• Published 17th Dec 2022
  • 530 Views, 58 Comments

Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 42, Approaching Storm.


Dammit, dammit, dammit! They just kept coming… Why wouldn't they just give up?! Were they really this persistent on killing one person?! Not that he was a "person" anymore, but that didn't matter right now! His life was in literal danger for pete's sake!

An alleyway… And a dead end… This might've been it for Blake, but there was a small barbed fence. He could jump over it with his wings. It was risky but it was worth a shot! No, it didn't fucking matter if it was risky or not. If he didn't do this, he was a goner.

If he didn't make this… Sorry everyone…

Now… Wings don't fail me now!

Blake jumped over the fence with all his might and…

Gilded right over it with only a single bullet grazing his hair.

He was home free…

July 3rd, 2015

Dear Journal,

Oh hey look, it's July! My birthday month, woo-hoo! It's not my birthday day yet though…

Alright, alright I'll get back on topic. Something incredible happened today! We found two more survivors today, score! Damn, we've been doing good.

Okay, I gotta calm down and focus.

Me and Alex finished up the panels today. We actually kinda finished up yesterday but Alex said he wanted to take a break, and Joseph's the lazy one…

Alex's kinda jealous of my wings and my ability to "fly." It's not even flying, the most I can do is hover for a bit. Geez…

Joseph was doing his uh magic sciencey computer nerd things while John seemed to be just chilling. And since we had nothing better to do Alex and I took a little "walk" around the city. He took Huan along too. (Why…)

I took my bat too, just in case y'know? Besides, it feels cool to carry it around… I also might've bumped it against some car side mirrors… It makes me feel like I'm in some kind of post apocalypse movie. Which, I kinda already am…

There wasn't a soul out there. Until, we both heard the distance clip clop of hooves. Someone was coming. Alex said we should've hid at first, but it was way too late for that.

A orange stallion with a firey mane, tail, and wings approached us. He looked kinda like the pegasus in one of my "dreams."

He was out of breath and he seemed wounded, I think he even has a gunshot wound in his leg.

He kept talking rapid-fire even like that though… The only things I was able to make were "people, white suits, and danger…"

I asked him what his name was and he said "Blake Adams." That was the last thing he said before he passed out.

We didn't know what else to do so we went back to the office, carrying him as best we could on our tiny ponies backs and rushed him to the hospital. So that's where we are now, the hospital.

We slapped Blake down in a bed and tended to his wounds the best our non-trained doctor selves could.

You wouldn't believe what happened when I left the room for medical supplies though. I thought I heard whistling so I went to investigate it, and there I found another stallion digging through a closet. No wings, or a horn like Alex, his size was kinds similar to John's, he was a light purple kinda like the streaks in my hair, his hair was golden and he was wearing this doctor's coat.

"Excuse me…" I faintly whispered.

The stallion jumped up and went alert like some kind of cartoon character.

His name is "Oliver Pittman." We talked for a short bit and he's (obviously) a doctor, he was doing his doctors residency before everything happened. He's apparently been staying here for a while, he even has a little garden. He heard Alex's music and our generator running too.

The only he didn't go out of his way to find us is because "he didn't want to disappoint himself" by finding nobody there. I don't get people like that… If I heard music I would've gone to investigate immediately.

When I introduced him to the rest of our current group he seemed pretty happy, I told him about Blake and he's been doing his best since. None of (probably) know how to deal with bullet wounds so I'm glad we have a doctor here!

So, that's how everything's been going for us so far.

Joseph was pretty annoyed with the whole thing especially with how "sudden" it was but he seemed to calm down after seeing how bad Blake's wounds were.

John's a bit more serious especially with how he is normally. And Alex is…. He's Alex.

Blake seems okay now, he might wake up in a bit.

I hate to admit it, but flowers taste damned good. Oliver made us a salad with some in it, it's pretty good. It might even be better than most of the sweets I've tasted. I don't bet on it though. Note to self: start a garden when we get home.

When me and Alex told Oliver about the respective bases/colonies we set up he seemed pretty hesitant about joining us. However, I was able to turn the tides with my unparalleled persuasiveness!

He seemed to change his mind when I told him about the amount of ponies people we had and when Alex told him about Moriah too.

Oliver had something he wanted though, he wanted us to bring some drugs he had been preserving with us.

According to Alex we'll have to find and convert a freezer truck for that. Which I have no idea how to do… But hey, he can teach me I guess! Just like he did with the forklift.

He also wanted a couple days to get everything ready, which is fine. Joseph and John aren't finished with their computer project yet. Apparently, Joseph's planning on sending some kind of "system" to the phones. Again, I really don't understand this stuff, but basically: he send message, we might find more people easier.

So two more survivors…. 10 plus 2 is 12… 12 more people… Good.

Oliver said he's been hearing engines overhead and he's even seen military planes above, some sounded like "helicopters" too. That shook me and Alex both…

Alex doubted him but I don't think he's lying. Could ponies even drive anything like that…?

First, strange people in white suits now this… What the hell is going on…? I'm still not sure if Blake was lying or not, I'll have to ask him later when he gets up. But why would he lie about that, especially with those wounds…

Then the strange dreams… If Blake really is the pegasus in that dream I had, then those aren't dreams… They're visions, visions from the future…

Ugh… Why me…? This trip was supposed to be exciting but now there's too much going on for me to even keep track of anymore…

Alex seems to be just as on edge as I am… It's nice to know someone's going through the same things as me. I still haven't told him about my dreams but honestly I really want to.

I hope I'm not right about those being "visions from the future." It sounds too stupid to even be true…

I need rest so, as always this is Emile, bye.

Don't worry partner, we'll get through this together. I know we will.

- I'm not feeling Blissful (Flower) today

Author's Note:

You ever start something with "yay, it's my birthday month!" to "I want to fucking die"?

It's pretty much confirmed that Emiles visions are of the future. Whether Alex is having similar visions is still up in the air.

Blake (when he wakes up) should join Alex's group, Emile has 7 people! He might be a weird in-between and hop around between them both, something like that. Maybe.

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