• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 13,557 Views, 439 Comments

The First Year - TwilightsmyMare

A continuation of Living and Dying in Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 2 (Timber Wolves, Tigers and Trixie! Oh my.)

The rest of the week passed by fairly uneventfully, our friends came and went with ideas and plans for the wedding. Twilights parents visited and were far from the angry and upset I thought they might be. They congratulated us and promised to be at the wedding.

We got word to Shining Armor and Cadance as well so they would have plenty of time to make arrangements for their responsibilities so they could attend. Princess Celestia visited again as well and was not disappointed at all; far from it she looked forward to seeing her sister perform her first marriage ceremony.

Day by day I began to feel better, far better then I had a right to. I wasn't sure if it was just the rest or some magic the doctors used or Twilights magic but by the end of the week I felt very good, even better then I had before the whole incident occurred... Weird.

The day of our departure we were packing up all of Twilights books for transport when Spike came through the door.

"Heya Spike! Haven't seen you for days whatcha been up to?" I asked.

"Oh you know... Just hanging around, visiting the old haunts."

"I'm glad your here Spike, we'll need all the help we can get with this stuff. But don't worry I'll do all the reshelving when we get back home." Twilight said with a grin.

"Oh... Sure I'll help you get these to the train but..."

I looked over at him; he was looking at the ground shuffling his feet. "What’s wrong Spike?"

"I... I'm not coming back with you guys."

"What?!" Twilight and I spoke together.

"Spike is this because of me? I don't want to drive you out of your home buddy!"

Spike held his hands up to stop us. "No, no. Well maybe it has a little to do with you. But I've been talking with Princess Celestia, Twilight you remember when I wanted to find out what its like to be a Dragon right?" She nodded her eyes moist. Spike turned to me. "I followed the Dragon migration once, but all I found out is that some Dragons are real jerks! Anyhow, the Princess said if I wanted I could stay here and she would teach me all she knew about them. But it was up to me."

"But you could do that from home Spike!" Twilight begged.

"It’s my choice Twilight. I know you guys will need some space too. And it’s only for a year! I'll miss you Twilight... You too I guess Rick."

"Thanks for the thought." I said with a sarcastic grin.

"But I really do want to learn more about my heritage... And my mom... Why she gave me up..."

Twilight leaned down and grabbed Spike in a hug. "Ok Spike. But you write me whenever you can ok? And you'll still be at our wedding right? We need our number one ring bearer!"


I held out my hand for Spike to shake then grabbed him in for a quick hug. "I'll miss ya little buddy. And everyone... Er everypony else will too."

"I let them all know already. I saved you guys for last because I knew it was going to be hard."

Twilight was still pretty teary eyed, I squeezed her gently. It'll be ok Twi. "Come on and see us to the train station then Spike."

All our friends had left the day earlier to continue preparations not to mention get back to their own lives. We bid Spike a teary farewell and settled down in our compartment.

"I'm sorry Twi. I know you love Spike a lot."

"It’s not your fault. It’s been a long time coming, he’s growing up. It can't be easy living among a different species."

I leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Oh it’s not so bad." I grinned.

"Well you know where and who you came from at least, Spike doesn't know any of that. I don't even know... I hope Princess Celestia can tell him what he wants to know."

"I'm sure she can." I held her tightly as we traveled.

I'm so lucky.

Why? Because you get to marry a librarian? She teased.

Only the most beautiful, sexiest librarian in the universe.

Stop it...

She tilted her head up and kissed me softly.

Love you.

Love you.

We drifted off for a bit lulled by the clickity clack of the rails.

We arrived in Ponyville and unloaded our luggage and turned around to a large group of ponies waiting for us.

"SURPRISE!" They all shouted. Pinkie Pie jumped out unfurling a banner that said. 'Glad you’re not dead!'

"I just threw together a quick party for you! The big ones after the wedding!"

We were quickly surrounded by ponies congratulating us and wishing us well. We were sure to invite anyone who wanted to come to our upcoming nuptials, the date still to be announced.

But after a few hours we excused ourselves, we were tired and just wanted to get home.

We finally walked up to the library door pulling our wagon full of books and stuff.

"Wait Twi."

"What is it?"

I opened the door and scooped her up in my arms. "Just wanted to carry you over the threshold."

"That’s for after we're married silly."

I kissed her softly. "I'll do it then too." I carried her through the door and just held her for a moment. "I love you so much Twi."

She put her forelegs around my neck and pulled me down for a passionate kiss. Her horn glowed and the door closed behind us. "The books can wait." She whispered.

I carried her up to our bed kissing all the way.

A few hours later we laid entangled together warm and content, the last rays of sunlight still shining thru the window.

Twilight stretched against me nuzzling my neck. "Can we just stay here the rest of the day?"

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her even closer kissing her forehead. "As long as you want."

She sighed happily. "I guess I should shelve those books..."

I stroked her neck gently. "And I guess I had better get to putting those Ward stones in place while I have daylight..."

We stared at one another still unwilling to let go. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

I awoke in the early night to find Twilight not beside me but some gentle hoof clicks from below. I sighed and smiled to myself, she just couldn't wait.

I got up and put on some shorts and made my way downstairs. Twilight had all our stuff laid out neatly and was levitating her books into their proper places; she looked over to me as I came down the stairs.

"I'm sorry did I wake you?"

I stretched. "Not at all." I walked into the kitchen. "Can I get you something to eat?"

Her stomach growled slightly. "Oh. Yes please. I got so busy."

I chuckled and made us both some sandwiches and drinks. As I came back out I found her gently placing the letter I had written her into a glass frame. I put the food down on the table and walked over; I leaned down and hugged her tightly.

"I never want to forget. We... We almost..."

I tilted her head up gently and wiped her tears away. "I don't know what I would have done without you."

She gazed at me her amazing eyes luminescent in the candlelight. "I... I would have been lost."

I shook my head slightly. "You’re strong Twi." I kissed her. "And it all turned out. I wouldn't do a thing differently."

She smiled and kissed me back, we went over and ate then I gathered my new clothes and put them away upstairs. Coming back down I found Twilight levitating several books at a time reading and glancing in between them. The look of intense concentration on her face was so cute.

I knelt down beside her rubbing her shoulders and back kissing up her neck and gently nibbling her ear.

"Riiick. You’re distracting me!"

I stopped and sat back.

She looked over her shoulder at me with a sexy smile. "Well I didn't say stop." She let her books fall to the floor and knocked me over with a passionate open mouth kiss.

After, I carried her up to bed and we fell into a deep sleep in each others embrace our hearts beating together as one.

I awoke as the sun was rising the next morning; Twilight snuggled against me as the sun hit us. "Ooh do we have to get up?"

"We don't have to. But we had better." I laughed. I hopped out of bed and scooped her up carrying her to the shower.

Twilight had a great deal to catch up on in town and I had to get the Ward stones in place so we parted ways at the door.

"Love ya Twi." I said as I kissed her goodbye softly.

"I love you."

She trotted off to her duties and I headed off to mine, I had walked perhaps fifty feet when I turned to watch her go, I was surprise or maybe just happy to see her looking back to me as well. I waved and we passed from each others sight.

I headed to the far edge of the Everfree forest; I wasn't too concerned about any of the creatures. I had a whole bag of Ward stones; nothing was going to come near me, unless it was something Luna had missed. That seemed pretty unlikely to me. All the same I kept my eyes open; not only for any creatures but any signs they had been coming out of the forest and heading towards town.

I placed the first stone burying it a short way under the ground so no curious critter or ponies would be messing with them. I marked it with a small stick sticking out of the ground; I hoped I wouldn't have too much trouble finding them again.

As I traveled I found a few animal trails between the forest and town but they looked to be for small animals. I definitely needed to learn some tracking skills so I could tell one print from another. All I could tell at this point was something passed this way at some time, not particularly helpful.

I traveled along the border planting the Wards at what I hoped were approximately a mile apart, about every two thousand steps.

The border between the Everfree forest and Ponyville isn't huge but if they were intelligent enough creatures could easily loop around the limited area and still get around so I went a bit out of my way to effectively block town off. If a creature was really determined they could still make around but they didn't know the area I had placed them in or how far they went. All in all it seemed pretty safe.

By the time I got back to town I was dragging my feet, I had gotten much more used to walking but a couple weeks off your feet can really slow down your endurance.

When I got back home it was late afternoon, I was surprised to see Twilight wasn't back yet. They rely on her for a lot in town so I guess she has some catching up to do.

I tossed my sweat soaked clothes in the laundry basket and had a quick shower to freshen up, I felt considerably better when I came out. I exited the bathroom drying my hair when I heard a gasp; I lowered the towel to see Fluttershy, Dash and Twilight setting up for dinner. Fluttershy immediately covered her eyes with her hooves and Dash burst out laughing as I quickly covered myself.

Twilight was blushing a bit but I must have been beet red.

"Ah... Sorry... I didn't hear you out here..." I explained. I quickly headed upstairs with the towel wrapped around my waist while Dash rolled around on the floor holding her sides.

Sorry, sorry!

It’s ok. These things happen, but Dash is definitely going to make you pay for this one.


I quickly finished drying off and got dressed and headed down the stairs. Dash had regained control of herself and barely snickered as I came down. Fluttershy was still covering her eyes.

"I'm dressed Fluttershy. Very sorry about that."

She peeked out as if unsure I was telling the truth. Seeing me dressed she got up and blushed slightly. "Sorry..."

"You have nothing to be sorry about Fluttershy. My fault." There came a knock at the door as I apologised, it swung open and Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack entered loaded down with goods.

"I hope you don't mind Rick, I invited the girls over for dinner and to plan some more?"

"Not a problem. Let me help you with that stuff ladies." I went over and relieved them of their burdens. Some food, fabric as well as design sketches. I put it all aside and brought the food into the kitchen to Twilight and Fluttershy. Fluttershy still couldn't look me in the face without blushing; Twilight rolled her eyes at her and pulled me down for a sweet kiss.

"How did it go?" She asked.

"Not bad at all, I extended it a little further down so no dangerous creatures should be able to pass. And how did your day go?"

"Busy! I'm so behind, but they understand. You'll have to show me where you left them later; we can make a map to send to Luna showing how you set it up."

"Sounds good. Need a hand here?"

"Nope, Fluttershy and I have it well in hoof." I kissed her again and headed back out into the library to find Dash whispering to the other mares with a big grin on her face. They all looked over at me and smiled innocently.

"Well howdy Rick, good to 'see' ya!" Applejack smirked.

"Yes darling, how fresh and clean you look." Rarity offered.

"Ya! You were naked!" Pinkie burst out laughing along with Dash, Applejack and Rarity barely containing themselves.

"Ok, ok. Dash giving me a hard time is bad enough." I said trying to look stern but I was unable to maintain my stoic look and snickered a bit myself. "Alright, ha ha. Enough for now. What did you bring to show us Milady?"

Rarity regained control of herself and levitated several swashes of fabric and sketches over to me. She had designed a suit for me and a dress for Twilight, both more then a little over the top. I was pretty sure Twilight would want something a bit more simple but I just looked them over for now. The fabric was top quality of course.

"Beautiful Milady Rarity. But mayhap a bit too fancy for us..."

"Darling! If you can't be over the top fancy on your wedding when can you?"

Twilight came over and sat on my lap to my delight. "What's over the top?"

I showed her the sketches and fabric.

A bit much?

Definitely. But let’s not hurt her feelings.

Of course.

"I love this fabric Rarity. And these designs are amazing! But you know I'm more of a simple gown kind of a mare."

She sighed. "I know Twilight. Really I think I was designing for my own wedding." She levitated a couple more sketches out of her bag and floated them over to us. These were both simple but beautiful designs that suited us perfectly.

"These are amazing!" I gushed.

"Perfect Rarity, I knew you had it all planned. Thank you."

We were about to continue when a scroll with a bag attached to it popped into existence with a puff of green flame above us and thudded down onto the table. Twilight undid the bag and levitated it over to me while she unfurled the scroll and read out loud.

Twilight and Rick

Hi! It’s Spike! Princess Luna has gotten me to send you these bits as your payment Rick and your stipend Twilight. (She added an extra hundred bits for the wedding shh.) Hope to hear back from you soon.

Spike. Oh and Princess Luna and Princess Celestia too.

I dumped the bag out and Twilight quickly counted out two hundred and fifty bits, a large sum. For our second monthiversary I had had barely eighty bits to spend and those went a long way.

"Well that’s something. You should all have some of these, your doing all the work and preparation." I offered.

"Darling no, I couldn't..."

Twilight interrupted her. "Rarity! We insist! You too Pinkie, I know your always spending all your bits on parties for other ponies. Applejack, Fluttershy and you too Rainbow Dash. Please." She separated out the majority of the bits for everypony keeping a small stack of fifty for us.

They all tried to refuse but we insisted again and again.

With that settled dinner was served and we chatted and ate.

"So is it ok for us to use the farm Applejack?" I asked.

"Boy howdy. We got tons of room. I found a nice open spot that amazingly enough Rarity agreed with."

"Well Applejack you do know your farm. It’s a beautiful open area perfect for an evening wedding."

"Sounds great!" Twilight said. "And how about the after party preparations Pinkie?"

"I'm still gathering what I need but they'll be ready! I've sent out loads of invitations too!" Pinkie grinned happily.

"Don't you worry the weather will be free and clear on the day I'll see to it myself. Just remember to wear your suit eh?" Dash stuck out her tongue at me as she teased.

"I'll try to remember that Dash thanks." I replied as I stuck out my tongue in reply.

"My bird friends would be more then happy to sing as well... If you want..." Fluttershy whispered.

"Thanks Fluttershy! I'm sure they'll sound beautiful. Well I think that covers almost everything. I'll have to make a checklist to be sure!"

We finished dinner and everypony headed back home. Twilight and I cleaned up doing the dishes together side by side in the kitchen.

It’s almost like we're married already isn't it?

Oh no. You’re not getting out of this!

Hey! I'm the one who proposed remember? I took her in my arms and kissed her.

I know... Just nervous.

Me too... But I want this, more then anything.

Me too, ever since I was a little filly I planned... No it’s silly.

No, tell me. Please.

Well... I always dreamed a prince from a faraway land would come and ask for my hoof in marriage.

Two out of three?

She giggled and kissed me. You may not be a prince but you are exactly who I want... Who I need.

We finished the dishes extremely quickly and I chased her upstairs to bed.

The next day I helped Twilight around town with the dozens of jobs she needed to catch up on, everything from recording the latest rainfalls impact on the water levels to advanced preparations for next springs Winter Wrap Up, which she explained to me is when they clean up all the snow and mess from winter and begin their planting. Couldn't wait to see that. We retraced my steps from the day before and Twilight modified a map to show where I had placed the Ward stones, I moved a few so it would be more accurate for her.

Fortunately Twilight knew the spell Celestia used to send mail to her and could use it to send mail directly to Spike. She let him know how everything was going and that we missed him. We relaxed together back at home on the couch enjoying a simple dinner.

"Whew... Long day."

"Yes, but I'm almost caught up. Thanks Rick."


We finished eating and fell asleep cuddling together on the couch; I woke up a bit later in the evening and gently carried her up to bed. I stared out at the moonlight for awhile, funny how things turn out...

I heard Twilight sigh softly behind me. "Come to bed." I undressed and we snuggled down to sleep.

I helped Twilight finish catching up the next day and with her studies afterwards, Spike must have had a very good memory as it took me quite awhile to locate some of the books she needed. Fortunately she knew where most of them were located and pointed them out.

The next day I headed out early to check the border, I started at the far end making sure the stones hadn't been tampered with. I had a few extra on me just in case I needed them. Everything was looking good until I was about halfway down the line when from the forest I heard a commotion.

Out of the forest burst something small followed closely by six large wolf looking creatures; they appeared too be made up of wood. Very odd but there looked to be blood on their sharp fangs and they were in pursuit of something.

Shortly after breaking through the trees they seemed to slow, as if they had to work to push forward, they struggled to chase their prey but ground to a halt unable to push through the Ward's influence thankfully. The thing they were chasing came running through the grass in front of me and screeched to a halt upon seeing me. It was a tiger cub! Very young, it seemed unhurt. It backed away from me slowly glancing back toward the creatures that had been chasing it.

They gave a piercing howl and bound back into the forest. The cub glanced at me then turned and ran back towards the forest itself. Now the Princess hadn't said anything about interacting with the inhabitants of the forest but I couldn't just leave the poor little thing to its fate. I pursued it, confident that the Ward stones I had on me would keep me from harm.

The cub was quite fast and I had to stop on occasion to reorient myself to the sound of it running through the foliage. I didn't see many other creatures, a few birds and squirrels. I hoped that meant the stones were working, or just that most of the dangerous creatures lived much deeper in the forest.

I finally caught up to the cub in a small clearing; I walked up slowly to find it nuzzling and pitifully mewling at the body of a full grown tiger. I sighed and crouched down; the mama tiger was scratched and bitten all over. From the scattered bits of wood around the clearing it was apparent she hadn't gone down without a fight.

The cub had given up trying to wake its mother and lay against her staring at me with big pale blue eyes. Well I couldn't just leave it here... Fluttershy would know what to do. I lunged forward and grabbed it behind the neck avoiding its small but still needle sharp claws and maneuvered it into the sack with my remaining stones. Strange it wasn't affected by them... I'd have to check with the Princess about that.

I backtracked my steps to the border then made my way quickly to Fluttershys cottage.

I tapped on the door only to have it answered by a small white bunny.

"Uh... Is Fluttershy here?" I asked taken a bit aback.

He narrowed his eyes at me and the squirming sack at my side then gestured me in. Very articulate for a bunny.

In a moment Fluttershy entered from another room. "Who was it Angel bunny? Oh! Hi Rick..." She still blushed slightly.

"Hi Fluttershy. I have something I need you to look at here." I put the bag down and stepped back.

"Oh? Let me see." She flipped the bag open and stuck her face in, I tensed hoping she wasn't about to get scratched. But all I heard was her cooing.

"Oh you poor, poor baby! What happened? And then? Oh my! What then? Oh I'm so sorry!" Her head came out of the bag gently holding the cub by the scruff of the neck, she put it down in front of her and it snuggled against her leg purring happily.

"That’s amazing Fluttershy. You can talk with animals?"

"Well yes... It’s my special talent."

"I found the mother... But it was too late, it looked like some wolves? Made of wood attacked them."

"Timber Wolves." She shivered slightly. "I love all animals but... This little fellow here told me he and his mother usually climb a tree to avoid them but they got caught out in the open..." She stroked the cub as she explained.

"I see. Will he be ok here with you?"

"Oh yes. I'll take care of him for awhile; I know a family of ocelots who I think would be happy to take him in."

"Well I'm glad to hear it. Thanks Fluttershy, I had better get back to work."

"Thank you for saving him!"

"I couldn't just leave him there alone... Say Fluttershy."


"You know a lot about animals, do you know about their tracks and habits too? I have to watch the border of the Everfree forest and it would certainly help me to know what tracks belongs to who."

"Well sure... But I don't know if you want me to teach you... I mean I can..."

"Please Fluttershy? I'd really appreciate it."

She took a deep breath. "Okay."

"Thanks! I'll contact you later and see when you have free time ok?"

She nodded as I headed out the door. I quickly headed back home to pick up some more Ward stones, those wolves had gotten far closer then they should have been able to. I needed to narrow the spacing between the wards to make sure nothing could sneak through.

It was getting onto early evening when I buried my last stone; I straightened up working out he kinks in my back when I heard something.


I looked over and Twilight was galloping toward me. She leap up into my arms knocking me down to the ground, she kissed me feverishly while talking.

"Its late! I was so worried! Don't scare me like that!"

I hugged her tightly and kissed her. "I so don't deserve you Twi."

I explained what happened and she of course had some parchment as well as a Quill and ink in her saddlebags so we wrote a message to Luna right then, reoutlining the Ward stone border as well as querying if tigers were included in the stones memory or if the fact it had been a cub is why it hadn't been affected.

We headed back to town side by side, it was getting pretty late by the time we got back so we made a simple dinner and headed to bed.

I woke up the next morning just as Twilight was getting up. "Oh no you don't." She said kissing me softly. "You ran yourself ragged yesterday; you can sleep in a bit. I've got to see some ponies in town but I'll be back later."

I pulled her down for a kiss. "You’re the boss." I smiled.

I lazed about in bed for a few more hours enjoying the rest before I decided to get up and clean up around the library a bit. I got dressed and made the bed then headed downstairs to see what I could do. Twilight is a very neat and organised pony so there wasn't really much to do. A little sweeping and reshelving a few books and I was done.

Just as I was wondering what else I could do there came a knock at the door. I opened it to find a mare with a dark blue coat and a light blue mane and tail; she also had a cape and wizard type hat with stars decorating them both.

She looked at me surprised and backed up a step.

"Wait! Sorry to startle you. I'm harmless really." I explained with a grin.

She looked at me apprehensively. "Trixie... I mean, I'm looking for Twilight Sparkle. Is this her home?"

"Yes, please come in." I stepped aside letting her enter. "She's out at the moment but she should be home soon. Have a seat." I got a couple of drinks and presented her one then took a seat a ways away so as not to intimidate her.

She levitated off her hat and I could now see she was a unicorn, hence the levitation. "Thank you. Might Trixie... Ugh. May I ask who you are?"

"Me? Oh I'm Rick. Pleased to meet you... Trixie is it?" I extended my hand and she somewhat hesitantly shook it.

"Yes. Trix... I mean I had heard Twilight Sparkle was getting married and I came to offer my services as entertainment at her wedding. And to speak with her on a personal matter as well..."

"I'm sure she would be happy to see you. I assume you know one another from somewhere? Canterlot maybe?"

"No, we met here in Ponyville. Who might I ask is Twilight Sparkle to marry? Nopony I heard this rumour from mentioned a name."

I was a bit taken aback, I wasn't sure I should be breaking the news to Twilights old friends instead of her. Well I guess once couldn’t hurt. "Oh. Well that would be me..."

"You?! But your not a... And she’s... Just what are you?"

"He’s a human Trixie. And what are you doing here?" Twilight’s voice came from the doorway as she entered, frankly she didn't look happy to see her.

Sorry I told your friend about us without you here Twi.

Friend?! Nevermind. I'll tell you later.

"Twilight Sparkle! Trixie is... I mean I am here to offer you my entertainment skills for your wedding. And I wanted to ask you something in private..." She glanced in my direction.

"Rick is going to be my husband Trixie, say whatever you want he's not going anywhere. And just call me Twilight please." She said sitting down beside me.

"Tri... I... I'm trying to get out of the habit of referring to myself in the third pony. When you showed me up that day Twilight I was humiliated and angry, I ran off thinking I could just get a new start in a new town and things would go on as they had before. And for a little bit they did, but I kept thinking about how you used your magic... How pathetic mine was. I began to see how empty and pointless my life had become, pandering for crowds that saw me as little more then a charlatan. Then I heard news about your upcoming wedding and I decided to come here and ask... Beg even." She dropped down to her knees staring up at us, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"Teach Trix... Me; show me how to be more like you. I know I treated you all badly, I was arrogant and rude. Please give me a chance?"

"Trixie! I'm not qualified to teach, I'm only a student myself!"

"But you already know so much more then T... More then I do, I just want to learn!"

I knew that would appeal to Twilight, apparently they weren't friends. Rivals maybe?

What are you thinking Twi?

I can't teach her! You don't know what she was like!

But she could have changed. She seems sincere.

I don't know... I'm so busy as it is.



You do need a new assistant. Right? It might teach her some humility and you could make sure she learns to use and respect magic properly. I can't think of anyone better to teach her that then you.

Darn your logic! I'll have to write to the Princess to get her ok on it though.

Good idea. But I'm sure she'll approve.

"Ok Trixie. With Princess Celestia's approval. You'll help me around the library and I will teach you. Deal?"

Trixie looked up with a smile on her face. "Yes! Oh you won't be sorry Twilight! Thank you!"

"Ok, ok. You'll need somewhere to stay though... Yes I believe Fluttershy has a spare guestroom. How do you feel about animals?"

"Trix... I... Don't know...?"

"You'll learn to like them." Twilight said with a sly smile.

We sat and inked a letter to Princess Celestia including upon it Trixie’s solemn oath to obey Celestia’s magical rules. We then showed her over to Fluttershys cottage and spent some time convincing Fluttershy that Trixie wouldn't be too much trouble. In the end she relented clearly feeling a bit sorry for Trixie.

We bid them farewell, Fluttershy asked if I would come by tomorrow for a tracking lesson and Twilight asked Trixie to show up early to help her in the library.

Twilight told me the story of what happened when Trixie first came to town on the way home.

"I see. Dash told me about the Ursa but she never mentioned Trixie. Are you sure you want to do this Twi? I know I was pushing you a little..."

"No, you were right. I think this will do her good, and it couldn't hurt for me to brush up while teaching her. With the Princess's approval of course."

"Hah. You could do all those spells in your sleep love. You’re amazing."

She leaned up and I leaned down and we kissed. "No you’re amazing."

"No you are." I said teasingly.

"I guess we both are. We belong together." She stuck out her tongue at me as she stated that.

I swept her up in my arms kissing her soundly. "Without a doubt."

With a sudden flash we were back at home Twilight kissed me hungrily as we fell back on the bed.

We lay entwined afterward cuddling together.

"First day with a new assistant tomorrow. Try not to be too hard on her."

"We'll see." She grinned.

There was a flash above us and a scroll dropped down on us.

Twilight frowned. "Its late Spike you should be in bed!" She said at the ceiling.

The letter was an approval from Luna on how I had placed the Ward stones and her assurance that tigers had been included, but the stones do not repel them until they became dangerous. The second half was from Princess Celestia approving Trixie as Twilights student and temporary assistant, at the bottom Spike had scrawled to make sure to let her know he was the number one assistant!

I put the scroll aside and we drifted off to sleep together...