• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,902 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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A Magical Experience (Immaturity at Its Best)

(Present, Canterlot)

Rainbow Dash walked down the hallways of the Castle of Canterlot in a daze. She kept replaying the events of Twilight’s disappearance over and over again in her head. What she could have done better. What steps she could have taken to help prevent this. But in the end, it didn’t matter. Twilight was gone, and Dash still had no answers regarding her friend’s fate. At least Princess Celestia could shine some light on it. That was what this meeting was about, right?

“Welcome, Rainbow Dash. I am happy to see that you are well,” Princess Celestia said as Dash entered the throne room. Dash bowed to Princess Celestia in greeting. “Thank you, Princess Celestia, my recovery was quite speedy because of you. But I didn’t come to play nice. I came so I could find out what happened to Twilight! I want to know what happened to ME! Please, Princess Celestia, if you…”

“Dash,” interrupted Princess Celestia. “all in good time. Let’s wait for the rest of your friends. I would bet they also want to know what happened to you, Spike, and Twilight. So be at peace.”

“Yeah you’re right.”

“Of course, I am. Now, would you care for some cake?” Princess Celestia directed Rainbow Dash’s attention towards the table. One thing Dash could count on was Princess Celestia’s cake table. It was always filled with the best cakes in Equestria. Ranging from haycakes to fruity cakes to Pinkie Pie’s crazy cakes, every single kind of delicious cake was there. Speaking of Pinkie Pie, Dash found her shoved face first in a gigantic frosted cake.

“Mmm… strawberry!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie as she came up for a breath. Once she licked her lips clean, she dove right back into the cake. Pinkie Pie wiggled her backside, digging herself even further into the now less appealing cake. Dash rolled her eyes at the pink pony’s antics. Trust Pinkie to show absolutely no decorum even in this situation.

“When did Pinkie Pie show up?” Dash asked as she trotted over to the apple fritters. She was hoping for some apple cider, but she doubted there would be any. Princess Celestia was trying her hardest to get Dash to quit it. But Dash really needed a cup right about now with the week she’d had. But apple fritters would have to do. Damn. Grabbing the pastry, Dash sat down and waited for the rest of her friends.

The doors slammed opened with a crash. Rarity galloped into the room.

“Welcome, Rarity, please…” Princess Celestia began, but Rarity ran up and grabbed Princess Celestia’s legs, crying, “Please tell me you have found her! Please, I need good news! I have been sitting on pins and needles all week! Is Dashy ok? Is Spikey-wikey…”

“Shh… shh…” Princess Celestia whispered as she pulled a bawling Rarity into a comforting embrace. Dash dropped her dessert and galloped towards her distraught friend.

“Rarity, Rarity, I’m right here. I’m ok,” she comforted the hysterical white pony. “We’re just waiting for Applejack, Spike, and Fluttershy now so we can get more information. Is that alright?”

“I-is Tw-Twilight still missing?” blubbered Rarity.

“Unfortunately, yes,” answered Princess Celestia, “and that is why I have gathered you all here. Welcome, Spike. Welcome, Applejack. And welcome, Fluttershy. Now that everypony is here, I have important news regarding Twilight and her disappearance.”

Pinkie Pie, still covered in cake, galloped to her gathered friends. Dash made her way to a now fully healed Spike and sat down. She couldn’t even tell that just a week ago he had been covered in third degree burns. She was glad that Princess Celestia had time to heal him, too.

Princess Celestia took a breath, “The one who kidnapped Twilight was Sombra.”

“WHAT!!” they cried in unison.

“As in King Sombra?” asked Applejack.

“No, that was his clone. The Sombra I am talking about is an alicorn like me. But unlike me, he was the Firstborn. As in, the first created being in existence. And he believes that Twilight is the reincarnation of his late mate Midnight Star. I want to find her before he can implant Midnight’s memories into Twilight’s mind. Now, what I am about to share with you is a history long buried in the depths of earth.”

In a billowing cloud of night, Princess Luna arrived at the middle of the circle, facing Princess Celestia.

“Sister!” Princess Celestia exclaimed in surprise. “What is wrong?”

Princess Luna shook her head, looked at Princess Celestia, and proclaimed, “Midnight the Ethereal is rising, and when she awakes, Sister, she will have her revenge!”


“Sombra! Midnight! I am home!” Harmony sang as she tromped down the hall. I really was not in the mood today. “Where is everypony? Midnight? Somb…. Bahahahahahahaha!!! What happened to you, boy?” guffawed Harmony as she entered my study. “Three days I’m gone, and you decide to get a mane and tail cut? Sombra, sweetie, why did you cut it all off?” Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to calm down and stop laughing. She was not helping the situation. I bared my teeth at her in annoyance.

“It was your assistant’s fault! Last night she came into my room and CUT IT ALL OFF!” I yelled in frustration. Harmony looked at me for a second and then laughed even harder. She was in tears and on the floor, hooting and hollering into her hoof.

“Midnight Star?” she asked through ragged breaths that were hardly able to fill her lungs. She really needed one of those paper bags. “That little blue pony that I brought here did this? This is rich! This is absolute… hilarity! This is a story… I am going to tell my grandchildren… about. ‘Come, kiddos! Want to hear the story… of how your mother… shaved your father’s… head and tail?’ They’ll love it! HAHAHA!!” She lost control and plummeted into another fit of giggles. So, I stepped over my hysterics-ridden silver Creator and trod over to the kitchen. I had to find another new hiding place for my mangos because the blue terror kept finding them and eating them all. It would not have been so awful had she left me any, but the little terror refused me even the slightest joy. How cruel! Then she lopped off my only pride and joy. My glorious mane had taken me a full century to grow out! And now, thanks to this pony, I MUST WAIT ANOTHER HUNDRED YEARS TO GROW OUT MY BEAUTIFUL LONG MANE! Oh, the equinity!

Grumbling to myself, I fished out one perfect mango and bit into it eagerly yet angrily. As I munched on my perfectly ripe, juicy mango, my anger slowly tapering off, Harmony walked into the kitchen, wiping the tears from her now blood-shot eyes. She was still shivering from laughter. Ahh… that mare… both mares… I am going to strangle them!

“So, how did she do it?” Harmony asked with renewed laughter as she walked around the kitchen.

“I do not wish to discuss it,” I grumbled between bites. “Besides, you still have blood on your lips.” I pointed at her face. Harmony looked alarmed. She bolted to the cloth drawer and pulled out one my clean cloths. Then she dashed over to the sink. Pumping water onto the cloth, she frequently looked back toward the kitchen door.

“She is not coming. She is locked in her room. Finally.” Listening to me, Harmony had still been cleaning her mouth. She stopped and glared at me.


I just pointed to my head.

“Fair point. But…”

“And I made her talk backwards for shaving my head,” I added stoically. “So, I see the hunt was successful. You got back those pieces of your soul, correct?”

She narrowed her eyes. “Stop trying to change the subject, boy. Yes, I retrieved those pieces of my soul from those alicorns. I ate them! How else did you think I would get them back? Now, enough about me. You made her talk backwards?”


“Was this before or after you locked her in her room?”


“Which room?”


“I’ll be back.”

Having said that, she stomped off.

Well. I am in trouble.


“Pleh! I ma kcuts ni ereh! A yzarc nrocilA dekcol em ni ereh!” I yelled sitting on the annoyingly comfortable bed. As of today, canary yellow was on color hate list, along with pink. It got the pink slip. Get it? I wanted out of here. I’d been cooped up in this awfully beautiful hole for two hours! I’M GOING INSANE! I’m flying out of the cuckoo’s nest, and that crazy Alicorn made me talk backwards. I had no idea how he did it, and boy did I want to know how! What kind of spell did he use? Did the magic come out of his gut? I had to know! After I got out of here and hit him with a flippin’ frying pan.

The doorknob rattled and finally started to turn with … silvery magic! I jumped off the nest I had made with Sombra’s mane and tail and ran to the door. Harmony walked through the door. Not the door opening. The door. Wow, could she ever become prettier than she is now? For some reason, today she had a golden halo around her.

“So this what you did to his mane and tail. Love the pattern. Did you knit or crochet?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye.

“Tehcorc!” I said confidently before I remembered that I talked backwards now. My confidence flew out the window, trailing behind my sanity. Harmony’s lips started to twitch.

“S’ti ton ynnuf!” I shouted, stomping my hooves in agitation. I was so going to get him back for this. As soon as I learned how. Wasn’t he supposed to teach me magic? All he did for the past three days was run away from me. Well, then again, I was hunting him down for his mane and tail, so… I guess, yeah. I’m a bad pony. Oh, well.

“’Tis, but it is, my child,” Harmony said, suddenly using a goofy accent. “For what is a mare who talketh backwards? A senseless mare who did not heed her elder’s warning.” Her laughter filled the room. Well, at least one of us found this funny, I thought under my breath. I just sat with my head tilted to the side and waited until she stopped. Goodness knows I loved hearing her laughter, but this was getting ridiculous and all kinds of out-of-whack. How long was she going to keep laughing?

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, but I find this situation you both found yourselves in… is absolutely hilarious!” She said this wiping tears from her eyes.

“Now let us get down to business.” Colors flashed in her eyes. I heard a ‘Boo yeah, baby! I’M BEAUTIFUL! YOU GORGEOUS HUNK O’ PRIME STALLION!’ in the distance. Harmony rolled her eyes. Then her gaze fell on me. Uhh… that was a heavy stare. Um… help me!

Colors flashed in her eyes again, and those colors chased me. They would not stop following me, chasing me around the room! And Harmony did not help the situation. She just stood there. Why? Then the colors caught me, and a rainbow filled my eyes.

“WHAT WAS THAT?!” I screeched. Wait… “The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick. The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick. The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick. I can speak right again! And better than usual, I might add. I’m going rub it in Sombra’s face!”


But I didn’t wait. I ran down the hallway, screaming at the top of lungs, “SOMBRA!” I opened every door until I finally found him in the kitchen, eating a mango. I ran up to him, jumped and bit into the mango. He narrowed his eyes. I have made mistakes before, and this was one. Then, he started to shake his head while I was attached to the mango! That’s when I learned that HE IS INSANE!

“Children! Little foals, behave!” Harmony screeched. Wow. Sombra stopped suddenly. Luckily, I stayed on. Or maybe not. I took my bite and fell to the floor. I scrambled to my hooves, regret and shame flooding my veins as I looked in Harmony’s direction. If looks could kill, I’d definitely be in one of those mass graves outside of town.

“Sombra! Is this how the Firstborn acts? And Midnight! I thought you were an adult! If you are an adult, then act like one!”

“But, I don’t wanna adult today…”


“Ohhh… you should not have said that,” I mumbled under my breath. Based on my experience, I should have known that. It had never ended well. Harmony’s lips tightened into a straight line. Then she looked at me, as if I had had anything to do with what Midnight (was that the correct name?) was saying. She mouthed - What am I to do with the two of you? I just shrugged.

“I have an idea,” I said.

“If your idea is about her leaving and you staying home all by yourself,” she growled, “then forget about it.” Well she did not need to be rude. Then again she was hanging by her last rope. She obviously was entirely through with our ‘batcrap’.

“Midnight, I don’t think it’s working,” I whispered in her ear.

“Really? What gave you that idea?” she deadpanned. “And for your information, I actually have no idea what the hay you are talking about. What exactly is not working?”

“I am talking to children!” screeched Harmony, throwing her wings into the air. “You know what? I will think up a proper punishment for that comment at a later time. I am still on the hunt, and I simply do not have time right now. I came to check up on you two, and I will see you in a month. Sombra, for the last time, teach her magic! Now, if you will excuse me.” With that she poofed. She poofed into a glittery cloud. I sputtered as the glitter infected my mouth with the awful taste of art. Tasted retched, the glitter did. I turned to Midnight and said, “Well, Miss Star, are you ready to properly learn magic?”

“I have so many questions,” she said as she looked at me. “But yeah, let’s get started.”
Famous last words of a fool.

ΩTwo Weeks LaterΩ

“I distinctly remember that I told you to change the rabbit’s fur, not mine,” I said as I looked in the mirror. “I thought you hated pink.”

“I do! And I’m sorry! In my defense, the rabbit jumped behind you just as I was casting the spell,” Midnight replied. “However, pink does look good on you.”

“Quite,” I grumbled. “Now I would like you to cast the exact same spell. This time, instead of changing the rabbit’s fur, I would like you to change my fur back. Got it?”

“Aye, aye, Captain, sir,” she said with a mock salute. “Now, do you want red fur with black highlights or black fur with red highlights? Pick now or forever hold your peace.”

“Black with red highlights,” I answered.

“Red with black it is!”

“WAIT, NO! UGH… That was not the right color. Now I am green, Midnight. Try again. … Now I am brown. Purple. Yellow. Blue. Periwinkle. Really, Midnight? Mustard. Pumpernickel. Gray…”

ΩThree Weeks LaterΩ


“This so hard,” I whined as I attempted a complicated floatation spell. The goal, according to Sombra, was to make an object float for more than two minutes. And the sick, demented wild stallion decided that I would cast the spell on him. We’d been working on this spell for the past three hours! I’M HUNGRY, YOU MONSTER!

“Again,” the demonic slave-driver commanded, for the hundredth time. “Remember, we are not finished until you complete the spell correctly, or until the fourth hour mark has been reached. Now try again, Miss Star.”

“’Again, Miss Star, again,’” I back-talked. “I’ll show you again, Sir.” I cast a spell, I really did. It just wasn’t the spell he wanted. I hoped he would tumble into a lake, or something equally funny. Now he was gone and I was going to get some food. Teleporting other ponies was fun!

ΩOne Month LaterΩ


Today was the day. The day I would show Midnight her library. Harmony, I hoped she could read. Otherwise this would be very awkward. I walked up the stairs with Midnight trailing behind me. She refused to be quiet, always asking what the surprise was. With anypony else I would have been beyond mere annoyance, but this was the way of Midnight. She was always trying to find new ways to irk me. Unfortunately for her, I found her antics quite charming. Somehow. I honestly could not remember when that change occurred.

“Here we are,” I announced as I conjured up the key. “You may stop with the questioning now. Are you ready?”

“Yes, please,” she bounced. So cute.

I smiled down upon her. Who would have thought that this little thing could make me smile? What would I do without her? Suffer through the tedium, I suppose. I unlocked and opened the door, and the look on her face was worth every second I had spent cleaning this room. I did not know why it was a mess, but a mess it had been. And Harmony would answer for it.

Once she returned.

“OH, MY SWEET HARMONY! BOOKS!” screeched Midnight in the quaint little cry of a teenaged banshee. What a charmer she was. She took off into the room like a lightning bolt. Well, I suppose I got something right. I patted myself on the back with a puff of magic. The mare was acting like a young filly in a candy apple store. Bouncing between books, she squealed and squealed. It was the cutest thing I had seen all day. I started laughing outright when she began a ridiculous dance.

“Shut up! This is best thing ever!” she exclaimed. “It almost makes up for you taking away my ability to curse.”

“You still prattling on about that?”


“Whatever,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Anyway, I wanted to let you know that this library is yours.” I waved my wings around the room. Her eyes lit up with joy. Then she launched herself at me.

“Thank you!”

“Oof! You’re welcome.”

ΩTwo Days LaterΩ


“’Go get some mangos,’ he said. ‘It’s your turn,’ he said,” I grumbled, pulling on my pack, “What am I, his personal shopper? I want to stay in my library!”

I shouted this out at Mister I-didn’t-get-my-mangos-today-so-you-should-buy-some Grumpy Pants and stepped outside. Sombra really detested when I tried to teleport from inside the house. Something about stains on the carpet or something similar. I couldn’t tell what he was prattling on about. But I had to listen to the boss.

Humming, I teleported to the market on the Mane. It was such a lovely day outside. And the best part was that mangos were on sale today. Score! A couple dozen mangos later, I was ready to go. Oof… dang brick wall. Who decided to put… one… there… Oh, no…

“Well, well, well. What do we have here? A little unicorn breaking our laws and teleporting at will. Say, what do we do to law breakers again? Oh, that’s right - we eat them!”