• Published 17th Dec 2022
  • 530 Views, 58 Comments

Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 81, A New Beginning.

Noah cackled as he limped through the empty city streets. He had seen a few "others" here and there but most were either scared or generally tried to avoid him if they didn't then well… He made sure to make quick work of them.

He knew the truth. No, he knew far more than just the "truth" behind something like "the event." He knew everything, the world, the universe, no scrap of knowledge was beyond his reach!

Resigning as the head of the HPI was probably the best decision in his life since abandoning that garbage of a woman and that failure.

It wasn't just knowledge he had but power as well!! He had power beyond his wildest dreams, he could snap any insignificant being out of this disgraced world in an instant! Such was the job of the envoy of humanity. Or well, that's how he saw himself. Deluded.

But yet, he still felt weak… Everytime he used this power- No, every time he used this "magic" as some people or ponies would call it, it took a tug at his heart. No, his very soul itself.

It felt like his body was splitting apart even walking was beginning to become a struggle. But, no matter. He must press forward. Where you ask?

Noah stared down at the golden fire that materialized in his hands. Why, wherever he went of course.

He already drew that mistake of a child out with that blaze, which was well, easier than he thought it would be. Now, he just had to lay waste to the poor fool but even that shouldn't be that hard.

He already had him cornered now he just had to let fate do the rest…

Oh, poor poor Noah… He didn't even realize it himself but he was already far gone, all that remained was an empty husk of the once renowned and famous scientist.

The so called "envoy of humanity" being used as nothing more than a pawn by someone far greater and powerful than him. What a sad fate… What a pity…

Meanwhile, Bliss, Jonathan, Joseph, and Moriah all went out on a trip for supplies and were just on their way back to the others.

Of all the ponies in the world, why them…? Well, there wasn't any specific reason for why they were doing this. They were the ones who all just happened to be free at the time. With Joseph just happening to finish up something on his computer, much to his own dismay. The others were all busy with their own things…

But hey, it could be a nice friendship building exercise! Is what Bliss would've said if it was actually possible for Jonathan and Joseph to get along. Seriously, she got that John was annoying sometimes but did they both have to be so insufferable? Moriah seemed to pretty agree with her too.

"Seriously, I can't believe you didn't know what kind of gas to get. Aren't you a mechanic?" Joseph said with a groan.

Jonathan stopped for a moment just to do an incredibly dramatic pose for absolutely no reason other than he could. "I told you before, I'm not a lowly mechanic, I am a star meant to shine!"

Moriah rolled her eyes. Geez, and Bliss was supposed to be the dramatic one here… "Yeah, right."

Oh, how his heart flutters at such a lovely maiden treating him so, is what Johnathan probably would've said if Bliss didn't insist that they get back to the others as quickly as they could. "Can we just get back to the others please?"

All four seemed to unanimously agree to that.

But it was there that they saw something, or someone coming towards them… A pony, another possible survivor…? No, they looked far more…. Human.

That shouldn't even be possible though. Wasn't magic toxic to humans…?

All four stopped dead in their tracks while Jonathan and surprisingly Joseph prepared to protect Moriah and Bliss. As selfish and anti-social as he may have been, he still cared about people (somewhat) besides if the big oaf was going to do it he might as well too.

The figure grew closer and closer, until whoever and whatever it was practically started running at them.

Wait, they knew that person. Or well Jonathan and Bliss did since he was the one who first contacted them, but Moriah and Joseph did too from what they were told at least.

Dr. Parker.

It was time to put an end to this mistake once and for all, he rushed at them specifically trying to target Bliss.

But Joseph's and Jonathan's horns both lit up and thankfully they were able to conjure up a magic barrier together, with golden fire whooshing past them.

"Go get the others, we'll hold him off!" Jonathan yelled.

What? Hell no! That sounded like a stupid idea to even Jonathan, though Moriah was the first to object. "There's no way in hell we're leaving you behind!" She couldn't just leave them to potentially die, that's inhumane!

"Just listen to the oaf and go, dammit!" Joseph replied.

"No, we can't just leave you behind!" Moriah retorted.

All the while Bliss sat in absolute silence and watched the scene unfold…

And for the first time she got a vision. Not a vague one during her sleep, but a clear one while she was conscious.

It was like time itself paused for a moment. The barrier broke sending them all flying with Moriah trying to shield Joseph, surprisingly.

Then, everything returned to the way it was. All that was nothing more than a possible future, one of many. Dammit, dammit, dammit! She had to do something she couldn't just sit here and do nothing, if she did then they might-

The barrier broke just like in vision but in a twist of events without even Bliss noticing it Moriah stepped back and started galloping… "Outta the way!"

And kicked Dr. Parker right in the face with Joseph and Jonathan both sliding out of the way just in time like something out of a cheesy action movie.

No matter, he still had one trick up his sleeve. Dr Parker dug through his pockets just to realize it wasn't there, the gun he had wasn't there.

He dropped it, Dr Parker rushed to get it, he just had to pick it up and end this!

But, in the confusion and chaos Bliss grabbed the gun before him. It made her feel oddly weak, but she had to do this, to protect her friends…

BANG! She pulled the trigger. BANG! Again, and again… Until she knew for sure her father was dead.

Bliss sat in horror as the other three were just as equally shocked. She killed someone, again. It didn't matter if it was for her friends, it didn't matter if it was her own safety, it didn't matter if it was just. She killed someone, this time it was her own father. The sole reason she existed in this world.

Bliss rushed towards to make sure he was okay. "Dad!' She shouted just adding more to the others confusion.

Dr Parker looked at his son turned daughter as she held him in her arms. I see… In the end, he failed. They weren't the foolish ones here, he was.

Heh… What a cruel twist of fate this was… To have his own child to be one of the few left on this planet, and to be the one to kill him.

Before he died though he whispered something to Bliss, it was faint but she could make it out. "I'm sorry…"

And those were the last words he said before the light left his eyes.

Hmm… It seemed another one of her pawns failed her yet again… Heh, It mattered naught.

That "Dr Parker's" time here was already limited. She just prolonged it a bit, and made use of it. That's all.

Forcing two family members to fight once again, a despair fitting of a being such as herself! Oh how joyous it made her! She could never get tired of these pathetic mortals and the ways they insist on living.

"How will you fare in the upcoming trials I wonder….?"

Without even her intervention history has begun to stray from its intended path. It started out with small changes but as time went on the changes grew more and more. Like a snowball effect.

Giving up their lives like that… How very selfless indeed.

There is a wretched fate awaiting them both ahead, struggle all they like it will arrive all the same…

"Come forth if you dare, humans!"

She'll be waiting…

Author's Note:

There goes Dr Parker... Honestly, he was never supposed to be much of a villain anyway. Sorry Noah, out with the old in with the new.

Sorry if this ending seems rushed, and honestly it (probably) is. Oh well, what can you do?

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