. Their powerful magic made others wary and distrustful of them, but Discord was different, he used his magic for practical jokes and to entertain the fillies and colts..." She smiled at the memory, I had heard from Twilight and the others about Discord and this didn't sound much like what they had described, well maybe the practical jokes.

"He was employed as the court jester in my father and mothers court; oh he could make all of us laugh like you wouldn't believe... He became almost as a son to my mother and father, a brother to my sister... To me he was something else..." She stopped blushing for a moment.

"You and Discord?!" Twilight gasped.

"Please let me continue." Twilight nodded numbly. "For some time we thought we kept our relationship a secret, I didn't know how my parents or my sister would react. Foolish to think we could keep it from anyone, despite our powers we were both quite naive. One night at dinner, Discord ate with us quite regularly back then they nonchalantly asked just how long we both intended to keep up the farce? For a second we were crushed but seeing the good humour in their faces and the joy in their smiles we realized we could be together..."

Twilight squeezed me tightly at that admission and I returned it. "Luna is this the relationship you said... Didn't work out...?" I asked quietly.

She nodded sadly continuing. "We were happy, so happy. When I see you and Twilight together I am reminded of how it was so long ago... It hurts but in the best of ways. We talked of marriage but we were in no hurry we had forever together, during this time is when the humans came. Discord was suspicious of them, despite their well meaning intentions he could see the greed inside them, if only we had listened to him... He was devoted to my parents and he would never go against their decisions so when they decreed the humans could stay and exchange their ways with ours he accepted it. We were away that fateful day picnicking high in the mountains when the humans killed... If only we'd been there!"

She collapsed down heaving with sobs as Twilight and I comforted her as well as we could. She sniffed wiping her eyes and sitting back up with a thankful smile.

"When we returned and heard the news the first change came over Discord, he grew hard, angry and violent and who could blame him? He was with us when we lead the attack on the human’s stronghold. We only wanted to drive them away, keep them away. But he... He wanted revenge, he wanted them all dead. When the last one retreated through the portal my sister and I gathered our strength to seal the way into Equestria for all time but he disagreed, wanted to gather a force of any and all creatures that would come and go through to attack them in their own dimension! Wipe them all out! We couldn't allow it; as much as I loved him I couldn't side with him. We were the rulers of Equestria now and we had made our decision. We sealed the portals and his anger exploded, he stalked away in anger and I didn't see him for days. It hurt; I tried to think of what I could do to make him see... But I had my own anguish and heartbreak to deal with as well... If I could have only made him understand..."

She took a deep breath tears still glistening in her eyes. "While Celestia and I mourned he was gathering support, many ponies and others felt he had the right idea. Others simply feared his power and went along for their own safeties sake. The day of the funeral nearly a month after the tragedy he struck, usurping us as rulers, taking over the army and demanding we break the seal. I begged with him, pleaded! If he loved me even a little! But he would not be swayed; he wouldn't hurt us and had us imprisoned in our own dungeon until we agreed to help him! I know now he still loved me for there were no wards in the area of the dungeon he placed us in and we were easily able to teleport out and escape he wouldn't have made that mistake. We wandered for many years seeking a way to reclaim our kingdom, finally in the ruins of a strange island city known as Atlantis which had appeared in a single night in the sea many years before devoid of any inhabitants, we found evidence that it had been a human city once but something had happened and they had unleashed a great power that had destroyed them all displacing the entire city. We searched and searched finally finding the source of power mentioned deep within their temples. The Elements of Harmony, they had tried to use it as a weapon against others but that was not their purpose. We never did find out where the humans had found them but over time we attuned ourselves to them, the power was overwhelming! Finally we would be able to take back our home, our kingdom, our birthright!"

She took a moment to collect her thoughts while Twilight and I sat still clutched together in awe at the story unfolding before us.

"When we returned things had changed greatly, the chaos you saw firsthand in Ponyville was but a small sample of what all of Equestria was Twilight. We marched to the castle a huge crowd behind us the rule of Discord was not what the ponies wanted but they feared his powers and only when we returned did they dare stand against him with us. He scoffed at our return told us... Told me I should never have come back, he'd changed so much. My heart broke, I begged him one last time... He was in the midst of laughing uproariously at us when we invoked the power of the Elements... He never even knew what hit him, turned to stone in a heartbeat his magical influence throughout Equestria broken. We still had many years of cleaning up what he had done; I placed him in the garden so I could visit him whenever I had the time... I still loved... Love him. I so wanted to be there when he was freed... Perhaps it was for the best I wasn't, I don't know if I would have been able to find the Discord I loved in him..." She hung her head sadly.

"Luna... I don't know what he was like before, but from what you've said... This wasn't that Discord! He wasn't vengeful or angry, just... Chaotic, maybe desperate for attention of any kind..."

"Are you sure Twilight?! Please!" She begged.

"I... I can't say for sure! But I think..."

"I must think on that... I must talk to my sister... Let me continue. Though we had recovered out birthright and had the peoples acclaim I still was unhappy. What we had done to Discord grated upon me and my sister slid into the governing of the kingdom so easily... I know now she threw herself into the work to forget... But then I was jealous, angry, alone... I began to notice little things, the favour all ponies placed on my sister and the daytime and how few worshiped or even cared for the night. I brought this up with my sister many times but she was busy, so busy... Perhaps if I had been more involved! Things deteriorated between us, few knew of the strife behind the throne and that was just as well. As time went on I grew angrier and less in control of myself I couldn't understand what was happening, my jealousy and rage took over pushed this part of me far back into myself all I could do was watch as I became a monster! I couldn't free Discord by myself so I tried to force my sister’s hand I raised the moon and refused to allow the sun to rise! For days I held her off we argued, screamed and fought! The crops began to fail... Ponies hungry and afraid begged her to do something! Anything! To this day I do not know how she managed to wield the Elements herself. She came before me again begging me one last time to give way, inside I screamed to her to stop me! And she did... With a blinding flash the power of the Elements took me away, took everything away... The next thousand years... I... I don't know... All I remember is Nightmare Moons rage, anger, bitterness and longing for revenge! All I had was loneliness and despair... I remember the last thing I heard was my sister’s anguished cry to the heavens... I hoped someday I would be free, it was all I had..."

She collapsed down again exhausted from the emotional telling of her story. "Luna..." Twilight and I comforted her gently as she regained herself.

"We realised when I returned and you Twilight and the other bearers freed me destroying Nightmare Moon that she wasn't a part of me at all simply something that claimed me in my weakest state. The Miasma... An ancient magical disease of anger and betrayal, it is rare so rare we thought it only myth. How wrong we were, it sensed my weakness and consumed me wholly shoving me back inside myself and taking me for its own." She saw our questioning looks and shook her head. "We don't know if it is truly alive or simply very malign, dredging up your darkest fears and feelings to use against you... Or for you to use against yourself mayhap... I realize now that Discord might have been a victim of it as well...! Perhaps the Miasma that afflicted me was his and when we imprisoned him it... Could it be? How could this happen! How could I have not seen it!"

I really didn't know what to say but I gave it a shot. "Luna..." I lifted up her head gently to look in her tear filled eyes. "What happened was no fault of yours, no one would be able to resist something like that after what you and even he had gone through. Don't blame yourself; don't blame anyone other then it if it can even be blamed. You are a good mare and a great leader, you and Celestia are amazing rulers and all of Equestria flourishes because of both of you."

She sniffed slightly and sat up with a bit of a smile. "Thank you, your belief in me helps more then you can imagine..."

Twilight hugged me tightly as she continued. "When you and the other bearers freed me you destroyed the Miasma utterly thankfully or it may have found another victim... But sadly another has come and now afflicts poor Shimmer..."

"What! What can we do? Can the Elements banish it?!" I panicked.

"I... Don't know, my sister and I have searched long and hard for the causes and symptoms of the Miasma, and it is so rare. Only once every thousand years or more does it appear. Why it should afflict a foal such as Shimmer I cannot tell, but in that there is hope. She is strong and so full of love, love from her parents, her grandparents, her brother and yes both of you as well. The affliction is minor and she is very likely to push it from herself altogether she has no feelings of hatred or anger for it to take hold of but just the feeling of it within her torments her unconscious mind. But therein lies another problem, we cannot allow it to find another host should it leave her but neither do I think can we use the elements to banish it from her young body. We must do something but I don't know what we can do! I must speak to my sister! Shining Armor and Cadence also must be informed. Trust me we will come up with a solution."

"What can we do to help Luna!?” Twilight asked eager to lend any aid we could.

"I do not wish to disrupt your time with your parents..."

"That doesn't matter Luna! We can, we will make it up to them and Scootaloo, anything we can do!" I begged.

She smiled softly. "Not surprising to me, perhaps you would be willing to search the archives deep in the Canterlot library, My sister and I have been down there many times but there are thousands upon thousands of scrolls and books there many of which haven't been touched since my parents time..."

"Yes! We'll do it." We echoed.

"Thank you. Now please, rest. We shall speak soon but not in dreams..."

Everything seemed to blur out as I fell back into the realm of sleep...




Author's Note:

Short but it only takes place over a single night so... It flowed from my mind so easily I just hope I didn't rush it. I have gone over it a few times so hopefully it's good. At any rate, please enjoy and comment if you like.