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35. Campfire Of Dazzling Memories

When everyone came back to the camp it was declared that Phoebe, Frizzle, and Joy had found the treasure hunt finding the most amount of treasure. However, that didn't mean anything to the Dazzlings and Dawnshine as they had found the true treasure, their newly found geodes. When no one was looking the four ran off to their cabins and quickly put away their geodes, they wanted to make sure that no one saw them or even worse, take them. And as much as the Dazzlings wanted to tell Celestia or Luna, they knew that they would probably go tell Sunset and then their mom would take their geodes, and they didn't want that. Dawnshine too, didn't want anyone taking her geode from her, she had finally found the thing she was looking for and no one was going to steal it. She was determined to use the geode, to achieve her goals!

The girls walked back out of their cabins and started walking over to the fire where dinner was starting to get served to everyone. The Dazzlings sat down by their friends on a log seat while Dawnshine sat across a rock, all by herself. Once the food had been handed out to everyone, the students and teachers started to eat their food by the heat of the fire. It was a good dinner, friends talked with one another and the teachers talked about what the plan was for tomorrow. Unfortunately, the Dazzlings and everyone else knew, that tomorrow would be their last day and they were hoping that tomorrow would be a fun last day of camp. So they were hoping that whatever the teacher was talking about or had in mind, would be a good way to end their time at camp.

As people started to finish their dinner, bit by bit kids started to head off to their cabins to get some sleep for their final day at Camp Everfree. However, the Dazzlings stayed by the campfire, even though they were done eating and their friends and everyone else had gone inside for the night, they had stayed outside by the fire. They couldn't help but feel at peace with the night sky breeze and the stars above them, along with the nice heat of the fire, it was perfect. It was times like these that the Dazzlings started to think about everything that had happened to them over all the years.

From going to school and making all their friends they know now in Kindergarten, it was so long ago but they still remembered being excited to go to school and have yet another day of fun either playing around or drawing, or all sorts of other fun things to do. They had moved up a lot, one day, long ago they were in Kindergarten, but they had moved up the ladder. From Kindergarten to Elementary, to Middle, and now High School, and with them being in their second year, they were only two years, plus a few months, away from graduating and heading off into the real world and to college. It had been a long road to get to where they were and the Dazzlings were proud of themselves. They had gone through so much but they had gotten through every class, test, and question they had been given.

They thought back to when they ran into Gabby and how she had treated them. She was a bully at first and had started trouble with Sonata, giving the poor little girl at the time, a black eye. That had caused the Dazzlings to charge back at her and thus making the four of them get into a fight which led them to get into trouble, but Adagio and Aria didn't care because they were doing it to get back at her for what she did to Sonata. But in the end, it was Sonata herself who helped Gabby and brought her to the good side and out of the darkness she was trapped in. Since then, Gabby and the Dazzlings had been the best of friends and had put what happened in the past, well, past them. And they were glad when Gabby had told them that her life had gotten better, she and her mother, Gilda were closer than ever before and her mom had actually found a new boyfriend who was about to be her new stepdad!

Thinking about Gabby had made the girls start thinking about the adventures they had with their Beys. Achilles, Spryzen, and Apocalypse, the Beys that they had won so many Battles and helped them win the Team Tournament, and helped Adagio become the World Champion. They had participated and watched so many amazing battles and Beyblade was still growing more popular each day. The girls had so much fun and the talks they had with their Beys were the best, the bond they had with their Beys was great! They remembered all the times they worked together to think of a strategy to beat the team they were facing so that they could win and move on to the next round and hopefully win the tournament, which in the end they won! Their journey was a fun one but they had to sadly end their journey, they had more important things, like school to focus on. Beyblade was only a hobby at the time and they had the future to focus on. And the future was far more important to them and they wanted to finish school, go to college and have their jobs, and one day, they wanted to have a family, so they had to let go of Beyblade and focus on school.

So now here they were in High school, the final stretch of their time at school. Their first years as freshmen were an up-and-down journey, they had good days and bad days and good things happen and bad things happen. From joining the soccer team and helping their team make it all the way to the playoffs for the first time in years only to sadly lose, but that only fueled the team to do better the next time around. To meeting Dawnshine, who had sadly brought the girls a bunch of problems, but the Dazzlings knew better than to mess with her, they didn't want to get into trouble again. From meeting all kinds of new classmates and teachers, and learning all kinds of new things each day in their classes. From Math and Science to History and English, and even P.E. and Spanish, they had learned so much. And then when they finished their first year of high school, they had an amazing summer where they got to hang out with their family, and their mom's friends, who had taught them all kinds of new things. They had a blast that summer with every day something happening. Even hanging out with Celestia and Luna was fun and they couldn't have been happier.

But now was the present, and the girls were currently in their second year of high school. Sophomore year was more than halfway over but the girls all agreed that it was just as fun as their first year, give or take some things. From trying to figure out what their careers should be and trying to have a good idea of what they wanted to do before they finished high school. The food fight in the cafeteria which got Celestia pretty mad at everyone, at the moment throwing food at other kids was one of the best things they had done. And even Camp Everfree, although they were still there, the days they had come were some of the best. To swimming, sleeping in their cabins, and finding those three geodes. Everything had been a blast and the Dazzlings were sad that they only had one more day here before they had to pack up and head back to Canterlot. Now although they had so many fun things happen in Sophomore year, there was still the big negative; Dawnshine getting to Sonata and making the girl want to end it all. It was one of the worst things to ever happen to the Dazzlings, and Dawnshine had gone way too far, even Gabby hadn't gone that far. Dawnshine had gone past any limits by saying the things she had said to Sonata. But thankfully, Sonata was getting the help that she needed and was getting better day by day.

The Dazzlings looked up in the sky and saw the stars shining in the night, it was beautiful. Adagio looked at her phone and her eyes nearly flew out of their sockets when she saw the time, they hadn't realized that they had been out there for hours and everyone was most likely asleep. The girls quickly got up and ran to their cabin to get some sleep so that they weren't tired for their last day at camp. As they lay down on their beds, they only hoped that whatever life would bring them in the future would be just as great.

In another part of Camp Everfree, Dawnshine was out in the forest once again, but this time with her geode. She brought out her geode from her pocket and smiled at it. "Time to see what you can do." With one big flash, the geode shot out a blackish-purple beam that hit the forest and a big explosion occurred. Dawnshine covered her eyes and when she opened them she saw that a big crater had filled the area where the beam shot toward. Dawnshine looked at the crater in shock and then at her geode with a big smile. "Oh, I'm going to love this!"

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