• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,902 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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A Kinku's Reunion


Ruby eyes glared down at the dragon, fake Alicorn, and the unicorn holding up the one he called little sister and one of the last remaining family he had living. ‘By the gods, what happened to you Aurora?!?’ Sombra thought as he used his magic to lift Aurora off the ground away from the white unicorn that was swarmed by his mate’s friends and over to his side, easily shielding himself from the rather weak blasts of cyan magic from the fake Alicorn. The smaller peach alicorn’s ears twitched moving around like a pair of radio receivers as he gently placed her near him and curled his wing around her in a brotherly way.

The peach Alicorn slowly pried her eyes open showing small bloodshot crimson amethyst eyes that were slowly growing larger to fit the eye socket. “…bro…ther…?” Aurora questioned, she sounded just like a high pitched young filly that had yet to go through puberty. Golden blood dripped down the corners of her mouth as she looked at my flank. “…you… real…?” She questioned with a look of broken hope on her face.

“I am real, Aurora.” Sombra said in a soothing tone but furry burned brightly in his eyes.

She looked at him. “Then… run…” she uttered before crying out. Sickly black sparks ran up and down Aurora’s body, ‘pawing’ at her chest in great pain.

“That’s not good.” Rainbow Dash yelled as she backpedaled away. “Everypony get back! We got a Nightmare coming!” Rainbow tried to warn the group while Sombra looked at her in mild confusion.

‘Nightmare?’ Sombra thought before hooves slammed into his chest and pushed him into the air as sickly feeling magic crawled over and encased Aurora in a tight ball of magic. The rest of the ponies swiftly retreated a safe distance as the dome lifted off the ground turning into an orb becoming white slashed through with green and red streaks looking like an ink drop. A silhouette was imposed in the orb as Aurora seemed to grow inside of the orb like it was an egg.

Mad laughter echoed through the cavern originating from the orb as it broke apart like glass revealing a tall female Alicorn with a dark salmon pink coat, her wings tipped in red, her long horn tipped in gold and her four hooves dipped in lavender. Her eyes were dragon like pupils rimed in a two toned gold color while a light peach tint colored the outer part of the eyes. Her flanks were covered by a solar eclipse surrounded by thick black and green throned vines that spiraled up to a trio of black crystals in a fan formation and above that was a black and sickly green starburst. Silver magic hardened on her chest, head, and hooves forming a familiar silver crown and armored shoes. White fire trailed down the Alicorn’s head and flanks like a mane and tail with ember like flecks of green and red.

“Oh sweet Harmony, you have got to be bucking kidding me.” Sombra groaned while rubbing his chest. It was a rather weak push but it still showed Aurora had some strength. “You are so going into a time out when I am done with you, Little Girl.” Sombra vowed flaring his wings as the mare grinned, showing her shark-like teeth.

“I’d like to see you try! You hoarded my heart away and you! You usurped my little Umbrums!” The mare shouted glaring at the fake alicorn. “Time to clip your wings, Usurper!” She grinned and shot like a cannon at the fake Alicorn.



“Come out and play.” I taunted as weaved throughout the poisonous plant in search of my prey. “Is it not what you say to the poor little colts that you and your ilk prey on?” Red flames licked the plants as my rage grew at the memories that are shown to me. The poor colts are forced to run and hide while the depraved alicorns hunt them down. And this… BEAST! THIS BEAST PROFITED OFF IT! Oops it seems that I have burned down most of the garden. I scanned the ashened room for the tan alicorn. He, unfortunately, was not here. My lips thinned in agitation.

“Time to take the hunter’s approach.” I grinned and sniffed the air like a jungle cat trying to scent out its prey. I could smell the blood of innocent colts that had seeped into the alicorn’s very essence. My blood boiled even hotter as my eyes snapped open burning with the light of a raging supernova. “I found~ you~” I said in a slightly villainous tone- borderline singing- to anyone else I’d sound much like a mad pony. To my mother and sister? I’d probably sound like I’m immulating something from another universe I’ve found funny or fittingly applied to this situation. In this case? A game of ‘Seek and Hunt’.

The quiver of my prey’s coat sent a delicious shiver down my spine. This was what I missed. The hunt. Brings back memories. Speaking of memories, I just remembered an old Ethereal spell that would help me in this situation. And the main ingredient was bones. Lucky for me the floor was made out of bones. I pray to Harmony that Midnight would never use this spell ever.

I started to hum in the back of my throat. The low notes vibrated the floor as i casted. Every low note broke the floor, freeing the bones that were laid there. Every high note that I hummed raised them into the air. And the middle note? Well they formed my army. The power of the Ethereals was to command the corpses and to protect the souls. A barrier was to protect souls, a song to command corpses, and fire to burn away memories. All stemming from a well of mana that was eternally linked to the god that controls magic. Void.

The old bones creaked and groaned as they rose from the floor. The groaning became a battle cry as I hummed louder until I had formed a thousand strong. With a smile I turned toward my army and with a flick of my wing, said, “Go and feast on your tormentors and only then you may have rest.” I again started to hum my merry little tune. The screams and pounding of hooves, claws and fangs drowned out the sound of my song. I paid them no mind as I sat down on Tzar’s empty throne raising my voice to sing.

‘Watch that old fire as it flickers and dies

That once blessed the household and lit up our lives

It shone for the friends and the clinking of glasses’

I'll tend to the flame; you can worship the ashes

Capture the wild things and bring them in line’

My voice resonated across the halls, raising the bones from where they laid. I then set them upon those who had put them there. I walked over the jewel encrusted throne in the middle of ashened room. I let my voice become louder as I sang.

‘And own what was never your right to confine

The lives and the loves and the songs are what matters

I'll tend to the flame; you can worship the ashes

Do you feel heavy? Your eyes drop with grief

Your spirit is wild and your suffering is brief

So never you buckle and bend to the masses

I'll tend to the flame; you can worship the ashes.”

I sat back and watched the mayhem that I brought among the living. I smiled as the dead took revenge on those who wronged them. This was what I needed. This was just the start of my revenge. May those that face my justified wrath be condemned to Purgatory.


Pierre’s ears flattened as he looked at the Kinkus before him. “Pierre… Do you know these two?” I asked, shuffling from hoof to hoof. Pierre’s eyes shifted towards me and back to the duo. The tall purple Kinku narrowed their silver eyes at Pierre’s shifty behavior.

“‘Tis this is embarrassing.” The purple one groaned. “Pierre, cantalach scribe, ‘tis time to get back abhaile. I dun want ta be here any longer den’ I hav’ ta be. ‘Tis this mór-roinn be cursed.” Their fur fluffed in agitation. Silver fur flashed under the purple creating an iridescent sheen. I was temporarily distracted by this but I heard hooves steps behind me.

“Oi, ‘tis what commotion gonna ‘bout out ‘ere?” Harmony’s lilting voice rang out behind me. The two Kinku’s dropped to their knees in reverence. The purple one then rose back to their feet, leather creaking.

“Oh, Bandia Harmony, ‘tis I, Astoré of the Cosantóir Tribe.” Astoré said with their back straight as a board. The gray shy just stared at me with bright orange eyes. “This is one me Kinkus ‘tis under me protection and Pierre here’s one of ‘em. He has *erm* oh, thank ye, Spéir Geal, bad habit of runn’ away. If tis be alright wit thee, me lady, I’ll be takin’ de cantalach scribe back ta abhaile.” Harmony thinned her lips and hummed.

I blinked in confusion. “I thought Pierre accidentally got roped into Sombra’s search for me?” I voiced.

“To a point, my Lord’s Lady.” Pierre said, his ears drooping more, “I have an adventurous soul and Scribes do not go exploring. We stay in our homes and do not leave. Copying texts the other tribes have made with their research. I just wanted to see the world myself.”

“Let us come inside instead of standing outside my son’s door.” Harmony waved everyone inside. The gray Kinku’s widen in fear and hid behind Astoré’s back. Astoré just patted the poor Kinku’s arm and walked in with the confidence of someone who could kill everyone in the room without a second thought.

“Pierre,” I whispered. “Is Astoré dangerous?”

“To her enemies but not to those who she deemed innocent. She is very protective of the weak.” Pierre answered, “She seemed to have received a new ward. Never seen the skittish Ealaíontóir before.” I nodded as I walked into the lavender sitting room that Sombra never used. The couches were a deep purple and never seemed to get dust on them and Astoré looked like a queen lounging on them. Harmony looked regal as she sipped from a dainty light blue tea cup. The stand off between the titans was so thick that the tension became extremely thick. I wanted to run away, but Harmony just waved me in. I walked around the ornately decorated dark wood tea table and sat down next to Harmony. Her wing wrapped around Pierre and me. She gave the Kinkus a toothy grin.

“I was informed by my son that he was going to introduce this cute little Scribe to the Mother of all Kinkus,” Their eyes widened at this news, “for helping him in finding his mate. I know that the Cosantóir Tribe take the protection of their wards seriously but Pierre has been perfectly safe with my son and his mate. Are you implying that my son is dangerous?” She grinned as she sipped from her tea. Astoré narrowed her eyes.

“‘Tis not what I was implying, Oh, Goddess,” Astoré retorted, flicking her wrist in a dismissive manner, “for thee see me cantalach ward dinna inform me of dis excursion of his. ‘Tis only right dat I be a wee bit mad dat he was not in me sight. I donna be sayin’ dat yer son canny take care me ward, nor der I say he be powerful enough da to be Pierre’s protector. I just be sayin’ dat I dunna trust nor want anybody to take over me job!” She bared her teeth in aggravation. The tea cup shattered in her hand, cutting her in the process. The smell of blood made my ears ring. Black dots began to spot my vision while my mind was brought back to that infernal cave and river of blood with bits of Harmony’s fur floating in the bloody stream. The pounding of my ears barely drowned out the screaming match that had broken out. I have never heard Harmony yell like that before. I just can’t take it anymore! If this continues I am going to start crying. Please stop. Please stop it! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!

“Leor, Astoré! Leor!” Pierre shout had cut through the noise. The shouting had stopped. In a beautiful lilting language, Pierre began to speak. His deep baritone voice was at odds with the soft, flowy language. I cracked open one of my eyes and found bright orange eyes staring at me. A gray and silver fox face took up my field of sight, making me jump. I nearly knocked Pierre off my back, causing him to stop speaking.

“My Lord’s Lady is everything all right?” Pierre asked in concern. But I did not answer him because I was distracted by the gray and silver Kinku pulling me into a hug. Pierre squeaked as he was too brought into this group hug. Magpie wings wrapped themselves around us as the Kinku began to purr. I am really getting addicted to the purr. It’s a cure for all!

“Spéir Gea!” Astoré cried, “ye canny hug strangers even if ye feel dar pain. Come now lety go of dem, by Zepha’s wings.” Spéir Gea started to squeak in protest, squeezing me and Pierre in the process. I felt some frantic movements on my back. I tried to turn my head to see what was going on but I couldn’t see.

“Pst, Pierre, what are they doing on my back?” I whispered in Pierre’s ear. He turned around and whispered in my ear, “They are speaking through their hand or what I like to call it “Hand Language”. I believe it is a fantastic name for when one speaks through their hands.” I could hear the smugness in his voice. I rolled my eyes at this. I heard a lilting argument and frantic movements.

“Not to be rude, Pierre, but is one of them deaf?” I whispered the question.

“No, the one holding us is apparently mute by choice or Astoré would be communicating solely by Hand Language.” He nodded.

“Pierre, that’s a stupid name.” I deadpanned as I tapped the gray fluffy chest. “Pardon me, Wise one, if you could be so kind and let me and my companion go? What, Pierre?” Pierre’s eyes glistened with a shaky smile.

“Y-you listened to my lecture!” He started to bawl. Spéir Gea slowly let me go and then picked Pierre up, cradling him in their arms. Their purring went up a notch. Pierre looked like a baby in the arms of the larger Kinku. I never really realized how small Pierre was until now. and he goes to my chin! Way to make me feel short. Ugg..

“Are you really going to take him away?” I ask the scary Kinku. Her silver eyes bore into me. I shrank back. She’s really scary. She’s definitely slightly shorter than Zepha but a lot more intense. This Kinku towered over me and with her arms crossed over her chest really made me feel small. She sighed and tried to make herself seem softer, which didn’t work. At all. She got to her knees and looked me straight into my eyes.

“Pierre, dunna belong here, Lil one,” she said in a soft voice, “he belongs with de rest of de scribe’s in thar Hovels. Pierre is an - er- outlier? ‘Tis that de right word? Common ‘tis so hard ter speak. Anyways, yay, I havata take ‘im back ‘ome.” She gently patted my head. “Thanks fer being ‘is friend, Lil one.”

My left ear went flat while my face grew confused. ‘Outlier?’ First time I heard that word in that context. I did perk up a bit at the paw hitting a spot by my ears. I had to stop the urge to make her scratch behind my ear and make my hind leg thump like a puppy’s. Harmony huffed and gently pried Pierre from Spéir Gea’s arms and pulled me towards her.

“As much as I enjoyed seeing this, I will not let you take Pierre until my son has approved this.” Her voice broke no argument. “Now it is late so allow me to escort you both to your rooms for the night. Come.” She started to walk to the door not even looking back, expecting to be followed. Astoré growled a little but got up and obayed. She gently nudged Spéir Gea and walked after Harmony. They got up and followed her out of the room. I blinked at this. Pierre just tilted his head.

“Ok, Pierre, wanna go bake cookies?” I smiled.

“You are banned from cooking.”

“Oh, right. Buuutttt you’re not!” I sang as I carried him in a barrier all the way to the kitchen. Pierre squeaking along the way. I skipped into the kitchen and found mom trying her best to save my burnt sacrifices to the Goddess Harmony. She looked up from what she was doing and glared.

“Midnight, you destroyed food again.” She said quietly. “You are just like your father, making burnt sacrifices to the gods. And apparently they do not like burnt food.”

“But I came to help.” I said sheepishly. I shuffled back and forth not knowing what to do.

“Just get out.” Mom waved me away. I slumped and shuffled out of the kitchen. I had made a great grievance towards her. Food was a sacred thing to her and I burnt it once again. Why can’t I cook to save my life? A mare of my age should be able to cook and clean for their household by now!

“Might I suggest we go to the gardens instead?” Pierre squeaked. “Your mother did not look very happy with you.”

“Not when I burn the food.” I moaned.

“You burnt food again, Miss Star?” A familiar rumble made my ears perk up. There at the end of the hallway was Sombra. He was smiling big. Looking so handsome covered in blood. Wait. Wait a minute! Covered in blood?!

Author's Note:

Co-written by Silvergolddragon28001