• Published 17th Dec 2022
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Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 24-25, Partners In Destiny.

June 15th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Today was another semi productive day. We were mostly just finishing up stuff we already started though.

One of the first things I did today was finish up the radio with John since its basically one of our top priorities. (We need it to contact people you know.) With John's mechanical skills and my uh, "assortment of special qualities" we were able to get it done fairly quickly.

Now all that's left was to test it… "Testing, Testing, 1 2 3…." It works, I dunno if anybody heard the message but it works just fine.

Next thing on the list was to fix up the place. We finished up the cattle pen for the cows and we're almost done with painting the barn. We had to use the ladder for some of the really high places, it's actually pretty hard to climb things with hooves…

Humans are good at those kinda things since we (apparently) evolved from monkeys, ponies not so much. I had Minuette wait and hold the ladder just in case something like yesterday happened again. Luckily, I didn't fall this time. (Yay…)

The barn and the cow pen (what do you call it? Cattle pen?) look pretty good so far, they still seem a little unfinished though. But like I said yesterday, we're on a roll! Even after all we've been through we're still doing good!

I tried to fly again today, but I had the same result yesterday though. I tumbled down the hill like a tumbleweed, but just a small moment I swear it felt like I lifted myself off the ground. I think I'm getting there… In a couple months I might even be able to fly like the pegasi in my vision! (One day…)

I've pretty much mastered galloping and cantering by now. Me and Minuette are trying to teach the others how, Alyssas still stuck on trotting and John's doing pretty good with walking so far especially with that stiff leg of his.

Just give it some time, they'll learn eventually. (I still hope it doesn't take too long though.)

We'll probably finish up fixing the barn, the cattle pen and move on to the chicken pen and the house next.

Not much else happened today… I'll probably try the radio tomorrow to see if we can contact anyone out there. Maybe, just maybe there's another colony like us…

Welp, this is Emile as usual. Over and out.

- Emile

June 16th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Okay, okay, okay. We've discovered something incredible today. Just like I thought yesterday, there's hope! There's more people out there like us!

Today I woke up and heard something on the radio. The message was a bit foggy but I could make it out. “If you're hearing this, you are not alone. There are other survivors. We have resources and a growing community. We are presently located in Los Angeles, California at the following street address... We'll listen on this frequency for any replies, this message will repeat…"

I was practically on the verge of tears. There's hope, there's more people, another colony just like us! I left them a little reply: "We hear you loud and clear, partner, we're located in Delaware at this address, over."

Los Angeles is only about 40 hours away, we could go there right now if we want to! I calmed down and woke everyone up to tell them the news.

Everyone seemed happy, Alyssa was ecstatic, John kept his cool but I could still see the light in his eyes, and Minuette seemed overjoyed and fascinated with other people being out there. Heck, even Buddy seemed like he was happy.

We got a reply back from them shortly after that: "We got your message, you're not too far from us, do you wanna meet up somewhere?"

I thought it over and I simply told them "No, we don't wanna abandon our home, we can always meet up later."

But now we're talking over the radio to each other. The person who first sent the message by the way, his name is Alex. He told me about everything, about how he woke up alone with everyone gone, how he got turned into a pony, how he met Cloudy Skies and Joseph, just everything.

My god, does it feel good to talk to someone who went through the same things I did. He even got turned into a mare like me! I know I have Alyssa and the others… It's just nice to have someone who just understands me more, y'know? I bet he feels the same way.

God, I barely know Alex and I'm already treating him like a close friend. I'm so stupid…

I told him about everything that happened to me too. I guess I was a bit luckier than him because I woke up with someone, while it took him a couple days to find anyone else.

And remember that shared "vision" I had when me and John messed with turns out Alex had an incident like that too. Mine happened a few days before his though. I joked about it being a shared vision across the space time continuum, but how is that even possible…?

Heh, this stuff doesn't even surprise me that much anymore. I guess that's what happens you're exposed to so much magic shenanigans in 24 days.

Either way I found you, my partner in destiny. That's what we are, we both share similar fates and destinies.

Alex signed off with us after that, I guess he had to go do something. Well, whatever it was it must've been important.

Alright so, we finished up the rest of the cattle pen for the cows and the barn today, they look nice. I said we would move on to the chicken coop and the house yesterday but I don't know about that now. The house is fine, it could use a bit of sprucing up though. The chicken coops okay, but we might as well just build another one with the condition it's in.

Ugh… I'm just thinking logically, okay? Just trying to save us time and resources. (Not money, that doesn't really matter anymore.)

So build a new chicken coop… What else…. Oh right! We've been mostly drinking store bought water but we should probably build a well. There isn't an infinite amount of water bottles and some of the lakes are probably drying up by now, so having a well would be nice. So, a well…. Hmm…

Y'know, this place is pretty nice. I wonder how much the family that lived here got this land for… I kinda wanna build some kind of enclosure with a gate around it, not really for any specific use. I thought it might look nice, it could keep some stuff out though…

We could also build a shed for storage…

Alright, there! I made a little list on what we should do with this place. The others seemed to agree with most of it, except maybe the fence and gate. Alyssa asked me what it would be for, I just shrugged and said "maybe it'll keep the deer out?"

I'm sure they'll help out anyway.

And speaking of deer. Yeah, there's deer out here. I saw one today. There aren't a lot of animals out here but there's a forest nearby so there's definitely some in there. (Wolves maybe?)

I continued working on my "project" today, some of the flowers are starting to bloom. John saw me working on them but didn't question why I was planting them in such a specific order. (I hope he didn't find out… That'd ruin the surprise!)

Alex contacted us again today and said something about strange messages on an emergency channel. So, I turned the radio to that same channel and yup.

There's static with some kind of robotic female voice repeating some numbers. It's probably some kind of code for something. I don't know if I could decipher it though, Alex said his friend Joseph could try.

Hmm… Maybe it's some kind of secret message from a government that survived? But if it was why would they put it in code, shouldn't they be trying to help survivors during something like this?

Maybe it's like in one of those science fiction movies where the government is securely evil, eh…

Alright, I'm getting tired now. I'm heading to bed so I'll have enough energy to get stuff done tomorrow.


Alex, Cloudy Skies, Joseph… They all seem like nice people, I hope we can meet them soon…

- Emile

Author's Note:

Alex and Emile finally meet sort of...

They both have similar visions and both have similar fates, I wonder if they're weirdly connected somehow... Partners in destiny...

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