• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,902 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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Freedom and the Smell of Peaches

Author's Note:

So I know some of you want some lemons and don't worry y'all will get some. Just not on the main story. What I mean is that I'm partnering up with a good friend of mine and we're writing it together. And when it's finished it will be posted on a different name called Sombra's Midnight Star smut! We'll be posting it here on Fimfiction and every smut scene of SMS but I and my coauthor wanted to be in a special place. Unfortunately it is not finished yet but we'll let you know soon! I'll be publishing the chapters uninterrupted on my Ao3 account when it's finished. Thank you all for sticking with me and this hectic ride I've been writing. We are entering the end of an arch! Just remember be careful what you wish for! Love y'all and enjoy!


“Hello, my half-blind Prophet.”

Ice. Ice was what filled Pinkie’s body as she stood frozen in the gaze of the galaxy. She could barely breath. What was she supposed to do? Her friend and sometimes lover was hurt. How could she get out of this? How was she…

“Pinkamena,” her name was whispered in her ear temporarily unfreezing her, “You are late.”

“L-late? H-how a-am I l-late?” She stammered as her eyes shifted to find a way out. But the galaxy took hold of her and commanded her not to move.

“About ten minutes.” Her whispered name burned her ear, thawing her frozen form. “Ten minutes. You supposed be here ten minutes ago. But it appears you got caught up in a fight between my useless grandson and the Healer. So, I guess I should forgive your tardiness.” Pink lips thinned in annoyance, but as the stars and darkness swirled around her, Pinkie didn’t dare to voice her frustration with… everything. So instead, she gritted her teeth and was promptly startled at the coppery taste in her mouth. From the stinging sensation in her mouth, Pinkie came to the conclusion that she’d cut her tongue. Pinkie slid her tongue across her teeth. Another sharp pain pierced her tongue.

“Ouch,” Pinkie mumbled, “Do I have fangs? Whaaaaaa….?”

“Why yes, my half-blind Prophet,” The stars seem to shimmer brightly at those words. One blue eye bore witness to the tendrils dance and swirl as the glimmering darkness retracts from her body. They rolled and twirled like glittery inky black dough until eventually the twisting mass of stars molded into the shape of a cat. The cat smiled as the pressure became light, causing Pinkie’s ears to pop. “I did because of aesthetics! I think it looks good on you!”

“Oh! Hello there, Void! Master of souls, Keeper of Time, Lover of Chocolate, and Pain in the Ass for Sombra.” Pinkie chirped with a bow. “How ya doin’? You do like chocolate, right? Because if you don’t, I don’t think we can be friends. Maybe cordial colleges or apathetic acquaintances? But friends? No. Friends share chocolate together. Speaking of friends, what happened to mine?” Pinkie’s head tilt to the side. She felt her mane go flat. That wasn’t good. Not good at all. She was going to do something she was going to regret later. Things were about to get bloody.

“Interesting,” Void chuckled, “you are one of the first to address me properly. That I thank you. As for chocolate, never tried it.” Pinkie gasped in horror as she raised her foreleg as if she was clutching her pearls. This wouldn’t do. Simple would not do. She must rectify this! Must fix this!

“Amusing,” Void’s eyes crinkled with mirth. “"Your thoughts are simply amusing, Half Blind. Thinking of chocolate and death in the same thought. Is it true that you turned some of those travelers into cupcakes? And were they actually delicious as you made them out to be? Hmm?” Void tilted their head, their grin never leaving its frighting aura. Pinkie’s blind eye saw stars and white crystals floating around sharp teeth made of onyx and amethyst. It was so distracting that she barely heard what they said. Cupcakes. Cupcakes? Why were they talking about her secret recipe? No one was ever going to miss those travelers anyways. She made sure that they never had anyone to return to. She must rectify this mistake.

Pinkie gnashed her teeth together. Malice set her eye ablaze, zoned in on the star cat-like being. Through clenched teeth she spat, “What do you want?” Void’s violet eyes twinkled with the call of the challenge and their grin became deadly. Pinkie got in her fighting stance like her pop always taught her.

“What do I want?” Void whispered with a feminine lilt. “What do I want?” A sharp claw tapped their chin as their lips turned into a frown. “I want you to be my Blind Prophet, but Harmony wanted you to be her Laughter. Oh, the twisted irony. You.” They shook their head as their eyes flashed with anger. “You, who broke her law when you were young. You, who continues to do so for the trill of it. The crystalline eyes squinted in feign sadness. "It would break her heart to find her laughter so twisted, so defiled. It makes me sick." Though the stars expressed empathy, the burning spoke otherwise. “But I am a benevolent god, thus I would not tell her anything…. Yet. Plus we made a deal.” They shrugged nonchalantly. “I get half, she gets half. Win, win I say.”

“Don’t I get a say in any of this?!” Pinkie shrieked.

“Hmmm….. no.” Void chirped. “It is the will of the gods!”

“And what about free will?! My free will!” Pinkie stomped her hoof. “I didn’t choose to be half blind! I didn’t choose to be Your Prophet!” Void teleported right into her face, causing Pinkie to fall on her ass. The dichotomy of seeing a deranged cat in one eye and a swirling mass of stars was giving Pinkie a headache. This was not good.

“You did choose to be Mine!” The words echoed in her head as blood dripped from her nose.


“In your past lives.” Her blood chilled at these words. The Cat laughed as they continued. “You always choose me. In you first life when you watched Harmonia fall. You choose me. When you watched the wendigos turn your precious land into ice. Where do you think your ‘Pinkie since’ comes from? Me. It comes from me.”

“No. No. NO!” Pinkie cried out. “You’re a bad creature! A bad, bad creature! A danger! I did not choose you. I won’t choose ever! So get out of my head!” Pinkie started to pull at her mane. Cotton candy pink strands littered the as she wailed to the sky. How could this be? This was not her life. This was not what she would choose. It was her past lives’ fault! They put her in this position. This predicament. It was their fault! Their… their… fault. … f… fault. Who was she kidding. If her past lives where in the same predicament, then who was she to blame them. Apparently, she broke a law, a god’s law, and she has no idea what the punishment was. So, she should what it out and find out how to get out of whatever this god wanted. Yes. It was time to wait.

“What do you want from me?” She asked, her voice hoarse from the screaming. She stood back up, ready for whatever they threw at her.


Pinkie? What did Pinkie do? What did Pinkie make her do? She ate meat! Oh, sweet Celestia, she broke the law. She was going to jail for this and it was Pinkie’s fault. Anger cut threw Applejack’s pain. It gave her a moment of clarity as she watched the damn Cat and her past lover face off. Applejack never regretted something more than having Pinkie as her lover then she does now. She felt betrayed. Pinkie knew about the no eating meat law Celestia had made. It has been around for centuries! Centuries! And those who breaks that law are imprisoned. For how long? Depends on the judge. Applejack was not about to have that on her record. This was terrible. Simply terrible.

The blood loss must have gotten to her head if she was going on a rant about eating meat and jail time. There were bigger problems to solve. Like the damn purple bipedal Cat and Twilight sleeping a few steps away. Or the fucking giant piece of obsidian pinning her leg to the marble floor. But she was mad at Pinkie and that was the only thing keeping her from going to sleep. She was going to stay awake and be pissed at Pinkie out of spite and pettiness.

In the words of Granny Apple smith, “It was better to be pissed off and petty then to be dead.” And Applejack has lived by those words all her life. Besides she needs that damn lying bitch to get out of here alive. Once she’s out. Revenge. Maybe she should listen more of what they’re saying but it hurts so much. So, so damn much. Wonder how Apple Bloom would feel to hear that she died right now? Probably would finally cry or not. That filly wouldn’t cry for nothing. Refuses to even. Hehe that’s her sister, always trying to be tuff.

By Celestia, she was tried. The pain was nearly gone. Maybe she’ll watch the sparkly gold threads that sewing up her hide. Also, the singing was nice. Whatever male was singing should be famous for singing. His voice was orgasmic! So beautiful!

“Pffff… Sorry, but hahaha.” Who’s laughing? Why did the singing stop? “Ahh, blast it to Void, now I need to start again. Stupid, Sombra, you need to stop reading other being’s thoughts. I t gets you into trouble. Pfff… sorry… Haha… So sorry…hehe.” The singing resumed after a few more fits of giggles. Well at least somepony was having fun. What a damn minute did he say Sombra? No, that can’t be what she heard. Sombra is the enemy. He… He… He saved her life more times she could repay. Right. This Sombra was not the bad guy. On the other hoof King Sombra was a complete ass and he needs a quick kick to the head. Or nuts. Whichever’s closer.

“Ouch, Female, I need those! Please do not go anywhere near my nether regions.” The once singing voice pleaded. A deep cackling boomed across the room; startling Applejack awake. Deep ruby red eyes surrounded by obsidian and ivory fur filled her vision. Mirth danced in the red depths as they gave her a wink. Annoyance replaced the mirth as the red eyes turn toward the laughing cat.

“Really?” Rumbled the male. She really needed to remember his name but for the life of her she couldn’t. “Really, Grandparent, do you not have decorum? Or any decency?”

“Nope.” Came the straight answer. “Prey tell why you care so much about this pony who cursed you and your name even after I showed her past. If it was up to me, I would leave her there to die. You, my insolent grandson, are too soft hearted. Maybe that’s why my friend has been shattered six different times.”

Grandparent? Grandson? She really missed or forgot a lot! Who? What? Huh? Pity pierced through Applejack’s heart as she watched his teeth grind. Anger flared up inside his ruby eyes, staring down at the Cat.



“I have a question for you.” He grounded out through his clenched teeth.“In the trillions upon trillions of years of your existence, could you grant me this tiny favor? Shut. The. Fuck. Up!”


I smiled as I felt the soft breath of my mate on my chest. Her little snores brought joy to my weathered heart. She snorted as I snuggled closer to her. I must have tired her out last night. I hope I was gentle enough for her first time. I wanted to go longer but she passed out. Ah well. We got plenty of time for that. I’m just happy to just cuddle with her. I’m not one for cuddling, but I just can’t help myself with Midnight. I nuzzled the fur in-between her ears. It’s the softest spot on her head. So soft. So sweet. I just can’t get enough of her lemongrass and lavender smell.

A little tune started to play in my head, so I started to hum it. As the beat and tempo picked up, I started to sing under my breath,

“Taken, through the open
To faceless, disarray
Crowded hallways, filled with colors
And rooftops, where giants play
In streets, we heard a calling
A house where, summers show
Burnt feet, and cities sprawling
But I will never go, I will never go
But I will never go, I will never go
Stay, in my shelter
Beneath, a bed of stone
Though tides, pull me under
I'll be carried, carried home
Grey shorelines, break the silence
With songs of rivers flow
And I see you, cross the ocean
But I will never go, I will never go”

“That’s pretty,” Midnight mumbled under her breath. She cracked an eyelid open, showing me her beautiful amethyst eyes. A sleepy smiled adorned her face. “Where did you learn that?”

“My mother taught me the song.” I answered as I nuzzled her head. “Said that she learned it from the Kinkus a long time ago. She used to sing it to me when she thought I had my head in a book to long. Hehe. Then she would proceed to drag me to someplace to eat and demand me to socialize with the being all around us. Stating something about growing warts on my butt from sitting too much. I do not know.”

“Sounds like you had a great relationship with your mother.” She mumbled into my chest. “Sombra, why is it that your chest is so dang comfy? It is like laying on a cloud that smells of cinnamon and cloves.”

“Umm… I… umm… ahh… I have no answer to that, Love,” I stammered. I felt heat rise into my cheek. Am I embarrassed? Me? No. Not me. I never get embarrassed. Time to change the subject. “Midnight, are you feeling any pain or discomfort right now?” By Harmony, I hope not. I hope I was not to ruff with her. But I will be the first to admit I felt that I did get carried away. But…

“Maybe a little bit, but nothing your purring can’t fix.” She said. “Just keep doing what you are doing right now and everything will be alright.” Her jaw cracked with force of her yawn. “I’m going to sleep some more because I got the greatest bed right her and I do not want to move.”

I chuckled as I pulled her closer, “Alright, fy un bach I, I will not let you move from you cozy ‘bed’. Still don’t know how I got demoted from mate to bed though.”

“It’s part of the job description.” Her voice muffled by my fur. “You are Sombra the First Born, mate and comfy bed of Midnight Star. Just out of curiosity does my last name changes to First Born or what?”

“First Born?”

“Yeah, because I don’t know your last name. So is my name going to be Midnight First Born or Midnight Star? Because that’s going to keep me up all night until I get the answer to it.”

“Well do you want to hear my full name?” I whispered in her ear. I felt her shiver. Then her head suddenly shot up. Her eyes narrowed.

“Yes, I would love to know your full name!” She huffed. “That is why I asked. Now I will not be able to go to sleep unless you tell me! Please? Please? Please?”

“Fiiiiine, I’ll do it since you begged so nicely,” I smiled while I booped her nose, “my full name is Seren Dywyll Somber O Gytgord.” She blink her pretty amethyst eyes at me. And now I’m beginning to feal self-conscious. I started to squirm as the silence continued to drag on.

“Soooo, your first name is Seren?” She finally asked after the quiet was getting to be too much for me. I squinted my eyes. She tilted her head at me.

“No, it is Sombra.”

“But you said that your full name is Seren Dywyll Somber O Gytgord. So, by that logic your first name is Seren. So, you’re one of the those who goes by their middle name because they are embarrassed by their first name? Right?” Midnight said. Her hooves made elaborate gestures with every word she spoke. It was kind of cute. But I had to set the record start. Least my mate would become confused.

“No, my first name is Sombra,” I corrected her, “the reason being is because my full name means A Somber Dark Star of Harmony. That’s how the old language gave out names. Names were first used as titles and mine was the longest. I could go by Seren but I’ve been called Sombra for so long now that I will lose all of my achievements in the history records if I do. Do you understand?”

Her eyes narrowed, “That doesn’t make sense!”

“It does.”

“No, Seren, it do not!” She said as she tapped on my chest. Cute.

“Not my n—” A loud crack interrupted my cute banter time with my mate. I was enjoying that. Grrrr… What in Harmony’s green earth was going on. Midnight’s head turned towards the door so fast that I was afraid that she might get whiplash. Or snap her neck. I don’t want that. I cringed at the thought. Midnight scrambled off me, knocking the breath out of me in the process. After a second I inhaled, picking up the scent of lavender, lemongrass, and...I sniffed again...peaches? Oh so faint but still noticeable.... Noticeably attached to Midnight's scent?. I used my magic to grab Midnight before she got to far.

“H-hey, hey!” She squeaked in protest. “Seren, what are you doing?” I ignored her and stuck my nose into her belly. The smell of peaches was strong there. It fought with her natural sent of lemongrass and lavender but it was rapidly becoming a heady sent.

“Not my name,” my muffled voiced answered, “my name is not Seren. It is Sombra. And your sent changed.” Peaches. Why peaches? Why did her sent change? And just only at her stomach? This would keep me up at night.

“M-my w-what?” She stammered. “My what changed?”

“Sent. Your unique smell.” I said. “It usually lavender and lemongrass but now I’m getting the smell of peaches also but only around your stomach.”

“And that’s why you stuck your nose near my private area?” She asked while she started to play with my mane.

“Your what?” I couldn’t help but tease. She was so fun to mess with. Ow! The little minx pulled my mane!

“You know what I mean!”

“No, no I do not. Not at all. Midnight, my love, Light of my life, where pray tell is my nose near?” Hehe. “I thought we established what it was called last night. Did you happened to forget what it was called.”

“N-no I did n-not.” She stammered. “I am not calling it that outside the bedroom.”

“And where are we, Hmm?”

“Grrrr… the bedroom.” She mumbled. Oh, this was too easy. Hehe.

“What? I can’t hear you.” I said with a smile. I felt her twitch against my mouth. That makes me want lick her again. Make her squirm.

“WE’RE IN THE BEDROOM! ARE YOU HAPPY!” She yelled. “Now why is your mouth near my p-p… that place!”

“You said it last night and besides you weren’t complaining last time I had my mouth here.” Hehe to easy.

“W-well the door is opened now!” I let go in surprise and she scrambled off me again. I got up from the bed and padded over to the door. Huh she was right the branches are gone now. We can go out now. I honestly don’t know how I feel about this development. Was Harmony watching? Oh, Void, I hope not. Well since we are free, she’s so going to get an ear full about locking me in a room. I followed the happy clip-clops of mate down the hallway. A smile graced my lips as I listened to her little cheery whistled tune. She was so cute when she got like this. I chuckled as she started to skip.

“What are you whistling, honey,” Look at me trying new nicknames. I’m branching out. She turned her head and gave me the side eye. “What am I whistling?” she smiled, “It is call ‘The Singer and the Lyer’. My mom used to sing me that whenever I got sad. Kinda ironic considering it’s an absolutely sad song, but the tune is up beat!”

I chuckled, “Ok, fair enough, Sweetheart, maybe one day you will sing for me?”

“Sure!” She chirped. She went back to whistling her tune.

“I look forward to it,” the smile on my lips soften at the display. I caught up to her and directed her towards the garden. Why? Because we’ve been inside way too long and I wanted to feel the sun on my face. She just looked up to me and shook her head. The wind tickled my face when I stepped outside. A smiled danced on Midnight’s face as raced ahead of me. I laughed as chased after her. We raced around the jeweled willow trees, laughing like giggling fouls. I hid behind a blue leaf willow tree, waiting to strike. The crystalline bark slightly blinded my left eye as lay in wait for my mate. My ears swiveled towards the soft hoof steps towards my right. Her soft giggles reached my ears as she drew closer. My smiled widen as I prepared to pounce.

“Sombra?” Her sweet voice echoed through the leaves. “Are you hiding? I thought we were playing chase. Where…” As she passed the tree I pounced, cutting off what she was about to say. She squealed as I tackled her to the ground. I was extra careful in making sure her head didn’t hurt her head. I rolled in the emerald grass with her in my arms. I laid on my back with her on my stomach. Her amethyst eyes twinkled with mirth. And I just couldn’t hold it in. I gently her head closer to mine and softly pressed my lips to hers. Our lips slowly moved in harmony. I slipped my tongue into her mouth tasting, savoring her taste. No need to hurry we have eternity. I’m going to enjoy this here and now.

The sound of a branch braking sounded the alarms in my head. I flipped us abruptly over, crouching over the ground. Before she could make a squeak, I cast a silencing spell so that whoever was trespassing on my property wouldn’t know what hit them. I felt Midnight’s tiny hooves pounding at my chest. I swiveled my ears to listen to the incoming intruder. Their hoof steps crept closer.



In the count of three I will strike

One. My wings burst into flames.

Two. My teeth grew shaper.
