• Published 17th Dec 2022
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Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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81.5-83, A New Beginning. (2)

August 10th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Today, I killed my father. I don't even know how it was possible but he somehow became immune to the thaumic radiation. We ran into him and he tried to… Kill us…. He was aiming for me…

And judging by the golden fire he used, it's safe to say he's the one who burned our house too.

I was so confused, I didn't know what to do. So I grabbed the gun he dropped and… I shot him. Someone died by my hooves, again…

I didn't want anyone to hurt, I didn't want to lose my friends! I didn't have any other choice! I had to do it, I had to…

I had to explain to the others how Dr. Parker- Or well, Noah was my dad. Joseph and Moriah already detested him and that seemed to just make their feelings worse. Heck, Moriah even said "good riddance." She seemed to change her mind after my expression changed when she said that. "Oh, I uh-"

I just told her "It's okay, it's nothing to worry about." After all, it's not her fault my dad was an asshole.

John asked "why didn't I tell them about this before." I was honest and up front with him. "I don't know." I didn't have any reason to not tell them that he was my dad, I just didn't. Either way, the cat is out of the bag now. It was gonna happen eventually.

When we got back to the others they believed our little "story." Of course they did, we've all known each other for months now there's no reason for them to think we're lying. Plus me and Day got sent to magical horsie land only a week ago so that happened.

We're all confused how Dr. Parker managed to even survive this long outside. Me and Day especially. According to what the princesses said that shouldn't even be possible, yet here we are…

Maybe there's ways of becoming immune that even they don't know…? If there is then maybe there's hope for humanity.

What happened back there was so weird… It was like the world itself stopped for a moment just so it could show whatever that was… The future? No, a future. Something like the future isn't that set in stone. What that vision showed me didn't happen. Not even in the slightest. Guess I can thank Moriah for that one.

I told Day about "Seior" and my visions and she seems just as confused as me. Unsurprisingly, she saw a similar lady in her dreams a while ago too, just like I thought…

I don't even know how I recognized that name it was just like something in my head suddenly clicked, then boom. I'd snap if I still could. (Seriously, What's the pony equivalent of snapping?)

"I'm sorry…" I'm not stupid, I know what he meant by that back there. It's gonna take alot more than an apology to fix what he's done, but I'll take it. For now.

I'm not gonna let my fathers death bring me down too much. It's not what he or mom would want. And I know for a fact it's not what Alyssa or the old me, Emile would want either.

We're on the road right now. We actually saw a couple of lights, fires, and even got a few radio transmissions here and there, some of them were pretty nonsensical. According to Adrian there should be about a thousand people left. He's actually visited some settlements here and there too.

Guess we're not the only people on the planet anymore, lame… That means we'll have to share stuff soon…. Well, what can you do about it?

Those morse code transmissions stopped, they stopped a while ago actually. Huh…

Day also apparently somehow has a photographic memory. I have no idea how that happened, maybe whatever the princesses did to us caused it? Who knows, they did a lot of weird things to us aside from just "that."

I honestly can't wait until we settle down somewhere again. I just relax and let all my worries fly away, plus it'll be nice to have a bed again.

Well, as always this is Bliss Flower, bye.

- Bliss Flower

August 12th, 2015

Dear Journal,

We're here, we're here, we're here! WE'RE HERE! Okay I'm sorry for that, I'm just excited that's all. It took it about two days but we're finally here, our new home. Welcome to Paris, Illinois.

We found these two farm houses not too big, not too small, kinda like my group's old place. Not too far from each other either, so one can be Day's and one can be mine!

Ugh, we'll set up everything again… No solar panels here so we'll have to go and loot some, wherever those are. (Man, we were REALLY lucky to find those in a homeless shelter weren't we?) Gotta set up a well again… And we might have to wrangle up some animals too since we lost those in the fire. Actually, there's animals here too, so score! (We still might have to do that though…)

All that can come later though. Today was our second meeting with the HPI. Me and Day took a little "walk" into while the others stayed, she brought Huan with us, just in case. There weren't any animals out there, no stray dog packs (super big ones at least) and nothing insane like wolves or anything.

We got to the assigned meeting spot. One of their carriers was right there waiting for us. Don't know long it had been there, probably like a day at most. Judging by the yellow safety line they had on the ground at least. (Like at the previous meeting.)

The hatch opened and out came two people in protective suits. One was Captain Wright, the one who ransacked Day's shelter a while ago while the other was someone I thought I definitely didn't know at the time, but I definitely know who they are now.

Captain Wright gave us the same warnings Dr. Parker gave us during the first meeting with them needing to shoot us if we got too close blah blah, you get the point. He was a lot less aggressive though. "C'mon, Wright can't you at least be a little more lenient, these two can't hurt you." The other one added on.

Lonely Day had this good idea of using the manacles we got as one of the MANY gifts from Equestria. I doubt we'll need them but hey, we can use them for criminals if they potentially come back I guess… But they made it easier to talk to the HPI, they don't need to use any of their fancy shmancy shield technology.

They work. I got decently weaker and my wings felt stiffer and generally harder to move too. It felt so weird… I don't like it one bit. But hey, it got rid of the weird tense feeling we kept getting from the HPIs vehicles and machines so that's good I guess…?

Captain Wright was surprised by our radiation levels (sparkle) magically (sparkle) dropping to zero so he ordered his men out and about six people came out, and because of that I got a closer look at the other person's face…

"Long time no see, kid." It was Owen, uncle Owen! My god, he's alive… I knew it, I knew he was alive! I don't how he recognized me but who cares about that, I almost wanted to cry dammit! (And I did.)

I gave him a big hug and we both had a heartfelt reunion, which is none of your business! We both had to explain how we're related to Day and Wright since they were pretty confused.

We told them everything or well almost everything we could about Equestria, and all that. We couldn't just give them the memory crystals because magic radiation, if human no touchie.

Big "surprise" they already knew about Equestria. They didn't know what they looked like but from what they told us they definitely were dealing with Equestria.

We didn't tell them about Dr. Parkers death. Why? We just didn't think it was a good idea, that's all. "It's safe to assume he's dead by now." Captain Wright said.

"A shame, he was a good man…" Owen added on.

But you know what we did tell them about, Luna, or well I did. Day didn't seemed interested in it. Captain Wright and Owen were about as stunned as we were when we first found out about her. "Wait, wait, you're telling me you met with a literal demi-god who could lower the moon…?!" Is what Owen said.

"That sounds rather unbelievable…." Wright added on.

But it was the truth, it's what happened. I think Wright might've considered her a potential "threat" but since she saved us, I'm guessing he let it slide… He asked us similar questions to the ones we asked her, like "could she turn us back into humans?, could she do the spell again? And if not, could earth unicorns do a similar one a smaller scale. Because according to him, "if we ever reach a point where we need it, it would be better to live on as something else, then dying uselessly as ourselves."

Which, I agree with. I'd rather be a pony than be dead right now. Plus you get all kinds of cool bonuses from it, like magic! (I wish I was a unicorn…) Uncle killed the serious tone right after that by saying "Yeah, like you'd want to live as a tiny horse." He hasn't changed at all…

Wright just looked at him and said "Would it kill you to be serious for once?" He backed off after that. (somewhat anyway.)

We told them no, and "we weren't sure" to the last question. I don't know how long it'd take for earth unicorns to get that powerful, a thousand years?

They want to do some research… One the magic books we brought back, so I guess we'll have to scan them for them. (Let us use them too, dammit!)

You know, I was pretty skeptical we'd be able to forge some kind of alliance with the HPI with how weird they act but with uncle Owen on our side I'm sure we'll be able to do it, no problem!

We went back after all that, they actually wanted to take me and Day to their home base to learn more about us we just said no. We've got friends and a colony to tend to after all!

They didn't force us, which is good.

Maybe there's hope, for all of us….

- Bliss Flower

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