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41. Checkpoint To The Halfway Mark

Have you ever realized that you were halfway done with school? One moment you were starting high school and beginning your freshman year but before you knew it two years were already over and now you only had two more years left to go until you graduated and were done with school for good. Unless you go to college of course, but that's a different story. The thought certainly hit Sonata while she was in her Math class with her sisters.

The class was going over something to do with the angle of shapes or something like that. Sonata didn't remember nor did she care, she was too busy looking outside at the cute family of birds in their nest. Anything to keep her mind away from doing the uninteresting thing that was known as Math. Or as Sonata would call it, Mental Abuse To Humans, because boy, was it mental abuse to her and her poor brain. Sonata was sure by the time she was done with school, her brain would be fried from all the math equations it had to do.

While she was looking at the lovely family of birds in their nest, the thought of being halfway done with school hit her. She was now a week into her Junior or third year of high school. She was past her freshman and Sophomore years and her Senior year would be around the corner before she knew it. Sonata and her sisters were halfway done with High-school and that was something to be impressed about and it made her proud.

'And to think Aria said I wasn't going to be smart enough to get through high school and finish. Well look at me now Aria, I'm still here and doing just fine.' Sonata decided it was best to turn her attention away from the outside and back to paying attention to the lesson, or at least try to pay attention. The moment she looked at the board her eyes almost flew out of their sockets. The board was full of hard-looking math equations and math notes. Sonata looked at the board then down at her notebook... her completely blank notebook... Sonata sighed. 'I hate Math with a passion.' Not wanting to be more behind than she already was, Sonata got to work writing down all the equations and notes on the board. It was an inner race writing the notes and making sure the teacher didn't erase the notes before she was done.

Funny enough although two years had passed Sonata still hated Math with every single bone in her body, and that wasn't going to change anytime soon. Sonata was almost pretty sure that Math hated her back because of how difficult it was for her, unlike how it treated her sisters. Both Adagio and Aria were pros with the class, but Sonata? She thought back to that C on the top of her test paper a few days ago while her sisters had a wonderful A that they happily showed off to their parents. Suddenly, something landed on the top of her desk. Sonata looked down to see the student in front of her pass back the homework worksheet filled with equations. Thirty questions... show your work... for homework... on a Monday... Sonata sighed once again as she looked up at the ceiling. 'Why must you hate me Math gods? Does thy not have any compassion for me and my poor little brain?'

Adagio who was across the room looked at Sonata who was staring at the ceiling and snickered. 'Some things never change, the war between Sonata and math rages on it seems.' Smiling, Adagio looked down on her worksheet and finished writing something down. Unlike Sonata, Adagio's worksheet was already done, all thirty questions were perfectly answered with such ease that it was almost scary. 'Thankful Math is no match for someone like me.' Adagio picked up her worksheet and put it in her binder which she then placed in her backpack. Now that she had finished her homework early she had some free time to spare... but... she had nothing to do. She had already finished all the homework that she was given in earlier classes during earlier times in the day and she had finished the book she got from the library. 'Well, I guess I could just chill class is over in five minutes anyway.' So, Adagio did just that and chilled at her desk.

Aria who was in the back of the class turned and looked at Adagio who was relaxing at her desk. Rolling her eyes, Aria turned her head to see Sonata scratching her head in confusion from the math equations which made Aria laugh. 'Adagio, the smartest of the three of us and smarter than possibly Albert Einstein himself. And then there's Sonata... one of, if not, the biggest idiot I've ever seen. But I guess her good looks help her, I've never seen so many love letters in a locker before in my life.' Aria looked down at her worksheet which was almost done. All Aria had to do was four more problems and she would be done with her homework... 'Eh, I'll just finish this later.' Pulling out her binder, Aria put her homework away and back into her backpack. Just at that moment, the bell went off. Aria looked up and smiled as she stood up and pulled in her seat. "Finally, about time that stupid bell goes off. Adios school, until tomorrow."

"Yay! Time to go to soccer practice." Aria turned around to see Sonata already behind her walking down the hall.

Aria rolled her eyes and smiled. "You would be happy that class is over with. It looked like those math equations were destroying you."

Sonata stuck out her tongue as she crossed her arms until she felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning her head Sonata saw Adagio smiling. "It's okay, Sonata. I'll help you out with homework when we get home, it's not that hard anyway."

Smiling, Sonata hugged Adagio. "You're the best, Dagi!" Adagio smiled and patted Sonata on the back. The three siblings continued to make their way to soccer practice. Last year they had taken a break to work on their skills to help the team out. It sucked that they didn't play last year and because of them not playing certainly showed in their team's performance. Unlike the year before, the team missed the playoffs and finished with a record of 13-8 which was considerably worse than their 17-4 the year before.

Now although the team and Coach Rainbow did the best that they could it still wasn't enough and they weren't the same since the Dazzlings left. So it wasn't a surprise when the Dazzlings returned to practice everyone, besides Dawnshine, pounced and hugged them and welcomed them back. The team had gotten back not one, but three, of its better players and now the team was going to be better than ever before!

Coach Rainbow smiled as she walked up to all the girls with a smile. "Girls, it's good to have you back on the team! I've got a good feeling that this year is going to be our year! With you girls back our team just got twenty percent more stronger. But don't think I'm going to go easy on any of you, we're going to be training harder than ever before so be prepared!" The girls nodded their heads as they started to practice.

As the Dazzlings got to work practicing with their friends, Dawnshine looked at them from afar as her geode shined. "Just you wait Dazzlings, peril will come and the darkness will engulf your light." Dawnshine smiled as her eyes glowed, the end was near.

Author's Note:

So sorry for being gone, live happens and I'm afraid that gets in the way of my writing time. Thankfully I had some free time and was finally able to get back to doing what I love. I hope you all enjoy this chapter as the Dazzlings story continues!

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