• Published 17th Dec 2022
  • 527 Views, 58 Comments

Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 26-27, Normal Days.

June 17th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Me and John set up the generator today, we'll need it if the solar panels ever go out on us. Hopefully that never happens though.

And the rest of us finished up the pen for the sheep. We have a bunch of animals here and no idea on what to do with them… We'll probably have to learn how to shear sheep, farm chicken eggs, and milk cows. Those would all be useful skills right about now.

Trying to fly again, got the same result as the last two times I tried. I think I'm kinda getting flapping and fluttering down though, I dunno. I'm getting there, just very very very slowly. Too slowly even, I wish I had a teacher…

I continued work on my project, it's nowhere near done but it looks nice so far. And no, I'm still not telling you what it is. It's a surprise, you'll have to wait until it's done.

Alex told me about his day over the radio, it sounded way more fun than mine. He went on a trip with Sky. Cloudy Skies… She has a weird "name" like Minuette, maybe they're from the same place or something?

He also said something about setting up a movie room in his group's base. Maybe we should do that too… I still miss video games, I'll probably go out and get some tomorrow.

Alex is a nice guy, I'd love to hang out with him sometime. I didn't really seriously mean the whole "partners in destiny" thing, but it's kinda weird the more I think about it. We both had similar visions and dreams, on top of our already similar fates.

Why am I the one having these dreams? I'm not special, I'm just some kid. The only reason why I "took charge" is because I just felt like that's what needed to be done…

We talked about our past lives too. During that time it got a little moody… It might seem stupid and impulsive but I told him "If he needs me, I'll always be here."


God, why am I like this… I never cared much about friends or people back then, so why now do I suddenly care now all of a sudden…? I'm such an idiot…

I need to just take a break or something….

- Emile

June 18th, 2015

Dear Journal,

I had another strange dream today. This time I was in space, I wasn't fighting for my life or anything like that I was fine, I could even breathe normally. I couldn't see any of the planets or the moon though, it was just stars. Just stars in the empty vastness of space… They all looked so beautiful, I felt like I just wanted to reach out and touch them. They were calling to me…

A pony appeared from the starry night sky, I couldn't see his face but a purple hoof reached out and touched me… He whispered something… I couldn't make it out and yet it felt like it soothed me. I felt like I was at peace…

It ends there. I dunno what that was. It can't be a "side effect" from the runes considering how long it's been since that happened. Hmm… Weird…

So we all went out into town today. We stopped at a lot of places. First, we stopped at Home Depot. The stray dogs are getting kinda territorial. Minuette and John easily scared them off with their laser horn beams though. (Heh, take that you damned mutts.)

We got cobblestone for the well and more building materials, we got a lot so it kinda took a while to load in the truck. It probably didn't help that we got a solar shower and new coop for the chickens too.

Next, we stopped at some kind of clothing store and got some actual fabric for me to make us clothes and all that. John got this pair of jeans and a cap. I guess he's just gonna be wearing that cap from now on because he seems to like it. It'll be like my bow, an important accessory that means alot to him. He wears it backwards so his horn pokes out from the little hole.

Lastly, we (I) stopped at Game Stop. I picked up a 3ds since I wanted one before all of this happened. I got a couple of games for it too. I'll show Minuette it since she apparently doesn't know what 99% of modern technology is but she seems to be really really really interested by it.

So that's how our little shopping trip went.

Me and John set up the solar shower, he put down a bunch of wooden planks for the floor, I took the curtains from the shower inside and forcefully pulled the rails off, basically duck taped them to a wall and boom. Now we have a little mini shower outside our house.

The actual shower part is hanging from a little wooden cylinder.

We did that all with our own hooves and some help, that's kinda neat… We'll probably work on the well tomorrow, John says he just has to find the perfect spot… God, he's good at building things I dunno what we'd do without him.

I made Alyssa a little gray shirt since she said she wanted one. It wasn't too hard, just a bit of sewing, stitches, boom. I've honestly gotten good at making clothes, I really should consider being a fashion designer. (Still no.)

I'm still working on my project, making sure these planets get lots of sunlight, water, etc. I'm honestly pretty good at gardening that might be what my destiny mark is for. I'm still not done yet, but I might be by the end of this month or earlier if I'm lucky.

Tried flying again today, still no luck. I've been practicing day after day after day and still nothing… I'm not gonna give up, I just wish it wasn't so hard…

Wings are pretty nice to have though. Like I said in one of my earlier entries it's like having extra limbs. It feels nice to just frolic around and flap them every now and then. I hope the others don't catch me doing that…

Destiny marks… Speaking of, Alex told me he doesn't have one. I might not be natural for whatever weird alien ponies we are to just be born with one. I'm guessing Alex doesn't have one because he hasn't found something he's good at yet. (If that's how they work)

What does that say about me then? Is my fate predetermined or something? I hope not. But if it is, I'll try to defy it no matter what! Hehe…

Sorry for not having a goodbye yesterday. But today, you know how it goes. This is Emile, bye.

- Emile

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