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44. The Overnight School Day

Thanksgiving break had ended and the Dazzlings were finally back at school for the first time in a week. They were currently in their last period working on a worksheet their teacher had given them. The worksheet was to be done within class but if students didn't finish they would have to take it home and finish it for homework, and, well, the Dazzlings didn't want any more homework than they already did.

"Attention, class!" All the kids who were working on the worksheet stopped what they were doing and looked over at the teacher. "This weekend the school is having an overnight school day as a way to congratulate all the hard work that you've all put in this year." The Dazzlings looked at one another and smiled, an overnight school day sounded fun. "If you'd like to come you'll need to get this paper signed by your parents." The teacher held up a piece of paper to show the class. "They will be on my desk, when class is over you may come up and get one, that is all." The teacher then went back to her desk to probably grade her student's work.

Adagio looked over at her sisters and smiled. "We just have to go to that overnight thing. I'm sure Mom will let us go too and probably all of our friends will go."

Aria who had finally finished the worksheet looked up at Adagio. "Yeah but why are we going to stay at school more than we already have to? The overnight is the same thing as having a sleepover with the girls, why not just have a sleepover if you want to stay up all night?"

Sonata who was secretly cheating off of Aria's paper spoke up. "I think it'll be really fun. We get to spend time with our friends and stay overnight at the school, sounds like fun to me." Sonata then smirked. "Plus, at a sleepover, you won't be able to spend time with Bael."

Aria blushed and looked over at Sonata and gave her a monstrous glare. "You, shush." Aria got up picked up her paper and toward the front of the desk and took three papers for the overnighter.

Sonata who was cheating looked down, sad that she wasn't able to finish cheating off of Aria's paper. Adagio looked at her younger sister and smiled before rolling her eyes and sliding her paper over to her sister. "Hurry up, I don't want you getting me in trouble." Sonata looked up at her sister and smiled before quickly getting to work copying Adagio's work.

Coming back with three papers in her hand, Aria took her seat and handed one paper to Adagio and Sonata. Without having anything else to do Aria started to pack up to leave for the day. Adagio seeing what Aria was doing and then seeing that there were only a few minutes left of class started to pack up her things as well while Sonata finished copying. Going up to the class, Adagio and Sonata both handed in their papers right as the bell went off for the day. Packing their things and heading out the Dazzlings couldn't wait to let their mom know about the overnight stay at the school.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were currently together making sure they had all their things packed and ready to go to the overnighter at the school. It was now Friday, the day or, rather night of the overnighter, and thanks to their Mom signing their papers they were allowed to go. They were so excited that the rest of the week went and left before they knew it and it was finally the day of the overnighter.

"You ready to go girls?" The Dazzlings turned back to see their Mom, Sunset staying behind them with her keys in her hand. Adagio did a double check and looked over at her sisters who nodded their heads.

"Yeah, we're ready to go Mom." Sunset smiled as the girls grabbed their things and made their way to the car.

The girls were already in their pajamas and jumped into the car excited for the night they were about to have. The drive was short and fast and once the Dazzlings got there they jumped out of the car, waved goodbye to their Mom, and made their way to the cafeteria where the overnighter was taking place.

Walking into the cafeteria, the Dazzlings were amazed at what they walked into. The cafeteria was decorated, there was food and games all over the place, and all of the Dazzlings' friends. Making their way to their friends the Dazzlings continued to look around at all the fun things they could and would be doing tonight.

As she was looking around, something, or rather, someone, caught Sonata's eye. "Arctic?" Adagio and Aria stopped in their tracks and looked over to where Sonata was staring. Sure enough, Arctic was at the axe throwing part supervising over making sure nothing went wrong, and even showing some kids how to throw an axe. "I didn't think he would be here."

"He's probably here as a helper, I'm sure only a few teachers are here tonight and they probably needed some extra help and he offered." That's what Adagio guessed. Seeing her sister smile made Adagio smile, she knew Sonata had been missing Arctic ever since he graduated from Canterlot last year. "I'm sure there will be a time during the night the two of you can catch up and talk, but for now let's go to the girls and set our stuff down."

Sonata nodded her head and the girls made their way to their friends. "Hey, girls!" Aria waved as she set her things down and took a seat next to Phoebe. "Ready for tonight?"

Adagio and Sonata set their things down and took a seat next to Frizzle and Joy. It didn't take long before the girls started talking about anything and everything that came up. From boys, school drama that was going on, anything that was new, you name it, and it was talked about.

It had been a while since all the girls were talking and Aria was starting to get bored. She was all for talking to her friends, but looking at all the cool things around them she wanted to do something more exciting. Looking around she spotted Bael across the room with a plate of food while... Dawnshine was sitting next to him talking. Aria was confused, what was Dawnshine doing talking to Bael? Just then Aria saw the two of them laughing and Dawnshine put her hand, on his chest... Dawnshine. Put her hand. On Bael's chest. Oh, Aria was mad.

Sonata who was happily talking to her friends noticed Aria's sudden silence. She looked over to see Aria looking over at something with a scowl on her face with her fist shaking in anger. Looking over to where Aria was looking, Sonata froze. Dawnshine was across the room talking to Bael, Aria's crush, with her hand on his chest. Sonata looked over at Aria with a frown, she could so easily tease Aria about being jealous but she knew it wouldn't have been a good time. Just then the worst thing possible could've happened, Aria's geode started to shine. For whatever reason Aria wanted to bring her geode while Adagio and Sonata kept their geodes at home.

Panicking, Sonata stood up and grabbed Aria's arm. "Umm, Aria and I are going to walk around and play some of the games that are here, if that's okay with you girls?" Aria looked at her sister confused while the girls nodded their heads. Taking her sister's hand, Sonata started to take Aria away from the girls.

"Uh, Nata? What are you doing?" Sonata stopped and turned to face Aria. Aria could tell from Sonata's expression that she was serious. "What's going on?"

"Your geode, Aria." Aria looked down and sure enough, it was shining. "I know you saw Dawnshine and Bael talking but you need to calm down. You don't want the secret of our geodes to be revealed. You need to calm down right here, and right now."

Aria nodded her head. She took a deep breath and released. Looking down she saw her geode stop shining, which made Aria smile. "Thanks, Sonata." Sonata smiled. "Just... why is she talking to them? They aren't friends, at least I don't think so. And who does she think she is putting her hand on his chest? Does she like him or something?"

Sonata sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "You'll have to talk to Bael about that if you want to figure that out."

Aria thought about what Sonata said and smirked. "I might just do that." Sonata was confused by that until she saw Aria walk away from her and to where Bael and Dawnshine were. 'Oh no.'

She was about to follow Aria and stop her but she was stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning around, she smiled to see who it was. "Arctic!"

Arctic smiled. "It's nice to see you again, Sonata."

"Yeah, it is..." Sonata thought back to what her sisters said about talking to Arctic. It had been weeks, maybe even months since she last saw him, when would be the next time she would see him? Maybe now was the time she told him about her... feelings for him. "Hey, uh, Arctic... I want to talk to you about something, in private."

Confused but understanding, Arctic nodded his head. "All right, let's find a spot where we can talk in private." As Arctic and Sonata walked around to find a place to talk Sonata's heart started to pound, nervous about what she was about to tell Arctic.

Adagio was still with the girls giggling and talking about any of the spicy tea that was going on at the time. Adagio didn't know when she started getting so obsessed with drama and tea but she had a feeling it was because of Rarity. Which... she wasn't particularly upset about, hearing about people's drama was actually a lot of fun. She was currently having the time of her life having fun with her friends until the girls around her stopped talking and stared at her. Adagio looked around at them with her eyebrow raised confused why her friends stopped what they were doing and started to look at her.

"Uh, girls?" Adagio continued to look at them until she started hearing giggling. "What?" She turned to Athena who was giggling with Phoebe and saw her pointing at something. Turning around Adagio was met with someone she least expected. Her heart dropped as her cheeks started to burn but she kept her cool to not make it obvious. "Venus! H-How are you?" Adagio then smacked herself internally. 'Real smooth Adagio, stutter before him to make him think you can't talk.'

Venus who was standing behind her smiled, but Adagio knew there was something more to it. His body language was off, he seemed almost nervous. He gave her a small wave with his other hand on the back of his hand, something Adagio picked up was something guys do when they get nervous. But why was Venus nervous?

"Hey... Adagio." Another thing that seemed off, he was talking weird too. "I, uh, wanted to talk to you about something." He then looked around to see all the girls around and gave a nervous laugh. "But, uh, maybe just the two of us. N-Nothing against you girls!"

The girls along with Adagio laughed at Venus's embarrassment. Adagio got up and turned to her friends. "I'll be right back." The girls nodded and let Adagio head out with Venus. "Let's find somewhere to talk. I wanna hear what you got to tell me." Adagio winked making Venus even more nervous as they walked around to find a place to talk.

Aria was still making her way to Bael and Dawnshine trying to make her way through the crowd of kids. It took a while but after a few minutes of pushing her way out of the crowd, Aria finally made her way to Bael, and... only Bael? Where did Dawnshine go?

Aria looked around and saw Dawnshine who was staring right at her with an evil grin with a piece of paper which Aria guessed had Bael's number on it. Did Dawnshine know that Aria had a crush on Bael? Aria then began to think back to homecoming a few years back when Adagio had told her and Sonata about how Dawnshine tried getting at Venus. Was Dawnshine purposely trying to get with the guys the Dazzlings had crushes on? Does that mean that Arctic was next in line for Dawnshine to try to get with? It was then that Aria realized that if she didn't want Dawnshine to steal Bael... she would have to get with him before that happened.

Aria glared back at Dawnshine and went over to Bael who was now on his phone playing some game. "Yo! Bael!" Bael looked up from his phone and saw Aria. He smiled and waved as he put his phone away. "Whatcha doing? Why are you just by yourself?"

Bael let out a nervous chuckle. "Everyone else hasn't arrived yet so I'm just waiting for them. Dawnshine came over and we started talking, it was cool, we have a few things in common." Aria frowned at that. "But what have you been up to?"

"I was talking to the girls but..." Aria couldn't exactly tell Bael that she saw him and Dawnshine talking and she was about to throw some hands with her. "That got boring so I decided to walk around and then I saw you by yourself so I thought I would see what's up with you."

"Oh okay, nice. Yeah, I've just been here... waiting for them." Bael sighed as he took another sip of his drink.

Turning back she saw Dawnshine still looking at them which made Aria's gears grind. Aria then smiled on the inside, this was her chance but she also knew what she was about to do was risky. Calming herself down, Aria turned back to Bael. "Hey, Bael?" Bael looked up and made eye contact with her. "I want to talk to you about something."

"Oh, okay. What's going on?" The two made contact with one another, the noise around them becoming silent.

The same thing was going on for Adagio and Sonata. Whatever was about to happen, was going to happen whether or not the result was what the girls wanted.

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