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15. Practice Makes Champions

It was the next day after homecoming and even though the Dazzlings had a good time, it was time to get back to work. The girls were currently on the soccer field practicing and doing all sorts of exercises that Coach Rainbow was telling them to do. Rainbow was nice enough to give the girls the day off and let them go to homecoming since it was their first one in high school but now that homecoming was over, it was time to practice for the playoffs and they had to make up for some lost time after missing all of yesterday.

Rainbow walked around making sure everything was going well. She wanted the girls to be at the best of their game before the big game tomorrow. Rainbow watched as some girls run around as they worked on their stamina and speed, some worked on their passing or kicking, and Sonata who was a full-time goalie worked on blocking the ball as Aria tried kicking the ball inside of the goal. It was a little game the two were playing, but rest assured they were taking it seriously which Rainbow loved. Games like that always pushed out the competitive side of people. Rainbow then walked over to Adagio who was pretending to be in a group huddle, Adagio was a good leader but if they wanted a chance at winning she needed to be a great leader. Rainbow then walked over to Dawnshine who was working all alone kicking a ball to herself acting as if she was playing a real game, Rainbow then saw her then kicked the ball into the goal. Rainbow sighed, Dawnshine had still not learned to interact with her teammates and she hadn't taken Rainbow's advice at all. And the accident between her and the Dazzlings hadn't made things any better. 'Why are you so against working with the others? Why are you so against Sunset's kids? This is a team game.'

The Dazzlings were working together, if they wanted to win their match tomorrow they were going to have to be ready for anything. The team they were going up against was a pretty strong team, as it had won a championship two years prior and they continued being a force to go up against. Going up against them in the first match of the playoffs was not ideal for the Dazzlings or for any of the girls. But with Coach Rainbow on their side, they were going to do the best that they could.

For all of practice girls could be seen training their hearts out, all wanting to get better and to be at their best for tomorrow. Tomorrow's game would mean a lot to all of them, it'll be the first time Canterlot had made the playoffs in a while and they wanted to hype everyone up with a victory. The practice was coming closer to an end and the girls were sweating, they had worked hard all practice and it was showing. Even Adagio, who would've been disgusted with how much she and everyone else was, Adagio was too tired to say anything about it as she drank her water. But she also couldn't help but feel good, the sweat was showing just how much work she was putting into it. As the girls were drinking some water they heard a whistle come from their coach. The girls got up and made their way to their coach.

"Good work girls, you've all worked very hard for the past few days. And now it's time to show how much that practice has paid off! We're going to have our first playoff game in a while, I know that the feelings might be high right now but don't worry. I've been there, whenever I had a big game my stomach would get all fuzzy and it felt like I had butterflies in it. But I stayed strong and confident that I and my team would make sure to do our best and win! The best thing to do is be confident, you've all worked hard and I couldn't be more proud of you all. Tomorrow, let's go out there, as a team." As Rainbow said that she made sure to look at Dawnshine who just rolled her eyes at the word team. "And do our best to have some fun."

The Dazzlings looked at each other in surprise, Rainbow didn't say that she wanted them to win? Ever since they had known Rainbow, she was always one who wanted to win things, and having fun was always second, or she would only have fun if she won, she would make it seem she had fun but really, she wasn't. And from what Sunset had told them, she had been like that ever since high school. But now she was saying to just have some fun and not win? The girls couldn't help but smile, after all these years maybe Rainbow did change a bit. Sure, she kept her competitiveness after all these years, but she had learned that winning wasn't everything, and having fun was really what sports were all about. However, the Dazzlings also knew that some people weren't like that, and some kids only played sports to win.

"Yes, winning is nice, and don't get me wrong, it would be so awesome if we won tomorrow." All the girls nodded their heads agreeing with Rainbow. "But this is a team sport, and the best thing to do is work together as a team and have fun together. This is what soccer is all about, working together and having some fun with one another as teammates." Rainbow then looked around at all of the twenty girls in front of her. "I'm going to need all of you tomorrow. All twenty of you will be put into the game, and all of you will have some play time tomorrow." All the girls cheered at that, and Rainbow couldn't help but smile. "Now let's go out there and show everyone who we are! Now who are we!" Rainbow yelled with her fist high in the air.

"WONDERCOLTS!!" All the girls yelled with their fist high in the air.


"YEAHHHHH!" Everyone yelled in unison as they all had their fist in the air with smiles on everyone's faces.

The Dazzlings looked at one another and smiled, they were ready! Tomorrow was a big day for not only them but for all of their teammates. Tomorrow would be the day that they showed everyone that Canterlot wasn't just a school that just played soccer because they wanted to, they were going to show them that they always played to win championships! And with them, their teammates, and their coach, they were going to do whatever it took to win tomorrow!

Dawnshine who although cheered with her team didn't mean it. She stared at the Dazzlings as they smiled with one another, as they and everyone else were looking forward to tomorrow's game. But as for Dawnshine, sure she wanted the team to win, but at the same time, she didn't. She scoffed as she looked away from the Dazzlings, it was clear to say that she hated them. From the fight and even before when they had won the Team Tournament, she wanted nothing more for the three of them to disappear. 'If we win those three are going to be the stars again, like always.' Of course, Dawnshine was referring to the Dazzlings. Dawnshine tightened her fist as she started glaring at the Dazzlings. 'I'm going to make sure you three never shine ever again!'

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