• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,902 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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First Kiss… First Time?


With a gasp Applejack woke up with a start. She franticly rubbed her hooves over her body. She did pain nor wound on her body, but she clearly watched herself be split in half by a crystal. Through the eyes of a different pony. She saw herself die through the eye of The First Born. How? How did she see through the eyes of her Lor—enemy, enemy! Her enemy! Sombra was her enemy. He was a tyrant that hurt thousands of crystal ponies and tried to destroy the Crystal Heart. He was not her Lord or savior. She should not be sympathizing with the…

Listing to your thought, mortal, is quite amusing. A voice chuckled in Applejack’s head startled her out of her thoughts. She sat up, franticly looked around the dark room for the source of the voice. Her eye looked with purple glowing feline eyes. The eyes seemed to laugh at her the longer she stared them. Know the saying? If you stare into the Void, I stare back. Hehe. Anyways good morrow, mortal, it seems like you slept for a year.

“Gah!” Applejack screeched. “Who in tarnation said that? Get out ‘ere and show yerself!” Laughter echoed across the room. Applejack clutched the comforter as she watched the shadows condense into the corner where the eyes floated.

Brave, brave, stupid mortal, it is considered rude to not greet the being when they first greeted you. Out of the darkness came shadow take the shape of a bipedal cat. A grin slit its face in two with blade like teeth gleamed white in the gloom. But since you are one of Harmony’s Elements, I guess that I cannot punish you. Harshly. But I will get to that later. So how are you feel, Little Element? Disoriented? Lost? Got memories that should not belong up in your tiny mind? Yes? Well I got the answers for you. Care to hear them?

“Well I got some questions fer ya, bub,” Applejack huffed. She did not like this shadow cat. Not one bit. Of course, you do, the cat rolled its eyes, every being does. Ask away. It rolled its wrist for her to continue. Applejack just narrowed her eyes. Your questions?

“Where in tarnations am I at? Who are ya? Whatcha want with me? How long was I asleep fer? And who the fuck’s memories where in my head before I woke up? Ya betta tell me or I’m gonna whoop yer ass, shadowy demon!” Applejack got off the bed and bowed up for a fight.

My, my what a lot of questions, Little Element, The shadow demon laughed, you sure are inquisitive, are you not? Hehe. But, little mortal, this is not a fight you can win. Because with a snap of my claws you will cease to exist. And I could care less. For you see, mortal, I could, and most definitely should, kill you for your blatant disrespect. I killed for less. I do not live by your moral compasses or your social rules. I am above all that! For I am the Space Between the Star, I am both Chaos and Harmonious, I am the Creator of Souls, I am The FIRST BEING. I AM THE VOID!

The ground shook at the force of the words. Applejack fell to her knees. In this position it looked like she was bowing to this demo— The Void. Her whole body shook, fur bristling, stray hairs stood on end, and her heart could drill itself out of her chest with how hard it beat. She felt deaf with all the blood pumping in her ears, urging-demanding- she run, to flea and never look back. But it was if her very soul itself was frozen with fear. This...this was different. Different from all the times they faced Queen Chrysalis or Discord or even Nightmare Moon. It was fear that laid in the deep depths of her instincts, the purest fear of all. Primal fear. The Void's laugh shook her bones. Tears streamed down her face as she lay frozen on the floor.

What no witty comebacks you are so famously known for? In a blink of her eye The Void was right in her face. No? Nothing? You have literally nothing to say to me? So that bravo was all false? Hehe. Good. Now we do not want you to do something stupid now do we? Because if you do I just have to erase your existence and my favorite child will have find herself a new Element of Honesty. Shh… Do not tell Discord or he will be upset.

“W-what d-do want?” Applejack stammered. The Void smiled and then booped Applejack’s nose. I want you to protect my favorite Ethereal.

“W-who’s t-that-t?”

The Void stood up and tapped its chin with its obsidian claw. She went by many names. Nebula and Midnight to name a few but you know her by Twilight. And she is right behind you, fast asleep on the bed you just vacated. I advise you not to wake yet. She is experiencing her past lives. I think she is at the part were she compete her mate bond with my unwanted grandson. Though at the time I did not care for her then as much as I do now. If I did I would have stopped it but the nap was sooooo goooood. Speaking of I need one but I have to much to do. Ugg… Stupid First Born, when this…

Applejack slowly got off the floor as The Void ramble on and on about how its nap was interrupted and how it was the First Born’s fault. She felt sympathy for the poor bastard. Having a family member always disappointed with you was a horrible feeling... But that was not important now. She needed to get out of here, away from him, but she couldn't leave. Not yet. Twilight was here and she was not about to leave her friend behind. Applejack backed up slowly while glancing behind herself. Tears dripping to the floor as she moved. Her whole body shook with the effort. I would take a miracle for her to get to Twilight. A miracle she was granted. She crept until she reached the bed and turned to face it. Black velvet caressed Applejack's hooves There in the middle of the bed was the purple mane of Twilight. Applejack crawled towards the sleeping form of her friend.

“Twilight,” Applejack whispered yelled as she poked her friend, “Twilight, it’s time to wake up. We needa get out of here. Twilight—”

She was suddenly thrown across the room. With a bang she hit the wall. Through blurry eyes she saw the obsidian dust falling down all around her. Cutting through ringing in her ears she hear a growl and words that turned her blood to ice.

“I told you not to wake her.” Those whispered word caused obsidian chunks to fall all around her. One vicious chunk pierced through her hind leg pinning her to the floor. Applejack screamed in pain, but suddenly her voice was cut off. She could no longer scream or speak. Her voice was gone. Through the tears streaming down her face she saw the angry face of a grey cat with violet eyes.

“It seems like you did not take my warning seriously enough. So as for punishment I will be taking your voice until you have stopped wanting to harm my Ethereal. Got it?”


Pinkie woke up to the thunderous drum beat of her head. Boom. Boom. Boom went her head as she blinked the red liquid out of her eyes. Red was all she could see out of her right eye and her left… What was up with all the glowing ribbons! There pretty and all but they hindered her vision way too much. Pinkie did not like that. Not one bit. Growling she picked herself up from the ground, slowly. She fell back down to floor with sharp pang in her heart. It felt like an ice pick quickly puncturing the organ. It was not a pleasant feeling. This was not fun. Not fun at all. She wasn’t supposed to be feeling pain. She hates feeling pain. Other ponies pain was funny. Not hers!

The sharp pain flared again causing Pinkie to cry out in pain, accidentally alerting the two waring gods in front of her. The peach one with ribbons floating all around turned and began to charge at her. With a loud -THWACK! -the peach god was thrown into the crystalline wall by an onyx blur.

“Run!” Growled the god of Onyx and Blood Flames. “I will hold her back!”

The peach god wailed at the top of its lungs, pulling all the ribbons tight. Pinkie watched in horror as pink and blue ribbon suddenly appeared coming from her chest. She felt it tighten and hooves being dragged towards the peach god. She tried to plant her hooves into the ground but couldn’t. The ground was too slippery! What was this made out of? Glass?


The ribbon broke snapped. The piercing pain flared again causing Pinkie to cry out in a blood curdling screams, alerting the two warring gods of her presence. Through her right eye's red haze, bore witness to the culprit behind her agony. Cotton candy-colored ribbons snared in the teeth of a certain onyx god towering over her with angered malice blazing from its eyes. Pinkie's heart froze as a foaming fear clogged her throat, forcing her to eat her own anguished screams. So, this was what her victims felt. She didn’t like this. Not one bit.

She hit her chest a few times to get it to start beating. Over and over again. She was slowly losing her sight to the black dots swarming her vision.

“Get up!” A voice growled at her. “You will not die here. I will not allow it!” Its red horn flared with magic. The blood red power smashed into Pinkie’s chest causing it to restart. With a gasp Pinkie started cough. Blood dribbled from her mouth as she slowly stood up. Her legs gave out and with crack fell back down. With a grown she shook her head to dispel the black dots that were trying to take over her vision.

“Son of a… that’s smarts,” she groaned. After what felt like an eternity, she got to her shaky hooves. She spat out glob of blood as she looked for an exit. This is not what I wanted. I wanted to see a god fight, not to be a part of one! This is bullshit! Bullshit I say! Where is the godsdamned exit? Oh ther… fuck.

Pinkie spotted the exit get destroyed as the peach god crashed into it. The excitement left Pinkie's eyes as she saw the exit crumble the weight of the peach god's thrown body. Pinkie screamed in frustration! Now how the fuck was she going to get out of here?! This was impossible! Imposs… A flash of red light blinded her one good eye. The room melted like liquid glass as Pinkie watched with her one bad eye, turning into a puddle on the void like floor. A ruby-glass lake laid before Pinkie. Her reflection was so perfect that she thought she was seeing her twin. She stepped forward to see if her crystal-clear likeness was real. With out warning the sound of braking glass blasted her eardrums as her hoof touch her reflection. The red shards blasted straight up into the air, amassing in the air to form an image. A bedroom formed right in front of her gaze, cast in red. A four-post bed with transparent curtains laid in the middle of the room. The wall behind it had a half of a six-pointed star painted on it. A lone figure slumber under the thick cover completely oblivious to the prowling, hissing Cat that was stacking across the room. The room slowly turned to color Pinkie watched as the Cat moved with deadly grace. A bloody path laid out before the Cat, leading it to its destination. Applejack.

She was pinned to the floor with her back up against the wall. Tears streamed down her face as she watched the Cat prowl in her direction. Sounds and smells pierced through Pinkie’s senses as the red glass dissipates. The smell of blood flooded Pinkie’s muzzle as sound of somepony’s screaming blasted her ear. Who’s was screaming? Oh, it was her. Pinkie was screaming. She was apparently running also. When did she start running? And when did she stop? Swirling, galaxy eyes filled her vision. Terror filled her veins as she stared into those dancing stars. A toothy grin filled her peripheral vision. Her blood ran cold when heard five chilling words whispered into her ear.

“Hello, my half-blind Prophet.”


He was kissing me! Sombra was kissing me! My first kiss was with Sombra?! His lips slowly moved against my frozen lips as I tried to prosses was going on. He kissed the corner of my mouth and then my cheek. He peppered kisses up my face. I felt a smile when he pecked the corner of my eye. I jumped a little when I felt him nip my ear. His deep chuckled vibrated my bones.

“You know, fy un bach i, you are supposed to move your lips also,” Sombra rumbled with a smile, “it’s much more enjoyable that way.”

I pushed him, well I tried to push him away, but the jerk pulled me in tighter. The bastard had the audacity to chuckle! Chuckle! This was not how I pictured my first kiss going. Though I couldn't think of a better pony to share it with but damn it! He was chuckling at me! His warmth soaked into my skin as I tried to push him away. Cinnamon and cloves flood my sense of smell. It went a long way to relax me. But I was not going to let him get away with him chuckling at me. He was going to ruin my romantic first kiss!

“Are you mad at me, Little Star?” Sombra asked as he gently lifted my chin up. His eyes sparkled with mischief, but in an instant turned soft. “We don’t have to do anything tonight if you feel uncomfortable. Or any night for that matter. I want you to be comfortable and enjoy it. Ok, love?”

“Oh, oh!” I squeaked. “I didn’t want you to stop or anything. I just got frustrated at you for chuckling! Am I that bad? I have never done anything like this before.” I had a sudden bout of embarrassment flood my system. So, I did what any sane pony would do. I burrowed into Sombra’s fluffy chest. A deep purring rumble and melted my bones. Next thing I know Sombra was moving and now I’m on top of him! I looked up from my burrowing (to which I was enjoying) to find Sombra’s eyes twinkling with mischief.

“Bad?” He asked with a head tilt. “Now why did you go and ask something like that?” He pulled me up towards his face and started to nuzzle my nose. “I don’t think it was bad or anything of the sort. I did spring on you all of a sudden. Sooo…. I was kind of expecting you to freeze up. And just for your information I honestly do not believe you when said that you have never done anything with sex. Because look at you! You are absolutely gorgeous!”

Heat raced up my neck and traveled to my cheeks. I felt steam blowing out of my ears. Sombra’s eyes twinkled with mirth. He smiled as he said, “See, adorable! Simply and absolutely adorable. Whoever says differently are either blind or dumb.” My face burned hotter at his confession. I tried to hide my face out of embarrassment, but he didn’t let me. He lifted my chin back up.

‘’You could always say no,” his voice rumble, “and I will always honor that. But remember this, Midnight, if you say yes then I will not let you rest until the sun comes up and maybe even after that. This is my promise to you. So, yes or no.”

Yes or no. Those words echoed in my brain for what seemed like hours as I stared into his eyes. Eyes that were begging me to say the one word that would forever change my world. If I say it there was no going back. Yes or no. Yes or no.

I took a breath and whispered, “Y-yes…”

“What was that?” His eyes twinkled as he asked, “I couldn’t hear you. What did you say?” He tilted his ear closer to my face. I growled, knowing damn well the bastard could hear me. So I did what any sane pony would do. I grabbed his head and put my lips to his ear and yelled.


He chuckled and turned to my ear and whispered, “As you wish.”

Author's Note:

Welp... That was interesting. Consent is sexy folks. Anyways I got a question. What are y'all's theories on the red lake that Pinkie went to? Can't wait to read them in the comments!