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45. A Dazzling Relationship Of Love



Silence. Realizing what she had just done, Aria slapped her hands over her mouth. Her emotions had gotten the best of her and she spoke before she thought. Bael looked at her in confusion while Aria looked away hiding her blushing face. 'Why did I do that? I just ruined things between us. I can't believe I spoke before thinking, I'm so stupid. I'm so-'

"That's just like you, going in straightforward like that." Bael laughed, making Aria uncertain if it was a good or bad thing he was laughing. "But I like you too." Turning around with lightning speed, Aria made eye contact with Bael who had a smile on his face. "I've liked you for a while now."

It took a while before what Bael had said transferred into Aria's brain. "You... like me? Like... as in like like?" Bael nodded his head. "You like me?" Bael looked at Aria confused but smiled and laughed before nodding his head again. "You like me..."

Bael went over to Aria and hugged her shocking her even more. "I'm not sure what's going on but yes, I do like you. You're amazing Aria and for a while now my feelings have changed for you, I like you, a lot." Aria could feel the heat radiating from her cheeks and she was sure that Bael could feel it. But from what he had said he was genuine, her feelings for her were legit. He shared the same feelings for her as she did for him! This was exactly what she wanted but it was still a surprise to her that he liked her back.

Breaking out of her shocked state, she wrapped her arms around Bael and smiled. "I like you too Bael. I like you a lot." The two continued to hug while Sonata watched from afar and smiled for her sister.

"So, you said you wanted to talk to me about something?" Turning around, Sonata remembered that she had wanted to talk to Arctic, something which she had forgotten about. "It sounded like it was important, but just know I'm kinda on a time crunch so if this could be quick. I just don't to get Celestia upset." Looking to her side, Sonata could see Celestia walking around and talking to some of the students.

"Well, there's no other way to tell you this but..." The words were trapped, unable to come out of Sonata's mouth. She knew that Arctic was limited on his time and the last thing she wanted to do was get him in trouble, but the words weren't coming out. "I- uh..."

Arctic looked at Sonata confused before it hit him before he sighed. "Let me guess." Sonata who was looking down at the ground, looked up at Arctic, the two of them making eye contact. "This is about you having feelings about me, isn't it?"

Sonata's mouth dropped. "H-How did you...?"

"I've known for a while..." Arctic looked away rubbing the back of his head. "For years now, I've always known you've liked me. You weren't exactly good at hiding your feelings for me. You were pretty obvious, as much as you tried to keep them hidden from me." Sonata was too embarrassed to say anything so she just looked down. Arctic looked at Sonata and sighed. "Look, Sonata." Sonata did as Arctic said and looked up. "You're a great girl. You're nice, smart, resilient, and all about a great person, but we can't be together."

Sonata's heart shattered. "W-Wha- why?!"

Arctic looked away, he hated to see Sonata like this. "Think about it, Sonata. I'm in college and you're still a Junior in high school. I know it's only a two-year difference but it would just be weird if we started dating."

Watching Sonata look away and sigh, Arctic got up and hugged Sonata from behind. "It's okay." Arctic let go and looked at Sonata when she turned around and smiled at him. "I understand, you have a point it would look a bit weird, and I wouldn't want people to think differently of you. But... when I graduate from high school, can we get together?"

Looking at her in surprise, Arctic couldn't help but smile at Sonata. "You know what? Sure. I'll be waiting for you until then." Sonata grinned and launched herself onto Arctic, who smiled and hugged her back.

It may not have been the result that Sonata wanted but it gave her confidence for the future. She was halfway done with her Junior year and had her Senior year ahead of her, which gave her plenty of time to get herself together to be the best version of herself for when she graduated and she could be with Arctic. Now although Sonata wasn't sure if Arctic would actually wait for her or not, she stayed confident that he would wait until she was out of school.

It had been a while and Adagio and Veus had been catching up asking each other about how school was going and things like that. However, during the whole conversation, Adagio could tell that something was different with Venus. The whole time the two of them had started talking he was nervous. He would stutter sometimes, zone out, look at Adagio, and not say anything, not that Adagio had a problem with that, but it was just weird that every time she brought it up he would panic and change the topic. And it wasn't like Adagio had a problem about the two of them talking but Venus had yet to talk to her about what he had mentioned to her at the beginning.

"So... uh, Venus. Are we going to talk about what you wanted to talk to me about?" Adagio watched as Venus suddenly flinched and looked at her before quickly looking away, something he had done a lot as well. "Don't get me wrong I like talking to you and all, but not once have we talked about what you wanted to talk to me about. If this is what you wanted to talk to me about we could've just talked with the others around us. I don't see why we had to talk in private."

Seeing Adagio standing up about to head back to her friends, Venus jumped up. "There is something I want to talk to you about. Something that we have to talk about in private."

Adagio turned and looked at Venus confused. "Okay, then what's up then?"

It wasn't like Adagio wanted to force Venus to talk but she wanted to do other things besides talking to people. She didn't want to just leave Venus without him talking to her about what he wanted to but he was making it hard and she was growing impatient.

"Well... you know how we've been friends for quite a while now?" Adagio nodded her head. Where was Venus going with this? "Well, for a few weeks now, maybe even longer, but things have started to change. I've started to really enjoy our time together, not that I haven't before, but lately I've really enjoyed hanging out and spending time together. My favorite period has become Math and that's because of you. You make the class fun despite me not knowing a thing going on in that class." Adagio couldn't help but laugh at that, it was true that Venus hated Math and she would constantly have to help in class, which she didn't mind. "What I'm trying to get at here is... I've realized that I like you, Adagio."

Adagio looked at him. Now looks can be deceiving and that was exactly what was going on. On the inside, Adagio was jumping up and down happy with the fact that her crush likes her back. On the outside, however, Adagio was keeping it cool and calm... mostly because she was afraid if she reacted how she was on the inside it would scare away Venus and make herself look like a fool.

"I like you too, Venus." Venus looked at her in shock. "I have for a while now as well." Adagio didn't want to tell him the truth about how long she had liked him, and a white lie never killed. Adagio's insides were screaming at her to pounce on Venus and give him a hug but she fought back the urges of doing that, mostly because she was afraid she would hurt him if she did.

Just then she felt Venus wrap his arms around her making her blush. "I'm so glad. I was so worried that someone like you wouldn't like someone like me, but I just had to get this off my chest. And not only does it feel great to get it off but you like me back! This is awesome!"

Adagio couldn't help but smile at Venus' reaction and continued to hug him, happy that he felt the same way. It was like a dream come true for her, and in a way it was, but Adagio wasn't complaining, not one bit.

The rest of the night couldn't have gone any better. The girls stayed up until the sun rose playing games and hanging out with their friends. With the Dazzlings hanging out with their new boyfriends, Sonata's case being a bit different, but nonetheless having a time to remember. Of course though, when all said was and done the girls weren't having any more fun.

Immediately when they got home the three girls crashed and fell asleep. All the fun they had all night was enough to send them out for the next few hours. However, when they woke up they would tell the others about their adventure with their crush, something they were sure the other two would be happy about. Adagio was with Venus, Aria was with Bael, and Sonata would one day be with Arctic, at least that's what she kept telling herself. All of them were happy and couldn't wait for what was to come in their new relationships, well at least for Aria and Adagio. But Sonata was content to better herself before she did get into a relationship with Arctic. As the girls slept they could only hope that they had a dazzling relationship full of love and happiness.

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