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37. Returning To Canterlot

When the students got up the next morning they sadly packed their things and got ready for the ride back to Canterlot. They had so much that they were sad that they had to now leave, even Dawnshine was sad that they had to leave. Once the Dazzlings and all the other students got their things packed and put them into the bus, Celestia, Luna, a few teachers, along with the students and the camp owners; Gloriosa Daisy and Timber Spruce stood in front of the bus.

"Gloriosa." Celestia then turned to Timber. "Timber. Thank you for allowing us to come here, we all enjoyed our stay very much."

Gloriosa smiled at Celestia along with the rest of the students. "It was a pleasure having you all. I'm glad that you all enjoyed the activities we had planned out, and maybe before you all graduate you can come back again." Gloriosa gave them a big smile, she then turned to Celestia and Luna. "And this time, thankfully no weird magical moments happened." Celestia and Luna smiled and nodded their heads. The rest of the students were confused by what Gloriosa had said but decided to ignore it.

As for the Dazzlings and Dawnshine, they shifted uncomfortably. They still had the geodes that they found and they had still yet to tell anyone about what they had found. Adagio quickly looked down at her pocket and stared at the golden-colored geode. 'If anyone were to find out about what we found, especially Celestia or Luna, they might get weary and might be precautious and try to take away the geodes. They most likely don't want any more magic problems since Mom and her friends, but we haven't gotten our powers yet. Unlike with mom and them, they got their powers almost instantly while we've even managed to get anything.'

Dawnshine too looked down at her pocket and stared at the geode that continued to emit the dark energy surrounding it. 'If I can harness the power inside of this geode I'll be one step closer to my goal of ruling the school with an iron fist like I've always wanted.' Dawnshine then looked over to the Dazzlings who were talking with one another while the teachers talked with each other about the future and how the students might come back. However, Dawnshine glared at the Dazzlings she still wasn't too sure if the Dazzlings had found some geodes of their own, they were nearby when Dawnshine found her geode but perhaps the three were too stupid and walked past it giving Dawnshine the chance to take it for herself. 'And when I do harness the powers of this geode, you'll be the first ones to go! No, I'll make you three my minions and have them do my work for me.' Dawnshine then gripped onto her geode even harder as her fits shook, her eyes shining a blackish-purple for a split second before returning to their original color. 'And after I rule the school and show the Dazzlings who's the boss, I'll take control of the whole world!' Dawnshine then thought back to the portal that was also the statue that was in front of the school, this time, her whole eyes turning a blackish-purple for a solid few seconds. 'And then I'll go back to my universe and take control of my old world as well! Canterlot and Equestria, will both be ruled by me as its ultimate ruler and emperor! I'll get my revenge on that Starswirl for doing this to my body, and get my old body back, and then... I'll be unstoppable!' Dawnshine's eyes went back to normal as the poor girl began to feel dizzy and held her head in pain. 'W-What was that? It was as if someone took control of me... but, I felt so... strong and powerful! Like I could do anything and everything I put my mind to!' Dawnshine looked down at her geode with a big smirk. "Oh, I'm going to enjoy my time using you in my journey to power!"

"You are glad to come back anytime you want, just let us know of course. We don't want anyone coming here in the middle of the night without us knowing." Dawnshine attention went back to Timber who had made a joke making a few of the students and teacher laugh, but she just rolled her eyes.

Celestia looked down at her watch and back at Gloriosa and Timber. "We should be on our way back, we want to make sure the students get back before sunset. Thank you again, I'm sure this won't be the last time we come here." Celestia and Luna turned back to the students. "Alright students, it's time to head back. Let's not waste any more time and get going." The students nodded their heads and thanked Gloriosa and Timber as they all started boarding the buses.

The Dazzlings, Celestia, and Luna waved goodbye to Gloriosa and Timber who waved back to them. "Come again soon, we're always welcomed to have people come to our Camp!" Gloriosa smiled as she waved.

Once all the students got into their seats the bus driver started the engine to the bus and started the adventure back to Canterlot. The Dazzlings watched as the bus drove away as they drove further and further away with Gloriosa and Timber still waving as they got smaller and smaller until they couldn't be seen anymore. The three girls and probably a few other students were sad that they had to leave and go back to Canterlot but at the same time, they were glad to finally be back in the city where they were used to living and seeing their parents again after a few days away from being home. Adagio and Aria were actually a bit surprised that Sonata didn't get homesick but with all the fun activities they had done Sonata probably didn't have a chance to think about it.

The trip back to Canterlot was just like the trip to Camp Everfree, everyone was silent, doing their own things, not wanting to get on the teacher's bad side and get in trouble after all the fun they had just had. Aria was listening to her music as she looked out the window looking at everything that they drove past. Adagio was in the middle once again working on her drawing, after Gloriosa had seen her drawing and said such nice comments Adagio was determined to become an even better artist. She looked at the now finished drawing of her and her family and she smiled, she had put so much time into it and now looking at the finished product she couldn't help but smile, it looked amazing and she felt proud to say that. Sonata meanwhile, was on the seat next to the aisle and was talking to Phoebe who sat on the seat across from her. The two talked about all the fun they had at Camp Everfree, from the treasure hunt to swimming to telling scary stories, and the big paintball war on the last day, every moment is just as fun as the others.

Before any of the students knew it, they had finally arrived back at Canterlot. The bus drove into the Canterlot High School parking lot and stopped near the sidewalk for the kids to get off safely. Students walked off the bus and grabbed their things, they were back at Canterlot, their home. As the Dazzlings grabbed their things they met their mom who was already waiting for them. The Dazzlings walked over to their mom's car and got in. During the ride home the girls told their mom all about their field trip, making sure not to tell her about the geodes that they had found. Once the girls arrived at their house they smiled seeing the house they were so used to, they had a fun field trip at Camp Everfree, but they were now back home.

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