• Published 17th Dec 2022
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Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 69-71, A Rollercoaster Of Emotions (2) And Rendezvous.

July 29, 2015

Dear Journal,

I woke up to the smell of smoke today. Fire.

I jumped up and down, banged pots and pans, anything to get everyone up.

We grabbed everything we could, just anything that was important to our survival or us in some way.

We made it out alive, nobody got hurt. But it was too late for our home, everything we didn't grab is gone, the solar panels, the farm, everything.

Before we left Minuette retreated back into the blaze to free the animals.

I don't know what she was thinking with that move, but she thankfully made it out alive. The animals just ran off somewhere.

The fire spread to some of the forest, I hope it just dies now and doesn't spread anywhere, I don't want my home town to go up in flames.

Sorry to the family that lived there, maybe one day we'll rebuild your home.

I jumped into Madeline's police car with Minuette and Alyssa, while John jumped into the truck with Blake and Madeline.

Yes, even Buddy survived. Y'know, I've been kinda rude towards that mutt, I barely even mention him in most of my entries, sorry abut that.

I know fire can change colors depending on hot it is, like blue. But I'm pretty sure it can't be golden.

Did somepony, someone, or something do this to us on purpose? Why…? We haven't done anything… We're victims here. The event took our families, bodies, identities, everything!

I'm just a kid… No kid should have to go through this.

We're on our way to rendezvous with Alex's group now maybe we can-

Is that…? My gods….

- Emile

July 30th, 2015

Los Angeles burned too, not just Alex's base or a small part of it, the entire damn city.

I don't think they were caused by the same person, if they were caused by anyone that is. I told Alex about the "golden" fire and he said he didn't see anything like that.

I hope both culprits went up with the blaze.

We're all in the Redlands right now. Woo, California.

And I hate it here. It's hot, it doesn't rain here that much either. (According to Alex.) I guess that's just the summer for you, and California…

I miss Philadelphia… That's where me and mom lived before we moved to Delaware. We used to move around alot actually.

I have no idea where we're gonna stay at but for now we broke into some crappy apartment building to stay at temporarily. See, that's the good thing about the end of the world, there's thousands of deserted buildings up for grabs.

We're all in "our" little rooms. I'm with Alex, Sky, and Minuette. (Huans here too of course, yay…)

John is with Joseph. Madeline is with Moriah and Alyssa. While Oliver is with Blake.

We're all finally together! Unless we split apart from Alex's group for some reason, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

I guess we're actually a colony now, all eleven of us. Woo-hoo!

I'm if I was emotional these past couple days. It's just, there's so much going on right now… I blame it on my teenage hormones. But Alex has those too now soooo, yeah. I still feel like garbage though.

The event might've taken my identity and my family, but there's one thing I'll always have, my friends. We've been through alot and we've always made it out unscathed, this wouldn't be any different. We'll get through this, together!

Besides, I made a promise. I usually make promises but when I do, I at least try to keep them. (For the most part at least.)

So, no matter what happens I'll try to get back up and move on towards the future. With hope.

Also, I guess we can all feel like garbage together so that's a plus.

Anyways, using Blake's magical organization and charting skills we were able to calculate how many resources we have left. We have about four canisters of gas left, food to last about a couple days that we'll have split up between eleven ponies, anddd not much else….

Okay, we're fucked.

Joseph still has his computer, and John still has his toolbox. (of course they do.)

And aside from those kinda supplies we have two cb radios, the communications device the HPI gave us, and our phones. Even my old one.

Definitely fucked.

We'll definitely have to go actually go "shopping" later but for now Me and Alex grabbed some snacks and stuff from a nearby convenience store.

That fire took about 90% of our supplies, I even lost my mom's laptop (sorry mom) and Alyssa lost her guitar. Guess I'll have to get her another one, it'll be a thank you gift for the birthday party she threw me.

There really wasn't anything valuable on that laptop aside from the movies I pirated. So it's okay.

But Joseph has one too, he's got movies, and even games on it! I'm gonna ask him if I can use it later.

Speaking of, Joseph called the HPI. Dr Carter answered, he told us "he's deeply sorry for the behavior of Dr. Parker" and that they had nothing to do with both the fires that ruined our homes.

He also said hey could give us any supplies if needed and that we might meet again soon, properly this time.

That's actually kinda exciting, maybe we won't have to worry about our lives this time.

And guess what, Dr. Parker is one of the heads of the organization just like I thought. It's more like was now though, cause apparently Dr. Parker resigned a couple days ago and has been missing ever since.


I don't really care about him much, but doesn't that sound kinda suspicious? He just resigned from an organization like that and just left without a trace.

That aside, just like I said before we'll get through this.

Alex said we should get one of those livable rvs so we won't have to stop every two seconds while we're on the road. It sounds like a good idea, but I dunno where we could get one, maybe at a nearby car shop…? I guess we'll do that tomorrow.

But as always, this is Emile/Bliss, bye!

I just realized I haven't signed off like that in a while…

- Bliss Flower

July 31st, 2015

Dear Journal,

I woke up clinging to Alex today. No seriously, when I woke up I was holding him in my arms like a damned stuffed animal with my wings wrapped around him.

Needless to say, that was pretty awkward for both of us…

It got even worse when Sky woke up and entered the room.

"Good mornin-"

Sky stopped dead in her tracks and didn't bother finishing her sentence.

The three just kinda blankly stared at each other, like they all needed a moment to process what was even going on.

It just got even worse when Minuette entered room literal seconds after Cloudy Skies.


And she was just about confused as her too.

["What are you-?"

Alex and Emile immediately scrambled up to make it look like nothing happened, but alas it was already too late…

"We were uh-

N-Nothing! Yeah, Nothing…"

They were both blushing… Liars.

"You have weird taste in mares." Minuette spoke in the most serious tone ever as she just went along with her day as usual like nothing ever happened, she was obviously teasing Emile though.

Emile got up and quickly followed after Minuette so he could explain everything. "Wait, Minuette, I can explain!"

While Alex….

"Someone's got a marefriend~"

"I do not, you've got it all wrong!"

Yeah… Neither of them were gonna let them live this down, we're they…?

Well uh… Umm…

It was pretty stupid to have us sleep together now that I think about it. There's only one bed, so we just slept on the couch. Look, I was trying to be nice, okay? Besides, it was Alex's idea! (Why is he so cute when he blushes?! Wahhhh… I'm gonna die…)

Thank god they were the only ones who saw us… Not that, that's a good thing though. Knowing those two they're gonna tease us about it until the end of time. And they did…

But that embarrassing moment aside, first we did today: get that livable rv Alex said would be good.

John said he actually saw a car dealership/some kind of camping store(?) that had one on the way here, he brought it up when we told him that's what we were going out to do. "He isn't sure though" is what he said.

We went on hoof instead of driving there. Even if what John said wasn't correct, it's nice to get some exercise every once in a while. Besides, if we didn't find it we would probably have to leave the car, or whatever we would've taken there behind.

John gave Alex his tools so he could do his magic and covert the RV or whatever and I grabbed some gas so we could take it back "home."

Luckily, there really wasn't anything out there aside from a few dogs, I think.

And it looks like John was right, there is a camping store out here. (Not a car dealership.)

They had RVs, a couple actually. We just took one of course, they also had like your standard camping supplies, tents, water bottles, all that.

I grabbed some of those and threw them in the rv, don't know what we would need a tent for though.

Alex converted it to make it easier for ponies to drive, he showed me how again too.

I filled it up with gas, and drove it home, and wallah. We have a livable RV now. It's got about two beds, a fridge and a toilet!

Alex was definitely right about something like this being useful.

We'll probably have to leave one of these vehicles when we get back on the road again. Madeline's police car is probably the one we don't need the most, since it's small and doesn't have a lot of storage.

Sorry, Madeline. I don't think she has a personal connection to it anyway.

We're trying to get back on our hooves. Those fires really screwed us over…

I got bored and asked Joseph if I could use his computer. He just looked at me sternly and said "No, I'm working on something."

"But I'm boreddd…" I whined, or something like that.

"Then go do something if you're bored." Seriously, why is he such a meanie!

He gave in after I nagged him enough. I think the puppy dog eyes did the trick.

Hehe… Good thing about being the youngest person on the planet: everyone baby's you.

All jokes aside, nobody baby's me. Kinda… John calls me "kid" and treats me like one. Joseph does too to a lesser extent. (He doesn't call me kid though :( )

I tried helping Sky with her flying today.

It's honestly not that hard when you get the hang of it. You just need to focus, just focus everything into your wings…

I told Sky that and she actually managed to do it! Only for a couple seconds though.

Guess she'll just have to try harder tomorrow.

Sky teased me about that whole thing with Alex again after that.

She asked me how my relationship with him was going.

I honestly wanted to just punch her there, but instead of getting mad at her, I just played along. "Good. How's yours with Minuette?" Is what I told her.

She just looked at me with a smug smirk and said "Good."

I think I outsmugged the smug master. (Probably not.)

I honestly feel we needed something like that to happen, just to cheer us up a bit. I know it did for me. I still kinda feel like garbage though.

But it doesn't matter, I'll keep pushing forward, no matter what.

So as always, this is yours truly, bye.

I wonder what awaits us tomorrow…

- Bliss

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