• Published 17th Dec 2022
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Quiet Days - AlphaDidAlotOfThings

One day, a fantasy obsessed good for nothing student wakes up with everyone gone, and his body seemingly replaced with a ponies. Now, it's up to him to save and restore humanity.

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Day 28-29, Normal Days (2) And The Most Awesome Vacation Ever!

June 19th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Took a shower using our brand new outdoor solar shower, it's not too shabby if I do say so myself. Alyssa seems to like it too, I actually caught her singing while she was taking her shower. Needless to say she was uh pretty "embarrassed" when I told her about it. She told me to "pretend it never happened." Guess the secrets out of the bag now though, oops… (Sorry Alyssa.)

I also did some of the laundry too. Minuette still won't wear any clothes. She's got a weird name and she's a nudist, what a combination… She was acting all smug, talking about how "free" she is because she doesn't wear clothes.

I hate to say it, but she's right. It does feel pretty good to not wear clothes. I still don't like it that much though so I'll keep wearing whatever I can, thank you very much. (I wanna wipe that dumb smirk right off her face…)

Today we set up the chicken coop, we didn't really need to do much with that since it was already built for us and started work on the well. John found the "perfect" spot and immediately started digging since we don't have drills, we stopped at a reasonable amount of feet, I think it was like 20 or something. I'm no well expert, but I'm pretty sure we'll need a pipe of some kind… Well, whatever we need I'm pretty sure John will figure it out.

I tried flying again, still no luck. God, I hate this… Why does this have to be so hard…? I wish I could snap my fingers and fly like that. Except I don't have fingers anymore… Can you snap with hooves? What is the pony equivalent of snapping? Slamming your hooves together? I dunno, I'm getting off topic…

Alex told me about his day again, it seemed like his wasn't much better than mine. He said he thinking about taking his group to the beach though. Hmm…

Maybe we should do some like that. It's just been all work and no fun for us. I already said I wanted to go to Japan when all of "this" was over, but who knows when that's gonna be. We might as well take advantage of everyone being in limbo and have some fun.

Maybe we'll go to a hot spring. I heard there were some really good ones around here. Well, before everyone disappeared that is…

Yeah, that sounds good. We'll go to a hot spring tomorrow.

Our "vacation" aside, the weird transmissions from the emergency channel keep coming. I have no idea what they are, Alex doesn't seem to know either which isn't very helpful…

Maybe that computer friend of his can decode this one too.

I feel like I'm becoming fast friends with Alex, we've been talking a lot and it's just… Nice… I don't know how to describe it.

Well there's not much else to report today, we could have joined Alex's group on their beach trip but I decided to pass on that. We're gonna go on our own little trip instead!

Welp, this is Emile, over and out.

- Emile

June 20th, 2015

Dear Journal,

Alright, operation "super awesome vacation trip" is a go! (And a success!)

When I told the others about my plan they pretty unanimously all agreed since we could honestly use a bit of a break. John's apparently never been to a hot spring before. I haven't too so it's a first for both of us! Alyssa's went to one before but that was a while ago, and Minuette seemed mildly interested in it too. And yes, we're taking Buddy too.

We mapped out a route for us, it isn't that far and shouldn't take that long to get there or get back for that matter, and if we need someplace to stay there's a super expensive hotel near there! So we're pretty much all set, god this is gonna be so fun!!!

I would probably never be able to do this normally with the way me and mom were struggling with money. That's just one of the good things about this "event" ; we don't need to worry about things like that!

Thank god for the "apocalypse."

We packed "all that we could." We pretty much only needed clothes so we're just gonna come right back. It's nice to have a proper home for once.

And with that, we're off!

We stopped at some kind of cheap dollar store and picked up water guns, beach balls, and all that good stuff! Fun in the sun, baby! That's one of the things I love about summer, it's nice and sunny, and it doesn't rain too much! I absolutely hate the heat though…

We packed lunches but I'm getting kinda hungry now… Well, if we need to eat there's a buffet in the hotel I think. We can just steal borrow from that.

Alright, we're here! The hotel looks pretty nice, there's nobody in there of course. And the hot springs are natural I think…? They haven't dried up, they seem fine. For the most part at least.

We pretty much just broke in and stole two keys for two first floor rooms. One for me and Minuette, and another for John, Alyssa, and Buddy. Alyssa knows I don't like dogs so she volunteerly decided to put Buddy in another room.

I'm a bit since I wanted for us to be together, but I'm a bit happy to know she cares about even my stupid fears. (Note to self: try to get over fear of animals later…)

Alright so we threw everything we didn't need in the rooms and went out into the hot springs since it was just a short trot away. Alyssa can trot at this point, she still can't canter or gallop though. John can finally walk normally even if his leg still feels a bit stiff. (I hope that's not permanent.) I guess me and Minuette will be the only ones in this group who can gallop for while… Oh well, we'll just teach the others the best we can!

We didn't bring swim suits since y'know, we're ponies. I don't think they'd fit us anyway. We did bring a couple of towels though.

Alyssa has one right now, I think she's the only one who cares about that kinda thing 8⃣ now. I'm a girl now so it's not like it matters if I see anything…

Now this is the life, just relaxing with some sun glasses on… Everything's perfect for optimal "chillaxing", is what someone like Alyssa would say.

This may have been some super fancy hot spring made for "relaxing" but it would be boring if that's all we used it for. We used this place more like a public pool than anything!

We had an awesome water gun fight with each other, with water spraying left and right! I tried my best to dodge them, but I got hit after making a small mistake…. And at the end of the gruesome war there was one victor, Minuette…

Alyssa blamed her lack of opposable thumbs and Minuettes "accused" unicorn magic on her loss. She probably isn't wrong.

On the way back to the hotel we heard a loud "BOOM!" and saw some smoke not too far away, we didn't investigate it but hopefully it wasn't anything bad…

Overall, today was a fun day! It might've not been productive but who cares?! We had fun. We honestly needed a break like this after everything we've been through.

It's nice to just not stress out about anything and just live carefreely every once in a while, y'know?

Well, this is Emile. And as usual, peace.

- Emile

Author's Note:

obligatory hot springs episode

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