• Published 26th Jun 2017
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Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Five: Wild Goose

A faint shimmer could be seen high above the Everfree Forest, a single demon flying over the chaotic wood as two beings looked down through a single pair of eyes. The vengant spun about lazily in the air, reveling in the freedom that came from an open sky devoid of creatures trying to chase her. Such a moment was a rare as the air of Tartarus was as dangerous as anywhere else in the lower planes.

Here though? Here there was nothing scarier than a particularly large bird and absolutely nothing that could threaten a fully fledged demon.

Even Kanathara who was a nervous flyer at the best of times enjoyed the sights and experiences flowing through their combined body. Rainbow Dash’s feeling of freedom and joy leaked into her thoughts, making her revel in the moment almost as much as the former pegasus currently did. As Ponyville came into view on the horizon, those thoughts of freedom and the joy of knowing that both Tirek and Pear Butter were okay were quickly dashed.

I don't know about this, Rainbow Dash, Kanathara confided nervously. Asking about his history with Celestia was prudent, considering we are on her home turf so to speak, but asking about how I came to be seems a little too… quick.

Rainbow Dash snorted. “It's been twenty years, Kanathara. You are an adult now. You deserve to know what happened to you and how you came to be in Tartarus. Especially since you did so at such a young age.”

I know that I’m older now and how you got to the lower planes, but I don't think that's how I ended up there, Kanathara replied.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “And why do you say that? I thought you had no memories of the time before Tirek?”

I don't, but I do have vague… feelings and glimpses gained by using memory magic, Kanathara remarked with a hint of hesitation. I feel like I didn't get there the traditional way.

The vengant snorted again as she did a barrel roll after riding a small thermal. “I know what you mean, but every argument we made about him telling us about Celestia also applies to you, and heck Pythias and Pear Butter too.”

I guess, Kanathara admitted. But after everything that's happened, after all the bad memories I just dragged back to the surface, it doesn't feel right. He just lost so much. Pear Butter is in a coma, his entire power structure is gone, and though it was also his prison, Tirek’s home was destroyed. He is hurt, broken even, and I can't bring myself to push any harder. Not yet anyway.

Grumbling to herself, Rainbow Dash lazily glided along as she thought about her mistress’ words. “I get it. But, if you were a runaway or if Tirek made a deal with someone, you might have family around here.”

I don't have any family other than Pythias, Pear Butter, and father, Kanathara growled back.

“I know and I know you know that's not what I meant,” Rainbow Dash retorted, the vengant’s mane flickering and falling back to its usual length.

Yeah… Kanathara sighed. I guess I’m not ready to face that possibility yet either.

“It's tough, but we’ll get through it together, right?” Rainbow Dash urged with a smile. “I mean, we faced down demon lords, hordes of monsters, and tons of terrifying stuff.”

True, Kanathara admitted. And then there was also that time when you got drunk for the first time. Now that was a harrowing experience.

The vengant’s face burned brightly, their illusionary defence nearly falling under just how intensely she was blushing. “I thought you promised to never speak of that moment ever again.”

Kanathara giggled. Sorry, it must have slipped my mind.

Rainbow Dash grumbled and shook her head. “So are you going to ask him about where you came from or what?”

I’ll give it another few days. After he's had a chance to rest, and starts to get a plan in order, I’ll ask him about it, Kanathara replied with a bit of reluctance.

“Well alright, but remember, we gotta figure out what's up with Pythias and Pear Butter too,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

I won't forget, though I fear that we will have to wait for Pear Butter to wake up before we hear that particular story for ourselves, Kanathara suggested.

“True.” Rainbow Dash gave her wings a wiggle and looked out over the land below them, noting that Ponyville was now much closer. “So what are we doing out here anyway?”

I thought you could use the flight and that we could also do a little recon on the town, Kanathara answered while pointing their head down at said town.

“Good thinking. They were probably searching for us for a while. I wonder what they did after they realized they weren’t going to catch us,” Rainbow Dash mused with a smirk.

Why don't we go and see? Kanathara offered.

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Right, let's go take a little peek. Will our illusion hold up?”

Just don't touch the shield again, and we should be invisible to any passing observer and all but the best scrying spell, Kanathara explained.

“Sounds good,” Rainbow Dash remarked before tucking in their wings and diving down, gaining speed as she descended towards the dome surrounding Ponyville.

Ponies ran this way and that, a train billowing thick white smoke on one side of town while a large array of gold-clad warriors were busy setting up camp in the field just outside of town. “That's a lot of gold plates just to deal with little old us,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

They must expect heavy resistance, Kanathara replied, pointing their attention down to where a small cadre of non-golden ponies stood just off to the side. They even brought in some of those ranger ponies.

“R-right,” Rainbow Dash muttered, her trained gaze able to pick out Applejack and Pinkie Pie in the crowd as well as Fluttershy who was wearing a medic outfit two sizes too big for her.

Eyes up, Rainbow, Kanathara commanded.

Shaking her head, the vengant looked up just in time to pull them over the top of the dome and stop them from running headfirst into it. “Sorry,” she muttered.

Do I need to do the flying? Kanathara asked in a mix of irritation and genuine concern.

“It’s fine. I’ll stay focused from now on. I swear,” Rainbow Dash declared confidently before gaining altitude and banking for another pass.

Good, because I’m a terrible flyer, and despite what you may think, I don't actually enjoy taking your body from you, Kanathara added.

“I know. Sorry, boss. My head is in the game now,” Rainbow Dash reiterated.

Let's do one last fly-by of the town before checking out that encampment again, Kanathara commanded.

Nodding, Rainbow Dash did as she was told, gliding over the dome and using her demonically enhanced eyes to study the town while flying a good distance above it. Her and Kanathara’s attention roamed over the area, noting that although there were a few ponies flitting about, there was a lot less going on then they would have assumed. The usually busy market was pretty much empty, and a good majority of the ponies moving about the town seemed to be guards relaying orders and talking to the townsfolk.

“Don't you think this is all a bit much?” Rainbow Dash whispered as she took note of the sheer number of guards below them.

A pair of demons broke through a defence they assumed was impenetrable and had managed to go relatively undetected for nearly twenty-four hours, Kanathara pointed out. I think their paranoia is fairly warranted, given what most demons would do if given the opportunity of going undercover in a pony village.

“True,” Rainbow Dash whispered. “Though even still, a town-wide lockdown while the head of some big anti-demon organization brings down like a bajillion guards? That feels like overkill.”

Kanathara hummed thoughtfully, reluctantly admitting to herself that it did seem a bit like overkill. Sure, it was well-warranted, but this situation seemed like something a lieutenant could handle, rather than the head honcho. As the keeper watched the gold-plated ponies run to and fro, she couldn't help but wonder if there was some unknown third element that she wasn't grasping.

Perhaps it is simply personal for him, Kanathara considered, only to brush that thought aside rather quickly. Let's go take a look at their camp again and see if we can figure out what they are planning.

Rainbow Dash nodded, gained a little altitude, and did another fly-by, this time focusing a little closer on the outskirts of town while going as slow as she could without falling out of the sky.

The first thing they collectively noticed was the sheer amount of tents that had been set up, and the amount of ponies that were visible in the field below them. There were at least a hundred or so of them, and most seemed ready for battle, the various groups gathering into squads, running drills or receiving orders. Though not moving out right now, they were definitely ready to do so at a moment’s notice.

The longer Kanathara looked, the more she couldn't help but wonder why they were there. A squad or two would be enough to go looking for her and Rainbow Dash, a half dozen squads could do that while keeping the town under lock and key, but this many? It seemed like they were getting ready to assault something big.

Rainbow Dash, is it possible that they followed us back to father’s hideout? Kanathara asked.

“Doubtful,” Rainbow Dash whispered back. “We eliminated our scent, we didn't speak of the hideout. There is nothing they could have possibly used to follow us.”

Unless… Rainbow Dash, circle that big tent near the center, Kanathara commanded, pointing the demon’s attention to a particular tent at the heart of the gathering.

Diverting her flight plan, Rainbow Dash easily completed the order, the pony turned demon slowly circling the tent, her eyes locked on it. The vengant could all but hear the gears churning in her mistress' mind, the other demon controlling their eyes and picking out even the smallest details. From the way the tent poles were positioned, to the pile of stuff being levitated into the tent, Kanathara’s keen mind catalogued it all.

Oh no, Kanathara thought.

“What?” Rainbow Dash whispered back.

That's a kybar crystal, Kanathara pointed out, directing their combined attention to a hooded figure who was walking into the tent while levitating a single blue crystal. It’s able to focus the spell of a seer and enables a practiced diviner to find a demon whom they know the true name of.

“Something they needed to have in order to summon you here in the first place, which they likely did since they are based in Canterlot,” Rainbow Dash whispered back in shock.

Exactly. That crystal is hard to move quickly, and can only be transported by the being who attunes to it. That's what they are likely waiting for, Kanathara explained.

“So they can find and hunt us down by using that crystal doohickey?” Rainbow Dash concluded. “What do we do now?”

I’m so stupid, Kanathara raved. Of course they would have access to such an artifact, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to get my true name in the first place. How could I have possibly overlooked this?

“We almost died like twice, chill boss. Shit happens,” Rainbow Dash whispered. “They can't summon you again, right?”

No. Once I’m on the same plane as the caster, they can't actually summon me again so at least we are safe from that. Though it doesn't mean they can't track me. Kanathara cursed under her breath. This is bad. I had gotten so used to the protections the tower gave me that I didn't even consider this a real possibility.

Rainbow Dash gained altitude, looked up, and breathed deeply, forcing her passenger to relax, her thoughts slowing and her panic quickly coming under control. “We good?” Rainbow Dash asked.

We’re good, Kanathara replied. First thing’s first, we need to get back to father. He might know a way to construct a smaller enchantment considering he casted the original one placed on the tower.

“Home first then. I’m on it,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed before diving back down and off-speeding in the direction of Tirek’s hidden base.

I pray we have enough time. I refuse to put father through this all again just because of my own stupidity, Kantathara thought bitterly.

“Chin up, boss, we got this,” Rainbow Dash declared, wind whipping about their shared body.

I hope so, Rainbow Dash. I hope so.

“Father, we have a problem,” Kanathara stated as she walked into the room.

Tirek looked up from the desk he had dragged next to Pear Butter’s bed, a pile of reports and various diagrams and maps covering his workspace. “Oh, and what’s that? Don't tell me those paladin fools have found us already,” Tirek exclaimed.

“They have a kybar crystal and assembled a force of paladins near Ponyville. They are likely already zeroing in on my position,” Kanathara admitted.

“And there are like, a bajillion of the buggers,” Rainbow Dash added.

Tirek frowned. “Then it is as Pythias feared. I have already begun trying to locate the necessary components to create another enchantment capable of hiding us from any attempt at scrying our location, but I will need time.”

“How much time? ‘Cause they were ready to go like ten minutes ago,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“Hours. Days. I’m not sure yet,” Tirek replied, his frown deepening. “I need to take stock of this location first, and only after that can I truly move onto finding the missing ingredients. Pythias and what few forces I have left are already on it, but this location was only a backup to a backup.”

“Meaning it is likely missing much of the required pieces,” Kanathara concluded. “We will need to draw them away and distract them from finding this place while you work.”

“Absolutely not,” Tirek stated. “I will not lose you twice in as many days.”

“Do we have any other options?” Kanathara asked, gesturing around the room. “We cannot hold this position, and even if we tried, where would we go should it fall?”

“And I am the fastest thing in the lower planes,” Rainbow Dash boasted, the demon puffing out her chest. “With me and the boss lady together, we could easily keep those metal-clad morons tied up for weeks.”

“I…” Tirek sighed. “I don't really have any other plan.” He stood suddenly. “Fine, but you are not leaving without promising that you will return to me. Understood?”

Kanathara smiled. “Of course, father. I promise I’ll return as soon as I can.”

The centaur reached forward and pulled the smaller demon into a tight hug. “When you do come back, I swear I will tell you everything about where you came from, and answer any other questions you have.”

“You don't have to-” Kanathara began, only to be interrupted by Tirek.

“I do have to. It’s far past time that I did so and you deserve to know,” stated Tirek.

“I told ya,” Rainbow Dash remarked with a victorious smirk.

“And my demand goes for you too,” Tirek added, pointing to the vengant. “I don't want my daughter to lose her favorite pet just because she tried to be all heroic out of the blue.”

“Me, heroic?” Rainbow Dash scoffed. “I’m a demon. We don't do heroics.”

Tirek chuckled and slowly released the keeper, though it was obvious he only did so reluctantly. “It shouldn't take more than four days at the most and if you are not back by then, I will come for you.”

“I wouldn't worry, father. Those gold-plated schmucks were easy enough to outrun and outwit the first time. I doubt they’ve gotten any better in the last twenty-four hours,” Kanathara stated confidently.

“We can certainly hope so,” Tirek exclaimed before gesturing to the door. “You had better get moving then. I need to start organizing the teams and you need to get flying.”

“True. I’ll see you soon, father,” Kanathara declared with a smile before turning to the door.

“You had better, or there will be hell to pay!” Tirek shouted after them, though it was obvious he had no intention of following through on that particular threat.

Walking through the door, Kanathara and Rainbow Dash both glanced at one another before nodding, the keeper’s body quickly turning to smoke and being absorbed by the vengant. Who shuddered at the familiar sensation of gaining a passenger and stretched her wings and legs wide. After a good stretch and a wide grin, Rainbow Dash shook their body and broke out into a sprint.

“Show time.”

The vengant smirked from high atop the cloud, her passenger's unease making her grin even wider. “Don't tell me you are pulling out now. We already came all the way up here,” she exclaimed.

I am starting to think that this may be a bad idea, Kanathara muttered, the demon doing her best to not look at the ground, which was now far, far below them.

“Oh come on, we just fly down, break the sound barrier, and boom we got their attention, disoriented them, and are already halfway to wherever by the time they scramble their asses,” Rainbow Dash explained confidently. “It’s genius.”

I know you can do all that, and I admit it isn't a bad idea per say, but I’ve never been with you while you do it and well… Kanathara muttered, her thoughts trailed off as the keeper silently wished she could gulp.

“Ha, this will be fun, trust me,” Rainbow Dash declared before opening her wings wide and giving her body a little wiggle.

I don't know, Rainbow Dash, I might distract you and- Kanathara began, only to be cut off.

“Threetwoone go!” shouted the vengant who leaped from the cloud and began hurtling towards the ground.

Kanathara desperately wished she could close her eyes, look away, or do anything other than stare at the ground as it began to draw closer. Though still very high off the ground, the keeper had never done something like this outside of the lower planes. And the feeling of hurtling toward the ground was never a pleasant one no matter where they were. Still, she had enough willpower to stop herself from distracting Rainbow Dash, even as the vengant beat her wings and began to pick up even more speed.

They quickly surpassed terminal velocity, and continued to gain momentum at a rapid pace. The wind that had already been whistling past them became a roar of sound, one that the vengant’s carefully trained ears all but ignored. Eyes far more advanced than the average creature’s stared at the ground unblinking, utterly unaffected by the buffeting force of the air she flew through.

Magic spread across the vengeant’s body, enabling her to go faster than a normal winged being should be capable of, her wings wrapping tight about her body as both sets of legs squeezed tightly together. Her form as aerodynamic as possible, and with her own brand of demonic magic aiding in their speed, the ground rose faster than ever. At the back of their mind, Kanathara wanted to scream, to look away, to get out of this situation, but a funny thing happened.

Rainbow Dash’s absolute confidence, her complete understanding of the situation, and her uncomparable skill spilled through their connection. No longer was Kanathara scared of what may happen as she was now thrilled about what was about to happen. Seconds ticked by in slow motion, and just as Kanathara’s worry was about to break through Rainbow Dash’s confidence, it happened.

A great crack could be heard from all around them, and a split second later Rainbow Dash had opened her wings, and had begun to level out. Demonic magic combined with thousands upon thousands of hours of flight time enabled the vengant to pull up just enough to miss the tops of the trees. While behind them a great wave of rippling prismatic fire cascaded in all directions like a demonic rainbow which grew larger by the second.

The trees below them had turned into a sea of green whose features blurred together to create a mass of color. Before them in the distance rose a row of mountains, though Kanathara couldn't recall what they were called right now. Her attention was focused on the sensation of being followed, the demon able to feel the nearly dozen or so ponies who were now airborne and on their tail.

Though tail was a bit of a stretch given that their enemy had begun to move only a second before they made that bizarre rainbow phenomenon. As such they were only now getting enough height to break the trees while Kanathara and her familiar were at least a mile away and still gaining more ground. Turning her attention back to what was happening before them, Rainbow Dash weaved around a particularly tall tree before rolling straight once more.

“What's the plan, boss!” she shouted over the howl of the wind.

Keep going straight, we need to lead them as far away from their allies as possible before we start messing with them, Kanathara replied, a part of the demon keeping track of their distant pursuers. And slow down, I think they already gave up.

Rainbow Dash scoffed and pulled up. “Fine, but I am so not going easy on these losers after this.”

I don't expect you to, Kanathara quipped.

The vengant let her speed bleed away as she climbed ever higher, until at last gravity began to win, and for a moment she hung weightlessly in the air. Then with a slight twitch of her wings she turned and glanced down to the distant specks flying after her. Using her magic, the vengant zoomed in on the pegasi, noting that there were six of them following her, most of whom were equipped with only light armor and thick goggles.

Three had orangeish manes, while the other three had blue, teal, and white manes. Though they continued to give chase, it was obvious that they had realized they had been bested, with only a single one of the fliers still putting in any effort. Noting that it was the most fiery-maned of the three orange-haired ponies who kept up the chase, Rainbow Dash smirked, lifted her forelegs and made a rude gesture in their direction.

The shocked expressions on their faces told Rainbow Dash all that she needed to know, and she chuckled as the six ponies began to beat their wings in earnest. “There we go. Now it’s a party,” Rainbow Dash remarked before extending her wings, and slowly spun back around.

Kanathara snickered. I’ll keep an eye on them, you just do your thing, gorgeous.

“Gorgeous? It's been a while since I’ve heard that one,” Rainbow Dash quipped as she began to fly in the same direction that she had been a minute ago. “Something tells me you enjoyed our little flight.”

Your confidence is… infectious, Kanathara admitted.

“I am pretty awesome, aren't I?” Rainbow Dash smirked, and narrowed her body once more, forelegs straight forward and hindlegs back. “Now then, let's pour some dust on these hasbins.”

I think they gave up for good this time, Kanathara pointed out, the demon’s magical senses telling her that the six signatures had finally stopped just after the sun had set.

“And I was just starting to warm up too,” Rainbow Dash remarked even while her body ached from nearly an entire day of non-stop flight.

Quite impressive, Rainbow, set us down near that cave. I’ll take first watch and set up some traps while you rest and recuperate, Kanathara commanded.

“Good thinking. I don't want to accidentally give those weaklings a win just ‘cause I refused to sleep,” Rainbow Dash replied, the vengant angling their shared body towards a cave illuminated only by the sliver of moon which had just risen above the horizon.

Kanathara withheld her own counter comment as the vengant had earned this little bit of boasting. Instead she merely watched and waited, silently planning all the traps she could use, and the spells she could enact. As soon as they landed, Kanathara began to put those plans into motion, the keeper reforming her body, complete with grimoire hanging from her neck before lighting her horn.

Rainbow Dash trundled into the cave, a yawn already on her lips while her mistress remained just outside, the keeper of secrets already laying the first traps when she felt a spike of fear from Rainbow Dash. Spinning around, the keeper was ready to launch an attack, her mind already spinning through all the spells which would work best against heavily armored targets. Only to find that she didn't face anyone that the demon had expected, or even knew about for that matter.

Instead of the gold-clad ponies she would have thought would be waiting for her, there were a dozen cloaked and hooded ponies wearing heavy black cloth which covered their forms completely. All save for a large, tall unicorn mare that looked to be about Kanathara’s age, who had a blade across Rainbow Dash’s throat and a shocked expression on her face. Her expression was baffling, but that wasn't what drew Kanathara’s attention at this moment.

For that particular pony was so very unlike the rest of the faceless, featureless cult ponies, as for one she did not wear the usual obscuring cloth of her lessers. The armor she did wear seemed to be made from some manner of demon flesh, studs visible at certain points while a heavy breastplate covered her chest, and went all the way up to her neck, where a particularly strange tattoo sat just beneath her right cheek. It was of a candle made of red wax, with a glowing blue flame which sat upon a silver candle holder and it was definitely magical in nature.

Even more strange than her demon flesh armor and weird tattoo was the fact that she had a horn longer than a normal unicorn’s should be, the appendage curving slightly at the end. She also had a wicked-looking mace belted at her hip, but the black metal weapon wasn't enough to make Kanathara look away from the mare. For not only did she feel a strange sense of deja vu, and a bit of a pity after noticing the web of scars across her face, but Kanathara also sensed something different entirely.

This pony felt like a demon, her very soul radiating the same power that a fully fledged demon did, her teal eyes containing a hidden reservoir of power that Kanathara had never witnessed in a pony before. Her bald head bore no sign of extra horns though, and the keeper of secrets struggled to imagine an explanation for such a power. A sudden cough and a robed pony taking a step forward made Kanathara look away from the strange, seemingly mortal demon.

The newcomer had what looked like a large red kybar crystal jutting out of where his eye should be, and he cleared his throat. “Mistress, we have five minutes to leave before Shining Armor’s covert force makes it here. We need to leave.”

“Who are you ponies, and what do you want with us?” Kanathara demanded, her eyes narrowing on the apparent leader, who still had a short, nasty-looking dagger pressed against Rainbow Dash’s throat.

“You are coming with us,” the lead pony muttered, just shaking off her apparent shock.

“And I suppose if I don't, you are going to kill my familiar?” Kanathara asked, noting that the vengant was unfazed by the situation she found herself in.

“Y-yes. I mean, yes!” the lead cultist declared, the mare clearing her throat. “I have already hit her with an anti-diffusion spell, among other things. You will find there is no way out of here other than coming with us.”

“Is that so?” Kanathara asked.

“It is.”

Author's Note:

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