• Published 17th Dec 2022
  • 533 Views, 58 Comments

Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 37-39, The Calm Before The Storm.

June 28th, 2015

Dear Journal,

We're in Sacramento now! What did Alex say this place was called again…? Right, The City Of Trees!

I've literally been to Sacramento or California in general so this is super exciting for me!

I've honestly never been out of Delaware, I used to live in Philadelphia and I went with my mom to Florida once for a vacation trip, aside from that I've really never traveled much. There's always a first for everything though I guess.

Still no people out here but there's a decent amount of animals here, nothing too scary though. Thank the gods.

We've "settled down" in what Joseph said was his building for now. Alex turned on what I'm guessing is his boombox all super duper loud. To "attract more ponies" he says.

He definitely has better music than Alyssa to say the least. Seriously, why is everything she listens to so annoying…

I have no idea what John and Joseph did. Apparently, John took a computer class in college so he knows a bit about programming and stuff like that, so he's helping out Joseph. On top of being a mechanic he's good with computers too… (Or "okay-ish" in his words.)

They're working on something about keeping the satellite systems up for longer or something… Something, something computery sciencey nerd stuff. I don't know, it all sounds like weird gibberish to me. I don't think Alex gets it either.

Alex asked me "How long do I think this'll last?" I don't know if he was talking about satellites or just this entire situation in general, so I just gave him an honest answer. "I don't know."

Alex said we should head to NYC, I honestly just immediately agreed. New York is one of the biggest cities on the planet, right? We should DEFINITELY be able to find some survivors there.

I honestly feel kinda out of place here, everyone's got their own things they're good at while I'm just some stupid kid… Ugh, pstupid, stupid, stupid! I need to stop getting so moody all the time!

So, tomorrow we're gonna go out to get solar panels. Since I'm pretty we'll need power for this place. Hopefully this entire thing doesn't take too long.

It's not that I'm home sick already or something, I just hope this doesn't take too long. That's all. I wonder what Alyssa and Minuette are doing without us…

I'm still kinda scared of Huan. Alex says he's a "good dog" and I have "nothing to be afraid of" but I just can't help it… It's not my fault dogs are so scary, okay? (That damned dog is plotting something I CAN FEEL IT!)

I actually got chased by a dog when I was younger. You wouldn't believe how fast I ran when it start running at me, I ran like my life was really in danger. (Maybe it was.) Ever since then I've been scared of any kind of animal that could possibly hurt me in anyway.

I still haven't gotten anything back from Alyssa and Minuette, I dunno if that's good or bad but Alex hasn't heard anything from Sky too.

Anyways, not much else to report so as always, this is Emile, peace.

- Emile

June 29th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Sooo apparently Alex found a warehouse of sorts nearby so that's good! I've just been mostly helping Alex out with whatever he needed and keeping him company of course! Alongside Huan.

Alex actually showed me how to convert a forklift, so that's pretty cool! I don't know if I'll actually ever need to do something like that, but hey the more you know. Maybe we should get a forklift for home… It might take a bit of the heavy lifting off of John's shoulders.

What would we even use something like that for?

John's been helping us out whenever we need it, but he's mostly been helping Joseph out with whatever they're doing…

Alex has been complaining about Joseph like a lot, like alot alot. Something about him being "lazy" and "spending time on his computer all day."

I just said "Well he doesn't seem that bad, besides he's probably doing something really important."

"You don't know half of it…" Alex grumbled under his breath, or something like that.

Is he really that bad? I mean sure, he seems a bit cold… a bit aloof… he's also a complete know-it-all, okay maybe Alex was right.

Well at least he doesn't have an annoying metal head who bullies him all the time as a friend.

Hey, Alex we can trade friends if you want.

- Emile

June 30th, 2015

Dear Journal,

So hot… So sweaty… I hate summer… Alright, let me just get to the point.

So it seems like the strange dreams are back. Yay… This one was unlike any of the other ones I've had before.

I was in a weird place, it was like some kind of ethereal garden…? It was so radiant… I was there, alone. Still a pony.

Until someone appeared from the aether. It was a strange mare with bright sky blue hair and a blue coat. Her eyes were this weird pink-blue pastel color and she was wearing these weird robes alongside a long shawl.

The mare gave off a weird "aura" she felt weirdly serene and otherworldly it felt like I was standing in the presence of something divine…

"We don't have much time." She muttered.

I was going to ask her a question but she cut me off as she staggered and her attention turned towards something else for a moment. The ethereal sky that covered the garden began to crack and strange gold dust began to seep through.

"Child of man, no matter what happens do not falter from your path, please…"

The dreamscape itself began to crack. "I'm counting on you bo-"

Was the last thing I was able to make out before it ended.

What the hell….? That was no dream, it felt too real, too vivid…

Child of man…? Do not falter from your path…? What did she mean by that…? I don't know, but I don't like it.

And the last thing she said… She was most likely trying to say "both." Both… Both… So that means me and someone else… Me and someone else…

Me and Alex…? Now that I think about it, he did kinda seem oddly "on edge" today… Maybe he had the same "dream" as me…? I should ask him later…

Our My strange "dreams" aside, I helped Alex set up the solar panels today! It's so damn hot out here…

This is why I hate summer and California now too, I can't wait for fall to come…

I helped Alex a bit with spots he couldn't reach. He was a bit surprised I could "fly' even if it's for a bit, especially since Sky still can't fly. I guess practicing everyday really did pay off in the end.

John helped a bit too, just not as much as he should have. Seriously, what are Joseph and him doing down there…?

Whatever it is, it better be important.

Minuette was right about not wearing clothes… It feels so good…

There wasn't any point for either of us to be embarrassed since uh me and Alex both threw off whatever we were wearing.

Again, we probably don't even need clothes, we're ponies now!

Nothing much else to report today so, you know the drill. Peace.

- Emile

Author's Note:

Hmm... A strange mare appearing in Emiles dreams...

What do you guys think? For the the few that actually read this fic let me know down below in the comments.

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