• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,870 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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The Date

Author's Note:

Implied child abuse
Co-written with Silvergolddragon28001

The Date

The orange pony dropped like a bag of rocks. Sombra wrapped his magic around the pony before she hit the ground. Wouldn't want one of Twilight’s friends getting hurt, now do we? He sighed as he gently carried her ahead. Another one in a comatose state reliving their first life. He wondered if it was because a creature’s first life was their creator soul and not their finisher soul that the god’s chose it. Huh? Ah well. He just needs to put this pony where she will be comfortable. And the only place that it was with Twilight. By the gods, he missed her. He will use this convenient excuse to go and see her. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. He smiled to himself as he trotted down the corridors. He heard the frantic hooves of her two friends follow him.

“What happened to Applejack?” The cyan pegasus asked as she flew next to him. So that was the orange earth pony’s name. Huh. Ah well. He will get it sooner or later.

“Void happened.” He said. At the corner of his eye he saw the pegasus’s rose eyes widen. Shock filled her face.

“Did the First Being curse her?” She squeaked.

“No, they did not. They just sent her mind to her first life, that is all,” He shrugged, “just like I did to Twilight and Harmony did to you.”

“Oh… Then why was I in Lester’s memories?” She asked as they turned a corner.

“I wanted you to understand my plight so I sent your mind to the first creature that I could think of. The wolfling Lester. It was a pure coincidence that I chose him. I must say that my butt was saved when Harmony stepped in and sent you to your first life.” Sombra chuckled. “I do not think my plan would have worked without my mother’s help.”

“True.” The pegasus nodded.

“Well, that makes me feel better.” he grumbled.

The rainbow maned pegasus then looked up at him with a weird expression on her face tilting her head. “Uh…”

“Never mind, Rainbow Maned One, I was talking to myself.”

“It’s Rainbow Dash.”

“Say what?”

“My name. It’s Rainbow Dash.” She stated. “Because I leave a rainbow trail when I fly.”

“My apologies, Rainbow Dash.” He bowed his head. “I see that my speed has stayed with you all these lives. I am happy to see that.”

She actually gave him a smirk. “Yep! I can make a Sonic Rainboom.”

“Oh! That is fantastic! You figured how to do that? At a young age no less! Congratulations, Miss Dash.” He beamed at her. His eyes lit up with joy at this news. His speed was put to great use. Such talent.

Rainbow puffed her chest out. “That was how I got my cutie mark and gave everyone else theirs from what I remember of our cutie mark stories.”

Sombra laughed with joy at this. “That is wonderful! Simply wonderful! I am proud of you!”

Rainbow nodded before looking up and blinking. Her eyes looked to be gazing at his horn. “So… how come your horn looks like it’s made from glass instead of bone? Twilight had given us a lecture but I kinda slept through it. Don’t do very well in a classroom setting and prefer hooves on stuff.” Rainbow said, her demeanor mixing together with her past and present.

“I honestly do not know. It has always been that way.” Sombra shrugged as he opened the door to Twilight’s room. “I guess Harmony wanted it that way. Why do you ask?”

Rainbow cringed slightly. “From what I hear… it’s very hard and very expensive for a unicorn to get a prosthetic horn. It’s also very painful for them to naturally grow new or have them grow new horns especially if the Alicorn- er- the magic core thingy- is damaged.”

“Interesting. No, my horn is natural all the way. I should know I had to grow my head back multiple times already. No thanks to you, Cat! What are you doing here!”

Rude. I am simple enjoying my time with my Ethereal, dumb male. No need to give me attitude. Void grumbled as they petted Twilight’s mane.

“THEN WHY IS SHE ON YOUR LAP!” Sombra screeched. His magic flickered and the orange pony fell. Rainbow Dash shot forward leaving her namesake trail catching Applejack on her back.

“Watch your anger! You dropped Applejack!” Rainbow scolded feeling like she was yelling at a Rookie Wonderbolt not getting along with his Senior.

“My apologies, Miss Rainbow Dash.” Sombra bowed deep. “If you do not mind please place Miss Applejack on the bed next Twilight. I got a cat to shoo off the bed.”

Ooo scary. Very scary. I am soooo frightened. Void said with a deadpan look.

“Looks like some creature can give Rarity a run for her money in the Drama Queen department.” Rainbow deadpanned as she placed Applejack on the bed.

Are all creature’s in this time so disrespectful to the gods?

Rainbow tapper her hoof to her chin. “Well… let’s see. We don’t believe in gods because we have kicked their asses seven ways to Sunday. Nightmare Moon, Discord twice no two and a half since he was backstabbed, Chrysalis, Tirek, and Starlight. The Tree of Harmony even gave Twilight her own Crystal Tree Castle.” Rainbow listed off.

The Cat blinked. Harmony made a castle? From a tree? And Discord got his butt kicked twice? I have missed a lot taking my naps. I have missed a lot of action! No fair!

Rainbow looked at Sombra. “Though your clone was a pain in the rear until Spike got the Crystal Heart to its stop under the Crystal Palace.” Rainbow stated.

Ahh a crystalized alicorn heart. Interesting. I need to see that. Soon.

“An… actual heart…?” Rainbow repeated slowly as her ears flopped down. “You mean an actual heart is what’s keeping the Northern Wild Storms from burying the Crystal Empire under mountains of ice and snow?!?”

Yes. Someone took an alicorn’s heart and crystalized it. I unfortunately do not currently know who’s heart it is, but I will soon. A feral grin formed on the Cat’s face. Sombra rolled his eyes at this. He was secretly plotting away to get the dang cat away from his mate. At the corner of his eye he saw a ribbon flying towards him.

“Aurora?” He whispered as he turned towards the ribbon. His eyes widened with what he felt. Pain. Unfathomable pain.

Rainbow chanced a look at him and tilted her head. “Why is your horn flashing?”

“AURORA!” He shouted and bolted to the door. He nearly plowed the Crazy One on his mad dash to Aurora’s location. She was hurt. Hurt badly. And woe to those who had done this. The Ethereal power burst forth as he barroled down the crystal's halls. Burn them to the ground. He was going to burn them to the ground.


The bright flair faded from Rarity’s eyes as she shook her head, blinking out the dots in her vision as she looked around. She was still bracing the unknown and hurt alicorn with Cadence and Spike not that far away but the place they were in was vastly different. “Where in Equestria are we?” Rarity asked rather breathlessly, gazing at the crystal murals all around them.

One wall of the cavernous mural had a massive dark blue background with hundreds if not thousands of small almost childish renditions of slumbering ponies inside of different gem shapes. In the center of the mural was a large rendition of a peach alicorn wearing a crystal petril and a small crystal crown that looked similar to the crown King Sombra wore only smaller and without a nose guard. The mural alicorn also had long semi spiked tricolored hair in black, gold, and a crimson amethyst much like Cadence’s tricolored mare and tail.

“Sombra.” A light yet weak soprano voice spoke right beside Rarity as the alicorn’s horn flashed once more creating a thick but ghostly ribbon of black with glimmering red streaks that shot off deeper into the cavern. That was swiftly followed by a pale yellow ribbon covered in pink butterflies, an orange ribbon with red apples, a blue ribbon with small rainbow colored lightning bolts that glittered, a pink ribbon with balloons, a chaotic plaid ribbon that jerked and whistled, a black grey and white ribbon with paw prints and finally a lavender purple ribbon intertwined with an ocean blue ribbon both marked with a familiar starburst but the blue one was littered with books while the lavender ribbon has the familiar small white stars.

The sound of hooves hitting the crystalline floor from deeper into the cave reverberated through the silent air. Rarity help her heart thumping in her chest as Cadence took up a battle stance, a consequence or a blessing of being the wife of a military officer.

An obsidian black and blood red alicorn male charged around the bend, the black and red ribbon connected to his own horn as his ruby eyes were wide in shock. “Aurora!” The stallion thundered as he came closer, following after him were most of Rarity’s friends excluding Twilight and Applejack.

“Get away from her!” The beast growled causing the ground to shake. “What did you do to her?!”

Cadence stood her ground flailing her wings. “We didn't do anything to her! We found her like this underneath the Crystal Palace.” Cadence stated while nudging Spike behind her.

“…Brother…” The peach pony, Aurora, weakly called out in a hushed whisper.

“Everything is going to be alright, Aurora. I’ll be right there to heal your wounds.” The obsidian Alicorn stallion assured in a soothing tone.

Cadence glared at the stallion. “Like Tartarus I’m letting an innocent pony in your hooves, King Sombra!” She snapped and shot a bolt of light blue magic to stun the stallion. The black beast just batted the magic away. His growl grew louder, knocking Rarity to the ground.

“I am no king, alicorn, but I am your doom if you do not step away from my long lost family.” His eyes glowed red with anger as he advanced further. “Move, now!”

Rarity shook before a familiar cyan Pegasus and butter yellow Pegasus shot over and got in the alicorn’s way.

“First Born, my Lord! Please calm down! You’ll do more harm than good. Those markings are similar to what the Demented One did to her prey.” Rainbow stated in an accented voice.

Pinkie Pie had her mane and tail rather flat as she looked at the Alicorn. “That smile… it’s sadistic…”



(The day Harmonia sunk)

The boat rocked violently on the roaring waves. It was as the Great Neptune Lake was angry at injustice that had occurred the day before. Red mixed with blue as the waves churned. It took all of Pumpkin’s energy just to stay in the boat. She was soaked to the bone. Her fur smelled faintly of salt and blood. She felt so cold and hollow now the only living pony of her family. She gazed about the boat finding several other foals each shivering as another wave crashed into them.

“Herld on dar, ‘ittle nuns, de stern ‘oold pass,” an old earth pony shouted. He despertly tried to keep the boat afloat even though they lost a few unicorns. The shield that they had up did nothing to keep the water out. By sheer luck the boat did not fall apart. Pumpkin closed her eyes as the water rushed over her. ‘I dert tik tha de stern ‘oold er end.’ She thought. It had been hours cence the storm and the colors of magic in the air started. They didn’t get too far from the shore but far enough to be somewhat safe from the raging alicorns.

“I want to go home.” A small pink unicorn cried. The unicorns always received a better education then the earth ponies and Pumpkin was jealous of it. They even spoke better! How was any of this fair! Her family’s dead and she was stuck on a boat with a winny unicorn. She was wet and cold. She didn’t have the patient for this winny colt! She turned towards the colt to tell them off. The boat stopped rocking. Neptune was still. Everything was still. It was as if the world was holding its breath.

“What’s happening?” The colt cried.

“Shut it!” growled Pumpkin. “er I’ll shut fer ya!”

“Filly!” Shouted one of the adult unicorns, “Apologize.”

“No! I is not gerna ‘ologize! I is no-” Her mouth shut at the sound of a cat's yowl. Everyone turned towards the sound. High in the bright blue afternoon sky, miles above land was a piece of the night sky shaped like a bipedal cat. Its tail swished angrily back and forth as it growled its displeasure.

“Oh, great Harmonia,” a male/female voice cried out booming across the waters, “The Land to first rise from the waters. The land from which Life was first born. How far you have fallen. You were once a land of firsts! A land of examples for all to see. You were beloved. You were cherished! But you have turned your back to what your creator wanted. You became a sea of red. Your soil drank the blood of the innocent and the plants thrive on it. You have become a grave! A grave for the lost and broken. A ravelry for the depraved and wicked! The servants of Harmony have turned their back on their creator, and I, I have seen enough!” A shockwave came from their last words. The boat violently rocked at the waves that came forth from the words. The Cat Continued, “I, the Creator of the Souls, the Watcher of Time, the First Being, the Void Between the Stars, am disgusted at your acts and will no longer stand by and watch you live! Vengeance is mine and I shall have it!”

The night sky raised its paws in the air. A rumbling sound and the water churned once more. Pumpkin’s green eyes widen in surprise as she watches the land she called home begin to rise from the water. Screams echoed from the land itself making her pin back her ears and tremble in horror at what her little eyes were seeing. It rose miles in the air blotting out the sun.

“You were first to rise! Now, Harmonia, you are first to fall!”

Pumpkin watched as the land she had called home and was born, fell from the sky. Many tried to jump off the side to escape but all were held in by an invisible barrier. Blood marked where it ended. With a great crash, the land that once was called Harmonia sank into the sea. A great wave came barreling towards the small boat at breakneck speed.

“Brace for impact!”

The wave crashed into the boat, sending it sideways and causing it to sink. Pumpkin was lucky, the force of the wave hitting the boat had tossed her over the ship and out of harm's way where some planks from the ports were floating in the rough waters. She held onto the plank with her entire body and prayed to Harmony she would survive this unnatural typhoon. Higher and higher she went as she was dragged away from what was once Harmonia. Each wave was bigger than the last until finally the waves calmed. Somehow by the grace of Harmony she survived. She floated on the plank for what seemed to be hours but with no land in sight she didn’t believe that she’ll have long to live. Her legs were becoming tired as she held on. She began to slowly slip. Her grasp began to weaken. The ruthless sun beat down on the poor filly as she held on for dear life. The cold water stole whatever warmth she had. She started to see things.

First it was her family all laughing at their diner table on one of those rare moments. Then she thought she saw some alicorn flying out of the water. A black and red beast flew in and began cutting down the alicorns. Some were fortunate and got away. But the ones who didn’t were brutally destroyed. Pumpkin cheered the beast as it wiped out the escaping alicorn. Her imagination was brilliant! At least here in her dying mind her oppressors were being destroyed. She smiled at this.


One of the imaginary alicorns fell right next to her! It wasn't fake! It was real! Alicorns were flying out of the water and a beast was killing them! An orange alicorn’s head floated right next to her. Its face was frozen in fear and anger. Pumpkin felt a deep satisfaction in her gut at the sight. Finally they were getting what they deserve. Another alicorn fell with its chest split open causing Pumpkin to lose her grip when the body hit the water.

“‘elp me!” She cried as she began to sink. She didn’t know how to swim, so she sank. The darkness swallowed her as the bubbles floated up. She tried to follow the bubbles but she was too tired. It might be best and let the darkness take her away. It was time for her to sleep. She hadn’t slept in a while. It was about time she slept. She was running out of air so what does it matter anyhow? A black being shot through the water. Its glowing red eyes locked onto her as it swam towards her. The last thing she saw before she passed out was black feathers dipped in blood wrapping themselves around her.


I am burning up. I’m in an oven again. Sombra has put me here and thanks to the black Alicorn I can’t use my horn to teleport out of his grasp just like when I first came to him all those months ago. Plus his purring had made my body feel like jelly. I’m burning up here! Wait... Wait a minute… Did his body temperature change? He’s getting colder… too cold! Gah!

“Cold!” I squealed as my horn popped and several thick blankets automatically covered us up with a fluffy thump of a blanket avalanche. Wait… Magic! I have magic!!!

“Go to sleep, Midnight.” Sombra grumbled, pulling me further into his legs. “Mine.”

“Why are you so cold!? You were burning hot just a bit ago!?” I demanded. Why Sombra’s temperature seemed to change at the oddest of times always confused me. Like how?

“I thought we agreed to be quiet.” Sombra grumbled into my neck. “It’s time to sleep.”

“No, it is time to get up!” I yelled as I tried to wiggle myself out of his hold. “Not everyone can sleep on days end! Some of us need only a few hours of sleep! Let go!”

“No, you're my plushie that I sleep with.” He said as he pulled me back into his freezing chest. “And I thought I was your blanket, or did you change your mind?” The jerk was smiling! I could feel it. He chuckled at my protest. I am so going to kick Aurora’s butt once I get out of this situation for locking my magic away. “What, Little Star, don’t you want to play?” Did he…? Did he just lick my ear?! GROSS! What the heck?

“EWW!! SOMBRA DID YOU JUST LICK MY EAR?” I screeched. I tried to rub the sliva off my ear. “That’s gross! I don’t know where your tongue has been!”

“In my mouth clearly,” he deadpanned, “and clearly you never did bed play or your past partners never took care of you.” I froze at that statement. Bed play? What does…?

“I have know idea what you are talking about, sir, but since you're clearly awake enough to. Lick. My. Ear. You could let me go.”


The door to the room slammed open. “Midnight! Breakfast!” Aurora's voice filled the room as her multicolored magic enveloped Sombra and me. She pulled me away from the grumbling stallion. “You might want to change your core temperature, Brother. Not even you can survive with it being that low for hours.” Aurora stated, placing me on her back and trotted out of the room, locking the door behind her. “So, Pancakes or Egg Baked Toast? Mom’s cooking.” Aurora asked. This took place in three seconds. It made my head spin.

“Egg Baked Toast?” I asked. I shook my head to make the world stop spinning.

“Toast cooked with egg and cinnamon and sugar! It’s my favorite!” Aurora chirped. She skipped down the hallway. Banging was heard in the background.

“OH! Poor pony’s toast! I love that!” I said. “But pancakes sound wonderful. Are you going to leave Sombra locked in his bedroom? That is just mean.”

“He will be fine!” Aurora waved it off as she entered the kitchen.

“Who will be fine, Little Light?” A gentle motherly voice asked.

“Harmony!” I shouted. I jumped off Aurora’s back and ran towards my creator. She beamed as she caught me in her forelegs. I buried my face into her silvery fur. She smelt of lavender and cinnamon.

“Well hello to you too, my little Star.” She chuckled as she rubbed my back. “Now answer the question, Aurora, who will be fine?”

“Sombra.” She said sheepishly. “Sombra will be fine.”

“She locked him in his room.” I confessed. one cannot simply lie to one’s creator.

“Hey! Midnight, I thought that you were one my side!” Aurora cried.

“Aurora, go unlock Sombra’s room right now!” Harmony commanded, “Leave Midnight out of this. She has nothing to do with you and your pranks.”

“It’s not a prank! He needs to learn to trust ponies more. The best way to do that is to let him have a taste of his own medicine.” Aurora stated but complied as she trotted back to Sombra’s room.

“Is it just me or does she take more after Lord Discord?” I asked with a shiver. That creature’s nature was always on my mind whenever I was near Sombra and Aurora. Though I have never met him, I have heard stories. “Umm… Harmony?”

“Yes, Little Star?”

“Are… are you feeling alright? And are Aurora and Sombra really siblings?” I asked. I took a step back and started scuffing the ground slightly with my hoof.

“To answer your first question, yes.” She said with a tilt of her head, contemplating her next words from what I could read of her expression . “Yes I am. And for the second. No, they are not. Aurora heard some ponies calling eachother brother and sister and she loved it so much that she started calling everyone she cares about brother and sister. The only true alicorn siblings that I made were Luna and Celestia. Now, I have a question for you.”

“Yes?” My ears perked up at this.

“How do you like your pancakes? Blueberry or plain?”

“Blueberry!” I jumped up and down excitedly.

“I thought that you hated being called blueberry?” Sombra’s slightly muffled gravely voice came from the door. “I distinctly remember you cutting off my mane for calling you that.”

“What did you do to your mane, boy?” Harmony gasped in horror. “Are you trying the buzz cut look?” Sombra’s ears flatten while he dropped Aurora from his hood on her scruff.

“His head got cut off.” Aurora clarified, “At least that’s what I heard.”

“How?” Harmony growled. Her eyes blazed with power.

“Leo attacked us while we were heading to your location.” Sombra stated calmly.

“And how was it defeated? Who defeated it?”

I hesitantly raised my hoof. “Uh… I did…” I admitted.

“You?” Concern laced in her words. “You became an Ethereal?”

“I thought you knew. You were there when I was in this starry void in my dream. Was that real?” I questioned. I shuffled back and forth.

“My memory has not been the best as of late, even with my Little Light’s help and treatment.” Harmony explained. “My mortal form is straining while there is so much disharmony in this realm of reality. I have given up too much of my soul in pursuit of helping manage this realm. Alicorns take a lot to make.” Harmony shrugged.

“Oh. So yeah I am an Ethereal now.” I hesitantly smiled

Aurora trotted up to Harmony and nuzzled her in greeting. “Morning Momma! Wanna set the table with me, Sister Midnight?” Aurora asked.

“Ahh… sure! I would love to help you.” Aurora smiled at this and trotted off to the dining room. I followed after her. Aurora started to take the good dishes out of the cupboard. I helped place them on the table

“So what spells do you currently know?” Aurora inquired.

“Many and not enough. Will you teach me some?” I asked. Hope filled me with the aspect of learning new spells. I was always up for learning new things.

“A few. My little Umbrums have some good spells you have the temperament for and I’ll also be giving you some basic medical spells that will work on an Alicorn… especially the one to grow fur and hair.” Aurora smirked. I giggled. That would be handy especially since Sombra keeps getting unwanted mane cuts. Aurora joined me in the laughter.

“So… what’s an Umbrum?” I asked. I never heard of that species before.

Aurora hummed in thought, “Well, they’re a subspecies of pony in a way. They are made entirely out of a very very rare crystal that can reproduce with organic ponies. Umbrums are basically like crystal golems except they have a very real soul in their bodies. The soul shapes the crystals much like how a painter paints a picture starts white then gains color with the more experience they gain. Most of them are nomadic just like me.” Aurora stated. “Their soul crystal, unlike other soul crystals, gains a side every time they are reincarnated. It’s quite fascinating to watch. Void only allows me to watch when there’s an Ethereal around. Maybe they will let me join you in your next lesson!”

My eyes widened at this new information. There was so much to learn. “Do you know how the other creatures’ soul crystals work?”

“Now that’s a complicated question, Little Sister,” Aurora said, “because every creature has a different reincarnation system. For example, the Kinkus, they never will be recycled. Nor will there be any new Kinku souls created. When a Kinku dies its soul is brought before the Great Mother of Kinkus and she creates a new body for it. After fifty years it gains all of its past memories and gains a tail.”

“A tail?”

Aurora nodded. “Yes, every fifty years Kinkus gains a tail. That’s how you know their age. Void never told you this?”

“Wow,” I exclaimed, “No, they did not. But then again we have not spent a lot of time together.” Aurora just nodded. I followed her back into the kitchen. Sombra and Harmony were chatting away. In the corner of my eye I saw that Sombra got his mane back. It was strange seeing it curly. I like it curly but he despised it.

“Ah… then let me explain more of my little Umbrums since there is another quirk they have that makes normal ponies very wary of them. My little Umbrums can take a ghost or spirit-like form after turning their bodies into a very dense hunk of crystal. They even sleep or heal in these forms much like dragons.” Aurora stated, looking at the duo. “Actually… Did I ever tell Brother I was the Umbrum Regent?” Aurora muttered, rubbing her chin as she tried to recall.

“Yes, multiple times, Aurora.” Sombra grumbled, “Every chance you get you mention it.” Harmony just whacked him upside his head.

“You might have known I on the other hoof seem to have been kept out of the loop.” Harmony said with a mild glare at Sombra. “I would have thought my own son would tell me his sister was a Regent.”

“No, you just forgot, Mother.” Sombra said as he rubbed his head. Harmony glared at him. She raised the spatula threatenly.

“Boy!” Harmony threatened. Sombra backed away. I missed this. I missed a lot.

“I am so glad that you are back.” I beamed. Harmony dropped the spatula. She walked over to me and squeezed the life out of me.

“I missed you too, Daughter.” Harmony nuzzled my head.

“Mother, the pancakes are burning!” Sombra yelled. “No, they are on fire!” Sombra called as Harmony turned around and began to put the fire out with Sombra’s help.

Aurora simply sat down next to me, her horn glowed and two small bags filled with popcorn appeared in front of them. “You wanna see a trick?” Aurora asked.

“Yes.” I stated slightly unsure while taking the offered bag in my magic. Aurora smiled happily as her form began to change. In seconds she was an opaque crystal statue only much taller then then her pony form with a longer horn and a slowly flowing mane that looked similar to liquid glass.

“What do you think of my Umbrum form?” She asked, her voice had a slight undertone of wind chimes as she spoke. I stared at her with my mouth wide open. She giggled at my expression. “I see Big brother hasn’t shown off his unicorn form to you, has he? It’s a trait a Regent is given to understand their little creatures better. While I’m in this form I am genetically an Umbrum and thus have all the traits of my little Umbrums. Since Sombra is the Regent of Ponies he actually has three forms one for each tribe but uses the Unicorn most of the time… I think…” Aurora explained. “I don’t think Celly and Lulu have regent forms yet…” Aurora said, tapping her chin and causing a very very soft clicking sound. She shrugged.

“Not exactly.” Harmony chimed. “While Sombra does rule he is technically not a Regent but more of a King in some ways. Celestia and Luna are the main regents of the Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn tribes.” Harmony explained while Sombra made a face.

“Unicorns are just easier to transform into.” Sombra shrugged. “I'm also not a King nor will I ever be. Maybe a Prince but never a King. Makes me feel like I’m out of reach and an enemy to everyone.” Sombra said.

“Oh you act like a spoiled prince alright.” I said with a pointed hoof. “You can’t even teach me defensive magic without blowing yourself up.”

“Um, excuse me? I distinctly remember that you are the one who set her mane on fire.” Sombra shot back.

“That was one time!”

Harmony and Aurora simply laughed at our bickering. We just ended up glaring at them. Sombra rolled his eyes and conjured up a mango. I silently pleaded with him to share it, but alas it fell on deaf ears. So I did what any sane pony would do in my situation, I jumped and took a bite at the same time as he did. Our muzzles met in an impromptu kiss… I kissed Sombra!?!? And he tasted like mangos!! Oh, sweet Harmony, what have I done!?! Sombra’s deep laugh vibrated my bones as he dropped the mango.

“This was not what I expected you to think, Midnight.” Sombra laughed. “The last time you did that you were wanting revenge. Haha! That’s just too rich! Too funny!” Now he’s on his belly hitting the floor over and over again.

“Well see if i kiss you ever again!” I yelled at the hysterical black alicorn. “One more laugh out of you and say hello to a puffy winter coat!”

“If you called that a kiss, my dear, then you have never been properly kissed. ”Sombra said smugly.

“I never had a coltfriend before! Get it through your thick skull I’ve never even dated any pony from the opposite gender much less interacted outside of mother and my employers before I entered this house.” I huffed.

“Let’s change that! Wanna go on a date with me?” Sombra looked expectantly at me.

“You asked me that yesterday and my answer is still the same. Wait until you can use magic at least and we have a plan instead of a spontaneous mess!” I shot back as Aurora came up to my side and tapped my shoulder.

“You still want that fur growth spell?” She asked in a whisper in my ear. Sombra glared at her but she ignored him.

“Mother, already gave me back my magic no thanks to you, Aurora.” Sombra said. he got up off the floor. “Right, Harmony?”

“Oh, sorry I was enjoying the drama unfolding that I did not hear what you said.” Harmony said in between mouth full of popcorn.

“You canceled my magic binding spell on Brother a day early?” Aurora repeated. “That’s my popcorn!”

“Yes, yes I did.” She smiled. “And yes, yes it is your popcorn. It is quite delicious, I must say.” Aurora growled at this revelation. I, on the hoof, just walked up to harmony and silently asked if I could have some. She just rolled her eyes and passed it to me. I giddily ate a few mouthfuls.

“Are you a puppy?” Aurora asked, “because you’re acting like one.” I shook my head no. Aurora just narrowed her eyes at me. “Your tail is wagging.” She said. I shot a look behind me. My tail wasn’t wagging. What was she talking about? Aurora laughed and said, “Made you look!”

“Children!” Harmony muttered and left the kitchen. “Sombra, take that poor girl on a date today or else you are sleeping outside.” She threw over her shoulder. Sombra’s eyes widened at this command.

“She doesn’t want to!” He shot back.

“Oh, she does and you too need to get out of the house!”


“Out!” Harmony said a bright glow excused us and six different colors of glitter entered my mouth. I gagged at the feeling the taste on the other hoof was like chili peppers.

“Gah! Why does this taste like liquid rainbow!?!” I asked as my eyes teared up. Sombra was sprawled on the ground, spread eagle. He looked very annoyed.

“At least it doesn’t taste like glitter.” Sombra grumbled. “Mother must have planned this with Aurora since we are both missing breakfast at the moment.” Sombra stated as his stomach let out a loud hungry grumble followed by my own.

“I have certainly noticed. Wanna go get breakfast?”

“Kind of have to but sure.” Sombra stated before his horn glowed and he seemed to shrink before the glow faded revealing a slightly taller than average height unicorn stallion. He had an obsidian black mane and tail that subtly shifted like liquid ink paired with a light gray coat and visible dark gray hooves.

“You look like a Shyre pony.” From my knowledge that was a rare breed of pony that lived very far north of the capital. Sombra shrugged and led the way. I followed him through the streets. This was a subsection of Harmonia where the alicorns never really frequent nor purged from that offend. It was quite nice. The cobblestone doesn't reek of blood but instead smells of summer lilies and heat. I have never actually been down this way before. It mostly had unicorns running around and a few Wolflings but no earth ponies or pegasi. A tall grey and silver Kinku holding a paintbrush and a canvas ran past us in a hurry. Its four tails swished lazily. I watched them run down the street.

“Did that Kinku have a paintbrush?” I inquired.

“Yes, yes they did. Kinkus have different jobs depending on their tribe.” Sombra said as he looked up and down the street. “That one was of the celfyddyd tribe. They dedicate their lives to the pursuit and preservation of art. Quite a noble deed if you ask me. Ooo! This place serves the best breakfast ever! This place is run by a Kinku! Come on, let us eat here!”

The place he went to was a quaint little cobblestone cottage with ivy growing up and down the front. In all honesty it looked like every other building in Harmonia but the difference was that there were tables out front and gigantic flowers in a garden by the front door. Creatures of every size were going in and out with smiles and plates of food. Sombra trotted up to the cheery doors and went inside. I ran to catch up to him. Inside was bigger than what I expected. The ceiling was opened and had oak beams running up and down with small tables on them. A huge stone fireplace took up the back wall. The walls were a dark oak with random paintings scattered around. The place was packed. And Sombra was at the bar that took up half of the wall on the right talking to a fat five tailed bronze Kinku. I walked up to them.

“Welcome to the Happy Fox tavern. Well well well. If it is not my old pony companion, Smoky! Where have ya been hiding these last few years?” The Kinku boisterous voice thundered. It smiled a toothy gin. “I see ye had brought a beautiful companion with you today. Are you going to introduce us?”

“Smoky?” I repeated in a soft whisper that I was sure only Sombra could hear.

“His nickname for me. My alias is Ruby Quartz in this form.” Sombra whispered into my ear making it look like a nuzzle. “Yes, Greggor. This is my marefriend Midnight Star.”

“As in Farthingharth Star? A descendant of the Farthingharth?” Greggor’s eyes widened at this. His smile grew bigger. “My, my, my, it is an absolute pleasure to meet a descendent of the first unicorn! Your kin are the most honorable clan of unicorns to grace our humble world! The food is on the house! What would it be, lovely?” Sombra’s ears flattened at the honorific. I just laughed.

“What do you have, Oh great winged fox?” I asked as I placed my front leg on the dark oak bar. Sombra just glared at me as he watched my interaction with Greggor. His turquoise eyes flashed between Sombra and me and laughed.

“I will give you someplace private. Follow me.” Greggor walked around to the end of the bar and started to walk towards the back. We followed him weaving through the tables of various heights with either pillows, chairs, or a combination of both. I noticed that one of his dove wings was missing and his ears looked like they had a bite taken out of them. He took us to a room with pine walls and huge windows. The space was small but airy and there was no one in here.

“This looks like a good spot for the adorable couple! Have fun on your date and I will get the usual but doubled.” He said as he smacked Sombra on the back. It sounded like it hurt too. Ouch. Sombra just shook his head. He walked over to the table. It had a white lace tablecloth with bluebonnets in the middle of the table. Wicker chairs were set around the table with plush blue pillows on top obviously made for four legged customers. Sombra sat down and put his front hooves under his chin.

“This place is nice.” I said as I walked to the seat right in front of him. “What kind of food does the Happy Fox Tavern have?”

“Everything and nothing. You name it, they probably have it.” Sombra shrugged. He’s been doing that a lot today.

“Be honest, are you alright? You look really out of it, and all you have been doing is shrugging.” I placed my hoof on his own. “You’ve been really out of it for the past three months, especially the past day… I’m getting worried.” I stated honestly. Unknown to me a soft purple color had shimmered through my cutie mark, specifically the Star, and my eyes from what Sombra told me later on.

“I am just stressed that’s all.” He said as he rubbed his forehead. His ruby eyes looked tired. “Can we talk about something else, please?”

“Alright but we are coming back to this later tonight.” I nodded. “So what kind of food do you eat here?” Sombra took the topic change like a fish to water. He started talking about all different kinds of food that he liked: bacon, ham, hash browns, mango pie, peach cobbler, ice-cream, chocolate and more. I didn’t even know half of what he was talking about but listening to him was a joy. I love hearing him talk about what he loves. Greggor brought out plates full of steaks and salads. Sombra thanked him and started to dig in. I ate the salad. It’s a weird breakfast but it’s food. And it was good food! It had apples and strawberries in it along with a weird blue crumbly cheese that tastes fantastic! It had this sweet sauce that had a tangy aftertaste. By the gods, I wanted more. There were also these shredded fried potatoes that were divine.

“I see that you like the food?” Sombra asked smugly. He had a know it all grin plastered on his face. I just stuffed more food in my mouth as my answer. He chuckled and shook his head.

“What? This is good!” I said between my next bite of salad.

“You’re adorable.” I blushed at this statement. No one has ever called me that. Where did this come from?

“So tell me what interests you. I want to know it all!” He smiled. By Harmony, I love his smile.

“Oh that’s easy!” I said excitedly. “Books… books and magic… I never felt settled with the basic spells I’m allowed to use…. Outside of that… I… don’t actually know…” I blinked in a bit of realization. “Oh by the somber one I’m lacking pony bonds.”

“Ahh… that needs to change.” Sombra hummed. “Unicorns need to be able to cast spells without restrictions. I have some time before… I have some time so I’m going to fix this.” Determination filled his eyes. “Can you give me a list of the spells you were allowed to use before coming to me?” Sombra asked, looking rather serious.

I nodded. “A basic ten item levitation spell, a generalized cleaning spell, a spell to clean up blood, a spell to create basic shields and a spell to heal small cuts and nicks. That’s really all I knew and have learned. My mother probably has the entire list memorized. Plus all the spells you taught me. That’s all the spells I know.” I listed off the spells I’ve learned and used. Sombra looked horrified.

“That’s not a lot!” Sombra shouted. “A unicorn your age should know and have learned nearly a hundred spells at least. I barely taught you the basic advanced spells thinking that you knew more. I’m a terrible teacher! Who made this stupid rule?!”

My ears went flat. “The High Council passed it before I was born?” I said, a bit unsure. “Mom spoke of how it was passed a few years after my grandma got married and the yearly purging of earth ponies and Pegasi wing removals became more… brutal…” I trailed off.

“Fifty years of retirement and everything went to hell.” Sombra mumbled.

“Well to be fair it wasn’t much of a retirement if you did the trip we did every year.” I said trying my best to soothe the distraught alicorn er unicorn. ‘Please don’t be the kind that gets suicidal when depressed.’ I mentally prayed to myself. “You had a job to keep an eye on your mother. Any child would do that even if it meant going to the ends of the earth to keep their only family safe. I’d do that if my mother started to lose her mind.”

“I’m not going to kill myself and thank you.” Sombra nodded. “Well this topic is depressing, let's talk about something else. Hey, are you going to finish that?” Sombra reached for what looked to be a seafood dish. With a bit of reluctance I decided to at least try it by levitating a forkful and taking a bit.

“What kind of fish is this?! It’s so soft and light!” I asked in shock. I stuffed my mouth with more of this fish. I normally don’t like fish but this was good. The outside was crunchy and buttery while the inside was soft and flaky. It didn’t have that overwhelming fish flavor that I hate.

“Finally got you to eat meat.” Chuckled Sombra. “It is called Red Sea Cod and it comes from the seas of Da’lak’ar’s domain. It’s quite delicious.”

“I thought it would taste super salty but it doesn’t… does other seafood taste like this?” I questioned. I stuffed my face with more of it. I was already getting full but I had to have more. By the gods, it was delicious.


I watched her as she stuffed her face with food. I am finally getting something down that skinny girl. I feel accomplished as a mate when I see her eat. I’m glad that I took her here. I was hoping for pancakes but instead got the lunch menu. I did notice though it did have a blend of breakfast staples most of the meat were of the lunch variety. Her cute little happy noises were probably the best part.

“Are you full or are you just stuffing your face because it tasted good?” I asked. Knowing her it’s the latter.

“It taste sooooo goood!” She said between mouthfuls. Bingo! I knew it! Haha. I love it when I am right! “Alrighty, love, let’s go. Come on.” I left some silver coins on the table as I dragged my disgruntled mate out of the tavern. She did not want to leave the food but I knew that she would make herself sick if she ate anymore, especially if this was her first time eating fish. Greggor laughed as he watched us leave. Of course that fat jolly Kinku would get a kick out of this situation. But I can’t fault the guy. Oh well. We started to walk down this market street seeing all kinds of interesting stalls and shops. I was happy and giddy while Midnight was mumbling under her breath.

“Are you going to continue being mad about the food thing?” I asked. Midnight just shot me a look.

“I was enjoying that!” She shouted.

“You were going to make yourself sick.”

“No, I wasn’t.”

“Yes, you were. You always do this, sweetie, when you have new food.” I countered. “You eat and eat until you throw up. Now don’t get me wrong I love it when you eat but I don’t want to see you get sick.”

“But what if it is the last time I get to eat?” Midnight asked in a hushed tone. “I want to eat as much as i can before it is gone. Before you, I had to scavenge for food when the little bit of copper coins we had ran out. It was a common thing. I often didn’t eat so my mother could eat.”

I hummed in understanding. Her life before meeting me was hard. Much harder than anything in my own life recently. Though it reminded me of my early years. Still can’t believe that she was related to my good friend Farthingharth. Those were the days. Fighting monsters Discord created and Void creatures. My thoughts were interrupted when I saw a small earth pony filly racing down the dirt road and crashed into Midnight’s rump. The filly was covered head to hoof in blood and her eyes looked bloodshot. The filly looked up at Midnight and whimpered. “Alcon come!” The filly cried her voice had a wind chime quality bringing dread in my stomach.

All the creatures of the street ran with Midnight holding the filly close smearing the blood into her coat as translucent white crystal was seen under the blood on the filly. My dread deepened. “Young one… Are you an Umbrum?” I asked the filly after making a shield to cover us from prying eyes.

Midnight’s ears shot up straight at my question. “Your sister’s charges? I thought none of them came with her.” Midnight voiced her worry while managing to summon water from her horn and gently spray down the filly. ‘Thank the gods elemental magic is easy to learn for unicorns.’ I thought to myself as the filly was fully revealed glittering like a delicate glass sculpture with a white coloring that was starting to take on a pale orange tint in her ‘core’ or where the heart of a normal pony was located aka the chest.

“Yes… and I fear we might be seeing her when she is angered… I believe my mother once called it the ‘Mother Bear’ reaction? It took myself, and a few others about two months to calm her down the first time it ever happened.” I said, trying to recall the incident. But we didn’t have time for that, I needed to get the filly off the streets.

“Where are your Alicorn Masters, Unicorns?” A deep voice boomed across the street. A tan and gray alicorn came running up towards us. I moved in front of Midnight and the filly. “This is not the time to be outside without your Alicorn masters. Miss Midnight, is that you?” Consern laced words to my ears as I tried to hide them.

“Master Tzar? What are you doing here?” Midnight asked as she moved in front of me. I was not happy about this.

“I am making sure that everyone is with their Alicorn Master because a Collectable has run away.” Tzar answers, dipping his head in acknowledgement. “I like you, Midnight, I do not want to see you in the Confirmatoria so i will be you and … who is your friend, Miss Midnight?” He stepped closer to Midnight but I jumped in his way. He reared back in shock at the sight of my lit horn. His copper eyes flashed with shock.

“Wow! Wow! Wow!” Midnight jumped in between us, “I am so sorry, Master Tzar, my boyfriend Som– er– Rubel is very protective of me. Rubel, this is my first Alicorn Master Tzar. The second best Alicorn Master I have ever had!” Wait? Boyfriend? I am her boyfriend? ANd who was her first best Alicorn Master? I am going to kick his butt!

“Second? Miss Midnight, I thought that I was your first.” Tzar sounded aghast.

“My current Master is the first.” She beamed. Well that makes me happy and now I relized that i wanted to kick my own butt. ugg…

“Well, I must say that I am disappointed but I understand. Espeactly sense they allowed you to keep your horn. Four transfers really, Midnight? I thought I taught you better.” He scolded like a disappointed parent.

“What gives you the right to scold her?” I growled. Midnight’s eyes widen in surprise. Tzar just gave me a look like a disapproved parent.

“If i had you as a foal like I did Midnight I would have taught you some manners.” Tzar growled. “Who is your Alicorn Master? I must speak with them immediately!”

“I have no master. Because I don’t need one.” I growl as my form strains to return to my true form. I was really becoming pissed off. “What do you mean if I was a colt?”

“What did you say?!” Tzar screeched.

“Sombra calm down!” Midnight squeaked. “Your frightening the filly!”

“A filly!? The Collectible! I found the Collectible!” Tzar tried to reach for the scared filly.

Collectible!? My sister’s ponies are not Collectibles! None of Harmony’s creations are collectibles! I stepped in front of the alicorn, towering over him in my true form. Fear bleed into his eyes as he realized who I was.

“Step away from the filly and my Midnight.” I said in a low voice. He nodded and backed away.

“Miss Midnight, are you dating the First Born?” He said in a surprisingly calm voice.

Midnight just gave him a large shit eating grin. “Even better, he’s my Master! My favorite Master and my Boyfriend. And I wouldn’t change it for the world.” I just laughed. Leave it to Midnight to announce to the world that we are dating in a life or death situation. The filly on the other hoof began to glow with a bright inner light. Thick crystals formed around the filly’s hooves in a bright pinkish red color, shooting along the road to the Alicorn encasing his legs, wings and horn in a semi translucent pink crystal.

“Now look what happened!” Tzar complained. “I got encased in crystals when all I was asked to do was bring the filly back to its owner. I love colts and fillies and all but this is ridiculous.” His horn lit up in bright light, the sound of glass shattering was heard. when the light faded Tzar was free and dusting himself off.

“That’s what you get for making an Umbrum filly scared of you.” I stated, not very impressed. The filly was young and had no real control over her species’ ability.

“It seemed that we had gotten off on the wrong hoof.” Tzar said calmly. “I have no quarrel with you nor your charge nor with the filly. I would like to extend an invitation to my aboad and talk this over with some tea. Midnight can attest that i teat all of my young charges with the utmost care. The only reason I had to transfer Miss Midnight out was because she became too old.”

“Became too old?” I asked in confusion.

“Yes, I only keep unicorns between the ages of six to fourteen years of age. Colts are my favorite.” He gave a salacious smile. I don’t like that look. “Midnight, would you like to see my new garden? It would be a better scene for your date.” Midnight’s eyes lit up. She nodded ethusiasicly.

“I’m sorry but we were actually heading back home to check in with Harmony.”

“But.. but… Sombra,” Midnight whined. I just shook my head.

“Seventh would like to have her filly back.” I stated.

“Certainly, my Lord, but might you reconsider my offer?” Tzar asked. “Or I have an idea why do we not send the filly back to the Regent of Memories and then come to my house for tea?” His words felt like slime coating my skin and itching my fur. Something was not right with this alicorn. He may look concerned and sweet on the outside but he must be doing something. I want to know what he was up too. He felt too much like a snake.

“I think that is a wonderful plan.” Midnight chirped. “Why do we not do that? His gardens are the best!” Tzar smiled and nodded. The filly clung to my hooves. I mentally sighed. I really needed to get this filly to Aurora and Midnight away from him. She almost looked mesmerized.

“We will meet you in the Main Square in one hour.” I stated. I needed time to create a special necklace for Midnight. I needed to create a mental link and shield for her just in case with a homing beacon. Or I can re enchant the Phoenix locket that I gave her a long time ago. She never takes it off. Possibly combine the two ideas and create a fused necklace? Too many ideas, too little time. Uggg… Maybe I can freeze Time for a… No, no, Da’lak’ar would come and chop my head off again if I did that. what to do, what to do?

“As you wish, My Lord,” He said with a bow. A slimy smile graced his face as he turned towards Midnight. “Until then, Miss Midnight, I bid thee adieu.” I growled as I watched him leave. So much for a perfect day after our first date.

“Want *hic* mama *hic* Peach *hic*” the filly hiccuped. Midnight quickly went to comfort the filly.

“Shh. Shh. It is alright I got you.” She whispered into the filly’s mane.

“I*hic* want*hic* mama!”

Midnight nodded to me and so I teleported to the house. Oh, boy this was going to be fun. Not.

After a few hours of calming an enraged Mama Bear Umbrum Alicorn, Two lesser female Alicorns, and a Not So Pleased Mother Goddess, I finally convinced them to stay home with the poor filly. Aurora had given me a simple pair of bun pins that felt heavily enchanted with purple six pointed star shaped gems and three ruby wings hanging off the ends of each stick. Oh boy. I found myself along with Midnight in front of Tzar’s home.

The stone work was impeccable as always with these Alicorns’ homes. It had a peachy color. A strange color for granite but beautiful all the same. The six stone pillars out front were spiral shaped and had depictions of young unicorns in various unsavory positions. It was quite disturbing. I do not like where this was going. Inside, the floor was a peachy marble and granite polished like glass. The walls were covered, on the other hoof, with plants of different varieties. Some I noticed were carnivorous and blood was dripping out of them. The ceiling was entirely made of green glass that casted everything in a green haze. It was beautiful and all but I really did not want to be here any longer, but I had to figure out why Midnight wanted to come here.

Out of the plants came a small yellow unicorn colt. His timid demeanor started setting off alarms in my head. For one I noticed that he had bruises all along his neck, like he had been made to wear a collar or something similar. When he reached us he bowed so deep that I thought that his knees would form bruises. A green older filly came running out of the plants with a smile on her face. She looked healthy and bright, not broken like the colt.

“Hello, honored guests,” she chirped, bowing low, “welcome to Tzar’s Flower Garden. Where the beautiful are picked and enjoyed! Allow me and my friend to show you to your destination.” She nudged the yellow colt and started to walk further into the place, “Please follow us.”

“Is me or is that yellow colt being abused?” I whispered in Midnight’s ear as I started to follow the fouls. Midnight gave me a confused look.

“What do you mean, Sombra?” She asked, “ All I see are two healthy and happy unicorn foals. The colt seemed to be the happiest one here.” That was not what I saw. This was not good.

“Hold still a moment, love.” I told her, floating up the pair of chopstick style bun pins and placed them in her mane. The ruby wings made a soft glow followed by the purple stars as Midnight’s eyes glowed white for a second and she began to rapidly blink as if seeing things for the first time.

“What the… umm…. Sombra?”

“Yes, my dear?”

“Where the heck are we?”

“In Tzar’s Flower Garden where the brightest are picked and something or other.” I mocked the saying. It was a stupid saying.

“It’s where the beautiful are picked and enjoyed, Sombra. I should know I had to say that many times for six years as a filly. I was the greeter. I wasn’t one of the ‘beautiful’ to be ‘picked’. It was mostly colts that were ‘picked’ never knew what they were picked for but they never came back the same. Especially after Tzar took them to his playroom.” Midnight said as we entered another garden room. What’s with this Alicorn and gardens?! This one had a multitude of pink and white flowers of various sizes. Floor to ceiling of flowers! Some were bigger then my head while others were so tiny that I had to look closer to see them. And right in the middle was a white gazebo. The latis work was very elaborate. There right inside was the culprit himself in a throne like chair surrounded by young unicorn colts. I don’t like this at all.

“Love, the colts do they look like the ones that changed?” I asked rather softly to not alert the filly and colt guiding us. Tzar smiled when he saw us.

“Welcome, honored guests, I thought that you had forgotten our tea time!” He said as he walked down the steps. The colts all followed him in straight lines on either side of him.

“Seventh was very upset and would have possibly leveled half the city had I not calmed her.” I stated. He didn’t need to know about how Mother was ready to level the content after teleporting all the innocent away.

“Oh dear, I am so happy that the filly was delivered to the right place.” His words tasted of sweetened poison. I felt sick to the stomach as I watched the colts drape themselves all over the alicorn. Their dead eyes stared back at me as I tried to comprehend Tzar’s words.

“Can we leave now?” Whispered Midnight. “I forgot how much I hated this place. It always made me feel sick to the stomach.” My lips thinned at her words. Tzar’s head tilted to the side as if he heard what she said.

“Still the best alicorn master?” I asked. She just shook her head. “Midnight, can you please teleport all those foals out of the room please?”

“Teleportation is illegal for unicorns, my Lord! It has been for the last thirty years!” Tzar said. His eyes widened as Midnight’s horn lit up.

“I’m a bit old school.” I replied smoothly as I walked towards the alicorn.

All twelve fouls (eleven colts and one filly) disappeared alongside my mate. Good she will not have to see what I am about to do. Oh, I have not hunted in months. This was going to be good.

/Sombra… I may have teleported all foals in the building outside?/ Midnight said in my head through our telepathic link sheepishly. ‘How could there be nearly five hundred foals here?’ I heard the frown in her words. ‘wait… some of these foals… there’s some sort of… distortion around them… they look like they are sleeping but… they are breathing very slowly. I can barely pick up heart beats from them. I feel like I’m looking at eternal fruit’. I acknowledged her concerns and got to work. Oh this was going to be fun. Hehe. Oh, how I enjoy the look of fear in his eyes.


It had been a few hours since I teleported with the many foals. The sun had already set and the moon was high in the sky. I paced back and forth stressing about Sombra while Aurora, Harmony and Pierre were having the time of their lives taking care of foals. I cannot believe how lucky I was as a filly. The horror stories the little ones told us were awful. The stories of what those alicorns -no- what Tzar did to the colts. How could somepony do that? A sick bastard that’s who. I was one of the lucky ones to not be touched. No wonder I was transferred to a different master when I “aged out”. Oh, sweet Harmony, I am going to be sick.

When I chance a thought that alicorns could be good I find out about things like this. All alicorns are bad. No, not bad evil. Alicorns are evil! Depraved and disgusting! Absolutely hor… no, that’s not right. There are some who are good. Like Celestia, Luna, Aurora, Da’lak’ar, and Sombra. They are proof that not all alicorns are evil. Harmony would not make every alicorn evil. Would she? A foal’s giggle was heard in the next room. I peered in and watched Pierre do backflips and somersaults. The foals laughed along with Aurora who was holding the umbrum filly. They were all stomping their hooves in excitement. All of them had smiles on their faces. It was a beautiful sight.

“Hey, little one, why the long face?” Celestia asked as she walked up to me. “Care for a walk?” I looked at her and nodded. We headed to the back door that led to Sombra’s garden. While it was beautiful in the daytime, it was nothing compared to the nighttime. The flowers and plants took on an ethereal light. All glowing in blues, purples, and pinks. It was one of my favorite places to go to besides the library. My favorite was the trees. The trees had branches bowing down to the ground with leaves touching the ground. The leaves were a rainbow of hues! Each tree had its own different color. It was simply gorgeous. I remember Sombra once said that these trees looked like they were weeping. He said he always imagined being weighed down with all the burdens he had put on them. He also believed that trees see all and will always keep your secrets safe inside their branches. I was inclined to agree.

“What are you thinking about, Miss Midnight?” Celestia asked as we walked down the pearly path. It always looked pearly at night.

“I was thinking of trees seeing everything and that they safe guard our secrets.” I said as I walked up to a tree. I went through the curtain of purple leaves and walked to the trunk. I sat down on one of the exposed silver roots. Celestia joined me on the root. She hummed, waiting for me to continue. I sighed, “Do you think trees become overburdened with all the secrets they hold?”

“It might be a possibility,” She said, “though it is my belief that the trees can handle all the secrets and stories that are told to them. They would not grow so big if that were not the case. I have told many trees over the years many of my secrets and stories. I have yet to see a tree die from it.” I giggled. Celestia smiled and then nudged me, “Tell me what is really bothering you. It is just me and the trees who are listening to you now. There is nothing for you to worry about.”

Her lilac eyes looked kind and motherly. It was as if I could find a new mother in her if I wanted to. I had a gut feeling that I could confide in her my troubles and she would listen. “I found out that my first Alicorn Master was preying on young colts and doing horrible things to them. He was also selling some of the fillies to other alicorn’s for a night. I was one of the few lucky ones that didn’t have to go through that. Though I do find it strange that Tzar was a little bit protective of me.”

“It’s possible it might have to do with your eyes and coat.” An earth pony filly version of Aurora poked her head down from the branches looking as if she was just waking up from a nap. “Most Alicorns tend to get turned off by young intelligent eyes and colors that reflect two clashing emotions.” Filly Aurora sleepily rambled hopping down and sleepily going over to Celestia tucking herself under Celestia’s wing and snuggling Celestia’s tail, falling back asleep if the soft snoring was any indication. I couldn’t hold back the laughter and tears at the absurdity while Celestia simply looked annoyed that she was being used as a massive blanket and pillow. Celestia joined in the laughter. After a while our sides began to hurt and a little colt snuggled right next to the filly Aurora. Celestia smiled at the pair and gently wrapped them in her wing.

“I didn’t think your mane was that fluffy.” I stated.

“No, do not make me laugh anymore,” Celestia giggled, “my sides hurt too much already. But I guess my mane and tail is a good place for foals to sleep. Aurora sure thinks so. Though I have had plenty of foals make them into a bed one time or another.” She smiled sweetly at the slumbering foals. She gently brushed the colt’s green mane out of his face.

“You really care for them, don’t you?” I whispered. I was in complete awe of how an alicorn seemed to actually care for someone other than themselves.

“I do.” She whispered back. “I will do anything to preserve the innocence and love of Harmony’s creatures. They should be protected at all costs. No sacrifice is too big or too great in order to preserve this. This peace. That is what I want for all of creation. A place of peace and freedom. A place where no pony or Kinku or Wolfling would have to live in fear. Fear of the next attack or blow. A land where there is always food on the table for every inhabitant. That is my dream. I want you to be part of that dream. I want to see you thrive, Midnight. I want to see you grow into the unicorn you were meant to be. Join me, please?”

“But my home is here. I can’t just abandon everything. Sombra is here, what kind of fillyfriend would I be if I just left out of the blue?” I said. Celestia gave me a sad look and just nodded.

“Do you love him perchance?” She asked. Lilac eyes bore into mine as I struggled to form an answer. She smiled. “Thought so. All my years i have learned the signs of love and you, my friend, are in love. Now the question is, is Sombra in love with you? Does he feel the same way?”

“I-uh- I don’t know.” I stammered. I frowned when I recalled that one time Sombra had to sing that odd song to heal me all while he felt nearly ten times my own pain. “I- I think so. I think he does.”

“Are you sure?”

“Maybe?” I replied. “Would you take ten times the pain of someone if you loved them?”

“I would do it in a heartbeat for my sister and if he has done it for you then I would take that as a yes.” She smiled. “My home is always open for you. Now let us get these foals to bed, shall we? And remember the trees will always keep your secrets.” So we picked up the foals and carried them back to the room where the others were. Luna was there singing a lullaby. Aurora was asleep with little foals sleeping on top of her. Some were in her mane, others were in her tail and one was sleeping in between her front hooves. It was an adorable picture. We gently put the two we had next to her. The soft snores were heard as we left the room with Luna.

I yawned as we entered the kitchen. It seemed that we always entered here when we had nothing else to do. It was quite unimaginative. Just saying. Someone should think of a different place in this big house to go to. Pierre was already in the kitchen trying to cook something but seemingly to fail at it.

“Can somepony help me with these cookies? It seems I cannot get them right.” Pierre panicked.

“I will,” I said as I trotted over. I began to help the poor Kinku and together we somehow made burnt sacrifices to the goddess Harmony. I have a feeling she won’t want any of this. Yeah, she just glaring at us through the smoke. Oops.

“Who let Midnight cook?! Celestia, my sundrop, can you come with me for a second?” Harmony asked as she moved into the kitchen. She shook her head at my sorry attempts for cookies. “I thought that we agreed for you to never cook, Midnight. And Celestia I have been looking for you. I need to talk to you for a second. And will someone please get the door before they wake up the children!” And with that Celestia and Harmony left the kitchen, while I went to answer the door. Pierre had jumped on my back as I was leaving. Luckily Luna was there to put out the fire and clean up my mess. I was officially banished from the kitchen. I was no longer allowed to step into the cooking area anymore.

“Sorry, my Lord’s Lady, for getting you in trouble.” Pierre apologize. He hugged my neck as I walked up to the banging door.

“It’s alright. I’m not used to cooking on top of the line appliances so it was bound to happen sooner or later.” I shrugged using my magic to open the door. I blinked at the two Kinkus. One had a spear in her paw and leather armor in the style of the western barbarians. The other was a shy looking painter with paint brushes in their trembling paws. Wait a minute, that was the same Kinku that I saw running down the street earlier today! Pierre gasped at the sight of them.

“Pierre,” barked the tall purple Kinku, “‘tis time te get yer arse ‘ome.”