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46. The Incident At The Pool

The sun was shining on a bright and wonderful day in Canterlot. Shining so much so that the heat was becoming unbearable to some, some like the Dazzlings.

The Dazzlings sat in the living room with the AC running feeling the luxurious cool air. Sonata sat on the couch fanning herself with some mail envelopes wiping the sweat that would run down her forehead ever so often. Aria was just laid out on the couch resting, taking in the cool air and getting her mind off of the heat. Adagio on the other hand was on the ground in one of her crop tops drinking some refreshing water to cool herself off.

Sonata sighed to herself as she pulled out her phone. She had changed into her pink tank top and into a pair of shorts but even that didn't seem to help. And although she was normally the cheerful one between the three of them, she wasn't very cheerful at the moment wanting nothing more for the sun to go away forever.

Checking her phone, Sonata couldn't help but smile which Aria noticed. "And do tell us what are you looking at to make you smile during a time like this? You do understand that if this heat continues I might just start melting!" One thing that was to be known about Aria was that the heat didn't help with her anger, in fact, it made it worse.

Turning to her sister, Sonata smiled. "Arctic just texted me." Her two sisters let out a groan which made Sonata roll her eyes. "He asked if we would like to go swimming with all of our friends, but I guess you guys don't want to so I'll just say we can't go."

Before she knew it Adagio and Aria had gotten up and raced to their rooms. "I'll get the towels!" Adagio yelled.

"Crap! Where did I leave my swimsuit?" Aria yelled running upstairs like a mad woman. Sonata only chuckled to herself as she texted Arctic back and started making her way upstairs to find her own swimsuit.

It had only taken a few minutes for the girls to get their stuff and head down to the local swimming pool. When they got there they smiled as they noticed their friends already there either already swimming or putting their stuff down.

"Hey, girls!" The Dazzlings waved to their friends who waved back after seeing the three of them. "Thanks for inviting us Arctic, the cool water is going to feel great."

Arctic who was helping put some sunscreen on Sonata's back looked over and smiled. "It's no problem at all, everyone else was going and it wouldn't be nice if you left you three out."

Adagio smiled smiled as she looked at her friends who were swimming around with each other. Venus was having a swimming race with the rest of the boys. The girls were having a little fight splashing each other while here Adagio was with Arctic who was helping Sonata get her sunscreen on and Athena who was tanning despite the unbearable heat.

"Hey, Dagi." Adagio looked over at Sonata who had finally finished getting help from Arctic. "Ready to go swimming with everyone else?"

Adagio smiled and got up from her chair. "Jump in together?" Sonata smiled and walked over to her sister as the two held hands. They walked over to the edge of the swimming pool and together they jumped into the pool. When the two resurfaced they laughed at one another.

"Dagi! Nata!" The two looked over to see Aria with Phoebe. "We need your help or we won't win the water war!" Adagio and Sonata looked at one another and then to the other side of the pool where Joy and Frizzle smirking at the two.

"You got it, Ari! I'll help you guys in any way I can!" Sonata swam over to Aria and Phoebe. "Are you coming, Dagi?"

Adagio looked over at her two sisters and then at Joy and Frizzle. "A two against four doesn't sound fair. Sorry girls but I'm going to work with Joy and Frizzle." As Adagio swam over to the two girls she could hear Aria talking to Sonata and Phoebe about being a traitor, but she didn't care she was just making the game fair. "C'mon, girls! Let's win this thing!" The two nodded their heads and got into position.

"Come at us with all you got!" Aria shouted as she, Phoebe, and Sonata got ready. The two teams stared each other down, the water war was about to begin.

Arctic was sitting down on a chair reading a book. Compared to everyone else he was fine with the weather and he didn't exactly want to get wet. He was technically an adult so it was his responsibility to make sure everyone was okay which he was alright with. However, for the past few minutes now something, no, someone had been catching his eye. Arctic watched as a guy walked around the pool suspiciously with his phone always by his side. Sometimes he would raise his phone and most likely take a picture from what Arctic guessed. Arctic then watched as the guy strangely entered the pool and started swimming in a very odd way.

"Hey, Arctic?" Arctic turned his head to see Athena standing up.

"What's up, Athena? You don't want to tan anymore?" Arctic watched as she shook her head and looked out toward the pool. Arctic turned his head, and sure enough, Athena was looking at the same guy he was. "You realized him too, huh?"

"How could I not? He's being weird and he looks like a creep." Athena then started to hide her body with her hands. "He's making me uncomfortable and it seems like I'm not the only one." Arctic turned his head to see other girls in the swimming pool looking uncomfortable and even some were hiding their bodies with their hands as they too stared at the guy. Some even completely leave the pool and go back to where they put their stuff.

"I'm going to talk to some of the girls and see what they have to say. If they feel the same, I'll let one of the workers know about that guy. Wanna come with me, we can talk to more of them with the two of us." Athena nodded her head as the two of them walked over to get some answers.

The water war between both groups continued with both teams splashing each other. Their laughs filled the air with none of them understanding what else was going on at the other side of the pool. Sonata was getting a bit tired, and a bit hungry so she had started to make her way over to where Adagio had brought some snacks in case they got a little hungry. As she was swimming over away from the group, she was unaware of the dangers beneath the water...

Right as she was about to get out of the pool she felt something grope her thigh. "AHHH!" She quickly turned around to see a guy next to her. Sonata started to shake at the presence of the guy in front of her as she tried to back away. "P-Please don't hurt me."

"I'm not going to hurt you, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to touch you, young lady." The guy put his hands up in the air to show that he meant no harm.

Although Sonata didn't fully trust him after what he just did, she didn't want to cause any trouble to everyone else. "I-It's okay, you just startled me was all." Sonata gave the guy a small smile and he reciprocated with a smile of his own as he swam away in a sudden fastness.

Just then all of Sonata's friends swam over to her, in Arctic and Athena's case though they ran. "Sonata are you okay? Is everything okay? We heard you scream."

Sonata looked over at Phoebe and then at the guy who touched her and watched as he got out of the pool and went over to get his stuff. "T-That guy over there, he... he touched me." Her friends gasped as Arctic looked over at the guy and watched as the man made eye contact with Arctic and started to quicken in his pace to gather his stuff.

Athena bent down to Sonata's height. "How exactly did he touch you, Sonata? Do exactly what he did to you to me." Sonata looked at Athena and nodded as she did exactly what the guy did to her. Once Sonata groped Athena's thigh everyone gasped once again. Athena got up and looked over at the guy. "Looks like we were right to be worried about this guy, he's trouble just like what all the other girls told us."

"More like a creep and an old pervert!" Aria growled as she looked at the guy who had finally finished getting his things and started to make his way out of the swimming pool. "Hey! He's getting away!"

"He probably knew that Sonata would tell us what he did to her. That coward, running away like that! Well too bad, I'm not going to let him get away with touching my sister!" Adagio started to swim out of the pool with everyone else swimming behind her to catch up.

"C'mon, Sonata. Everything will be okay." Phoebe swam with Sonata who was holding onto her, still scared and shaking after what happened.

Adagio, along with all of her friends got out of the pool and started to chase after the guy. One thing was for sure, he wasn't going to get away with what he did to Sonata. That was a promise!

Author's Note:

I apologize for being gone for a bit, I was busy with school and family but I'm back. I was originally going to post the second chapter to the Pokémon book but I thought this chapter would be better, just because of the overall message I want this chapter to convey to the audience. Sexual assault isn't cool and shouldn't happen, that goes for both boys and girls, this isn't just a situation that happens to girls, things like this can happen to guys as I myself have been sexually assaulted. If you see someone doing this, tell them to stop, make sure the person is okay, get a teacher if you're at school or a higher up if at a job. Be the bigger person and make a stance, don't just be a watcher. Thank you, I appreciate you all for reading my somewhat decent stories :rainbowlaugh:

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