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39. A Friends Dazzling Graduation

Graduation, a day when kids finally finish school after eighteen hard years of work. And today just so happened to be the day one of the Dazzling's friends was graduating. Being two years ahead of the Dazzlings, Arctic Ace was finally graduating from high school and would soon enter the real world. No longer would he be in school, but be heading off to college and trying to make a career of his life.

It was a very special day, not only for him but also for Sonata. She knew that this day was coming, but she wished that it had taken a bit longer to arrive. She knew that in the long run, she was only being selfish in wanting Arctic to stay with her. He had been such a big help in her process of getting better after all the events of Dawnshine went down, and also having a huge crush on him wasn't making things any better. But she knew better than all people how much Arctic had been looking forward to this day, he had been looking forward to graduating for so long and he was excited to finally be done with high school and to head off to college. Sonata knew that once he was gone from school, she would miss him, but for today she had to be strong, for him.

Upon arriving at the school Sonata and the rest of her family found their spots and took their seats to watch the graduation take place. They had gone to the one last year, but now that Artic was graduating, it was different. As the girls sat down, they couldn't wait to see Arctic graduate with the rest of his class. Not only that but Arctic had been given the prestige honor of being the class valedictorian. There, he would give a speech to hundreds, maybe even thousands of people! The Dazzlings were surprised but yet impressed that he had not only been given the honor of valedictorian but also the fact that he would give a speech in front of so many people, but they all knew he was ready. He had been practicing his speech for days and had even said the speech in front of the Dazzlings so that he could get some last-minute practice in before he said it in front of everyone.

It was crazy to imagine that the same boy that helped them train for tournaments and battles during their Beyblade adventures, was now graduating from high school at the top of his class. As the Dazzlings were thinking about how proud they were of Arctic, the sound of a microphone going off could be heard snapping them out of their thoughts. "Hello and welcome to all of our guests that have come far and wide for such a special event! Today we celebrate a new generation of students who have worked so hard to get to where they are now! These students are on the biggest stage of their life, the stage that makes them no longer high school students but rather young adults venturing into the real world! Where they will either head off to college or begin their careers, which I hope nothing but the best of luck for them all! Without further ado, I'll like to introduce the valedictorian, Arctic Ace to the stage!!" Celestia walked away from the microphone and to her seat.

Everyone cheered and either clapped their hands or whistled as they watched Arctic make his way to the microphone to give his speech. Sonata cheered the loudest screaming her heart out for Arctic, and although she got a bit of weird looks from people in the crowd, she didn't care. She was cheering for her friend, the guy she had a crush on, the guy that had done so much for her. Adagio and Aria looked at one another and smiled at their sister. They knew that Sonata was going to do this, but even they didn't expect her to be this loud! Not wanting to be outdone by their sister, the two of them started yelling their hearts out for Arctic as well.

Once Arctic made his way to the microphone he looked at the crowd cheering for him. He was truly grateful for everyone and all the applause he was getting. He looked around the crowd, he saw his family, some of his old teachers, and even some of his younger classmates. He turned and then saw the Dazzlings who were cheering the loudest for him, and he couldn't help but smile seeing the big smile on Sonata's face. It made him happy that Sonata was finally doing better after everything that had happened with Dawnshine, but now she was finally better, and he couldn't be happier. He was also proud of himself, proud that he had become valedictorian and would be giving a speech on his graduation day, but now came the hard part, giving the speech. Even after all the time he spent practicing for the speech, he was still a bit nervous about giving one in front of so many people. Now giving a speech in class was normal, with only maybe thirty students, but this, this was different. He wasn't looking at his thirty classmates, he was looking at hundreds of people that he didn't know.

Taking a deep breath, Arctic addressed the crowd. The crowd had already calmed down and was now awaiting his speech, and not wanting to make them wait any longer, Arctic began. "Hello everyone! I hope you're just as excited for this day as I am!" The crowd cheered and clapped their hands as Arctic smiled. "I'm so glad to be given the honor of valedictorian and the chance to give this speech in front of all of you." Arctic looked down at his piece of paper for a second, trying to calm his nerves a bit. "For those who don't know me, my name is Arctic Ace. My time at Canterlot was one that I'll never forget. From all the amazing teachers to students, to the classes. Everything was great and I have everlasting memories that I'll never forget here. My four years here have been nothing but great. When I started my journey here as a Freshman I was scared and shy, and mostly stayed to myself. I was afraid of the new place I was in, and with how big the school was, I felt small. However, thanks to some amazing people and teachers, I was able to get out of my isolation and made a ton of friends that I still have to this day. Throughout the years I grew, not only in height, strength, and smarts but also as a person. I learned the importance of having a plan before rushing into something and seeing things from so many different angles that I didn't think possible. If I can leave you all with something today it's this. Don't think about the past or the future when you are in the present. Don't wish that you were younger or older, because you should be focusing on the present and the person you are now, not the person you once were or the person you are to become." The crowd cheered and everyone clapped at what Arctic had said, agreeing with his words. "To everyone else who is graduating with me, I wish you all nothing but the best and I hope that you all do the best in life. To my teachers, I hope that you all continue enjoying your teaching careers at Canterlot and that whenever you do retire, I hope that you can finish thinking back to all the good times in your times teaching rather than the worst. It may not seem like it but your actions mean a lot more than you think. And to Principal Celestia, thank you for everything you have done for this school, the teachers, and the students who go to this school. This school wouldn't be half of what it is now without you leading the way. Now, not to waste any more time, I thank you all for coming here, and thank you for listening to me! Thank you!" Arctic bowed and headed back to his seat whilst being cheered all the way back to his seat. His classmates high-fived him and patted him on the back until he sat back down in his seat.

The rest of the graduation went on and the Dazzlings watched as everyone went up one by one to get their diploma from Celestia. Emotions were high as the Dazzlings watched students cry once hearing their names and got their diplomas and parents as they watched their kids overcome all obstacles and finally graduate high school.

The Dazzlings cheered the loudest when Arctic's name got called up. They watched as he walked across the stage and to Celestia who happily gave him his diploma. He shook her hand as the two took a picture he then thanked her one last time and walked off and back to his seat.

Once every student had gotten their diplomas, they threw their hats into the air, happy that they had finally finished their time in high school once and for all. The Dazzlings clapped and cheered for all the students, but especially Arctic. They watched as he happily talked to some of his friends, they were proud of Arctic and they hoped the best for him in the future.

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