• Published 23rd Apr 2020
  • 6,902 Views, 334 Comments

Sombra's Midnight Star - Twilighted Rose

For three thousand years he waited, mourning the loss of his mate. But now he found her but she doesn't remember what they had. Luckily Sombra has a spell to fix it.

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Lullaby From a Resentful Princess

The whispers came back! They came back with a vengeance. Calling for her to kill Celestia like it did all those years ago. Luna could not let them win this time. She would not let them. Nightmare Moon would never rise again. Never again. Luna paced the floor of her suit at the Catnerlot palace. She about dug a trench with all the pacing she been doing all night. She should be doing her job, giving good dreams to all the ponies in Equestria, but she was plagued once again with the whispers. Sweet, seductive whispers that reminded her of the good times she had when Harmonia was around. All of Harmony’s creatures out and about with fantastical dreams. Sweet, beautiful dreams that actually had flavor! Not the same old pony dreams over and over again. And it was Celestia’s fault that there were no other creatures in Equestria. Celestia only allowed ponies and a select few come in to Equestria, then she made the barrier, and no other beings could come in.
It was the barrier that started it all! The unnecessary pain and suffering it had caused. Oh, sure there was peace, and her psychotic kind could not get in. But at what cost? One pony’s life over and over again. Tortured to the lowest point of her life? Her cries echoing these halls, her suffering staining the walls. All for the great barrier. The barrier that saved everybeing’s life in Equestria but at the cost of one pony’s dignity, pain and life.
Resentment flooded Luna’s blood as the memories came pouring in. Celestia created the three different times before Luna found out what was happening. She could not stop her sister! She had to watch as the sister she loved so much kill the poor pony and shatter the soul crystal. By shattering the crystal, the barrier was created. It was horrible! She hated it! Absolutely hated it but Luna could do nothing. She did not even find out who the pony was until the sixth time. Celestia was in a drunken stupor complaining about how she had to find a new sacrifice for the barrier. When Luna heard this, she let the whispers take over. And thus Nightmare Moon was born. Luna was not about to let her rise again. Never again. No, no, NO! Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!
“Lulu? Are you alright?” Tia! Tia can help! She could make the whispers go away!
But it was her fault. Kill her. Kill her. Kil—
“Lulu, sister, you are pacing!” Tia cried as she ran up to Luna. “Sister, please tell me what ails you!”
It is her fault! She caused the torture! She hurt your friend! She turned the ponies away from your night. She is the cause of your pain. It was her fault! It was her fault! Let me in and I will once again free you from your pain.
“Lulu, come here,” Tia arms were stretched out in an invitation for comfort. Her soft lilac eyes beckoned Luna with the promise of comfort and safety. By that was a lie. Did she not extend the same promise before, only to then turn around and betrayed her friend? Betrayed her trust? What is stopping her from doing it again?
“Tia, what are you doing up?” Luna growled. She stopped a few paces away from her sister. Tia’s eyes shuttered at the sudden rejection. She dropped her arms. Tia started to chew her lip. Tears welled up in her eyes.
“I-I came to check up on you,” Tia stammered, “you where not tending to the dreams. So I came to see if you were alright. I know that since Twilight went missing you have been struggling but I have not stopped looking for her. Tonight she is not coming back. Especially if you pace a hole into the floor. Finding her is my responsibility. So rest easy knowing that I will find my student.”
“And what, sacrifice her to the barrier?” Luna mumbled. She felt the resentment well up in her veins once more and whispers became louder. Tia gave her a weird look as if she was trying to decipher what Luna was saying . Luna sighed and walked over to her sister.
“Tia, you look tired let me sing you a lullaby to help you sleep, hmm?” Tia just nodded. Together they walked to Tia’s room. The whispers started to cry out and in turn they drowned out whatever Tia was saying. It was starting to give her a headache. Tia ran into her room and did a belly flop right into her bed with a squeal. Luna just rolled her eyes at her sister’s antics.
She walked over to her favorite chair as Tia turned herself into a burrito. Still so dorky. It was still so hard to wrap her head around that Tia her goofy sister would do such atrocities. But she did and there was nothing Luna could do but to resent her. War, Luna understood, but sacrificing one for the many, no. No, she does not understand that. Ah, damn, she was getting distracted.
Celestia already had her star-studded nightcap on and was hugging her stuffie. A worn out brown teddy bear with a missing button eye that had seen better days. Luna huffed out a laugh.
“You still sleep with that thing?” Luna asked. Her head tilting to the side. She can almost quite the voices in her head for just a little while. It was nice.
“Don’t call him that!” Celestia screeched as she clutched the stuffie closer. “He has a name you know!”
“Yes, yes, Sir McFuffles of Cuddleshire I know.” Luna waved hoof dismissively. “What?”
“That’s not his name.” Celestia said with a pout. A squeak came from the stuffie as she squeezed it . “That was sooooo century ago! Sheesh, Lulu, keep up with the times!”
“Then what is his name now?” She did not have time for. Luna rubbed her head in frustration. She was already late to do her job because of the whispers but now she even more late. At this point she might as well go back to bed and ignore her responsibilities to night. Yeah know what that does not sound like bad idea. She needs a night off.
“It’s Wubsy!” Celestia exclaimed. She clapped her hooves together in delight. Luna rolled her eyes. She huffed, “Tis late and I need to get back to work. Let me sing to you so I may get back to it, hmm?”
“Thank you,” Luna bowed her head in gratitude. She started to hum a haunting melody. It’s notes filled the room calling those who listen to fall asleep. Then she sang..

‘How Your deeds pain me
as time stretches long
How could you have hurt her this way?
Should I rest easy now, your punishment’s mine?
The weight of your crimes are my own

But into that stillness
you brought me your song
With your voice my company kept
For your tired eyes and sweet lullabies

In exile I pay you your debt

Once did a pony who
gleamed like the moon
Look out on her kingdom and sigh
Dejected she cried,
“Surely there is no pony
“Who hears me, or who sees me in my starlit plight

So great was her pain,
she rose in rebellion
Against those who supposedly cared for her most
She let nightmares
descend on those she ruled
And threatened to grasp
them in permanent cold."

Lullaby, dear Tia, once good sister of mine
Rest now in starlight’s embrace
May this cool lullaby
reach you in dreams
And ease me my passage of night
May your apologies find me this night
And may my sorrow in kind
Tia, you said you loved me much more than I knew
Should I forgive you for being so blind’

Luna stopped singing when she heard the soft snores of her sister. Did she even hear a word I was singing? She thought to herself as she tiptoed towards the door. The resentment welled up once more as Luna started to plot her sister’s demise once again. She stopped dead in her tracks. Luna could not go down that path again. It got her lock up in the moon for over a thousand years with only the whispers for company. She now has Twilight. If only her teacher was around maybe he could give her some advice. That would be nice.

Luna remembering that she still loved her sister sang the last of her lullaby with the original lyric:

‘May all your dreams be sweet tonight
Safe upon that bed above the lights
And know not of heartache,
fear, nor gloom
And when I dream, I’ll
fly away to meet you soon
Sleep, sleep
Then Luna went straight to bed.