• Published 17th Dec 2022
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Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 13-14, Definitely A Friend.

June 4th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Today was another productive day so I'll try to get everything down.

Without ado, drum roll please…

Ta da, the world's first socks for ponies! (For incredibly weirdly colored ones at least.)

They're warm, comfy, and this nice slick black! Like no seriously, I'm wearing these right now and holy hell are these comfortable.

Other than just being stylish they dampen our hoofsteps a bit so we won't accidentally alert dogs, or any animals ever! Neat, huh?

I used me and Alyssa as the model(s) for this project again, needless to say she was a bit annoyed that I had her do all those posesAGAIN. (I'll be honest and just say I'm doing it to purposely annoy her, look I'm sorry Alyssa okay?)

But they aren't entirely pointless. Ha, take that Alyssa! ( Emile - 1 Alyssa - 0) These would probably be useful in the winter too.

I only pair two pairs of socks for me and Alyssa, but I didn't make John's cast yet. I've been thinking about just taking him to a hospital instead, there's no doctors there but they have things like proper cases and crutches we can "borrow." Alyssa seemed to agree too. I guess it's settled then, we're taking a trip to the hospital tomorrow.

Other than that, I did the "laundry" by hoof today, and I've been trying to learn how to fly.

It's actually not as hard as it looks, you just need to flap your wings a bit and bam just like I flew!

Just kidding, I fell flat on my face. It's definitely as hard as it looks, I don't even know if these wings could lift my body properly even with how small I am. Guessing I'm a flightless pegasus for now…

In the meantime while John's waiting for his leg to heal I decided to help him out with his magic. Heck, he might even be able to heal himself if he gets good at it. (Healing spells are usually a thing, right?)

So I told him to cast a spell, and he did! Kinda… Ok not really. He shot a beam out from his horn. It was so sudden that it almost hit me. Guess that's what I get for telling him to just "try something."

It's not exactly "magic" but it's a start. I guess…

I told him to try again, but to just focus. Concentrate and focus… Just focus on hitting this water bottle, and he did! I'm glad the last beam didn't hit me because by god did he fry that water bottle.

I'll try more "magic" with him tomorrow, who knows I might even unlock my own magic by helping him out! (I doubt it though…)

I'm guessing Alyssa read my mind yesterday because after that I caught her trying to play the guitar with her hooves. She's having a bit of trouble with it though…

We're all still trying to get used to our new bodies. It's a bit hard but I think we're getting there, maybe. I dunno.

I'm probably the only one who doesn't care about my old body. I mean being human is cool and all, but we have magic now! How awesome is that? Honestly, if everyone else were still here and were still human I'd pick this body in a heartbeat.

About magic, I'm just assuming we all do. I mean, John's a unicorn, Alyssa has some kind of super strength. And I have wings…

Ok maybe we all don't have magic. It would still be cool if we did though!

There's not much else for me to write about so uh, peace.

No goodbye for today?

- Emile

June 5th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Usually I'd scold that damned dog for running off like that, but I'm glad he did.

Alright so, I woke up in the middle of the night to Buddy barking at something. I thought he was just being annoying at first but it seemed like he wanted to get my attention so I followed after him.

And low and behold, look who we found. We found our food thief. She was trying to steal from us this time around instead of a store.

I wasn't going to just let that happen, so I tackled her and pinned her down with all might.

"Let me go!" She screamed, or something similar.

I didn't let her go and just yelled to alert everyone. I swear to god she was about to try something because I saw a slight yellow glow appear around that horn of hers. She gave that up when everyone came running though.

I tied her down to a chair and took her in for integration. (thunder….) Her names "Minuette." That's a pretty weird name if you ask me.

She has a maya blue coat, hair colored like toothpaste, the only thing she's wearing is a bright green checkered bandana, and her destiny mark is this weird slightly tilted half empty hourglass with sand trails around it.

I don't think this girl is right in the head because we won't tell us a thing about her past life other than "She feels like she has to do something but she can't remember…"

I ended up just letting her go. Aside from whatever she was going to try back there she's harmless.

I guess we have a new member in our "colony" now!

Minuettes knowledge doesn't seem to match up with ours. Like, when I showed her the truck she looked at it in awe like she had never seen anything like it before. (Did she grow up on an island or something?)

Speaking of, John seemed to think it was still May 23th when we first met him, it was May 26 when I first heard him on the radio and May 27 when we first met him in person.

It seems like whatever made everyone disappear is slowly bringing people back on different days. Me and Alyssa woke up on May 23rd, John woke up on May 26th… And Minuette woke up on whatever day she woke up on.

I ended up having to tell Alyssa and John why I recognized Minuette and how I went out to the store late at night a couple days ago. Alyssa was not happy… "You could've gotten hurt!" She said. I know but…. I was just trying to help us…

At least John understands why I did it.

Other than that, we have a new pair of extra hooves aboard so me and Minuette went out to a nearby carshop while Alyssa stayed with John. (and Buddy.)

It seems like Minuette can trot just fine so I had her teach me on the way. She looked at me a bit weirdly but she was happy to help teach me.

I think I got the hang of it. (I think the socks might've helped a bit) But It's simple really. It's a one a two, one a two, one a two… Like a rhythm.

Since she's a unicorn I used Minuette as my extra pair of "hands" and made her carry anything I couldn't carry. One of the really important things we picked up was a new engine since that was one of the main things that got damaged in the crash.

John thinks he'll get the truck up and running either by tomorrow or in a couple of days, after that we'll take him to the hospital and we'll be home free.

But in the meantime this is Emile you know the drill, bye bye.

- Emile

Author's Note:

Looks our "food thief" was someone from Equestria. And it's none other than Minuette!

She doesn't seem to remember anything though, wonder what's up with that.

(Also her name is Minuette, not Colgate. I won't let her be named after something like toothpaste.)

(Also fun fact: Minuette in this uses a slight redesign I gave her, that's why she that bandana and why her cutie mark is slightly different.)

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