• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 13,557 Views, 439 Comments

The First Year - TwilightsmyMare

A continuation of Living and Dying in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 19 (Delving into the depths)

I had a moment of panic when I first awoke, just a moment of unease and yes fear. Then it was all banished in a second when Twilight sighed and snuggled against me. No fears, no worries nothing mattered but that moment... That feeling...

I opened my eyes finding myself in the same hospital room looking over I found Twilight pressed up against me, her fur so soft against my skin. Her gentle breaths against my neck, I rolled gently to my side face to face with her brushing her mane off her face and just watched her sleep.

This was real. And even if it wasn't, even if it was some ultra realistic dream state I was in I didn't care. This was all I needed, all I wanted. If it is a dream I hope I never wake up. Twilight yawned her eyes fluttering open disrupting my train of thought, she smiled and we both pressed forward to kiss softly.

"Morning." I whispered.

"Morning, how do you feel?"

I smiled ruefully. "I'm good love. Your here with me and that’s all I need."

She blushed slightly smiling. "Now what was this dream or nightmare you and Luna were talking about?"

"I don't know if you want to..."

She gave me a scathing look and a nudge with her forehoof.

I grinned and kissed her softly. "Okay, okay..."

I started slowly, first describing Sanatoriums and the ways I knew that humans dealt with mental illness now and the more... Unorthodox ways from long ago. She showed no signs of wanting me to stop so I began describing my nightmare; I had thought I would want to keep things from her... The things that disturbed me the most, but I found myself telling her everything, every detail I could remember as well as my anguish and fears.

It was an emotional thing to do and when I finished I looked up into her beautiful eyes and gently wiped her tears away.

"Why? Why would you think this isn't real?"

"It's perfect... You're perfect... Too perfect for me. It all feels so real but fragile like it could be taken from me at any moment... I..."

Twilight interrupted me pressing forward to kiss me fiercely biting my bottom lip and pulling me into her embrace.

"Ow..." I smiled it hurt a tiny bit and turned me on far more then that.

"I thought that might be better then a smack to the face." She giggled.

"Definitely." I held her close kissing and nibbling her neck causing her to gasp.

I held her tightly breathing in her scent. "I don't know what if someone else had been brought here... Maybe they would have been a better match for you if you had fallen in love with..."

She pushed herself away giving me an angry glare. "I wouldn't have fallen in love with just anyone!"

"I was just... I mean you've never seen another... Met another..."

Her glare softened a bit and she shook her head. "I don't care. Whoever else might have came wouldn't be you, wouldn't be like you. What about you. What if another mare had come into Zecora’s? Fluttershy? Rarity? Or if no one had come would you have just fallen in love with Zecora?!"

I didn't even need to think about it. "No... There’s no one like you Twi. No one else I want with me in this world or any other. I'm sorry, I was just being dumb. I don't feel like I deserve all the happiness you give me, the love you give me. I want it, so much but I don't want to hold you back..."

She threw herself back onto me and we kissed passionately. "Never say that! You don't hold me back! You carry me forward. I don't care what happens but I never want to be separated from you. Your mine and I'm yours never doubt it!"

I smiled at her beauty and fierce determination. I kissed her softly. "I'm yours."

She kissed me back with a smile. "And I'm yours." Together...


We kissed and caressed each other for a bit heating things up before I began making my way down her soft body kissing as I went...

Bam! The door flew open and I quickly pulled myself back up glaring over to see who might have interrupted us, and immediately turned it into a smile as my little Angel soared across the room into my waiting embrace.

"Dad! Your ok! I was so worried!"

I hugged her tightly. "Sorry to worry you like that Angel. But it had to be done."

"I know... But you didn't have to knock me out! I could have helped! Gone for help!"

I lifted her up to look her in the eyes seriously. "You’re absolutely right. I'm sorry, can you forgive me?"

She blushed slightly and darted forward to kiss me on the cheek. "Of course I can! I'm just glad your ok!"

All three of us hugged and then I heard more hoof clicks as two adorable little foals galloped into the room followed by their parents Twilight levitated them up onto the bed and we hugged and kissed them both. I looked Shimmer over as she snuggled happily against me and was pleased and relieved to see she looked fine. Healthy and happy her shoulder had some small hardly noticeable scars but they didn't seem to slow her down one bit.

Cadence and Armor came up and joined us both of them smiling broadly. "Way to go Bro. First you brought them into this world then you keep them safe in it. We owe you big time again."

"Hey now! Small part, Twi healed her up and Scootaloo was the first to notice what was wrong. Way to go by the way Angel."

"Thanks Dad." She beamed proudly.

"Enough with the modesty Rick! Armor and I owe all three of you greatly, anything we can ever do to repay you...!" She licked her lips suddenly looking a bit nervous. "Well..."

The door suddenly opened again interrupting her as Princess Celestia walked in. "I was so glad to hear you had regained consciousness Sir Sparkle."

I got up covering myself with the blanket and bowed respectfully. "Thank you Princess just glad to be back."

"The manifested Miasma will be an invaluable source of information once we can decide on a way to contain it in a more open environment so we can study it better." Seeing our alarmed looks she smiled and shook her head slightly. "Not to worry we will be taking every precaution and more, we must make sure it does not escape but we also must learn all we can to be ready for the next time... Some advanced warning would make a world of difference."

We all nodded in agreement. "Thank you all for the help you rendered..." She smiled at Armor and Cadence. "I would hate this creature to possess any pony but one so innocent as my niece’s daughter would have been too much to bear..." She smiled sadly walking over to tousle Shimmers mane.

"Thanks to you all and the assistance you gave in this trying time. Though I had no doubt that together we would prevail."

We all relaxed and talked a bit more playing with the twins until they began to get a bit tired and Cadence and Armor got ready to go.

"You don't mind staying with Cadence and Armor another few days do you Angel?"

"I guess... But I want to stay with you and Mom!"

Twilight and I squeezed her tightly. "I know you do honey, but it’s just a precaution. We're almost certain the poison and influence is gone from Rick but we're giving it a few more days here under the hospitals watchful eye. And we would feel better if you were safe with Armor and Cadence. Ok?"


She sulked a little but smiled when I tousled her mane giving her a kiss on the forehead before they all departed. I now noticed the guards still remained outside the door.

"It’s just a precaution." Twilight comforted seeing the look on my face.

"Are you sure your safe here? I don't want to endanger..."

She stopped me with a kiss. "I'm not going anywhere."

"I love you so much Twi." I smiled pulling her close kissing her and nibbling her ear. "Now where were we?" I whispered.

"Well, I believe you were about to pleasure your wife orally before you were interrupted by your visitors."

"Ahh!" We both jumped falling off separate sides of the bed as a familiar translucent pony materialized above us looking down with concern.

"Alizarin!" We both shouted as I scrambled to my feet and Twilight to her hooves, she had of course taken the blankets off with her to the side she fell leaving me exposed again. My face was burning with embarrassment, again.

Twilight levitated the covers over understanding my discomfort and I covered up quickly.

"What are you doing here Alizarin?" Twilight asked.

"Well when I came to the archives that evening five days ago I found the doors open wide and guards at the door and inside. I was quite concerned but looking around inside I found no traces of either of you. I did however hear some of the guards discussing what had happened; naturally I sought out Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to verify what I had overheard. The wards they had set up around this room blocked my entry but with the worst of what you were going through over they finally modified them last night so I might enter."

"Last night...?" I groaned.

"Yes I didn't want to interrupt your meeting with Princess Luna and afterwards you were both otherwise engaged so I felt this afternoon would be a better time. Bad timing on my part again as you were busy with visitors again. And I of course would never interrupt Princess Celestia, and after the visit more copulating? An excellent opportunity to further observe first hoof human / pony mating techniques."

Twilight and I both blushed heavily. "Y... You were watching?! Alizarin! You can't..." Twilight stammered.

He looked at us both confused. "I don't understand. I merely wish to learn, to observe how things have changed... Evolved if you wish. Mating between ponies it seems is much the same as it ever was. However between you both it seems an even greater bonding experience."

"Well I don't know that we're any different than any other couple just that we're... I don't want to say more in love that sounds wrong, but more intune? In sync? I need her in every way..." I shook my head smiling sheepishly to myself for rambling on. "Never mind, what’s important is that you understand people... And ponies need their privacy for intimate acts and plenty of other times as well. I know you don't think you’re spying..."

"Spying?! Goodness no. I am simply observing, studying..."

"I know, I know. That’s why I'm not upset really, but others... If they found out, got even a hint that you had been 'observing' them in their most private moments... Well there would be panic and suspicion, anger and outrage...! Eventually it would lead back to the Princesses, the blame would fall to them and they would be forced to take action. Actions they would hate to take... You understand?"

He digested that for a moment. "I see... I've been quite foolish haven't I? Many thanks for setting me straight my friends. I must go and apologize to the Princess's immediately! I shall return to visit later."

He faded out before I could say to broach the subject carefully, but I'm sure they would understand... I hoped.

I fell back into the bed by Twilight embracing her and kissing her sweetly.

Well that was something.

I was mad at first but... Well I can understand the pursuit of knowledge. And he didn't mean any harm.

True enough. Now then...

Thankfully the guards knew the difference between a scream for help from a scream of... Well...

A bit later in the day a trio of Unicorn doctors subjected me to test after test checking my mental and physical status. I felt fine, but clearly the Princess's wanted to be thorough and I couldn't blame them for that one bit. Seemingly satisfied with the testing so far they had dinner brought to us and departed. Twi had brought some of the books we selected from the archives so we relaxed reading and talking until late in the evening when Luna arrived.

She too had an array of tests for me some to be applied while I was awake and others to test me in the dreamscape.

The tests while I was awake were straightforward enough, reflex, memory, anything that might weed out if my body had been taken over. Of course we still had no real idea what we were dealing with. What if it could take me over so completely it knew everything I did? Would I even know I'd been taken over?

That was what the next step hoped to determine, deep in my subconscious...

"This will be difficult... But we must know, not only for the population in general but for you and Twilight especially."

"I understand Luna, I'm ready." Twilight shifted against me nuzzling my neck gently. "We're ready." I amended.

"Twilight Sparkle... I should forbid you from this journey if only for the danger inherent, but also the deep feelings and turmoil within your husbands mind could be... Painful to see." She smiled and shook her head. "But I won't. Surely if I did we would find you following at our heels on your own. So let us prepare..."

Twilight and I lay down together in the bed as Luna knelt down at the foot of the bed her horn glowing brightly. "Sleep..."

A wave of exhaustion fell over me and even though I knew I needed to sleep for the test my body resisted momentarily as my eyes closed unable to fight the weariness anymore I looked over to Twi to find her eyes half closed as well but watching me, we both smiled and managed to press forward to kiss as we succumbed.

See you soon love...


My eyes shot open in what felt like a second and I found myself much in the same position I had been a moment ago, in a comfy bed Twilight right beside me our lips pressed together. We broke our kiss with a smile and looked around. It was a familiar scene to me, the bed we were on was perched on a large cloud and all around us was the night sky filled with stars.

"Welcome again to the Dreamscape." Luna’s voice came from behind us causing us both to start slightly.

"I recognise this."

"Yes this is where I pulled you from your nightmare, this is where I watch and monitor the dreams..." She waved her forehoof in an arc encompassing the night sky. "Each star represents a dreaming pony; from here I can tap into each of them... Watch them, even mold them somewhat if need be. As I have said before I try not to interfere though. This is simply my representation of the Dreamscape. If either of you came here on your own..."

She stopped and gave Twilight a good natured glare. "And I do not suggest you do! You would likely see it differently; you Twilight might see it as a huge library. Each book a doorway to a different dreamer... And you Rick, I'm not sure..."

I thought about it a moment probably a computer with hundreds of thousands of files on it each one leading to a different dream.

"Now before we begin, last chance Twilight. I don't want you to..."

Twilight snorted and stood beside me a look of absolute determination on her beautiful face as I put my arm over her and squeezed her gently.

"As I thought." She smiled and her horn began to glow as one of the stars in the sky began to glow brighter and grew larger and larger blocking out everything and blinding me momentarily with its radiance.

I rubbed my eyes blinking and found myself in a familiar and horrifying place. The cell... I looked around and heaved a sigh of relief finding Twilight and Luna standing behind me, Twilight smiled warmly making me feel much better.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"Your fears are a part of you Rick. Whether you can control them or not, we must pass through your dream to reach your consciousness and check it one piece at a time. We must search for any trace of the Miasma that might remain. We shall follow you and keep a close watch, this is your consciousness lead us..."

I took a deep breath and stepped forward past the still crumbling and rusty bed up to the door. It was closed and unyielding when I pushed on it. I looked back for some assistance and Luna smiled at me calmly.

"This is your dream, your mind. Bend them to your will."

I turned back to the door and though for a second, right a dream. I'd have to stop thinking of it like it was real. In fact that would help a lot...

I squared myself in front of the door and concentrated giving it a push. To my surprise it popped open without and difficulty, I let out a 'Ha!' and stepped forward slamming the palms of my hands against the door violently to slam it open. To my surprise and shock the door ripped from its hinges and flew across the hall to slam against the far wall and adjacent door rebounding and falling to the floor with a horrendously loud clank!

I looked back smiling sheepishly. "Oops..."

Twilight looked a bit shocked but Luna just smiled again and waved me forward with one of her forehooves.

I stepped out to the hall running my hand along the wall as I did so pushing and digging my fingers into it surprisingly and not at all surprisingly I encountered little resistance the solid concrete tearing like tissue paper. I stood for a moment grinning like an idiot holding a hefty piece of wall in my hand I crushed it to little pieces. This is my mind, my consciousness... I don't need something like this in it; even if I dreamed it! I don't want something like this in it!

A wild sort of freedom flowed through me as I stepped forward and ripped open the door from across the hall, and found nothing... Just a blank wall, the sounds I had heard from behind it now gone as well. I strode down the hallway Twilight and Luna behind me carefully keeping watch as I gleefully smashed my way down.

The double doors flew off their hinges and down the hall as we continued, by this time all the damage I had given to the building was beginning to take its toll. I could hear ominous creaks and rumbles from all over but I was having too much fun to worry much.

I tossed the second pair of double doors aside entering the foyer, the bars still separating the waiting room but surprising me behind the bars looking sternly at me were the four 'doctors'.

"Now, now Patient number three four six seven one. You’re causing quite a mess and disturbing the other residents. We are going to have to ask you to go back to your room now."

"No. I destroyed that room; none of this is real including you so shut up."

They all shook their heads smiling condescendingly. "Destroyed? No, you overturned your bed and have been running about the facility overturning garbage cans and causing quite a mess that’s all. And not real? Honestly, what seems more likely? This facility is a product of your imagination or a world of colourful talking ponies?"

That stopped me for a moment filling me with doubt and unease, Occam's razor... A glance behind me showed Luna still waiting patiently and Twilight watching me with concern, and I knew what I had to do.

I stepped forward grabbing one of the support pillars in the room breaking through it causing the roof to creak alarmingly tiles and plaster raining down.

"What are you doing?! Stop! Destroying us in your subconscious might trap you in this delusion forever!"

I walked over to another pillar demolishing it with ease as well. Large sections of the room were now crumbling in upon themselves.

"If that’s what this is then so be it. I know where I want to be, who I want to be with.”

"You can't do this! You... We'll have to lobotomize you! You'll lose everything! Both worlds!"

Again that stopped me in my tracks, if this was a dream... Delusion, whatever. If they could destroy it... My resolve wavered for a second, but then... I could feel Twilight. Just her presence, our connection. She didn't say anything, she didn't have to. Real or dream even if it ended I would spend every last moment I had with her.

I kicked the last pillar out and stepped back, Luna’s horn glowed as a shield surrounded her, Twilight and I. I covered Twilight with my body just in case glancing at the four 'doctors' as the room collapsed I saw their faces etched with rage and hatred. As everything fell to pieces around and on top of us I held Twilight tightly whispering in her ear.

"I love you Twi."

"I love you." She whispered back as the lights went out...

The thundering and crashing ended quicker then I would have thought. I hadn’t felt any impacts so I opened my eyes to another surprise. We were standing in a grassy field, no hospital or even pieces of it in sight. I gave Twilight a final squeeze and we stood up and looked around.

Luna drew a deep breath and smiled at us. "Much better, now that that unpleasantness is over shall we continue deeper to your subconscious?" She gestured and off in the distance I could see a town or perhaps small city. I nodded and we began walking, the city was quite some ways away but somehow our stride was amplified getting us there in mere minutes.

Just outside the city was a three pronged sign, one pointed towards the city and read 'Ego'. The next pointed to the right and I could now see a rough trail leading that way it read 'Id'. And the final pointed to the left and up slightly looking that way we could see a road leading towards a nearby mountain, the final sign read 'SuperEgo'.

These terms were vaguely familiar to me... Something about the Psyche.

"So where shall we look first Rick?" Luna asked quietly.

Thinking about it a moment I pointed off towards Id. "Might as well start there and work our way back?"

"Lead on."

We started down the rough dirt path soon coming to a small crude village, simple wood huts with straw roofing. It looked like maybe a population of fifty or so individuals human and ponies in the mix perhaps demonstrating my mind getting used to ponykind or maybe my connection with Twilight.

If any of them were displeased with their living arrangements it didn't show, they were all involved in some sort of activity. Singing, dancing, screaming and hollering at one another, drinking and eating copious amounts, fighting and fornicating sometimes all at once...

As the three of us stood there stunned and staring one of the denizens staggered over, a male embarrassingly enough bearing a more then passing resemblance to me. He stood there a second swaying slightly a bottle of some unidentifiable liquor in his hand.

"Well hey there! You’re like... New! Cool man, hey have a swig!" He offered his bottle to me which I pushed away gently.

"Uh no thanks... What’s, um going on here?"

He looked over his shoulder at the village in full swing and turned back with a shrug taking a drink. "Just another day at the office man! We like to do it all! Ya gotta live man, live like there’s no tomorrow! No time for regrets! We'd go all over the place but those stuffed shirts in Ego are always keepin us down... But who cares?! We've got plenty of good times here man!"

He laughed uproariously then stopped suddenly seeming to see Luna for the first time he stared for second before grinning widely. "Well hey there sweet thing! You've gotta be the biggest pony I've ever seen! And the most beautiful too! Whatta ya say want to have a go?"

I was horrified and embarrassed by... Well my own mind I guess and was ready to grab this guy... er part of me? And send him packing but Luna simply giggled and patted him on the head. "Many thanks for the kind offer, perhaps another time. We have business to attend to."

"Your loss babe..." Apparently our novelty had worn off and he staggered back down the path to join the other revellers. Luna’s horn flashed as she easily scanned the small village then nodded to us and we turned to go.

As we walked away I was deeply embarrassed. "Twi... I'm sorry you had to see that..."

"Don't be. We all have... Desires and wants... I know I do." She said in a sultry tone pulling me down for a passionate kiss. "And anyhow the rest of your mind seems to be keeping them in check fairly well wouldn't you say?" She giggled.

"Yes quite the... Spectacle, perhaps I should have taken him up on his offer? See what Twilight has been keeping for herself hmm?"

Twilight and I both spun our mouths agape in shock. "Luna!" We gasped together causing her to collapse in a fit of giggles.

"And you thought I didn't know anything about humour..."

We both stood there stunned a second then laughed along with her as we walked.

"Ok Luna you got us there, nicely done."

"Why thank you Rick. Id was clear of influence by the way." We approached Ego it was a much larger city more along the lines of what I knew from Earth, sturdy brick and glass. Apartment buildings and some suburban homes around the edge of the city / town.

As we walked into town no one paid us any special attention, the population here was much larger perhaps five thousand residents I might guess still small as far as cities went but comparatively to Id it was huge.

Here too there was a mix of humans and pony just interacting and living out their... 'Lives'? I had no idea; clearly the inside of my mind was a strange place. We traveled through town Luna scanning and Twilight and I looking for anything amiss after looking around a bit we stopped a couple out walking, partly to ask if anything had been or was amiss and partly because I was just plain curious about what went on in my mind.

The couple we stopped was again a bit familiar, the human was a male who again bore a resemblance to me much like the fellow from Id though this version was much better dressed and clean. The mare he was with also looked familiar, she was an Earth pony but bore a striking resemblance to Twilight.

They stopped and regarded us for a moment before smiling and shaking hands / hooves. "Well welcome to Ego. You all look like you've just arrived? Well if you’re looking for a place to call home you couldn't do much better then here." He declared proudly his mare nodding along with him.

"Definitely! Trust us you don't want to go to Id..." She frowned with a distasteful look but tinged a bit with... Envy perhaps?

"Ah, yes. We did stop by there first on our way through. We're just passing by actually seeing the sights; we'll be stopping by SuperEgo later. Id was... Interesting?" I blushed slightly.

"A bunch of barbarians! Don't get me wrong we all have our needs but they go about it in a completely unacceptable manner. But we leave them to themselves, as I understand their kept under surveillance in case they try anything too wild." He leaned over with a grin and a wink. "Occasionally a few members of Ego go there to... Experience their way of living. I hear it can be fun." He chuckled as the mare shook her head smiling ruefully.

"Honestly. Well if you’re going up to SuperEgo be careful we've heard they've been having a lot of problems up there lately." She warned.

"Oh? What kind of problems?!" Twilight asked eagerly.

"No one knows any specifics but it must be serious their usually so... Quiet? Straight laced? I'm not sure but their in charge up there so anything that’s wrong there affects us all."

We thanked them for their time and watched them go side by side his arm over her, so familiar. Twilight walked up to me and I put my arm over her squeezing her gently.


Very, but sweet as well. I wonder if I have a bunch of Ponies and humans living in my mind?

All living happily in a big library I bet!

Oh you. Love you.

Love you.

We kissed softly then turned to find Luna pointedly examining the architecture with a smile on her face.

"Sounds like SuperEgo is where we will find our answers."


We followed the path to SuperEgo and found a winding trail that led up the mountain. It looked like a long, long climb but after what seemed to be only minutes we arrived at a walled city strangely resembling Canterlot but with buildings showing over the wall that were very modern. As we approached I noticed the main gate was closed and there were six guards before it, three humans lightly armoured and holding shields swords at their sides and three ponies also armoured with a lance type weapon attached to their armour and a sword belted to their other side.

They noticed us as we approached and nervously arranged themselves in human / pony pairs, the ponies lance was always on the right side I now noticed and the humans shield arm the right as well so they could protect the pony and themselves with the shield and the pony would be free to assist and engage.

When we were about twenty feet away one of them called out. "Halt! What’s your business here?!"

I stopped and held up my hands peaceably. "We heard you've had some problems and wanted to see if we could help in any way and what they were."

"I fail to see what possible help you could..." He stopped suddenly as his partner nudged him and he leaned down so they could quietly converse. After a few moments he stood back up straight quickly sheathing his sword and slinging his shield over his back waving the other guards back he and his partner came forward.

"I'm very sorry, we've just all been on edge lately. Things have been difficult..." He sheepishly apologised while removing his helmet. I had expected him to look somewhat like me but to my surprise again this copy... Mental version? Of myself was very much like me, perhaps his nose was a touch longer and maybe his ears a bit smaller I couldn't be sure but it was like looking into a mirror. His partner’s helmet levitated off showing she was a unicorn explaining the swords sheathed at their sides as they could use them through telekinesis.

And she was a dead ringer for Twilight, subtle differences again but very small. She smiled shyly at me as I stared for a moment until I felt a nudge in the side.


Sorry! Sorry, she looks so much like you though...


It's just my mind love you’re as big a part of it as you are outside of it.


I squeezed her tightly and we turned our attention back to the two before us who were regarding us with smiles.

"Um, yes truly it was pretty lonely in here up to that day when you popped in to his mind." The other me grinned.

"Wait... What? Did you hear?"

Luna leaned down whispering between us. "We're in your mind Rick, deep in your consciousness naturally your and Twilights 'secret' communication comes through clear as a bell."

I rubbed my forehead. "I really should have thought of that..."

"Some of the decision makers will definitely want to meet you! We could show you through the city on our way if you like?" The other Twilight offered.

"Of course, lead on." Twilight answered interposing herself between me and... Herself? I had to smile to myself she just made me so happy.

We followed them asking questions while Luna scanned and searched. We could definitely see something had been happening, some buildings looked burnt out and others completely collapsed into rubble but we could also see things being rebuilt and cleaned up as well.

As we walked the other me explained that 'awhile' ago, specifics on time seemed to work strangely in my mind. There was just the 'me’s' in my mind doing what needed to be done to keep my consciousness going. Remembering passwords, phone numbers and everything like that. Things I and probably anyone else would take completely for granted.

"But one day strange new thoughts started to enter the consciousness, thoughts of Twilight... Naturally we simply began storing them like we would with any memory but... Well some of us, okay a lot of us began visiting the memories to see her, experience your interactions with her again and again..."

"Then came the time of darkness, no memory, no emotion... Nothing. We thought it was the end but when we had lost all hope something happened. A purple radiance came filling everything up with its light then she came." He gestured over to his partner and she blushed fetchingly.

"I wasn't the first of course. She who came first had never been here before but still it was like she belonged here. Had a place here waiting for her all along."

"She changed everything; in our darkness she brought light, hope, love. And everything was better, perfect... But a short while ago something invaded, taking over people and ponies. Forcing us to raise arms against one another... Against the ones we loved. Many couldn't go on without their better halves and threw themselves from the battlements..."

Twilight gasped and I squeezed her comfortingly.

"I know... We know we're just pieces of your mind. Random thoughts, we don't mean any..."

"You do mean something. We are one and you did no less then I would have. Thank you." I felt a bit silly for thanking myself for self preservation and maybe this whole thing was me rationalizing with myself for everything I had done and gone through. But still I felt they / I? No they deserved it and more.

"The battle was long and difficult but something from the outside helped us, strengthened us, bolstering us when we needed it the most. Until at last we had triumphed, the last lingering piece of the infection is held up there." He gestured upwards to the highest tower. "We can't destroy it; we've tried time and again with everything we can think of but to no avail. Perhaps you might have some idea?"

"Well that’s what we're here for."

We headed up the tower quickly coming to a heavily guarded and barred doorway. After a quick conversation between our guides and the guards the door was unbarred and we went inside. The room was huge much bigger then the tower should have been able to contain and within were hundreds of pairs or Twilights and me's and in the center of the room I could easily see the cause for their concern. A near identical copy of the 'beetle' form of the Miasma only huge easily the size of an Elephant contained within a cage of telekinetic energy.

All around it were pairs, Twilights pouring their energy into maintaining the cage their partners comforting and holding them. Every so often a pair would collapse and have to be replaced by another the first dragging themselves away to rest.

Our guides led us over to a couple resting together and this time I could see no difference between Twilight and I and them at all. They must be the 'firsts' I reasoned.

They sat up as we approached and both pairs of us stared at one another for a moment before mutually smiling and exchanging hand and hoofshakes.

"We tried I swear we did..." My double began.

I held up my hand to stop him. "You did and you did an amazing job and sacrificed so much for me... Us? All of us. Just sit back and let’s see what we can do."

I turned to Luna with a hopeful look to find her staring at the bug a look of distaste and maybe even fear in her eyes.


"I... I'm not sure... I'm afraid..."

I noticed now a slight tremble in her legs as she tried to maintain her composure. I grabbed her in a comforting hug.

"No worries. My mind, my problem."

"Our problem." Twilight corrected gently.

"Your right love. Okay, this is my mind so I make the decisions here right?" I looked around to a forest of blank stares; grinning to myself I walked up to the cage Twilight by my side and looked at the being within. It stared back its multiple eyes all filled with anger, rage and malevolence.

I put my arm over Twilight for strength and comfort and took a deep breath concentrating. I reached out towards the cage and... Grew? Or did the creature shrink? Either way my hand passed through the cage with ease entrapping the Miasma within it. I gripped it tightly as it bit and clawed at my hand but this was my consciousness some rules applied and some did not. Its attacks did no damage and I brought it close to my face speaking to it with a whispering growl.

"You. Are. Not. Welcome. Here!"

With each word I tightened my grip hearing its carapace crack as I crushed it slowly. Its squeals of pain brought no sympathy from me after all it had done and wanted to do. As it broke the pieces of it formed into smaller versions of it as they fell but my alternate selves were ready they rushed forward to grab and crush them repeatedly, Twilights crushing them beneath their hooves in a satisfying orgy of violence and revenge. By the time we were through nothing remained of it.

Luna swept the room carefully and thoroughly checking for any trace of the Miasma.

She sat down with a relieved sigh. "You scared me there for a second Rick."

"You and me both Luna. I really don't know much about the subconscious but... Well I was hoping you'd tell me if I was really screwing up."

She leaded over with a small smile. "To be honest this is the first time I have been in another’s consciousness. I merely monitor and interact with the dreams I do not delve deeper. To do so would be very dangerous, but in this situation it had to be done. I hope you understand and can forgive me."

"Luna! Don't be silly without your and Twilights help it would have likely taken me over and I don't even want to think of what could have happened then... So am I safe? Twilight and Scootaloo? Not that I mind my... Mind? But I would really like to get back to reality. Back to the mare and filly I love, life. I've got a lot to do."

She smiled softly. "Yes. The nightmare is over you can rest easy. We can all rest easy. For now, we will be ready next time this I swear."

I turned and addressed the gathered. "Thank you my friends... My mind, I hope we can get back to the way things were. I'll be thinking of you... Or will I be thinking with you?"

"And we will be thinking with you. Farewell..."

Luna’s horn glowed and suddenly I awoke with a start still where I had been all along Twilight right by my side. She awoke as well and we kissed passionately.

We did it.

You did it!

Surely this has shown you Twi, I'm nothing without you. I love you; I need you, now and forever.

And I need you. Now and forever.

I kissed her and wiped her tears away before we turned our attention to Luna and found her still sitting sucking in deep breaths with sweat pouring off of her. Twilight quickly levitated the pitcher of water and a glass over to her which she drained several times before gasping and sitting back.

"Many thanks. To maintain the connection for so long required far more energy then I had thought." She arose and stretched mightily. "But dawn nears and I must go inform the guards you are free to go and my sister of what transpired. Again I am so sorry this happened but thank you so much, both of you for your dedication and sacrifice."

"Could a Knight do any less? Seriously Luna we would help regardless, anytime."

"Absolutely, whew. I'm still bushed though. Maybe we can get a few hours sleep before anyone comes today?" Twilight yawned.

"I will let the staff not to disturb you until noon at the latest. Fare you well Twilight and Rick."

"See you later Luna, thanks again."

She smiled and nodded heading out the door as Twilight and I got comfortable again.

"I'm glad that’s over. Thinking I was going to put you and Angel in danger was killing me."

"You know we would never abandon you no matter what."

"I know. Sleep tight love."

"Sleep tight."

We kissed softly and drifted off at peace with no worries...

Author's Note:

So lazy, so distracted. Seriously I am sorry to take so long but sometimes the writing process is... Difficult. But enough excuses. With that unpleasantness behind us hopefully Twi and I can get back to life eh? As always thank you so much for reading and enjoying and comment to your hearts desire. (I very likely got all the Id, Ego and SuperEgo stuff wrong but I was never really good at that psychology stuff.)