• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,902 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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Giving up Hope


“Oh my goddess.” Cadence gasped seeing the pony next to Rarity followed by all the blood. She rushed immediately over and began to stitch the holes closed. “Rarity I suggest you look away, I’m going to remove the crystals from her eyes.” Cadence ordered the fashionista.

“Right.” Rarity looked away, laying her ears flat as Cadence took hold of the crystals and yanked them out of the pony’s eye sockets, immediately pulling the eyelids closed with her magic.

“Okay, that’s done. Now we need to get her to the medical ward immediately for treatment. There is no telling how long she has been down here and trapped like this.” Cadence stated.

“Uh… Cadance… this runic circle… it… feels familiar…” Spike softly piped up while his claws covered his nose. “It… it… feels…”

“It feels like WHAT, SPIKE!?” Rarity yelled, “SPIT IT OUT!”

“Rarity!” reprimand Cadence. “Spike is only trying to help!”

“Sorry…”Rarity mumbled. Cadence noticed that Rarity’s hooves were shaking. She shouldn’t have been so hard on the poor unicorn. Times were tough on her, with her best friends all missing and not knowing what was going on. It would put anypony on edge. Hell she’s on edge. Her sister in law was missing! Where could she be? Cadence couldn’t send more ponies to look for her even when most of the Elements went missing. Fuck! Even Discord was gone! What the hell was she supposed to do?

“It feels like Celestia…” Spike stated in a hushed whisper at Rarity’s unlady-like yell as the two mares stabilized the peach mare. “Can either of you do a mana transfusion?” Spike asked hesitantly. “Because she’s going to need it real soon.” Spike started to chew on one of his claws.

“I can do it, Spike.” Cadence assured the baby dragon. She gave him a sweet smile. “Rarity, you need to hold her head up and keep it very still. I have to be touching her horn.”

“B-but there's blood everywhere! I don’t know if I can do it!” Rarity protested.

“Rarity, this is not the time! She is going to die!” Cadence shouted. Rarity squeaked in protest. The peach mare’s ears twitched at their arguing as a faint silver ribbon reached out from her horn and touched Cadence’s. A flash of peach light blinded the alicorn, unicorn and drake. She partly opened her mouth and muttered a single name.


(The day before Harmonia sunk)

ΩUnknown fillyΩ

Screams echoed across the city of Harmonia after the Decree was read. No being was safe from the Alicorn’s wrath. Fire mixed with blood that rained down upon the streets as the Alicorns gleefully carried out the order. Hiding among the trash and crates in the alleyway was a tiny malnourished dark brown earth pony and her three siblings. Scars and cuts littered the hides of the poor souls. Wounds they have gathered from days prior. They thought that escaping the wretched farms and hiding in the Capital would make their lives easier. But no. They were wrong.

“I is scared. I is wanna go home.” The tiniest filly complained. “Ma ‘n Da must’n be worried ‘out oos. Pumpkin!”

“Quiet, Lily Hop. Er de yer wanna hav’ de Alicor’s ter spot oos?” Pumpkin Spice growled. She blew her red and orange hair out of her eyes.

Hooves hit the stone hard as an emerald green unicorn entered the alleyway looking around with almost glowing crimson eyes. “Any foals here?!”

“Shhh… dert trust dem,” Pumpkin said, “Alicor’s are out ter get oos. Ta be killin’s de er bos else. We hav’ta get a boat an’ ge ou’ of her.”

The unicorn’s ears seemed to twitch before her horn glowed a multicolored light and lifted the crates hiding the four foals. The pony smiled.

“SHIT! RUN!” Shreeched the third biggest

The pony’s magic turned a deep navy blue as a mark of a crescent moon with a cat appeared on her flanks. Four mist-like shots were aimed at the foals and all but Pumpkin were fast asleep snoring like newborns. The pony gave a shaking breath looking to be in pain as she lifted each foal before settling down the crates. As the Unicorn walked her eyes began to lose their color turning a milky red.

The pony began to sing a wordless melody as a thin blue shine covered her body and slowly seemed to eat away at her life energy. A semi opaque dome of magic covered them as the unicorn trotted away from the carnage. Her voice took on an echoing quality: one was motherly, another was soothing like a parent, and the third was somber, almost resigned to what lay ahead.

/I’m sorry you must see this child but your siblings will feel no pain./ a motherly voice echoed in Pumpkin’s head. A list of directions was imprinted on her young mind. /now… Run…/

The Unicorn set the four siblings outside of the alley, instantly waking them up as a sharp pulse of fear had the four bolting down the streets. Pumpkin ran as fast as her damaged hooves could take her, weaving around crates and trash of the back alleys. The alleyways began to fill with blood as more and more lives were taken by the Alicorns. A scream was heard behind the running foals causing them to stop in their tracks. Pumpkin turned around and watched in horror as Lemon was tossed in the air by an Alicorn. Crunch! The young filly’s body went limp as the Alicorn closed its teeth. Blood trickled down its muzzle as it devoured the tiny earthpony. It black eyes looked with the remaining fouls.

The land shook, rumbling underhoof like a large animal stomping its way there. Smoke violently erupted from one of the larger mountains setting off a chain reaction as more mountains began to spew ash and rock into the air. A great roar sounded causing everything to stand still as the ash fell to the ground. A great black beast casted a shadow on the trembling fouls as it stalked toward the Alicorn from the rooftops. Ten fox-tails swished back and forth in a hypnotic fashion. A colt broke away from the trembling group, mesmerized by the tails. Pumpkin shouted out to get the colt’s attention but he was already mesmerized.

The Black Beast pounced on the Alicorn and a bloody fight ensued for a few heartbeats. The Beast won, leaving a bloody corpse in its wake. It shot back onto the rooftop. In a mighty leap it leaped into the air spreading its black feathered wings. The blow back of this take-off caused the unstable building to fall, crushing the colt in the process.

“Lime!” cried the youngest. He ran towards the ruble, trying his best to dig his big brother out. Pumpkin quickly grabbed the youngest colt and dragged him away kicking and screaming.

“We moost ger bac’, Sistr Pum’ki’.” The colt cried, “Broder Lime and Sistr Lemon cud be-“

“No! We gotta get de lake!” Pumpkin Spice stated. “Da ahr bot’ de’d. We mus go! Stahp strug’n’, Chive!” Chive slumped into her forelegs. The life drained from the eyes of the little colt.

The filly flipped the colt onto her back and bolted for the salty air of the port. “Hold ti’ht!” Pumpkin shouted as she jumped over obstacles one after another as the cobblestone turned to the wooden planks of the port. Faster and faster she went as the buildings all around her kept crumbling to the ground. Deadly rays of magic flew across the air, leaving devastation in their path.

Pumpkin was suddenly knocked to the ground by an unknown assailant. Her brother flew off her back and rolled a few yards away. She started to yell but snapped her mouth shut as her unknown assailant’s -a Kinku- chest started to glow white. The purple Kinku screamed as their heart burst out of their chest with a crack! It flew up into the air to an unknown destination.

“Shit. I missed!” A honeyed voice said. “I was aiming for the two earth shits but the damned Kinku got in the way. Fucking self-sacrifincing pieces of shit foxes.” Pumpkin’s eyes widened as she looked up into the sky. There hovering above where she laid was three blood thirsty Alicorns. Their farel smiles chilled her heart as she scrambled to reach her brother.

“Ah, how cute! The brown one is trying to save the green baby.” sneered an Alicorn. “Say, Sisters, do you want to play a game with our food?”

“Why certainly, Big Sister, I would love to play a game!” A soft sophisticated voice answered. “What’s say you, Little Sister?”

“Finally! I was getting bored.” A childish, brash voice stated. “I say it is a wonderful idea, Middle Sister! What game shall we play, Big Sister?”

“Hide and Eat!” Big Sister said. “If they survive then they will become our playtoys!’

“NEW TOYS! I LOVE RECEIVING NEW TOYS!” Little Sister squealed. “Let us play!” A loud boom was heard along with a scream.

“Wait, Little Sister, let them get a head start. We do not want the game to end prematurely, now do we?” Big Sister admonished. “Run, little earth shits, run. And hope that you survive the day! Haha!”

Pumpkin picked up her little brother and bolted from the crazy Alicorns seeing a small boat at the end of the port. ‘There!’ She made a brake for it. Her hooves pounded on the blood drenched wooden planks before a harsh wave crashed into the side of the boardwalk violently soaking the fillies in salty water and washing the blood away. ‘Gotta get to the boat!’ She thought as giant fiery rocks crashed down into the salty waters with small stones puncturing roofs and setting homes on fire, the earth shook again sending more waves onto the land causing large chucks to break and fall into the raging waters.

Pumpkin felt the small weight on her back disappear as a wave crashed into her, knocking her off her hooves. Her eyes widened as she helplessly watched Chive fall into the water. She scrambles to her hooves, slipping on the wet boards. She finally makes it to the edge of the pier and all she saw was choppy waves. Off in the distance she heard the cackling of the Three Alicorn Sisters, but she didn’t care. Her baby brother was in the water. He couldn’t swim!

“Get in de boat, ‘oung fi’y,” cried an earth pony, “‘r gonna get eten!”

“But me broder-“

“Now!” The earth pony shouted over the raging waves as the three Alicorns dove down at the older pony.

Something seemed to snap in the filly as she got up she could hear the earth crying in pain and vengeance for all the blood of her brothers and sisters. She could feel the earth filling her tiny body through the wood. She stomped a hoof to the ground and a spire of rock came up from the very earth piecing one of the Alicorns. The filly then gave a buck and a tall trunk of a tree instantly grew entrapping the other two Alicorns. Their screeches of frustration nearly became deafening.

The filly panted after that little stunt of pure raw emotional magic. She heard quick hooves on the wet boards and lifted her head up to the older earth pony.

“May the Earth be with, ‘oung fi’y” The old earth pony said. “Ner coom on! De U’icorns ‘re pooting oop e shi’ld! Quik befer de lo’k yer oot!”

“Ok,” She said as trudged up the plank with the old earth pony. The duo swiftly entered the small boat and pushed away from the port. The elder pony strapped a floating device on the filly.

“Th’t keep y’u safe.” The elder stated, beginning to paddle the boat away with an ore into the setting sun. The three unicorn horns at the tip of the boat lit up with magic creating a shield around the small boat. Pumpkin turned towards the burning city and thought, ‘What woold ha’en now?’


“….When the One who was truly wronged forgives then Harmony will return.”

What does that mean? I know it was a prophecy, but of what and for who? What does Aurora mean by Harmony, our mother, dying? A Goddess cannot die! Right? This was too much, too much!

“Midnight… would you like to go out to the town tonight? Just you and me?” I asked my almost mate I needed to get my mind straight with a distraction that had me doing physical labor. Aurora would probably stay here to cuddle with mother and possibly fall asleep under mother’s wing. She had done it enough times to me that I’ve lost count.

“W-wait what? H-hold on, Sombra. I… I think it would be best to hold off and wait until we are all calmer.” Midnight stated. “You just found out your mother’s physical form is degrading. You're devastated and tired, I wouldn’t mind if you just want to cuddle and sleep and wait a few days so we can plan the night together.” She pointed out with understanding. “I was very close with my grandma before she passed away. From what Aurora said, your mom is only going on a… working vacation for a while?” Midnight stated a bit unsurely. She tapped her hooves in a nervous jester. I smiled at this. She was just so cute! But I’m not letting her get away that easily. A plan formed into my head.

“Sure, fiiiinnnne. I guess.” I bemoaned. I began to lean on Midnight gradually adding more weight. “I guess that I have to morn all by myself, with no one to sympathize with my plight. Wallowing in my self pity. It is simply tragic. All I ever wanted was to escape with a really competent friend of mine. But alas she doesn’t want to! Oh, woe is me! Oh, woe is me that the one I want would not go on a date with me! Oh! Oh woe is me!” At the end my epic siloqui I was on the ground with Midnight squashed under me. Her squawking was the background of my beautiful speech.

“Get your fat butt off of me!” She squealed, flailing her legs. “You’re heavy!”

“Did you hear what I was saying, Miss Star? It was quite important. I was lamenting my woes to you.” I countered.

“Absolutely not! I did not hear what you said?! You're emotionally and not to mention magically exhausted! Do you want to face-plant into the floor again after over-extending yourself?!” Midnight squeaked out her point.

“Uhhh… no…” I blinked.

“Good. Now get your fat butt off me! Did I mention that you… are… heavy?!” I relented and got off Midnight hearing her dramatically gasp for air. Silvery magic enveloped us both as Aurora gave us both a lazy one eyed glare.

“Do both of you not want to be adults today?” Aurora asked in a monotone voice. Oops, she’s still connected to Harmony’s mark. “Where is Celly and Lulu?”

“I don’t know.” I grumbled, “I’m not their keeper. The White one is probably going through my stuff and nitpicking everything that I own.”

“Most likely.” Midnight nodded. I am so glad that I have her by my side.

Aurora gave a disappointed scowl. The left door of the bedroom opened and she promptly tossed me into my rump with Midnight landing on top of me as a silver ribbon bound my wings and wrapped around my horn. “If you're gonna fight, do it outside. Mother needs her sleep and you two arguing like a married couple ain’t helping. Until you both figure out what to do I’m cutting your unicorn and pegasus magic for forty-eight hours, Big Brother. Why don’t you teach Midnight and Lulu some magic from your books? Also can you send Celly in here?” Aurora shouted as slammed the door. Rude.

“Well then! I never!” I yelled at the closed door. I bucked the door in frustration. Gah! That little healer was so annoying sometimes!

“You sound like an old Curmudgeon.” Midnight stated as she made use of my head just as she had done on the trip. “You look like a present with your wings and horn covered in bandages with these large bow knots.”

“Uggg… why me?” I groaned as try to stretch the bandages. “She maybe the youngest out of the Seven, but she sure acts like she is the oldest. How do get these off of me? Maybe I should burn them?” I mumbled as I walked towards my room.

“She said she cut off your unicorn and pegasus magic.” Midnight chimed. “Which means you are currently an earth pony unless you know a way to channel your Pegasus and Unicorn magic through your hooves.” Midnight retorted. She had gotten very smart after reading the books mother had on pony biology and magical development. My mate was so smart.

If I remember correctly I must channel my magic from my core and direct it to my hooves. It has been centuries since I did this last. I’ll think more about this after a nap. Today has been an emotionally draining day.

“Midnight, come here.” I tapped my hoof on the spot that I wanted her. I heard her trot over to me, her little hooves slightly muffled on the carpet.

“Yes, Sombra?” Her eyes sparkled as she looked at me. I smiled. So cute! “Sombra?”

Oh, right. Focus, Sombra, focus! There’s no time for that! I need to carry her to my bedroom and without magic might I add. So I did what Harmony would do. I picked her up like a mother cat would with her kittens by the scruff her neck and trotted to my room. Her squeaks of protests made me chuckle. It was quite hilarious.

“Laugh it up buddy. I’ll get my revenge sooner then later. If you weren’t bald I’ll chop it off!” She growled. I dropped her onto my bed and curled around her. I wrestled with her flailing limbs until I had her restrained.

“Hush. We’re sleeping this spell out!” I said as I laid my head on top of hers, being careful of her horn.

“No, I am not!” She protested.

“Yes, we are.” I countered.

“No, we are not!”

“Yes, we are.”

“No, w— mfrhphhh!!!” I slapped my hoof around her mouth to muffle her. She started to growl at me. In response I started to purr. Loudly. To the point her growls were washed out by my persistent purr. I upped the ante when I felt her start to struggle. After ten minutes or so Midnight stopped struggling. I smiled when I heard her soft snoring. I pulled her in closer to me, getting comfortable and closing my own eyes feeling the exhaustion I had been holding back as I fell asleep. A mild thought nagged at me that I had forgotten something but pushed it out of my mind while the realm of dreams enveloped my consciousness. Bah! I’ll deal with it in the morning.

Author's Note:

Co-written by Silverstone28001