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43. A Happy Dazzling Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day, the day when you spend time with family, eat delicious food until you get fatter than your Uncle Joe, watch football, and did I forget to mention that you eat a ton of delicious food? From turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, ham, gravy, pumpkin pie, and so many more delicious entrees.

Adagio and Sunset were currently in the kitchen working on the Thanksgiving meal. Now although they had maids and could have easily had them make the meal, Tom and Sunset were kind enough to let them have the day off. So now here the girls were, working on the Thanksgiving meal for the family. Sunset had just put the turkey in the oven while Adagio was working on the potatoes. The two of them were making good time and it was safe to say the two of them made a good team.

Sunset had just finished washing her hands and was wiping her hands with a hand towel. "Thanks for the help, Adagio. I appreciate it. Without your help cooking everything would have taken me all day."

Adagio, who had just finished with the mashed potatoes, turned around and smiled at her Mom. "You're welcome, Mom. It's a lot of fun cooking and it's been fun helping you." Sunset smiled and the two of them hugged. "So what's the next thing we have to cook?"

Sunset couldn't help but laugh, Adagio was acting just like Sonata bouncing up and down enthusiastically. She could tell that Adagio was enjoying helping out but it seemed she enjoyed cooking a lot. "Well I guess we can get started on the-"

"C'MON TACKLE HIM!" Sunset and Adagio looked at one another in surprise before running out of the kitchen to see what all the commotion was about. Running into the living room they spotted Tom and Aria on the couch watching the football game.

Adagio sighed and smacked her forehead. "Oh no." Football season had begun a few months ago and it just so happened, that one day Aria was walking by and it caught her attention. It was since that day she had gotten involved with football. So now, here was Tom and Aria yelling at a screen watching a bunch of guys touching each other, catching a ball, and running up and down the field, at least that's what Adagio saw it as.

"You remember our deal, Aria. Ten bucks the Packers win." Tom flashed her a smile holding a ten-dollar bill in his hand. Adagio looked over at Tom. Tom's team, the Packers, were currently facing the Lions, Aria's team. For the whole week, Aria and Tom had been arguing over who would win the game. Tom believed that the Packers would beat the Lions because of some sort of logic that the Lions can't win on Thanksgiving. Aria, however, believed that the Lions would beat the Packers since they had destroyed the Packers earlier in the season 34-20 at Green Bay. So, they did what football fans do, bet.

Aria looked over at Tom and growled. The game had gone the complete opposite of how Aria thought it would go. "I know, you don't have to remind me. There's still plenty of time left to be played, I know Jared Goff can make a comeback and give the Lions the win." Aria's voice oozing with confidence.

Quickly rolling her eyes, Adagio headed back to the kitchen. She had been holding back in laughter and she couldn't hold it in anymore. From the way Aria was getting so upset over a game in which she wasn't even playing, making a childish bet with their Dad, and then Jared Goff? That was by far the most unique but funniest name she had ever heard, and that's saying something, her name was Adagio and she had a sister named Sonata. Sunset looked over at Adagio laughing and couldn't help but smile seeing her family spending time and having fun on Thanksgiving.

"NO! DANG IT!" Sunset looked over at the TV to see the Packers scoring yet another touchdown. Tom looked over at her with a smirk while Aria was burning with rage. Sunset smiled and started to head back to the kitchen to finish making the food. Walking back to the kitchen, Sunset stopped Sonata sitting down and setting up the table.

Heading over to the dining room table Sunset could see the whole table was all set up with the plates and utensils. "Sonata? Why are you setting up the table? We aren't going to eat for another hour."

Sonata turned around and smiled. "Hi, Mom! I got the table all set up so when the food is done we can get our food and eat faster." Sunset was about to remind Sonata that they wouldn't be eating for another hour or so, but then she began to think. Sonata had already finished setting up the table and it would be an inconvenience for Sonata to undo what she did and then have to redo the table an hour later. Plus, with Tom and Aria getting into the game and with her and Adagio cooking the food everyone would most likely be hungry and with everything set up, they would be able to eat faster... "Uh, Mom?"

Sunset looked down to see Sonata looking at her worriedly, fiddling with her fingers. "Sorry Sonata, I guess I got lost in my thoughts." Sunset looked at the table one last time, Sonata did do a good job setting up the table and Sunset didn't want her hard work to be for nothing. "Thank you for setting up the table for us, Sonata. It does help us a lot."

Sonata smiled brightly. "You're welcome!" Sunset smiled and started to head back to the kitchen. Adagio had been in there for a while and although Sunset trusted her, Adagio was still learning how to cook. "Can I help with the cooking?" Sunset looked back at Sonata and nodded her head. "YAY!" With a blink of an eye Sonata had rushed past Sunset and toward the kitchen making Sunset laugh as she walked over.

With the help of Adagio and Sonata, Sunset was able to get all the cooking down in record timing. They brought the food over to the table and started getting everyone's plates ready for the Thanksgiving meal. The game had ended and it was Tom who came out victorious, something Aria wasn't so happy about. The family of five took their seats, got their plate, and started putting what they wanted to eat on their plate.

Normally Sunset would have them go around the table saying what everyone was thankful for, but judging by everyone's face she could tell they were hungry. And even though Sunset was never going to say it, but she was sick and tired of hearing the basic friends, family, food, the basic stuff that everyone says. So without saying what they were thankful for, which no one seemed to care about, the family of five started to eat their Thanksgiving meal. It was safe to say from the harmonious moans of satisfaction, the food was a hit. The family ate, talked with one another, and all in all had a good time with one another.

"Sonata, what are you doing?" Turning her attention away from her conversation with Adagio, Sunset looked over to see what Sonata was doing.

"I'm making a Thanksgiving taco!" Sure enough, Sonata had a taco shell in her hand while putting some of the food in the shell. She had already put some mashed potatoes, and some ham and turkey in her taco and was currently going for the gravy. "Mind passing me the gravy, Adagio?" Adagio grabbed the gravy and reached over to give it to Sonata. "Thanks." Sonata then pours the gravy as the sauce meanwhile Sunset watches all this taking place in front of her eyes. Well, everyone's attention was focused on Sonata currently. Sonata was about to take a bit of her taco when she noticed all the attention she was receiving. "What? Why's everyone looking at me?" Everyone quickly looked away, returning to their previous conversation, and ate their food.

Sunset watched as Sonata ate her Thanksgiving taco happily which made Sunset happy. 'I guess Sonata will love it no matter what's in the taco.' Looking over Sunset saw Adagio and Aria giggling at one another looking at Sonata enjoying her taco. Unbeknownst to Sonata, Aria had secretly taken a picture of Sonata eating the taco.

Looking around the table, she saw her family having fun laughing, enjoying their food, and having some actual family time, something that was hard to get due to school and their work schedules but times like these, were some of Sunset's favorite.

'I'm thankful that I get to spend my Thanksgiving with my family and I wish to have many more with them.' To the others this may just be a yearly Thanksgiving where they spend time as a family and eat a delicious meal, but for Sunset, this truly was, a Happy Dazzling Thanksgiving.

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