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17. Preparation To Success

It had been a long year with many challenges that the Dazzlings overcame. They had gotten through every class and each day and now, they were finally at the finish line. The last week of school was upon the girls, it felt like a century but it was finally here. There had been good days and bad days, happy days with laughter and fun, and other days where there was sweat and tears, but now all the girl's hard work up until that point was about to be put to the test. Anyone who's been to high school would know that the end of the year, especially the last week of school was the most important, why you may ask? One word; Finals.

Finals, a test or examination or projects, or whatever fancy word you wanna call it, that's administered at the end of the term. It has a series of questions or exercises evaluating one's skills or knowledge of the curriculum that they had learned throughout the year. However, Finals differed from each class, Math would most likely have a test of however many questions while in P.E. it would be exercises to see if they had gotten more fit, while in Theater it was to put on a performance and to see if their acting skills got better. The Final, just as the name states, is the final test that teachers give their students. Now to some that may sound amazing, just one more test and that would be it for the year, wrong. Since the Finals are, well, the Finals, it's worth more than regular tests. So just failing the test was a big no, if anything it meant to do your best and to study. Finals are worth a lot of points, so if you mess up or even worse, fail, you're sure to see a drop in your grade. But if you pass and do good, it might just help your grade and boost you to the grade you want.

So, here the Dazzlings were on a Sunday afternoon on the kitchen table going over some notes and studying with one another. Sunset smiled watching the scene, the three girls were focused on writing and going over some notes. Their teachers had given them study guides to go over the weekend, and thankfully, their teachers were nice enough to let them use their notes during the tests, so any notes would be substantial if they wanted to do good on the tests. The worst part was that this was no longer Elementary, so instead of having one class where they would have one test, they now had six classes which meant they had to study and take notes for six classes! Math, Science, History, English, P.E, and Spanish. Six classes that all had to be studied for. Each class was different and each class had to be taken care of, so the Dazzlings did the smart thing and worked together to study.

The good thing for the girls was that each one of them was good at one thing and bad at another. For Sonata, she was terrible at Math without some help from her sisters but she was a professional when it came to Spanish and History. For Aria, she was mostly average at everything, she didn't have anything she was really bad at but nothing that she was incredible in. She had kept up a solid 3.5 GPA and she was proud of it. Adagio, on the other hand, was good at everything, except for P.E. Now, she still had an A in the class, she did all the workouts as much as she hated it. She had argued with Aria earlier in the year, saying that she could do soccer workouts but not P.E. Adagio's response; she liked soccer and wanted to play while P.E she didn't see the need to do it if she was already playing a sport and why it was a class they had to accomplish. But the thing that worried her the most was that the Final in P.E. was a mile run, something she was not looking forward to, but hopefully with all her soccer practice she would do just fine and be able to not only get a good time but also a good grade.

Aria was currently writing down some notes for Science when she looked over to Adagio who was working on her English study guide which she was quickly getting through without difficulty. She then looked over to Sonata who was working on her History study guide. Aria was impressed to see that Sonata was speeding through her study guides with ease, however, she saw that Sonata had yet to do her Math study guide, which didn't surprise Aria at all. Aria knew that Sonata was waiting so that her sisters could help her, and she wasn't upset, she was glad to help Sonata. Snapping out of her thoughts, Aria looked back down at the Science notes and all the papers she had surrounding her area and she sighed. She still had a lot more notes to take and it didn't seem like she was going to be done anytime soon, so without wasting any more time, she went back to taking her notes for the Finals.

Adagio was happily working on her English study guide which wasn't a problem to her. Heck, none of the study guides were hard for her. Sure doing them and taking notes was a bunch of time to do, but she was getting them done pretty fast. And with Aria and Sonata yet to ask her any questions, she was able to get her work done. She quickly took her eyes away from her work to look at her sisters to see how they were doing. She noticed that Aria had just finished her Science study guide and was now working on her Spanish study guide, while Sonata was just about done with her History study guide and about to move on to her last study guide, Math. Adagio sighed but smiled, she knew that it was a matter of time before Sonata asked her and Aria for help with her Math study guide. But Adagio didn't mind, she liked helping Sonata and showing her the way to solve the equation. Since she was the oldest of the three it was her responsibility to help her younger siblings with the problems they had. Wanting to get as much done as she could before Sonata needed her help, Adagio went back to working on her study guide.

Sonata had finally finished her study guide for History and was now moving over to her Math study guide, something she was dreading to do. She was hoping that Adagio and Aria would be done with their study guides so that they could help her but when she looked up she saw that they were both still hard at work. Sonata sighed and then looked down at her study guide, she wouldn't be able to get help from Adagio or Aria during the test so it was best that she at least try to get as much done as she could. Looking at the math equations on her paper Sonata gave a small smile, reading some of the equations she immediately knew what to do and how to solve them. As she began writing down the math to show her work Sonata was quickly realizing that she knew way more than she first thought. Before she knew it she was halfway done and seeing that she made her smile. It was thanks to her sisters that she had learned how to solve the math and now she was starting to click with it.

Adagio and Aria looked up from their work and to their sister. They had expected to hear their sister ask for help by now but when they looked up to see Sonata smiling and working on her study guide without a problem they smiled. Both girls were happy for Sonata, it seemed she was finally understanding the math. Adagio and Aria could only hope that Sonata would be alright with the Finals but they had hope for Sonata, she had gotten through some difficult situations before and they were certain she could get through this one as well.

As the day was coming to an end the Dazzlings wrapped up their studying and got everything ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow would be a big day for all of them. The start of Finals week.

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