• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,902 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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The First Meeting {edit]

(Present: Crystal Kingdom)

The sound of metal shoes on crystal rhythmically fell in a semi swift fashion as a large white mare with pastel colored hair suspended in an slowly ever shifting wave trotted down the hall with restrained urgency. The mare had large white wings along with a sharp spiraled horn, a small gold crown sat just behind the base of her horn while a golden petral sat around her neck like a yoke.

Her gold encased hooves clanged on the tile floor as she picked up speed nearly flying down the halls of the Crystal Hospital. Worry filled her usually calm and motherly face as she slid to a stop nearly sliding past the hall she was supposed to continue down.

Everypony moved out of her way, somehow keeping their wits about them enough to bow in reverence. She ignored them all, her eyes simply flicking to the numbers on the doors or door jams. ‘Why!?! How could I have let this happen?!? The barrier should have kept Twilight from crossing through it… Unless… No, I don’t even want to think about that right now. I just have to make sure.’ Now she wished she could take it all back, start all over, and possibly erase years of pain, guilt, and so much innocent bloodshed.

But the past was the past, and she continued to live on hardening her heart.

“Your Highness, this way,” said the nurse.

“Thank you,” she said softly in consideration to the sleeping patients, “and you are sure Rainbow Dash is alive?”

“Yes, Princess, I am very sure,” The nurse replied.

"Good.” The white Alicorn sighed in relief.

They hustled to Rainbow Dash’s room. The princess saw the destruction caused by the spell that had stolen her prized pupil away from her. Anger flared up inside her briefly causing her purple eyes to slit and turn a bright orange as she stared at the mummified wreckage that was Rainbow Dash’s body. ‘This is one of the reasons why I had to erect that barrier. The destruction caused by alicorn magic is far too great for most to withstand. Not just anypony could control it. Not even I can control it, just moving the sun and anything related to the sun or heat is all I can control and just barely. But to protect the innocence of my little ponies… I’ll have to tap into that power.’ The white alicorn thought with determination as her eyes returned to the kind purple but with a hardness of a soldier about to do battle.

“Princess Celestia!” Fluttershy exclaimed as she ran up to the white alicorn. The pair embraced in a tearful reunion. Celestia’s rainbow hair covered the distraught yellow pegasus crying for her injured friend. Celestia gently disentangled herself from Fluttershy and paced over to Rainbow Dash, not making a sound.

“Was Twilight with her when they found her?” asked Celestia as she gently started to remove the bandages. Fluttershy shook her head.

Celestia hummed to herself. She had inquired about Spike when being debriefed on her arrival. Upon hearing the news of his fast recovery due to his tough dragon scales that protected him from the backlash and most of the impact, she determined that she would see him next seeing as Rainbow Dash was the first to actually hit the ground followed by Spike. ‘Of all the times Spike has been dropped this is the one time his dragon biology has worked in some favor by neutralizing some of the magic shockwaves Rainbow Dash would have created.’ She thought. Her horn flared to life with a silvery gold spell that hadn’t been cast since the time of the Alicorns. It was in these moments that she was glad she had been born an alicorn much as she hated the rest of her kin except Luna.

“What spell are you using, Princess Celestia?” asked Fluttershy, “If you don’t mind me asking, that is.”

‘Just for asking such a question, the other alicorns would have crippled her. Why am I thinking of those good-for-nothing beasts, anyhow? They are probably terrorizing some other continent. Thank Harmony they aren’t on this continent anymore!’ Thinking these things, Princess Celestia looked at Fluttershy with so much affection it hurt. The things she had done to get to this point made sense when she looked upon the ponies of her kingdom. Looking at Fluttershy cemented her convictions.

“I’m casting a healing spell for Rainbow Dash, my dear,” Celestia smiled, trying not to make her sound rude. “Now this may come off as rude and I apologize if it does, but can you remain quiet for a few minutes?It would go a long way towards helping Rainbow Dash. This spell is very very old and I would rather not mess something up and leave something as simple as a broken hoof to be infected.” Celestia kindly asked the Pegasus.

“Yes, ma’am, Twilight explained high level magic takes a lot of effort and space to perform.” Fluttershy bowed as she sheepishly stated this and quietly took a seat away from Celestia to give the Alicorn breathing room.

Celestia turned back to Rainbow Dash. The white bandages were clean of any blood signifying they had been changed very recently meaning any sort of infection was rather low. Celestia focused her mind completely on her very complicated spell. Licks of dark orange swirled around in her mane and fluttered about her hooves as she pushed more into the spell.

Golden light escaped from the bandages as they started to loosen. Rainbow Dash’s stitches-covered body was soon exposed to the air, and the light started to penetrate each individual stitch. One by one, the stitches removed themselves, leaving behind a hide with no blemishes to indicate the pony had ever been injured. After ten drawn-out minutes, the last stitch had unraveled. Rainbow Dash wearily blinked her rose-colored eyes. To even the obtuse observer, the light from the sun seemed to hurt her eyes. Celestia silently magicked the blinds shut. “Mmm, where am I?” asked a sleepy Rainbow Dash.

“You, Rainbow Dash, are in the Crystal Infirmary,” Celestia answered. “You were in such critical condition when the crystal sentries found you that we were afraid you wouldn’t make it. If your condition was manageable by natural means, you would be in Canterlot’s hospital right now. But that’s not important. What is important is that you tell me what happened and where Twilight is!”





“Midnight? Are you not going to answer the door? It seems quite rude not to answer the door when you are home. Honestly, dear, I had thought I raised you better.” Mom reprimanded me as she walked to the door. I couldn’t stop her. I was frozen with fear. My feet glued to the floor, no pun intended, and I looked on, helpless, as my mom started to magic the door open. Did she not understand the danger? It could be the Alicorns coming t-to take me away!

“M-mom, please w-wait!”

Too late.

She arrived at the open door before I could finish my sentence. My mom stepped aside to welcome a grey and light-green earth pony. “Please excuse me, Miss Star, but I jest had to stop fer the night ‘cause of that infernal Curfew them thar Al’corns made.” Grumbled the earth pony. “Gosh, miss, hope I haven’ done broke down that thar door to get in!”

“Quite alright, Mr. Sunny Appleseed,” my mom answered. “Now, if my daughter had opened the door upon the first three knocks you applied, you would not have endured such a fright! Sir, I have a pot of tea brewing on the stove. Midnight, would you be a dear and retrieve this gentlepony’s bags from outside? You will not have to even step foot outside. Mr. Appleseed, would you like some haycakes? I will have a fresh batch from the oven in a few minutes.” She led Sunny Appleseed to the kitchen.

“Yes’m, that sounds mighty fine, Miss Star,” the pony said, following her.

‘But I want some haycakes! Oh, well, now for those bags. Sweet Harmony, that’s a lot of bags! Only two minutes until nightfall!’

*Sigh* I really hated my life sometimes.


Ah, night. The most peaceful time of… day. That blessed time of those 24 hours when the alicorns would not vie for my attention. So peaceful.… Too peaceful, in fact. I was accustomed to hearing excited activity in the dark of the night. There were festivals, and the night market. Oh, the night market, now that was a fun time. But that had all stopped a few years ago. What did those infernal alicorns do this time?

I spread my wings and shot into the starry sky. Maybe there would be a night market in the next town. Unless some senseless alicorn had put the kibosh on that, as well. Harmony should fix that. I would bring up the topic of the night market’s return at tomorrow’s lunch. I traveled for nearly two hours before I finally found a town with a night market. I believe this town was called Ponyville? I saw a glimpse of the distant future mirrored by this town. I was assured, everything would be fine. In the future, all of the alicorns would be brought in line and would let the ponies thrive. I didn’t really need to do anything.

I landed and magicked my wings away with a very advanced illusion spell creating a shorter stature for myself while covering up the image on my flanks so I could blend in as a regular unicorn stallion. I took my bits and went shopping, as the night was still young. The main street was lined with stalls full of all manner of knick-knacks, food, and different creatures from across the land. I went to the stall that was closest to me. A griffin was yelling out his wares. “Come one, come all! To McMalie’s shop o’ curiosities and rare items! Ye, mah good sirrah, come see what ol’ McMalie has in store. I ‘as lock of mane o’ the ol’ Great One, Sombra ‘isself! I also ‘as in me possession a feather from ‘armony ‘erself! Come and see!”

I chuckled as I trotted towards his stall. ‘This has got to be good,’ I thought. ‘There’s no way this guy would have a lock of my mane. I would know. I think.’ The aging and scarred griffin ‘McMalie, was it?’ grinned as I perused his wares. The items he advertised were a silver-painted pegasus feather and a dyed lock of mane -thank Harmony- neither from myself or my mother. Instead of buying my hair or a fake feather, I purchased a gold locket that was shaped like a phoenix, with a blood ruby in its eye socket. I figured I could enchant such a piece later on. I walked around the market and marveled at all manner of creatures hailing from across the land.

A Kinku -a species that is related to the fox and known for their jewel-like fur, nine tails and butterfly wings- was trying to sell her wares to a wolfling. But the wolfling, its granite-colored fur and liquid gold eyes shining with lust, was flirting with the Kinku. But even my limited experience showed me plainly that he was failing in his endeavors.

On my left, a group of hybrids chatted in their native language and dialect. From the looks of it, this group’s members were both from unicorn and griffin heritage. They bore the heads of unicorns and the bodies of their griffin relatives. Feathers adorned head and face, as opposed to the traditional fur.

This was why I loved coming to the night markets. Creatures such as these, hybrids, Kinku, and many other creatures, ventured out only at night. And it was the only time I was able to observe and interact with them. Every second, every minute was an enjoyable experience. If only the night market in Harmonia was still active. Alas, the time of Harmonia’s night market had long passed, and I had no idea how to bring about its return. The alicorns would not, of course, listen to me. When I attempted conversation with them, they quickly showed their baboonish wit, bowing down and worshiping and all that. Sometimes I wished I was merely an earth pony. When I wore a pony’s countenance, I was always free. I didn’t worry about brown-nosing alicorns sequestering me in my chambers, away from this noble land. I smiled at the thought. ‘Freedom, what a uniquely ridiculous idea.’

I was lost in thought when somepony bumped into me. I looked up, and a dark blue alicorn, albeit a small one, who gave me a sheepish smile.

“My apologies little pony, I got caught up in the festivities.” She said with a sheepish blush on her cheeks.

She was actually apologizing to me… When I was disguised as a REGULAR UNICORN! By Harmony’s mane! She was no bigger than I in this form, her mane appeared to have stars in it, and her coat was a rich navy blue. Light blue eyes stared into mine, pleading for my forgiveness. “It is…”

“LUNA!” The alicorn’s head snapped to the side at the sound of her name. I turned toward this new voice. A pure white she-alicorn with a rainbow mane and tail came running toward us. Surprisingly, she did not make use of her wings as the alicorns of Harmonia did. As I marveled at this unusual occurrence, the she-alicorn reached the navy she-alicorn, huffing and puffing. “Luna, please, I beg of you! Stop running off on your own!” she implored the blue one.

“But, Celestia, there’s so much to see!” Young Navy exclaimed to her companion. “But you only want to look at scarves! I’m fifty years old! I should be fine without you supervising me all the time!”

I started to backpedal, but I was caught inside a magic bubble. Great. Now I was stuck with two arguing alicorns. This was most assuredly how I wished to spend my night. Yes. I blew my mane out of my eyes and settled down to await their realization of my presence.

“Now, go apologize to that poor unicorn for ruining his night!”

Wait, WHAT?! I got confused.

“I was, Sister! But you interrupted me!”


“You would not have had to apologize to him if you did not run off! Luna, do you know what could have happened to you?” asked Miss Rainbow (I guessed her name was Celdestria or something like that). Celdestria’s eyes started to brim with unshed tears. I politely cleared my throat to get their attention so I could get out. I could have broken out of the bubble myself, but I did not want to blow my cover. “Erm, excuse me!” I called out after my throat clearing wasn’t heard. However, this attempt was equally unsuccessful.

“NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN!!! WE ARE NOT IN HARMONIA! I AM SAFE HERE! REGULAR PONIES ARE SAFE HERE! NO ONE IS GOING TO DIE!” Luna screamed, navy wings flaring in agitation. “So why do you keep coddling me?!”

“Because I love you and I do not wish you or anyone else to be harmed. You are so small and vulnerable. Can I please put you in a little tiny box and hide you away from the world?”


“… Please?”

Their private conversation ensued publicly for what seemed like hours. Irritation started to brew underneath my placid countenance. This had gone on quite long enough. As I readied my magic for a spell, Luna approached the bubble. She looked me in the eyes. Her chest expanded as she opened her mouth to say, “I want to apologize for taking up your time. But I also want to know what a unicorn from Harmonia is doing in Poniston?” She tilted her head, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

“How did you know that I was from Harmonia?” I inquired. I began to study her more intensely. Her sister was right – she did have the aura of a pony whom everyone must protect. She was enchantingly adorable!

“You have an aura of dread and doom that all the ponies who are from Harmonia have. I would never go there, except to meet Sombra, of course!”

‘Great. A wild fan pony had appeared.’ I thought to myself but kept my expression a slightly curious neutral.

“I would love to pick his brain and learn all the history he’s lived through and the spells he’s made. Ooh, how I would love to learn them all! Especially the spell about dream magic. Sister, wouldn't it be great to learn all those spells?” Luna asked, turning slightly so her cutie mark of the moon was visible to my eyes. For a brief moment I saw that same mark except on a dark purple patch with blue fur so dark it was nearly black the echoes of swords and war cries filled my ears before going silent and my vision cleared.

“Yes, Luna, it would be fantastic to learn all those spells, but let us first release this poor unicorn from its bubble.” Celdestria smiled at her sister. ‘Celdestria’ didn’t sound quite right, but that was her name, I suppose.

‘How strange to hear ‘sister’ from an alicorn.’ It was a weird experience for me being an ‘only child’ I suppose. I did not see the other alicorns as siblings just as annoyances. This was the first time I had ever seen two alicorns form a sort of sibling relationship as most kept a pack mentality much like wolves I suppose.

“The bubble you conjured, Sister” Luna reminded Celdestria, “I believe it is you who should release the poor unicorn. Oh, my good sir, what is your name? I didn’t quite catch it.”

“Somber,” I answered, “And your name is Luna, right? And your sister’s name is Celdestria. But what I’m confused about is how you two are sisters. My understanding of alicorns is that alicorns can’t have siblings, as they are made from the strands of Harmony’s mane.”

“Celdestria? Who’s that?” whispered Celdestria. Oh great, I must have heard her name wrong and made up something similar, proof of my lack of socializing with other equines. Luna nodded her head in understanding of my plight.

“That may be true for most alicorns, but that is not the case with me and my sister. You see, she and I were made from the same stand. My sister harnesses the power of the sun, while I harness the power of the moon. My sister and I are not the only case of Harmony creating alicorn siblings. You only can find them outside of Harmonia. I want to extend an invitation for you to move out of Harmonia and live here with us where you will be safe. And there is no threat of an alicorn razing here! What a bonus! So, what do you say?”

I looked at her closely. Is there an ulterior motive in this request? Why does she offer me this chance? Does she know that I’m really Sombra? No, that can’t be it. They would have shaken in their horseshoes (or, perhaps, would have squealed in Luna’s case) had they known who I was. I shook myself out of my musings, took a breath, and said, “As much as I would love to accept your invitation, I can’t help but wonder if there is an ulterior motive behind this offer. So, please excuse my skepticism.”

“Oh, it is quite alright!” said Celdestria. “We understand. Most ponies would be apprehensive about being offered a new home. But let me reassure you, we are nothing like the alicorns in Harmonia. Chiefly, we do not kill for fun. I personally think that’s abhorrent and disgusting.” Her face twisted in complete hatred. I could feel the anger rolling off her and squirmed at that uncomfortable-looking face. Her left hoof kept pounding the ground, too. It was refreshing seeing another alicorn feel this way.

“So, you are saying that you are not Discord-touched? That you are truly following Harmony’s plan? I ask because I’ve heard such a lie before.” When I said this, I saw the shock wash over the rainbow pony’s face. Many emotions flashed across her features, the most prominent ones being horror and bewilderment. She stepped backwards; tears started to fall from her eyes. Luna looked at her, confused.

“They would betray their species like that?” Celdestria quietly asked. “Offer ponies sanctuary and then turn around and kill them?”

“Yes,” I said. “I tried to stop it, but by the time I got there she was already dead. Ripped apart by the ones she needed most.” I started to choke up. There were too many alicorns and only one of me. I couldn’t take them all. It was simply too much. How could I challenge over three thousand alicorns all by myself? Too much. Too much!

“How can Sombra let this happen?!” screamed Celdestria. “He is the firstborn! He should be able to make them stop!”

“Have you ever thought that it’s been too much for him to handle?!” I yelled back. “That he is just one alicorn up against over three thousand of his kind?”

“But he is all powerful!” she countered

“NO! HE IS NOT!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Seeing the sisters’ expressions, I softened my tone. “He is not. Harmony may have made him powerful, but not all powerful. He gets overwhelmed. He feels scared. And I believe he does not know what to do. He is also very overwhelmed with duties that have been thrusted upon him.”

“Celestia,” Luna’s gentle voice pierced the atmosphere, shattering the tension like glass, “he is telling the truth. Let me go to Harmonia. Let me go help Sombra. I can do it.” Celdestria snapped her head towards her strandmate.

“And how do you know he will take you in?” asked Celdestria. Luna opened her mouth to answer.

“He will,” I interrupted. “I know he will. I’ll put in a good word with him for you. He will listen to me. I can tell from our discussion that you two really care for your ponies. That’s all he really cares about.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes. “And how do I know that she’ll be accepted? I can’t just fly her over there and leave my ponies alone. Who is going to protect them while I am away?”

“Well, you’ll just have to trust your sister, that she has made the right decision, and that Harmony instilled at least a little sense in her firstborn. Now can I please get out of this bubble? I would very much like to enjoy the rest of the night market.”


Huff… huff… I… huff… hate… huff… luggage… huff…

Hufffff… I collapsed on the floor in utter exhaustion. Those were the longest two minutes of my life. Well, other than that night on the Mane, I guess. That was certifiably awful. Ugh. How much stuff did one pony need? Was he moving somewhere, or what? ‘Oh, sweet Harmony, please help me. I can’t do another bag rush!’ I thought this as I lay sprawled out on the floor. I just couldn’t move. Everything hurt so much after using such extensive magic. “Ah think I’m… gonna sleep ‘ere tonigh’,” I slurred in that country bumpkin accent I’d heard just a few days before.








Crap! What now? Couldn’t a mare sleep on her foyer in peace? Guess not. With what little magic I could muster, I turned the handle and opened the door. I inclined head towards Harmonia’s finest and snarked, “If you’re expecting the standard welcome, you’re gonna be sorely disappointed ‘cause I’m way too tired to get off the floor and say hello. Hi.” My head dropped to the floor again as I groaned. Normally I would have freaked out, but today had been a long day.

“Well, Miss, by Harmony’s orders, we are here to escort you to your new permanent abode. You must come with us. Or, we could teleport you there if that’s what you prefer?” The Keeper of Harmony seemed to have a hint of laughter during the latter half of his announcement, if there could be such a tone when he was speaking monotone. Eh.

“Just… carry me. I can’t move a muscle,” I slurred as sleep washed over me. I could have sworn I heard him say ‘as you wish’ as the darkness swallowed me up. But that was preposterous. The Keepers don’t have personalities. Right?

Author's Note:

Edited by Siverstone28001