• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,368 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Five: Ponyville

Kanathara hummed thoughtfully as she continued to pace in front of the shield spell, the demon occasionally stopping and glaring at the barely visible pink wall only to mutter something and continue pacing.

“So… any ideas on what to do?” asked Rainbow Dash, who was balancing a rock on her nose.

“There was a shield spell a lot like this one outside the castle you were being held in,” Kanathara replied, gesturing to the wall. “It wasn't perfect either and had its weak points, but was surprisingly strong nonetheless.”

The vengant frowned, and let the rock fall from her nose. “So, do we just punch through it or what?”

Kanathara shook her head. “No. There is an alarm sub-enchantment placed on the shield, one that may have already been triggered when you touched it.”

Rainbow Dash winced. “Sorry about that.”

Sighing, the other demon rubbed her chin. “There isn't much we can about that now. We just have to move forward with that knowledge in mind.”

“So, does that mean you have an idea?” Rainbow Dash pressed. “‘Cause if I set off some sort of alarm, I’d feel a lot better if we got the hell out of here.”

“That won't be necessary,” Kanathara stated, standing tall, mere feet from the shield. “I have an idea, one that will hopefully get us inside and disguise us at the same time.”

“Oh right,” Rainbow Dash muttered, looking down at her scaly hoof and clearly demonic appearance. “That might be a good idea.”

“Hold still,” Kanathara commanded, turning to her familiar.

Who instantly stiffened, standing perfectly still as her mistress turned to her, and began to channel her magic into what felt like a powerful spell. Energy swirled and twisted about the mare’s long horn, contorting and changing from the red and purple of her natural energy until it was a lighter, more blue color. Then, all at once, the energy exploded into a shower of sparks, which twisted in the air, latching onto Rainbow Dash’s tough hide.

“Ooh, tickles,” remarked the vengant, who lifted a hoof and noted that it was changing colors, becoming lighter by the second.

Within a minute, those sparks had spread across the entirety of the demon’s body, gradually lightening her coloration until she no longer looked like a demon. Extending a wing, Rainbow Dash noted that the leathery membranous appendage was replaced by a feathered one. Feathers that were a light teal, a color that spread to her hooves, and the rest of her body.

Rainbow Dash felt odd and looked down at her hooves, the pony turned demon remembering her time spent as a mortal being. Though it had been brief, and long ago, it still made her feel oddly nostalgic, while also quite unpleasant at the same time. The mare blew a stray hair from her face and frowned, plopping down on the ground and crossing her hooves over her chest.

“I already hate it,” she stated.

Kanathara rolled her eyes. “You can stand being colorful for a day or two. We need information, and a place to stay and rest.”

“Information?” Rainbow Dash asked, cocking her head. “I thought Tirek had spies on this plane.”

“He does, or did, but evidently he hasn't kept us abreast on what all has happened here. As this is new,” Kanathara stated, gesturing to the shield spell.

“Hmm, I guess you are right. So what do we do then?” Rainbow Dash continued.

“Ask around, listen in, keep an ear out for information,” Kanathara replied dismissively. “It's not like we are trying to figure out where Celestia sleeps, just what is happening in the area, and hopefully something about these paladins we heard about.”

“Good idea. If those ranger dopes were only partially trained by them, I’m hesitant to find out how tough the paladins themselves are,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

Kanathara smirked and jabbed a hoof at the other demon. “What is this? The great Rainbow Dash no longer spoiling for a fight? Maybe getting electrocuted finally knocked some sense into you.”

The vengant stuck out her tongue at the other demon, revealing that it was short, flat and not nearly as long. Something that made her stop and look down at the disappointing appendage. “I can't even blow a proper raspberry at you,” she grumbled. “This sucks worse than I thought.”

Sighing, Kanathara lit her horn. “Oh, don't be such a baby. Now stand back while I use the spell as well.”

Rainbow Dash did as she was told, the demon watching closely as her friend and lover was slowly replaced by a very similar being who had light purple fur and a three toned mane and tail of mainly sapphire blue, a moderate purple and a light raspberry color. Her eyes lost their sinister color and shape, becoming the same violet that could be seen in her mane.

Like Rainbow Dash, fur now covered her entire body, and she had a pony-esque mane and tail, losing the more demonic aspects of her appearance. Though still taller and physically larger than most ponies, the pair no longer looked like demons, but were instead ponies, albeit big ones at that. Kanathara sighed, as she ran a hoof down her now shorter, more rounded horn with barely contained irritation.

“Okay, you were right, this does suck,” she remarked, only for her frown to deepen. “And does feel really weird.”

“I know, right?” exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

Kanathara sighed. “Let's just get this over with. The illusion should be good enough to fool the shield spell, but remember that if we lose the illusion, we’ll be stuck inside so don't let anyone cast any dispel magic on or around you.”

“Got it,” Rainbow Dash replied, snapping off quick salute.

“Good. ‘Cause this spell is one part illusion, one part demon magic, meaning if I have to cast it while inside the shield, it will likely set off another series of alarms,” Kanathara continued.

“Don't get caught, don't lose the illusion, don't get dispelled. Anything else?” Rainbow Dash asked, the demon turned pony stretching her legs.

“I won't bore you on how the spell works, but basically there is a layer overtop of you that is coded as pony, which should fool it,” Kanathara explained. “I don't know if this will become important, but I thought you should know, just in case.”

“Alright then, ready?” Rainbow Dash asked, returning to a more relaxed standing position.

“Indeed, also, now who’s paranoid for spending years making up this spell?” Kanathara shot back with a smirk.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “I just said that because you weren’t coming to bed.”


The two turned and began towards the shield spell, neither stopping for a second when they reached it, and passing right through without any resistance. Though Rainbow Dash had faith in her mistress’ spellcasting, she still breathed a little easier once on the other side. Something that Kanthara did as well, the keeper of secrets silently amazed that her spell worked, given that she had never been able to test it before.

“I forgot just how bright my mane used to be,” Rainbow Dash muttered, her eyes straining to look up where her rainbow-colored mane covered her forehead.

“I can't wait to get rid of it. Your real mane is hot as hell,” Kanathara quipped, smirking at her own joke.

Rainbow Dash snickered. “Too true. Plus you don't have to comb fire.”

“We had best get this done and quick then. I want to be back in my real body as soon as possible,” lamented the keeper.

“You and me both, girl. All these bright colors do not suit you one bit,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

Kanathara snorted. “Thanks for the pickmeup, Rainbowhead.”

The vengant shrugged. “You know me. I calls ‘em like I sees ‘em.”

“Let’s just get moving, and keep an eye out for any guards,” Kanathara commanded as the pair continued to trot across the small open plain that surrounded the town on three sides.

“You got it, boss,” answered the other demon, who took the lead, trotting slightly ahead of the shorter demon.

“Hold up a second,” announced Kanathara suddenly, the demon pulling aside her familiar.

Raising an eyebrow, Rainbow Dash looked around, noting that although there were a few guards around, they didn't seem to be overly active nor paying any attention to them. The ponies of Ponyville also didn't seem suspicious, though a few still stared at the pair of tall, foreign-looking disguised demons. Their gazes mostly lingered on the pair’s blank flanks, or piercing eyes, which, although normal in appearance, weren’t totally disguised by Kanathara’s spell.

“What is it?” asked Rainbow Dash, who leaned a little closer, ensuring no one overheard them.

“Watch those guards for a second. Isn't there something weird about them?” Kanathara pointed out, subtly gesturing to the pair of guards who trotted slowly down an adjacent road.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and watched as the male pegasus and female earth pony talked amongst themselves until they passed by a random stallion, whom they stopped. After briefly exchanging hellos, the new stallion pulled forth a small packet of papers from seemingly nowhere. After handing it over to the female guard, she studied the papers intensely while her male counterpart continued to make small talk.

A few seconds later and the papers were handed back, an apology given, and goodbyes exchanged. After that, the guards continued on their way, trotting out of view, and making Rainbow Dash grumble in annoyance. “I don't suppose you got a spell to replicate some papers by chance, do ya?” asked the vengant.

Kanathara shook her head. “I don't even know what kind of papers they are, if they are enchanted, or what kind of information they contain.”

“Bugger,” muttered the other demon. “So, what's the plan?”

“Keep calm, and when near a pony, don't speak out loud,” Kanathara explained. “Other than that, we’ll need to keep an eye out for an inn, and if we get faced with the possibility of running into a guard, duck into a shop.”

“Got it. Which way next then?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“We’ll continue to sweep the less populated streets before heading deeper into town,” replied the keeper.

“Alright, lead the way,” offered the vengant.

Kanathara nodded and did just that, trotting out front, and down the road.

Minutes passed relatively quickly after that, with the demons able to pick up quite a bit of random information as they walked. They town was abuzz with news about the Summer Sun Celebration being hosted here, an event prestigious enough that preparations were already being made despite it not coming up for awhile. A few carts they passed were unloading supplies, including fresh flowers for a local florist and a fresh stock of honey for a small bakery they passed by.

The demons’ stomachs rumbled in unison at the sight of so much honey, but they refused to indulge in their hunger quite yet.

Though they were able to dodge most of the guards deftly, and without raising suspicion, at about the half hour mark, their luck began to run out. “Pair coming in behind us,” whispered Rainbow Dash.

Kanathara frowned and looked around the road, noticing that down the street there was another pair of guards coming towards them. Neither pair seemed to have done this on purpose though, so Kanathara knew them ducking into a shop wouldn't raise suspicion. Unfortunately for them, they were in the middle of a residential street, one that had few shops, all of which appeared to be behind them.

“Aha, in there,” Kanathara pointed out, gesturing to a strange shop in the shape of a carousel in the middle of a row of houses.

Rainbow Dash nodded, and walked in that direction, pretending to eye up the dresses, and armored clothes in the window. Kanathara quickly joined her, and was genuinely surprised by the strange mix of both clothes and armor. So it was with genuine curiosity that the pair made their way inside, making fake small talk all the while.

Once inside, Kanathara looked around, and noticed that it was completely empty save for a middle aged mare near the back of the store. She looked unimportant though and was holding up two nearly identical dresses, both of which were, in the demon’s opinion, ugly as sin.

Look at the display model and watch for the guards, don't make your presence known though, Kanathara commanded mentally before turning towards a seemingly random rack of dresses.

A quick nod was all that was needed to tell the keeper that her command was received and understood, the vengant turning and carrying it out a second later.

Now without her familiar nearby, Kanathara decided to try and satiate her curiosity which had begun to burn the second she noticed how unique this shop was. The shop itself evidently didn't see a lot of business, but judging from the prices, the owner didn't need a lot of attention to survive. The keeper of secrets flicked past dresses one after another, scanning them visually, until she found a dress that stuck out from the rest.

It looked normal, but there were plates just beneath the surface, sewn into the fabric, and hidden by an intricate stitching pattern that made the slight bulge less obvious. It also had several enchantments woven into the fabric, making the piece of clothing equivalent to a suit of plate mail. It was masterful, for a pony anyway, as Kanathara had seen better demon-made armor before, though not one quite as aesthetically pleasing as this.

“I see you are interested in our war maiden line of dresses,” a calm, pleasant voice suddenly announced from behind Kanathara.

The keeper cursed her curiosity for probably the millionth time in her life and quickly erected a smile before turning around. “We don't have such things in my homeland,” Kanathara replied, while looking the mare up and down.

She seemed to be in her mid twenties, or early thirties, though her exact age was difficult to pin down due to how much make-up the mare wore. Though not excessive, it was artfully done, hiding the small signs of age, while also making her positive qualities that much more obvious. Her mane was a luscious indigo, which was curled to perfection, as were her eyelashes. This theme of care and perfection extended from her horn, which was polished and filled immaculately, to her hooves which were dainty, and evidently well-cared for. Even her royal white fur was brushed with the utmost care, drawing the eye towards her cutie mark which was of three bright teal gems.

“Oh? Do they not have armored clothes where you are from?” asked the pony, who looked up at the demon with bright, curious eyes.

“They do, but they are far less… subtle than this,” Kanathara remarked, remembering well the few times she had seen a demon who wasn't wearing either normal clothes or outright armor.

“Hmm, that is unfortunate,” lamented the mare. “The best part of such clothes is their subtlety after all. The blend of form and function that protects and enhances. Though I’m afraid that I don't have any that would fit a pony of your stature.”

Kanathara blinked, only now realizing that she stood a good head taller than the pony. “Oh, I was just looking. I noticed your display and was intrigued,” Kanathara replied suddenly, a little shocked over how great the height difference was.

They are gone, Rainbow Dash interjected.

Kanathara ignored her comment for now and pointed to the plates hidden along the collar of the dress. “What type of metal do you use here? It seems awful light if you are trying to protect such a vulnerable area,” asked the keeper.

The mare blinked, evidently taken off guard by the question. “It has been quite a while since someone had the knowhow to ask such a pointed question before. But I suppose the customer deserves to know. It is silver steel, and is quite durable, I assure you.”

“Interesting,” muttered the demon, who prodded the dress, only for her thoughts to be interrupted by Rainbow Dash walking up behind her and throwing a foreleg over her shoulder.

“You ready to go, or did you see another dress you liked?” asked Rainbow Dash, who pecked the keeper’s cheek affectionately.

Blushing furiously, Kanathara glared at the other demon. What did I tell you about making up cover stories on the fly? Warn me next time!

But that’s far less fun, shot back the vengeant, who extended a hoof. “Name’s Swift Breeze, this is Night Sky, and you are?”

The pony blinked, and looked up at the even taller demon who loomed over them both. “I er… my name is Rarity.” The mare smiled, and took Rainbow Dash’s hoof in her own. “And welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique.”

“That's quite the catch phrase,” Rainbow Dash complimented, shaking the mare’s hoof confidently and making the smaller being wince under the strength of her grip.

This is our chance to plumb for more information. Follow my lead, Kanathara mentally commanded, not waiting for her familiar to talk back, and merely trusting in her ability to know where to take the conversation. “So, what's with that dome thing outside? Is it some sort of protection for this Summer Sun Celebration?” Kanathara remarked.

Rarity shook her head. “No, I’m afraid it’s been up for a great many years. It was built by the Rich family, who took it upon themselves to protect the town after Celestia revealed the existence of demons.” The pony shivered suddenly. “And to think, their were monsters in those woods for as far back as anypony can remember. I’m amazed we survived without the shield or the guard, even if the former does make everything a little pink.”

“Oh, it doesn't hurt the eyes by chance, does it?” Kanathara pressed.

“No, it's completely harmless to ponies. Though if you spend too much time outside you tend to get a rather odd tan.” Rarity remarked. “You will know what I’m talking about when you meet Pinkie Pie.”

The demons both tensed up slightly upon hearing the name. “Who is this Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow Dash asked, the demon doing her best to keep her voice steady.

Rarity smiled, ignoring or not noticing the intensity behind the vengant’s voice. “She's the unofficial town greeter. If you are new to Ponyville, she’ll welcome you, eventually. But don't worry, she's harmless, and will probably throw you a party if you stick around long enough.”

“Well, we were hoping to learn more about your town, weren’t we, hun?” exclaimed Rainbow Dash, who turned to Twilight expectantly.

“That we were,” Kanathara replied.

“Well, I may not be as good a greeter as Pinkie Pie, but I would be happy to tell you anything about our fair village,” Rarity replied with a wide, genuine smile.

“We were curious about these demons we’ve been hearing so much about. It seems as though ponies are quite scared of them,” Rainbow Dash remarked. “Back home, we don't have as many issues with these… creatures.”

“Where exactly are you from by chance? If you don't mind me asking, of course,” Rarity quickly added. “I must admit I’ve never met a pony as tall as you before, Swift Breeze.”

The vengant smirked. “Both of us have some Saddle Arabian in us, which also explains our lack of cutie mark, I’m afraid.”

Kanathara grinned, pride welling in her chest, as well as a little bit of shock as she wouldn't have guessed that Rainbow Dash had been paying much attention to that particular lesson they had received. “Add to that a heartier diet than most ponies, and most folk we know are taller than your average pony,” Rainbow Dash added.

“I see,” murmured Rarity, who looked both demons up and down. “That is quite something, why I bet your partner here would be nearly as tall as Celestia herself.”

Kanathara gritted her teeth upon hearing that particular name, but quickly quashed the anger that threatened to rise in her chest. Thankfully Rarity seemed to notice this shift in mood, and hastily moved to change the topic. “To answer your question, the Everfree is filled with monsters and demons, but around ten years ago there was an issue in Canterlot, and Celestia formed an order of paladins to help train the guard in order to combat them better.”

“Really, are they strong?” pressed Rainbow Dash.

“Oh yes, and smart, and kind, and they are lead by the most handsome stallion I’ve ever seen.” Rarity sighed dramatically, looking off into the distance dreamily. “Commander Shining Armor is every mare’s dream husband, it's almost too bad that he's marrying a princess.”

The keeper of secrets felt something tug at the back of her mind upon hearing that name, though she didn't know the significance of that at the moment. “So after this… incident, knowledge of demons was made more readily available and the paladins were formed?”

Rarity nodded. “Pretty much. I was fairly young at the time so it didn't seem quite so strange, though now that I look back at it, is quite odd that we weren’t taught anything about demons in school.”

“That is quite odd,” murmured Rainbow Dash, whose expression seemed off, her mind distant and unfocused.

“Is there anything else I can help you with?” Rarity asked.

Kanathara shook her head. “No, that's all, thank you very much.”

“We appreciate it,” added Rainbow Dash.

The fashionable pony scoffed and waved a dismissive hoof at the pair. “Don't worry about it, darlings, I’m just doing my part. Do come back if you ever need a dress and don't forget, we do custom fittings.”

Rainbow Dash smirked, and bumped her hip against Kanathara’s. “Hey, maybe we could get her to make you a dress for our wedding.”

The smaller demon blushed furiously and glared at her familiar. “If anyone would be wearing a dress, it would be you, miss frills.”

Rarity used the brief moment of silence to slip between the mares, a card in her hoof. “Well, if you ever do get around to tying the knot, don't hesitate to drop by. We have an extensive collection of wedding dresses available for mares of all shapes, sizes and styles.”

“Thank you, but I think we’ll be leaving for now,” Kanathara replied, brushing off Rainbow Dash’s foreleg.

The vengant smirked and was about to offer another jab, only to find the card Rarity had held suddenly stuffed into her mouth. Wow, rude, commented the mare.

Rarity chuckled nervously and took a step back, allowing the two demons to pass her by, with Kanathara hastily pushing her familiar out the door before pausing on the threshold. “Thank you again for your hospitality, and trust me, if we ever need a dress, we’ll be back.”

The fashionista could only nod weakly as the strange pair left her shop, distinctly aware of the fact that the tall pegasus had swallowed her card.

“What an odd pair,” she murmured.

“Oh, what was that dear?” asked the pink, middle aged mare.

“Nothing Cheerilee, just a pair of strangers exploring the town,” Rarity replied, trotting over to where the earth pony stood. “Now then, how can I help you today?”

The older pony blushed and raised the dresses she was looking at. “I was just hoping to buy a dress for an upcoming date, you see Big Mac and I-”

We should have asked that Rarity pony where the nearest inn was, Rainbow Dash exclaimed, as they ducked through an alleyway, before emerging back out onto a guard free street.

We don't need her to tell us where it is. Besides, I’ve got a fairly good idea of its location, Kanathara replied, hastily tugging along her familiar as they weaved through traffic, making their way closer to the heart of the town.

Though there were more guards here, it wasn't difficult for the quick-witted keeper to dodge them, given just how many ponies clogged these more central roads. It still took a few minutes, but sure enough, they found what they were looking for when they came to a stop outside the oddest building either demon had seen since coming to this plane.

“This is weirder than Rarity’s carousel,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“Quite,” agreed Kanathara.

Before them stood what looked like an amalgam of a bakery, a bar and an inn. To the left, was the bakery half, which appeared to be a three story tall gingerbread house, decorated with plenty of fake candy. The only reason either demon knew it was a bakery was the sign out front that read Sugarcube Corner: Bakery and Confections. Though the gingerbread theme ended at the rightmost part of the building, where a hall attached it to a rather plain, brown structure that was also three stories tall.

It had a seperate sign out front which read, Twisted Taps’ Bar and Inn.

The rather plain and boring building beside the whimsical gingerbread house was quite jarring, but nonetheless drew the eye quite well. “This place is weird, boss,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“Quite,” agreed Kanathara, who strode forward. “Well, we better get moving.”

“Right, lead the way.”

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