• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,871 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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In the Dark of the Night [edited]

In the Dark of the Night


[Musical insert]

Deep in a cave as old as time itself the slowly rising times of musical instruments began to echo and increase in volume. Said music woke up an ancient being that had been asleep for over two hundred years.

“What’s happening down there?” he gripped as the instruments got louder. In the darkness of the room only lit by a few candles, the sillier of a stallion raised himself from what looked like a bed made of soft plush pillows and blankets. The stallion turned his head to the cracked open set of doors as his ears picked up the ever increasing music.

“There better be a good reason for interrupting my sleep! I’m coming down!” He called shrugging off a light blanket from his back. He stretched out his long legs, a pair of feathered wings spread from his back popping along the joints. Popping his neck the annoyed black alicorn stallion stomped his hooves as he lit his horn in a red aura swinging open the door, exited the obvious bedroom, turned right, and went down the stairs. He was hoping to alert the noise makers of his coming so they would stop. But alas, they didn’t hear him. No, they kept playing their infernal instruments like it was the end of the world. But for them, if he got his hooves on them, it would be their end.

“What the…?” He said when he finally got to the bottom of the stairs. Multiple bluish white ‘ghosts’ with the head and forelegs similar to ancient horses were swaying to the beat of the music and in the middle of the large cave filled with these creatures that made frost and ice in their wake a lone grey unicorn stallion.

He laughed, “Well looky there. My clone finally returned in one piece. And he is actually singing. This could be fun.”

Wild harmony magic spread out from the single unicorn as the first verse was sung.

“In the dark of the night I was tossing and turning
And the nightmare I had was as bad as can be --
It scared me out of my wits --
A corpse falling to bits!
Then I opened my eyes
And the nightmare… was me!!”

He was above average in height with a curved red tipped horn instead of a typical spiraled one, he wore silver armor over his hooves and chest, a thick red cape covered his back and flanks. The alicorn scowled at the ever- shifting ebony mane and tail as the pony continued to sing joined by the spirits, noting the sickly green eyes of corruption in the stallion down below. ‘Of course the Wendigos would be attracted to the pompous ego my clones always seem to end up with… must be that traitor’s magic mixing with the clone’s cores when they pass the barrier.’ The alicorn thought as he made his way to the center of the cave all while taking his time.

“I was once the most mystical pony in all Equestria.”

A trio of Wendigos lined up behind the stallion acting as a backup choir. “Oh~ wa~ oh~” the trio sang in a deep harmony. The stallion easily picked up the next line.

“When the royals betrayed me they made a mistake!”

“Oh~ wa~ oh~”

“My curse made each of them pay
But one little filly got away!
Little Twilight, beware,
King Sombra's awake!”

‘Twilight? Who the hay is Twilight?’ he wondered. “He better have finished that mission that I created him to do. By Harmony is he calling himself King?!” he mused in some annoyance as he watched the clone dance and sing on the crystalline floor at the entrance of the cave.

“In the dark of the night evil will find her
In the dark of the night just before daw~n!

[King Sombra]
“Revenge will be sweet.”

[King Sombra and Wendigos]
“When the curse is complete!”

“In the dark of the night!
In the dark of the night!”

[King Sombra]
“She'll be gone!”

“Oh~ oh~ oh~”

[King Sombra]
“I can feel that my powers are slowly returning!
Tie my sash and a dash of cologne for that smell!
As the pieces fall into place,
I'll see her crawl into place!
Dos Vidaniya, Twilight, Your Grace!

“This mare must have done a number on him if he hates her that much.” The Alicorn contemplated as he walked towards the clone the Wendigos in his way scattering like waves in his wake. “Well it’s time to collect the memories and end this clone’s existence once and for all. It outlived its use.”

“In the dark of the night terror will strike her!”

[King Sombra]
“Terror's the least I can do!”

It pointed at the ‘sky’ with a menacing grin.

“In the dark of the night evil will bre~w.

[King Sombra]
“Soon she will feel that her nightmares are real.”

“In the dark of the night!”

[King Sombra]
“She'll be through!”

“In the dark of the night
Evil will find her
Find her!
In the dark of the night terror comes true~
Doom her!”

[King Sombra]
“My dear, here's a sign~”

[King Sombra and Wendigos]
“It's the end~ of the line~!”

“In the dark of the night~
In the dark of the night~
In the dark of the night~”

The Wendigos dropped their instruments and flew towards the clone.

[King Sombra]
“Come my minions,
Rise for your master,
Let your evil shine!
Find her now,
Yes, fly ever faster!”

The Wendigos started to form a funnel. Rising higher and higher.

‘In the dark of the night...
In the dark of the night...
In the dark of the night...’

[King Sombra]
“She'll be mine!”

He felt a tap and his shoulder he spun around about to shout only to come face to face with his own reflection if he was nearly a head taller, built like a tank, had wings, and red highlights in his mane tail and feathers. The Alicorn smiled, revealing a set of teeth akin to shark teeth. “Hello and goodbye.” The Alicorn stated and slammed his hoof down on the clone’s skull.


“And he’s no more.” The Alicorn stated as he looked at the goop that was once a messed-up copy of him. “Sweet Harmony that stinks gets worse every time they return from inside the barrier!” Alicorn Sombra complained mainly to himself as the Wendigos began to settle around like lost pigeons looking for scraps. “Shoo! The lot of you. Go on! Get out of here!” Sombra said as chased the Wendigos off. “Bunch of frost vultures. Well, goop, at least you were good for something. Even though you gave yourself a stupid title. You actually accomplished the task I created you for.” He said as he set the remains of the clone on fire. “You found my Midnight Star!”

Author's Note:

Edited by Silverstone28001