• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,870 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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The Wilderness

The Wilderness


“Do not worry, I will set you free, little Wolfling.”

Lester looked over his shoulder to find a cat with black fur that shone through the purple haze. It stood on its hind legs and held its forelegs behind its back. Its belly and feet were white like fresh fallen snow. It wore a purple cloak with a dark blue border held up by a black spade clasp. The cat smiled disarmingly at Lester. Suspicion flooded Lester’s senses, and pain blossomed in his bottom lip where he had bitten it. His trusting nature had gotten him into this devastating situation, and it seemed that his nature would do nothing to get him out of it.

“You do not trust me.” The calming voice of the cat frazzled Lester’s nerves even more. “Is it because this crystalline prison made you lose hope? It made you watch as your friends died, one by one, in the lights of the tower. More than that it made you believe that you were responsible. Am I right?”

“How did you know?” Lester asked as he sat up straighter.

“How do I know?” they reiterated. “I know because I have seen this torture done to countless other souls. The crystalline towers are powered by the despair and hopelessness of its prisoners. These towers made by the alicorn are used as a gateway to a certain location. These crystals are more efficient then teleporting, in that they can allow hundreds to thousands of souls through.”

Hope rose inside Lester’s chest as he asked, “So, my friends are not dead? I didn’t massively screw up and killed everyone?”

“No,” they said simply. “A battle is raging, and a siege is underway. You have been trapped in this crystal for months and there’s no end in sight. Starvation and sickness runs rampant inside the haven. It is only a matter of time before they are all wiped out. I am here to collect you, so that you may be able to have a better next life. My partner is fighting the alicorns. They are fighting them so I will be able to deliver you to Void. We need to go now, Ychydig Blaidd.”

“What about my friends?” Panic started to set in as the cat got closer to Lester. He tried to edge away from the casually walking cat, “Who will save them?” He tasted his fear like acid pouring down his throat. His eyes shifted from side to side looking for a way out but was boxed in by the crystal walls. His fur stood at end as his teeth began to chatter.

“Do not worry about them.” The hypnotic and soothing voice slowed Lester’s escape enough for the cat to come close, “For they will receive better life in the next. It is time for you to rest. Peace, be at peace.”

A sense of peace came over Lester when the cat touched him. Everything was going to be alright. It didn’t matter that his friends were dying. Nor did it matter that he had watched the bloody deaths of his friends, or that he now fits inside of the strange cat’s paws. Everything… was… fine. He was finally at peace.

The cat jumped through the wall of his prison like it was nothing. The realization that he should feel the wind crossed his mind, but he push the thought away. Too much thinking. As they fell Lester saw a pure white cat going toe-to-toe with a fleet of alicorns and winning. Not a drop of blood of the slain appeared on its pristine white coat. Lester watched in amazement as the cat used its long thin silver blade to cut down its opponents, while doing flips and somersaults in the air. His eyes became round as he watched the white cat seemingly taunt the aggressors.

The white cat turned around when Lester and his ride landed on the ground. The white cat ran up to them and started to speak but Lester could not understand what they were saying. They spoke in another language. Why should he care? Everything was fine. He was at peace. Nothing was going to harm he anymore. He was finally able to rest.


“Cactus. Bird. Cactus.” Sigh. I counted as I watched it go by.

“Cactus. Bird. Cactus.” Sigh. Sand and dead grass also litter the scenery. But I didn’t count those because that would be ludicrous. There was nothing to see out here! Cacti and grass and sand and birds. Boring.

“Wait! No. Cactus. Bird. Cactus.” Sigh. I am bored. And I am not allowed to walk so says the Neigh-sayer. Grr…

“Midnight?” Mr. Neigh-sayer asked. Riding on his back is not comfortable. He sounds annoyed. Maybe if I annoy him enough, he would put me down? Let’s see

“Cactus. Tree. Cactus.” Sigh. Let the annoying commence!

“Midnight, can you please stop?” Sombra asked. He shook his head in annoyance. Perfect!

“Cactus. Bee. Cactus.” Sigh. Ooo… Something new!

“I get it… there’s a lot of cacti.” Sombra growled, “Now can you please stop with the counting?”

“Cactus. Sand. Cactus.” Sigh. Bored!

“One more time, Midnight, and I will put a muzzle on you.”

“Cactus. Bird. Cactus.” Sigh. Is it working?

“Fine you brat! You asked for it!”

“Cact—Mmmph! MMMMPPPHH!!!”

He put a muzzle on me!! How dare he! I will show him.

“No, you will not,” Sombra stated. “I simply wants some peace and quite so I may concentrate! It is especially important that I can cast this locater spell. And to do that I must have TOTAL SILENCE! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!”

Well then. He did not need to yell though. But I see his point. He needs total silence. And that means I need to shut the heck up. By Harmony I miss my cuss words. Now what?

Sombra’s been broody ever since last night and now I can’t even talk! This is so unfair. Ugh… boring scenery counting commence. I can’t believe it didn’t work. All well. Cactus. Cactus. Sigh. Cactus. Cactus. Sigh. Where are the birds? Cactus. Cactus. Bird. Ooh there they are! Hello! Cactus. Cactus. Cat. Sigh…


And there she goes at it again. Concentrate, Sombra now is not the time get distracted. The Space Manipulation spell will continue to cast by itself. We are making great… progress, for the average pony would have taken weeks to traverse this desert but for me it was a matter of hours. It does not help that Midnight was counting every single cactus that she saw. I love her, but by Harmony’s mane, does she get on my everlasting nerve.

Unfortunately, we lost time some time when I gave her that birthday picnic. On the other hoof, the locket that I gave her looks good on her. She refuses to take it off ever since I clasped it around her neck. Her smile outshone the sun when she saw it. I want to see her smile for the rest of eternity. But she will not smile again if her nightmares become true. I will not let that happen. I swear on my immortal soul that Midnight will live, and our child will grow up to be strong and independent. Wait… Wait a minute… I am going to have a child! I am going to be a father!

Midnight tapped me on the shoulder. I twisted my head around. “Yes?”

She pointed to the muzzle that prevented her from speaking. I felt a little sheepish, suddenly remembering that I put it on her. So, I cast it off and asked, “What is it that you want?”

“Why have we stopped?” She asked as she tilted her head. I blinked twice at her.

“We have?” I inquired as confusion settled in my bones. “I did not realize we stopped.”

“Yes, we did. What I want to know is why.” She made a point.

“I do not know why I stopped,” I pondered. “I would wager a guess that I got lost in thought. Do not worry it won’t happen again.” I started to walk again. I cannot become distracted again. Harmony was counting on me to find her. If not… I do not want to think about that. I will not let that happen.

“Sooo… Sombra?” Midnight asked as twirled her hoof in the air. “How long have we’ve been walking- I mean you’ve been walking for?”

“Let me think,” I answered, “I believe for a few hours. We are almost to a small village. Canter? Canville? Oh! Canterlot is what it is called. In about an hour I wager we will be there.”

“Canterlot? That’s a weird name,” Midnight laughed.

“Yes it is.” I grinned, “But not as weird as the name of a town I saw in my mirror. I saw in the future there will be a town call Ponyville,” I said with a smile, “Now that is weird name to call town.”

“What? A town that is only filled with only ponykind?” She asked. “There’s no Wild Beings in that town? By the way, Sombra, how does your mirror work? You never let me near it.”

“Ponyville consisted of only ponykind,” I answered. “And how my mirror works is by showing different dimensions to me. It also shows me different futures. The catch is that I am not in it. I can see the future, just not my own. That is why I am unable to see your future. Believe me I have tried.” It is fine by me. I do not see nor want a future without her. I smiled at thought of having a family with her. It was too good to be to true.


“What?” Shocked, I stumbled a little. Midnight righted herself on my back. “What did you say?”

“You heard me,” she said, “I called you nosy. Who gave you the right to look in the future? In my opinion, the future is supposed to be a mystery and only for the gods to know. And it is rude to look in somepony’s future. That is why I don’t go to soothsayers. Other than the fact that they are a bunch of quacks and liars.”

“Ok, Midnight,” I chuckled, “whatever you say.”

“You do not believe me!” she yelled.

“Ow,” I winced. “Please don’t yell in my ear.”


“All is forgiven,” I said as shook my head to make the ringing go away. “I do believe you. I just do not agree with you. And I am not about to argue with you.”

“Fair point. Oooh… what’s that?” She asked excitedly as she stepped on my head.

“MIDNIGHT?” I warned.

“Oh! sorry.” She got down from my head. I feel a headache coming on.

“Thank you,” I nodded, “What is what?”

“That!” I think Midnight pointed. I could not tell. I don’t have eyes on the back of my head or anything.

“I don’t see what it is you are pointing at,” I let a little frustration in my voice. “you are on my back, fy nghariad bac.”

“Oh,” she said. Out the corner of my eye I see her hoof. I turned my head to see where she was pointing at. Off in the distance to my right I saw a silhouette of a village. I enhanced my vision to it better. It turned out that I was going in the wrong direction. Sigh.

“That is Canterlot,” I said with resigned sigh, “I was going in the wrong direction.”


It took me another six hours to arrive at Canterlot. The sun was setting, and the town looked as if it were coming to life. The night market was alive and well here. The clatter and the chatter of the townsfolk started to aggravate my headache. Along with the weight of the journey suddenly crash into my bones, I have decided that I did not want to deal with another being. All I want is a warm bed and a fresh meal. Unfortunately for me, my passenger had different ideas.

“A night market!” Midnight squealed loudly in my ear, “I haven’t seen one in forever! Sombra can please go?” She started to tug on my ear, begging to go.

“Sombra?” Tug.

“Can we please go?” Tug.

“PLEASE?” Tug. Tug.

“Midnight- ow- will you please stop tugging my ear,” I gritted through my teeth as she tugged my ear. That made my headache worse “It really hurts when you do that.”

“Sorry,” she responded, “But I really want to go to the night market!”

I sighed. “I know, but all I want to do is to find a nice inn and go to sleep. You cannot go to the night markets without me and that is final. I do not want to hear any more about this.”



It took him forever, but he did find an inn. The inn itself was a cozy little two-story building made of red colored wood. Ivy crawled up the front covering the two stained glass windows. The inside was cheery with its cream walls and plants in every corner. A mini bar was across from the front desk in the back. The pony who was ponying the front desk was a purple earthpony. She was very cheerful and not at all frighten of Sombra. Are the ponies here not afraid of alicorns?

Sombra didn’t refused put me down until we were in the room. Even then, he just plopped me on the bed. Before I could even attempt to leave, he lays on the bed and pulled me close to him. And I am back into the Sombra furnace. He has done this every night since the attack. I usually don’t complain, but tonight I do. I try to wiggle out of his arms, but he pulled me closer.

“Please stop. Let me sleep,” he mumbled in my neck. So I did. I waited until he was snoring and then I got out of his arms. I won’t take too long. I would in be and out. Maybe buy some few things. Yeah. I will get Sombra something nice. It’s only fair since he gave me this phoenix locket. I simply love it! In all honesty this was the finest thing I have ever owned. So I must repay this kindness. For that reason alone, the night market was a perfect opportunity.

I snuck out the window on the second floor. And let me tell you ivy does not make for a good ladder. I got a few bruises for falling down the last few paces. I really hope that Sombra didn’t hear my fall. That wouldn’t end well. I booked it as fast as I could down the street. I rounded the corner after few minutes of running, I heard the tale-tell of night market chatter. A grin formed on my face as the voices got louder and I continued on.

The night market was in full swing by the time I got there. Excitement ran through me as I gazed at the Night market. Red and yellow hanging lanterns were strung up between the shops in the town’s square. Booths with gizmos and gadgets and trinkets and other curios were neatly line up in front of the shops. Wild Beings and ponykind all were mingling and buying different things. This, this was what I missed. Every creature that Harmony made coexisting in, well… harmony. Hehe. This always brought a smile to my face.

“Let’s see,” I mumbled to myself. “I have a few bits from my last monthly allowance. Wait a minute. Sombra forgot to give it to me. Ah, well. I’ll bug him when we get back from this trip. Now if I only spend a couple of bits, then I’ll have enough for the way back! But I have to get Mom a souvenir. But I want to get Sombra something nice. But mom. But Sombra? How can I –“

It happened so fast I didn’t realize that I was falling on the ground. I guess that I get for being lost in thought.

“I am so sorry,” a small gentle voice said above my head, “I did not see you.”

“Naw, it’s ok,” I waved the voice off as I tried to get up. “I should have been paying attention. Sorry ‘bout that.” A dark blue hoof intruded upon my point of view. I took the offered hoof and they helped me to my hooves.

“Thank you,” I said to the dark blue unicorn, “My name is Midnight. What is yours?”

“My name is Luna. It is pleasure to meet you, Midnight,” Luna smiled. I noticed that her teeth looked a little different. The teeth looked as if they been filed down. But I must be imagining things.

“Is something wrong?” She asked as she titled her head.

“No, I just spaced out,” I said as I shook my head to clear it. She smiled again.

“So,” Luna said, “What brings you to Canterlot? I have never seen you before. I make my personal goal to know every being here!”

“I’m traveling with my companion,” I said. “who is asleep right now and would probably be mad if he found out that I snuck out. Hehe.”

“Oh,” she said. “why did you sneak out?”

“Easy. I wanted to go to the night market and he didn’t. So I snuck out.”

“I did the same with my sister.” She laughed. “Except I teleported here from home back by the Everfree forest.”

“Wait! You teleported?” I asked in shock, “The alicorns didn’t see you, did they?”

“No, I do not think so,” Luna admitted. She gave me a befuddled look. “But why would that be a problem here? We do not become angry if a unicorn teleports. That only happens in Harmonia and its many provenances. Wait! Are you from Harmonia?” Excitement flashed in her eyes. She started to jump up and down.

“Yes, I am,” I chuckled at her antics, “What do you mean the alicorns won’t be angry if you teleport or do magic?”

“Well we are not insane like the alicorns of Harmonia if that is what you are asking. Our laws are in line with what Harmony put in her accords. Since you are here, do you want to go shopping with me?”

“Yes!” I shouted with joy. “Let’s go!” I raced past her as I ran towards the nearest booth. I heard her behind me laughing as she ran. For the next hour we ran from one booth to another. One was staffed by a Kinku who was selling these beautiful fabrics. I shocked Luna and the Kinku when I mentioned the time, I met Zepha. I miss her. I wonder what she’s doing right now. I bet she’s doing fine. I’ll ask Sombra if we can see her afterwards.

It was so nice of Luna to buy me a beautiful green scarf. She insisted that I should have it. She wouldn’t take no for answer. I was putting in my dingy old bag when I heard flapping over my head. I looked up to find a white alicorn with a rainbow mane rushing down. The alicorn landed with a thud. Light lavender eyes flashed with anger. I started to backpedal. I could not, no-- would not go through what happened on the Mane!

“L-Luna…” I stammered. It’s happening again. I’ve got to get Luna out of here! I was preparing to run when they walked up to Luna. I became really confused.

“LUNA!” They shrieked. “You ran away again! Why must you do this to me! I was so worried about you.”

“Sister,” Luna calmly answered. Wait a minute. Sister? “If you would stop babying me then I would not run away! I made a new friend. Is that not what you wanted? Me to make friends, no?”


“I would not have run away if you would stop badgering me, Celestia!” She repeated. I really am starting to become uncomfortable. I started to walk backwards when all of the sudden…

“MISS MIDNIGHT STAR, YOU ARE IN BIG TROUBLE WHEN I FIND YOU!” A very- angry Sombra- like voice yelled over the crowd. Oh, no.

Luna!” I whisper-shouted as I tapped her flank.

“Not now, Midnight, I am busy,” she said as turn her head towards me, “What is it? What is wrong?” Her eyes widen when she saw the terror in my eyes.

“Luna!” Celestia shouted

“Not now, Celestia! My friend needs me!” She turned towards me. Her eyes flash with concern as she gave me her full attention. Luna’s head tilted to the side. “What is wrong?”

“My companion is…” I began to say…

“There you are.” Sombra growled

Oh, no.