• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,871 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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Rember [edited]

(Present: Crystal Kingdom)

Fluttershy flew to the infirmary. She couldn’t get there fast enough. The others were hot on her heels. Spike and Rainbow Dash were found at the bottom of the crater that suddenly appeared. Spike was barely recognizable, half of his dragon body a charred mess. On the other hoof, Dash was not. When she was found, she was a pile of bloody, breathing, bony flesh. The only thing that was recognizable was her lightning bolt cutie mark, and that was after the paramedics cleaned up the blood. Unfortunately, Dash and Spike were the only survivors found at the scene. At least that’s what Fluttershy heard.

Fluttershy, with her wings flapping at high speed, flew through the hospital’s doors, nearly crashing into a poor nurse.

“Sorry,” she whisper-yelled at the nurse whom she nearly ran over. ‘But you didn’t have to say those things.’ She thought as she finally made it to Dash’s room. Rarity was already there. ‘I can’t stop! I’m going too fast!’

Fluttershy flew straight into the wall. “Fluttershy! Oh, dear, are you alright?” Rarity exclaimed as she ran to her fallen friend.

“Yeah. I’m alright, Rarity,” Fluttershy answered as Rarity helped her up from the ground. “How is Rainbow Dash doing? I’ve already seen Spike. He’s already walking around asking for Twilight. What are we going to tell him?”

“The truth, darling, that Twilight is missing,” Rarity answered softly. “As for Dash, well, have a look for yourself.” Rarity stepped out of Fluttershy’s view. A mummy lay on the bed with blood stains all over its coverings.

“Is she alive?” Fluttershy murmured as she stared at the unmoving mass.

“Fortunately, she is,” the white unicorn answered the yellow pegasus. “The good news is that Princess Celestia is coming. And she has a spell to help Rainbow Dash.”

“That’s good,” whispered Fluttershy with tears in her eyes. “Princess Celestia will heal her.”

“Yes, yes she will.”


‘I’M LATE!’ An ice blue unicorn mare with an ocean blue mane and tail with a light blue stripe tied up in hastily made buns. A sign she worked for an Alicorn.

A ghostly purple Alicorn appeared beside the mare running alongside her before she began to get pulled into the mare starting to hear the mare’s thoughts while seeing what she did.


The cobblestone clacked as I raced down the street. The word late rang through my head as I crashed through the busy streets of the dense city known as Harmonia. ‘I’m going to be transferred for sure! This was going to be… what, the third time this week that I had been late? A’stavera didn't like tardiness, and I had already been late three times this week! Why, oh why did I have to live all the way across town? This job was going to be the death of me. Jeez!’ I thought in panic.

I huffed and puffed all the way down Mane Street. She yelled a quick hi to the baker. He was a great earth pony, too bad the Alicorns pretty much hated him. Well not him specifically, but earth ponies in general. Even though Harmony said everyone was made equal and to treat each of us that way, the general Alicorn population thought earth ponies were no better than bugs. ‘I'm lucky I was born a unicorn. At least we unicorns have magic and are treated like servants instead of cattle like the pegasi.’ I idly thought to myself.

A scream pierced the air. I looked up and saw a pegasus flying as fast as she could as two Alicorns chased her through the sky. Their magic looked ready to kill. I went back to running. ‘There’s nothing to see here. Just a normal day in Harmonia.’ Damn it! Why did they make her land here of all places? ‘Happy thoughts, Midnight. Think happy thoughts, you can do this.’ Oh god!

The poor green pegasus screamed, “I was only trying to provide for my family. Please have mercy!” She tried to wriggle her way out from underneath the grey Alicorn’s foot.

The grey one just laughed. “Well then, little sheep, you should not have stolen those apples. Am I right, Jorno?” he said as he looked at his partner. Jorno just smiled, showing his dagger-like teeth. His dark blue coat glistened in the sunlight as he circled the trembling pegasus. Oh, how the Alicorns liked their games. Why did Harmony make these things again?

“I think you are right, Zac’n,” Jorno replied. “What punishment shall we give this wayward sheep, hm?”

“Well,” Zac’n answered, “since she stole from us, I think the punishment should be her wings!” At this the green pegasus renewed her efforts to get away. For what is a pegasus without her wings? Dirt. No better than an earth pony. An outcast.

The Alicorns just laughed at her plight.

“What a great idea, Zac’n!” Jorno said (he seemed to get off on this stuff), “let’s take her wings! I mean, it’s only fair right?”


“NO, PLEASE! HARMONYPLEASEHELPME! MAKETHEMSTOP!” she screamed to the heavens in hopes the Creator would hear her plea. But no pony answered. And no pony came. ‘This is why I hate coming to the main street. I run into Alicorns asserting their dominance on us lesser beings. At least no one died today. Unless I’m late to that, too.’

The Alicorns’ horns flashed, their magic coming to light. A force field surrounded them and the pegasus so that her blood wouldn’t splatter all over the place. Yeah, they were courteous like that. Grey and blue magic grabbed hold of her wings as the Alicorns backed away from her. They made eye contact with each other and smiled. Then they started to pull. Her tortured screams, I’d swear, could be heard all the way to The Grand Neptune’s Lake. And that’s five leagues in the opposite direction. Slowly her wings were rent from her body. Rivers of red stained green fur. Slowly, the white of bone was exposed to the elements. ‘Til finally…


The pegasus’s bones snapped in two. Ripping the wings off her body, the Alicorns grinned evilly. Blood painted the cobblestones as the once proud pegasus wept for her lost wings. To add insult to injury, the Alicorns kicked her to the ground, bathing her in her own blood. Laughing, they waved her wings about like flags, yelling at an earth pony to clean up the mess. I would have moved around this mess. However, when the Alicorns wanted to teach a lesson, usually with either a pegasus or an earth pony, but fortunately not a unicorn (how else were they going to keep their fancy palace clean?), everyone was required to watch. And I mean everyone. Or everyone got punished. Better one pony’s wings than all ponies’ lives.

If Harmony was here, it would be a different story. But she wasn’t here. ‘And now I’m later than before.’ Great. Just great. Now I was screwed up a tree and twice as fucked. So, I started running. Again.

After dodging traffic and weaving through carts, I finally made it to A’stavera’s outlandish home. And this place was by far the most ridiculous place I had ever seen. Considering I’d been to two others, that was saying something. So, to start off, the place rose to five floors. And the windows were placed randomly. For example, one of the windows was carelessly tossed in-between floors. I could see the actual floor of one story and the ceiling of the one above. And the whole place was a lewd, garish pink! Not a calming pink. Oh, no. This horrid color was the definition of an in-your-face-detestable-I-am-Pink kind of pink which could cause bile to rise up in your throat. The inside was even more of a mess since it was a freaking labyrinth! And this insanity came from one of the Alicorns of Order! What the hay! I had to have a map the first time I got here. After three flights of stairs going up and down, forty-four twists and turns, and a freaking riddle I had to solve, I finally made it to A’stavera’s chambers. Goody.

Exasperated, I huffed and puffed as I pushed the heavy oak door open, praying to Harmony that the “orderly” Alicorn was still asleep. Well, I guess not. Aw, sh…



The mare felt herself get pulled from the small unicorn through the air, watching the sun move backwards and getting slammed into the familiar hunched over form of Sombra writing at a desk just as another Alicorn phased through the office door with a silvery ever changing coat and hair. She gave a small wink at the ghostly mare as she melded with Sombra’s thoughts.


“You could, I don’t know, socialize more?” A voice suggested from the doorway.

I slammed the feather pen down on the oaken desk at which I was working. I blew a black and red tipped strand of hair out of my face as I turned towards the most infuriating, most bothersome, *sigh* most lovable, and kindest being in all of Harmonia.

“Well, hello to you, Harmony,” I snapped back as I searched for the pen which had fallen onto the floor. Why did they do that? It’s not like this was one of those ball-point pens that those bipeds used in other dimensions. So annoying.

“Harrumph,” she answered back, “Can you tell me again why you decided to sequester yourself within your chambers all day and not socialize?” She asked as she trotted around my study. Her silvery coat flashed purple, blue, orange, pink, yellow, and white - just these colors, nothing else and in that exact order.

“Did you notice you just answered your own question,” I countered feeling smug. With her, that feeling never lasted long. Harmony had the special gift of making the proud very humble very quickly.

“Really, my little pony?” She raised her eyebrow. “How so?”

“Socializing,” I enunciated each syllable. “I do not socialize. Those alicorns you made really burned it out of me. ‘Oh, look at me, I am a pretty little pony! Watch me prance!’ ‘Oh, look at my wings! Are they not gorgeous? I am better than you are so I am allowed to make your life miserable,’” I sung, mocking the stupid alicorns as I fluttered around my beautiful study, making a full circuit around Harmony. When I was finished, I just stared at her.

“Well they are not fulfilling their role, are they?” Harmony asked with an almost rhetorical tone. “They are not acting like the servants I had envisioned them to be, and they are not serving nor protecting my children. I know this, and their time is coming, but that time is not today.”

“I am a Demigod,” I started to say but rethought my words when Harmony lifted up one of her four wings.

“Sombra, you are my first creation, my own son in the flesh, the only Demigod. I made this world for you, so you would not be lonely. I created the unicorns for you to teach the ways of magic. I made the pegasi with which you could soar the skies and teach them to help control the disasters. Lastly the earth ponies are yours to protect, teach, and guide in the ways of the very earth they walk and the nature they help guide and grow. You cannot do any of that when you are stuck in your study day and night, all alone! And don’t you dare give me that face, young stallion! I am still your mother!” Harmony stated at first sounding wise before devolving to that of a typical mother scolding their college age child to get out of the house and get a job.

“What face?” I asked, bewildered. I could swear, this woman spiraled further into insanity by the day!

“That look you get when you think I am loopier than the knots on my ceremonial dress. Yes, I am bat crap crazy. And no, I don't care. I get to say whatever I want! I am old, thank you very much.” She stated this as she gave me The Look.

“Bat Crap crazy?” I repeated in a deadpan voice.

“Shut up. I can say whatever I want!” She retorted with a slight blush. “I have to be creative with my ‘foul language’ or you will go into a temper tantrum. Come on, it's time for lunch, my treat.”

I just smiled. She was always like this. Coming into my study, nagging about how I should socialize more, and then treating me to lunch. And after that she would leave me alone the rest of the day. And now I just had to wait it out. Sweet alone time, here I come!

“So, I got some news for you!” she sang in her ‘I know you are not going to like this voice.’ And believe me, she’s used this voice a lot. But I love her. She was the best thing that ever happened to me. Well, considering that she created me and that, if some pony asked her, she would say I was a grumpy teenager. Whatever that meant.

“And pray tell, what is this news?” I humored her, knowing that if I did not, she would wait for me to relent and ask her what she knew anyway. Of course, she would tell me anyway, but it would take a long time. And if there was information out there or news that I had not heard, then I needed to hear it. Or Crazy Town would welcome a new inhabitant. “The suspense is killing me,” I deadpanned.

“Well, looky there, some pony thinks he is all grown up since his 300th birthday. What sarcasm! I am so proud!” she smiled.

“Well, anyways, you know about the unicorn assistants, right? Right. And how you insist on not having one. Well, as of tonight you do! Don’t you dare give me that face. I expect you to treat her with all the respect you give me. Well, more than the respect you give me. Because she is the other half of your soul.”

“What? What do you mean by that?” I screamed. She had never told me that I only had half a soul. For three hundred years I only possessed half my soul? I was never complete? I thought that I was her perfect creation! What the Hades?

“Sombra, sweetie, it means that you will be the first god to be able to reproduce and have children,” she calmly stated.
“And I created everyone with a split soul so they can find their soulmate, their other half. Nothing is wrong with you. You will still be my first creation and my favorite son. And now you can have a family besides me.” Her calm, angelic voice washed over me, easing my doubts. “Better?”

I took a breath. “Yes.” I looked straight into her eyes and asked, “So, what’s her name?”

“Her name is…”


I cringed as I heard the Alicorn’s inevitable, entitled cry. “Midnight Star, you are late.” *sigh* “Again.” A’stavera called out to me across the sitting room. The room was ten paces across. Floor to ceiling windows dominated one wall of the room, framed with sheer pink curtains. All of the walls had been painted a pastel pink with hot pink daisies. The floor’s hot pink tiles were partially hidden by a pure white rug in the shape of a shield. Her furniture was a mismatch of various couches and loveseats in different shades of pink. All in all, this place looked wretched.

I emotionally hunkered down as she ranted. She went on and on about how I had been consistently late this week. And how bad I was at cleaning. To be fair to myself, her sitting room would’ve taken a whole ten-pony cleaning crew at least a week to clean, while she only gave me one day.

“However, Midnight, you are fantastic at magic,” A’stavera continued as she paced around me, “by far the best unicorn I have ever seen. I mean, if you were an Alicorn, you would be on the Council. That’s how good you are. But, sadly for you, you are a lonely, pathetic unicorn who couldn’t even do her job right. Because of that, you will never amount to anything. And to think that I, with my endless grace and mercy, took you in, gave you a job, fed you, and gave you a place in society. You went behind my back and gossiped and dragged my good name into the mud. Unacceptable! If it wasn't for Harmony stepping in and personally transferring you to another Alicorn, I would have cast you out myself, taking your horn for my collection! Now get out of my sight!”

At that she turned and slammed the door in my face. Good riddance – I didn’t like her anyways. She didn’t have to say those things to me. It wasn’t my fault that I was late… four times. Now I just had to find my way out of here before she decided to take my horn out of spite. This was going to be fun. I turned around and trotted out of the sitting room and back into the maze. Twist after twist, turn after turn, the infernal labyrinth didn’t seem to end until, finally, I made it out. The sun was setting over the Great Mountain as I made my way down the cobbled street.

I felt oddly detached from the situation. On one hoof, I should have been ecstatic that I was saved from her pink-colored torment, but on the other I should have felt afraid. Afraid that the next Alicorn master would be even worse than A’stavera. Afraid the new master would take my horn for being late on the first day or for breaking something of value. There was no telling what could happen. However, that concern was for tomorrow. Today I needed to get home without upsetting another Alicorn. Oh! And eat! I needed to eat. Maybe Mom would have some haycakes ready. Mmm, raspberry flavor! Or maybe blueberry?

“DON’T GO DOWN THE MANE!” A tan earth pony covered in blood sped down the cobblestone road. I ran into his path for more information. He skidded to a stop, panting like a Diamond dog on a hunt.

“Why? What’s going on?” I asked as he tried to catch his breath. I magicked some water and handed it to him. Thanking me, he gulped it down. When he finished, he said the worst thing I’d heard that day.

“They’re razing the Mane! Anypony who steps on that street is instantly torn apart! The street is literally a river of blood! Whatever you do, don’t go that way!” he gasped in a panic. “I need to warn more ponies!”

“Wait, why are they doing this?” I asked, fear lacing into my voice. This couldn’t be happening. I had to go down the Mane. It was the fastest way to get home. Not only that, I needed to be home before Curfew or I was going to end up like those ponies on the Mane!

“They’re saying somepony stole something from one of the High Alicorns!” he yelled as he ran toward the East Side. “Don’t get caught after Curfew!” He disappeared on the other side of an Alicorn store. A High Alicorn? That meant that somepony had stolen from an Alicorn on the Council. Why? Why would someone do something so foolish? The Mane was a bloodbath. I didn’t know what to do. The Mane was the only way I could get home before Curfew. And if they were razing that street, then I would be forced to find another route. Unless… No, that was illegal. But if I used that spell, I could arrive home and skip out on the Mane altogether! But what if I got caught? I’d be flogged for certain. That was a chance I’d have to take if I didn’t want to die.

A scream pierced my thoughts. Thanking Harmony for the distraction, I stopped myself from placing a hoof on the Mane. The earth pony was right! The cobblestone street was a veritable river of blood. The flag poles were decorated as if it was the winter solstice with entrails of unfortunate ponies. Decapitated heads graced the tops of the poles, frozen faces screaming the injustice of the Alicorns’ actions. Young, old, earth pony, unicorn, pegasus, it didn’t matter – all fell victim to the Alicorns’ wrath. And the Alicorns still had not spent their anger.

A unicorn tripped in front of me, splashing blood on me. He was screaming at me to run away before they could get me when a ruby-colored Alicorn landed behind him. Its dagger-like teeth flashed a bone-chilling sneer, like that of a predator finding its prey. With measured steps, the beast walked over to the unicorn. The unicorn turned, saw the danger, and tried to scamper away, but the predator just laughed. It laughed a laugh that will haunt me for years to come. Then it pounced.

It sank its teeth into the unicorn’s left flank, cackling as it tore leg from body, blood and sinew spraying in an arch before splattering on the ground. The beast proceeded to rip the unicorn apart with its teeth. I couldn’t turn away, even though I wanted to with every fiber of my being. The wet tearing sounds, the snapping of bones, and that blood-curdling scream would be forever etched into my memories. It kept the poor unicorn alive as it pulled out his entrails. Finally, after the longest ten minutes I’d ever experienced, the Alicorn ripped the poor pony’s head off, putting him out of his misery. The damned thing started to hum as it hung the pony’s intestines on the flagpoles. The head of the poor unicorn was displayed along with the other victims’.

I was so scared. I screamed. I screamed so loudly that the ruby Alicorn turned around and looked at me.

I did something illegal. Something bad.

I teleported.

I… I… I teleported. I teleported in front of an Alicorn! AN ALICORN ON A RAMPAGE! This was not good, not good at all. What was I going to do? I had to run away. No, I couldn’t do that. What about…?

“Midnight Star, drag yourself into our home before it is time for Curfew. Make haste!” My mother’s voice pierced my muddled thoughts. Right. Get inside, then worry about the teleportation spell later. I ran inside and greeted my mother on the way in. Her lilac eyes flashed with concern, but as soon as the concern showed, it was gone. She went straight to the kitchen.

The lemon cream walls of my home didn’t ease my anxiety like they had before. Instead they only seemed to make it worse! I started to pace back and forth on the same sandstone floor that everypony had. Only Alicorns could afford hardwood. Speaking of Alicorns, were they going to hunt me down and bring me in front of the Council for teleporting? Or were they going to drag me out of my family home and beat me in front of it? Or…



“Stop pacing! I fear you will walk a trench into my poor house… again,” Mom huffed. “Sit down and tell me what the matter is.” She nodded to our ancient table. The poor thing had so many scratches and dents that it barely looked like a table. But, it had been in our family for as long as I could remember. I had fond memories of sitting down with both of my parents and enjoying dinner together. Of course, that was before the last raze.

“Midnight?” Concern laced itself into my mother’s voice as she studied me with those lilac eyes. I’d always felt as though she had hoarded all the beauty to herself when she gave birth to me. But that was a vain thought to save for another day. I took a breath…

“Mom,” my voice was laced with guilt and fear, “I teleported. And I did it right in front of an Alicorn on the warpath. What should I do?”

My mother sighed. “I wish I knew,” she said, “I honestly cannot figure out the best solution. The reason you committed a crime was to flee from danger. And an Alicorn on the warpath is a good excuse. I suppose we must carry on, wait it out, and pray they forget the issue.”

‘Wait it out. We’d have to wait and see if they would take action. Oh, sweet Harmony, please let them forget this!’ I thought this mainly to myself.

“Here. Drink some tea, Midnight. It will calm…”




Author's Note:

Edited by Silverstone28001