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32. Adventures Into The Unknown

The students continued to look at the Camp, it was amazing! From the cabins to the trees to the big lake, and the huge campfire where they got to eat and tell scary stories. The Dazzlings smiled as they looked at the forest before them, it was their first time being somewhere besides the city, and they were already liking it.

Just then a young woman and a young man exited one of the cabins and came out to all of the students and teachers. "Hello everyone!" The woman greeted waving her hand with a smile. The young man waving and smiling as well. "My name is Gloriosa Daisy and this is my brother, Timber Spruce. We're so glad that you've all come to our Camp, we hope that you all enjoy your time here."

Celestia walked up to the two of them and greeted them with her sister Luna. "Gloriosa, Timber, we're so glad to be back. It's been so long since the last time we last came."

"Yeah, let's just hope that this time nothing magical happens." Timber said. Students were confused by this, but the Dazzlings knew what he was talking about. The moment his sister turned evil and Dazzling's mom and her friends had to stop her with their new magical powers. Sunset had told them all about what had happened so they knew that Gloriosa was the one who turned into the evil plant lady. Sonata took a step back and hid behind Adagio, she didn't trust Gloriosa and she wasn't going to trust her anytime soon.

Adagio and Aria saw this and frowned at Sonata. They hadn't even been there for long and Sonata was already scared of Gloriosa. Neither of them wanted their little sister to be nervous at Camp, the field trip was meant to be a fun time in the forest with each other and all their friends. "Sonata, it's okay. Mom and her friends stopped Gloriosa years ago, she's lost her powers, and she's not a threat anymore. There's nothing to be worried about, she's just a normal human being just like the rest of us." Sonata stared at Adagio and slowly went over to her side, out of her hiding spot.

"Okay, everyone!" All the students then stopped their conversations and turned over to Timber. "Let's get you all settled down, and into your cabins. It's getting late so we'll have to wait until tomorrow to do our conversations. Everyone please find a cabin or tent and get all comfy. We'll be having dinner in about an hour so be sure to be ready by then." All the students nodded or grunted agreeing with Timber.

Celestia, Luna, Timber, and Gloriosa went off to go cook some dinner for everyone as all the kids went off to get their stuff unpacked. The Dazzlings went their way own way where they found a cabin that wasn't occupied and went in it. The cabin was a typical cabin, with four beds and made out of wood, just like every cabin. The three girls started to unpack their things each choosing a bed for their own. Sonata and Aria took the top beds while Adagio took one of the lower ones, but when she looked across she saw an unused bed. "Hey girls, we should go around and ask if anyone wants our extra bed, it wouldn't be nice if we just kept this cabin to ourselves."

"Two steps ahead of you, Adagio!" Adagio, Aria, and Sonata turned back to see Joy standing at the door. "I didn't help but overhear you say that you had an extra bed, you don't mind if I bunk with you guys?"

Adagio turned to her sisters who had the same goofy smile as she did. "Sure!" The three girls agreed, making Joy smile as well. Joy walked in and started unpacking her things in the once-unused bed as the four girls started talking about what kind of fun things they might do at Everfree.

Adagio had finished unpacking a while ago, but her other two sisters and Joy were still busy unpacking. They would've been done a while ago but Sonata started a pillow fight and the three of them started a war with one another. So, here Adagio was just sitting on a rock working on her drawing. She was in her zone and she was getting a lot done, it would be only a matter of days or even hours and she would finally be complete. Staring at the drawing, Adagio sighed to herself. The drawing was still not good to her, she wanted to make it perfect but no matter what she did it still didn't look as she wanted it to. Sure, the drawing of Sunset, Tom, her, and her sisters looked nice, but it wasn't how she wanted it to look, she was about to rip the drawing but she heard a voice behind her.

"You're not going to destroy that beautiful drawing are you?" Adagio turned around to see Gloriosa standing behind her. Gloriosa then took a seat next to her on the rock as she then started looking at the drawing. "That drawing, it's a drawing of your family, isn't it?" Adagio nodded her head still looking at the drawing sadly. Gloriosa took a better look and saw someone that looked very familiar in the drawing. "That's Sunset Shimmer!" Gloriosa then looked over at Adagio. "Is... she your mother?"

Adagio let out a nervous laugh and started to sweat a bit. "It's a long story but yeah, she's my mother. Along with my sisters Aria and Sonata, and not to forget our dad, Tom." Adagio then looked back down at her drawing sadly. "I wanted to give this to my mom and dad as a gift, for being such amazing parents, but..." She then sighed. "It's nothing that I wanted it to be, I can't give this to them."

Gloriosa looked at Adagio confused but then smiled. "You're a perfectionist, aren't you?" Adagio looked over at Gloriosa and sadly nodded, she hated to admit it but she was one, and she hated that she was, but she couldn't help it. "Trust me, I use to be the same but I later learned that not everything you do has to be perfect, doing the best that you can is just as good." Gloriosa then put a hand on the drawing. "You don't mind if I take it do you?" Adagio nodded her head as Gloriosa took her drawing and stared at it with a smile. "This drawing is one of the best I've ever seen. I can see that you've put a lot of time and effort into making it, and this drawing shows just that. Adagio, you've made an amazing drawing and to me, it's already perfect. I'm sure that your parents are going to love it!"

Adagio smiled and blushed at Gloriosa's kind words. "Thank you, Gloriosa." Gloriosa smiled and gave the drawing back to Adagio. Adagio looked at the drawing, but this time, she smiled when she stared at it. Now that she was looking at it, Gloriosa was right, the drawing really was nice. Adagio thought back to all the time and effort she put into making the drawing, even though she still didn't think it looked good enough she had to admit, it was still a nice drawing.

"Dinner's going to be done soon, we should start making our way." Adagio looked up at Gloriosa and nodded her head.

Adagio went back to her cabin and put her drawing notebook away and grabbed the three girls. The four made their way over to the campfire where people were gathering to eat. The Dazzlings and Joy took their seats and started eating the delicious food that the teachers had made for them. People talked and ate with one another and looked up at the night sky to see the stars shine brightly over them.

It was starting to get late and everyone started to head back to their tents or cabins. As the Dazzlings got to their cabin they got into their pajamas and got in bed. As the girls lay down they started wondering what tomorrow would bring them. Tomorrow would be the start of camp activities and the girls were excited about what activity they would do tomorrow. Not wanting to be tired, the four girls soon fell asleep with smiles on their faces.

The stars shined over Camp Everfree and the forest, but in the forest, a person was walking around. "Now where are the other geodes?"

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