• Published 17th Dec 2022
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Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 72, Another World.

August 1st, 2015

Dear Journal,

We understand everything now. Well, for the most part at least. We found the ponies who were sending us those messages. (The numbered ones, not the morse code.) They were looking for us this entire time!

Alright, alright. Gotta calm down and focus. Focus…

So, me and Alex went out for supplies as we usually do. We took Minuette with us this time. Look, it's not my fault okay? She insisted that she'd come.

We used Madeline's police car. I figured we might as well get some mileage of it before we y'know, abandon it.

I was just gonna take us to a supermarket of some kind or something. And that would've been the end of that, but on the way we spotted something peculiar.

A pure white unicorn, with blonde hair, and blue eyes.

I'm guessing he comes from a "half-nudist" branch of Minnie's and Sky's nudist club, because the only thing he's wearing is a royal blue suit blazer with a golden outline, a open collar, and a white jabot. A bit too fancy if you ask me. I think he's some kind nobility, judging by his clothes.

He also has this weird blue choker with a silver star on it. It looks kinda like his destiny- Ahem, his "cutie" mark. (I still think destiny mark is a cooler name…)

He looked kinda confused, like he was lost or something. So, of course I pulled over and we all got out of the car to talk to him.

I figured it was just another survivor, maybe from the same place as Minuette and Sky or something.

It didn't seem like the stallion noticed them yet.

"Great, now where she is…?" He mumbled to himself.

For the love of Celestia, could she not wander off like that? And now he's lost too… He didn't get this damned world, it's so confusing with it's weird architecture.

Ugh… This entire thing was pointless.

"Using me like this, does that damned 'princess' think I'm her tool?"

But of course his train of thought was interrupted when he heard something. "Hey!"

Who…? "He" turned to see three ponies all jolting towards him.

Finally, he found somepony that seemed somewhat friendly. And wait- Was that…?

"You need some help?"

"No, I'm fine thank you very much."

Looks like he found the pony he was looking for, or well one of them at least.

The stallion "unintentionally" rudely shoved Emile out of the way and turned his attention to Minuette. [color=4039fa]"Finally, we've been looking for you for ages."

What…? Her…? "Me..?!"

"Yes, you. Now c'mon-"

"He" tried to grab Minuette but thankfully Alex stopped him.

"Hold on, we barely know who you are and now you wanna whisk our friend off somewhere?"

"My apologies. Ahem Kaiser Von Silverstar, at your service."

Kaiser took a regal bow. Yup, definitely nobility.

"I'm guessing you two aren't from Equestria, correct?"

Equestria…? What in the world was he talking about…? Did he go insane after The Event happened or something?


"Good, good. Can you two perhaps take to me the leaders here, I need to speak to them."

"You're looking at them."

They didn't really have any actual formalities or anything, but him and Alex were the first people to wake up (aside from Alyssa) so they kinda were the "leaders." Even if they both didn't really consider themselves ones.

"Aren't you two a bit… Young…?"

Alex and Emile just stared at Kaiser with the most deadpan faces in existence. Seriously…? He just HAD to mention that didn't he?

But that was cut short when Kaiser turned his attention to yet another pony coming their way. Finally…. "What took you so long?"

The "sunset" unicorn came in with a cart of sorts with a bit of food in it and a strange device.

"One of the wheels broke. So, I just had to fix it, that's all."

The sunset unicorn twirled a wrench with her levitation magic and tossed it into the cart.

"Just don't run off like that again."

"Run off? You're the one who went ahead of me."

"Well, it's not my fault I don't get this confusing world."

"Ummm, guys…?"

The other unicorn stopped their nonsense arguing when I intervened and introduced herself as "Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset Shimmer and Kaiser Silverstar… Those are pretty weird names… Kaiser sounds normaler though. (Is that a word?)

Both sound like something out of a fantasy story.

They explained their "mission" pretty thoroughly. They had been sent here to look for survivors after the event, if they were any they had to find a "ruler or a leader of sorts."

They had been looking for a while now, It was a pure coincidence that we met today. I guess fate has a way with things like that…

The runes were their gateway in. Like a magical portal of sorts.

And guess what, it wasn't just them who came here. Minuette was one of the few ponies who came from their home too, Equestria.

She didn't really take that the best way, and honestly I didn't believe it either. But it explained a lot, the way she acts, her lack of knowledge on the most basic things, everything. It was because she came from Equestria.

The past three months we spent together weren't a lie, it was all real. This must be alot for her to take in….

Something must've went wrong with the spell that took her here and that's why she lost her memories, that's what Kaiser said when I told him at least.

After that we all hopped in the car. Kaiser seemed a bit uncomfortable getting in such a "perplexing contraption." (Why does he talk like that?) While Sunset seemed fine with it. I think she's done this before…

We drove to an empty warehouse so that's where we are now. There's a little campfire in here and luckily, since I threw the sleep bags I got yesterday in Madeline's car we have somewhere to sleep.

They answered more of our questions when we got there.

The person or pony that sent them here. (I don't think it matters since I'm pretty sure person doesn't refer to only humans…) Are "princesses" just like Kaiser mumbled back there. three of them in fact. Or well, two. Kaiser corrected Sunset by saying "I think you mean prince..."

As for why they couldn't meet us in person, I have no idea. Kaiser said "it would be better for us to learn everything firsthoof" though. (These ponies say weird things…)

I also told Kaiser (not a magic expert) about the visions the runes gave me, for the most at least. He just said "They shouldn't have done that…"

Sunset (a magic expert) just added on: "Maybe someone tampered with the spell?"

But why? That's so weird… What's even the point of that? Maybe whoever did it wanted me to see all of "that" or something?

Welp, I guess we'll just add it to the pile of mysteries. Like, we totally needed more of those…

Alex asked Sunset about the weird device thingy she had in her cart. She said it's a transmitter of sorts that lets her send messages back to Equestria. It uses a lot of magic though. Like a stupid amount.

Speaking of, that's what she's working on right now with Kaiser. Magic! They're both working on something to take us to their world.

Because that's where we're going, Equestria. There wasn't really much of a reason for us not to, especially when Sunset reassured us we would be able to go back home.

The others probably aren't happy about it, Alex just called them quickly explained everything lightning fast and hung up before they could say anything. I hope they don't get too mad at us…

There's a lot happening all at once, first we lose our homes to a mysterious blaze and now we're going to another world. Another freaking world. This is so exciting!

We'll find our answers there and Minuette will learn the truth of her life…

A couple more things, apparently Sunset met someone on her face day here. Wanna guest who it was? It was Sky, it was Cloudy bucking Skies.

I guess she lied to Alex, and me to a certain extent.

So that's a thing. He didn't seem too happy about that… (Just like the others when we told them we're going to another fucking world.)

Kaiser apparently isn't that bad, "He's pretty nice once you get to know him." According to Sunset. Alright, he seems like a spoiled brat so far but alright. We'll see. We'll see…

It probably doesn't help that they fight like siblings, and I thought Alyssa and John were bad, these two take it to a whole new level.

I uh should really go to sleep now so as always this is Emile/Bliss, bye.

Tomorrow, to Equestria we go.

- Emile

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