• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,368 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Seven: Crossed Wires

Rainbow Dash heaved herself into the ditch, rolling over onto her back and gasping for breath. The demon was currently disguised as a mint green pegasus with a light teal mane and several altostratus clouds on her flanks. She was also lying in a half inch of dirty water with her wings and limbs spread in all directions, her chest still heaving.

“I’m never flying that much in a single day ever again,” she muttered bitterly, sweat matting her temporarily fur-covered body.

Smoke billowed from her body and coalesced into the familiar form of Kanathara, who quickly disguised herself as a unicorn with bright yellow fur, a curly, sky blue mane, and a cutie mark of three hearts, two the same color as her mane, while the third was green. The keeper gave her body a brief shake, allowing her to get used to the new form she now inhabited before looking down at her exhausted partner.

“You got us to the trainyard in time, you can rest now, if you’d like,” Kanathara offered.

“But I… you know what? I’m not even gonna argue. I need a few minutes to gather my strength,” Rainbow Dash replied, the vengant’s own body becoming a faint mist which seeped into Kanathara.

After letting her familiar get settled, Kanathara began to look around, starting with the ditch they were now hiding within. It was just deep enough to obscure them from any casual observer and had enough cattails to make the demon hard to spot from above. It was also only a dozen or so metres from the loading area, making it the perfect position to observe the staging grounds which stood between them and the train yard.

Said staging area was a buzz of activity with ponies running to and fro, some trying to load cargo into one of the many armored cars, while others were shouting orders. Even at a glance it seemed disorganized in the extreme, with guards tripping all over themselves and others running in one direction, only to turn around and run back in the other. There was even a toppled container that had been packed full of weapons which were now sprawled out on the ground, a dozen soldiers hastily attempting to load it once again.

The only area that seemed to be at least halfway organized was near the front of the train where several unicorns were busy setting up several large white pillars. Each one was inscribed with a powerful rune that made Kanathara’s bones itch even from across the trainyard. Lighting her horn, the demon felt for the foreign magic, recalling her birth mother’s teachings in order to remain undetected.

Anti-magic wards that would stop anyone on the train from casting anything more complicated than a mana bolt. They must have very few accomplished mages in their retinue if they are willing to hobble the few that are, Kanathara thought, keeping that bit of information to herself.

Wow, what a mess. They weren't kidding when they said that they were in a rush. There isn't even a single patrol watching their perimeter. It really is all hands on deck, Rainbow Dash mentally remarked.

Kanathara nodded slowly. They are sloppy, but I can sense that they have at least a few wards up that would alert them if anyone used high level magic in the area. And more are coming up every minute. I could force a teleport through their defences, but it would attract a lot of attention.

Pfft, compared to the lair of she who thirsts, this is a cakewalk, Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

It certainly has its own unique challenges as there aren't any set patrols, Kanathara retorted, only to suddenly smirk. Which gives me an interesting idea.

I hope you aren't thinking what I think you’re thinking, Rainbow Dash warned.

Kanathara’s smirk grew. I might be, but trust me. This time it will work.

Don't do this, boss lady, it's not going to-

I can't believe this is working as well as it is, Rainbow Dash thought.

Kanathara strode confidently through the controlled chaos of the military-controlled railway station, her illusionary armor glinting in the low light of the evening sun. Now adorned in plate mail and bearing all the insignias Kanathara knew belonged to a middle-ranking officer, the disguised demon walked past a pair of guards who were hastily picking up a dropped box of supplies. Both stopped, looked at the demon, and then snapped off a quick salute before getting right back to work after Kanathara gave a nod.

I told you ‘operation own the place’ would work, Kanathara thought smugly, the keeper only just barely keeping her face in a neutral expression.

I mean, I guess it would have to eventually, given that it's failed what, six times so far? Rainbow Dash sarcastically replied.

Quiet, you, Kanathara thought back.

Noticing that a higher ranking officer was moving towards her, Kanathara ducked into a small alcove of boxes, wherein a confused paladin was trying to don their armor. The keeper adapted quickly, approaching the guard with a scowl already plastered firmly onto her face.

“Are you still struggling with that?” Kanathara questioned.

The demure earth pony stallion she approached had dark grey fur, a short cropped mane of light blue hair and eyes the color of the noon sky. He had also managed to squeeze both of his forelegs through the same leather undershirt hole and was now awkwardly hopping around, trying to free himself.

“It got loose, and I tried to fix it, only to make things worse,” he admitted.

Kanathara sighed and cast a quick glance over to her shoulder, noting that the higher ranking pony had stopped and was looking around. “Well, lay down on your belly and free yourself already. You’re making the lot of us look like a pack of headless chickens,” Kanathara bellowed, still scowling.

The stallion nodded eagerly and started doing just that. “Sorry, ma’am!” he shouted back.

Kanathara snorted, and after noticing that the other paladin had left, turned and walked towards the train once again, taking a brief detour halfway through. At about the midpoint through the field stood a tent wherein ponies with maps, lists of orders, and piles of boxes had gathered. Though it seemed to be a command post of some kind, there weren't any high-ranking paladins nearby and a lowly scribe seemed to be in charge, the pony standing in the middle of the chaos.

I think we might be able to get some information there, Kanathara thought.

You should ask them why all the cars need to be armored like that and what that really big one at the back is for, Rainbow Dash added.

The keeper followed her gaze to where she noticed that one of the train cars was indeed larger than the rest. It was also sealed by a large door with a spinning handle akin to one you might see on a submarine or other seaborne vessel. The rest of the cars were a mix of large open flat beds that had only a light railing, and others that were normal, save for the addition of three plus inches of steel plating.

Turning her attention back to the tent, Kanathara found a rather flustered looking young mare garbed in simple golden robes and approached her. “Scribe,” Kanathara all but shouted.

The unicorn mare threw up her hooves, tossing her writing supplies into the air. “Eep!” she cried.

Kanathara swiftly caught everything in her magic and gently put it back into its place. “I have questions for you as no one else seems to know what's going on,” Kanathara smoothly continued.

“Oh, um, absolutely sir--I mean, ma’am,” stuttered the scribe.

“I’ll keep them brief for the sake of time, but for starters; why is everything a hot mess?” Kanathara demanded, eyes narrowing.

The young mare gulped. “The higher-ups are um, indisposed, and this order comes from a new commander. There were also some slight inconsistencies in her codes, so we were in a holding until they cleared before she suddenly showed up and started shouting orders herself.”

“Is that so?” murmured the demon, who scanned a distant landing near the front of the train, where a tall, white-furred and golden-maned paladin was bellowing orders at the top of her lungs.

Whenever she finished a sentence, another cadre of younger guards or a higher ranking officer scuttled away, eager to follow her commands. All except for three captains who stood their ground and shouted back, one of whom was a familiar pink color and had a small ballista strapped to her back. Even from where Kanathara stood it was easy to pick out Pinkie Pie, the earth pony mare evidently trying to issue her own orders only to get overruled every time.

“Well then, that certainly throws a wrench in things,” Kanathara remarked.

The scribe bobbed her head. “Captain Pie has been arguing with Blazing Sun all afternoon, but she just doesn't have the rank. The only reason she hasn't been dragged off for insubordination is because, well… she's Pinkie Pie.”

“Noone would actually do it,” Kanathara reasoned.

“Pretty much,” the scribe replied.

“Second question. What is in that final car?” Kanathara inquired.

“Oh, um, just foodstuffs that Canterlot requested. Apparently they are adding a full platoon of extra guards for some secret project and needed more rations. It's already all loaded though, so you don't have to worry about rotten food at least,” explained the scribe.

Then that would be the perfect place to hide out, Rainbow Dash thought.

Kanathara nodded and clasped the scribe by the shoulder. “Let it be known that there is at least one competent pony here.”

“Thank you, ma’am!” The mare beamed, only for her expression to shift suddenly. “Um, who exactly are you again? I don't think you ever gave me your name.”

“Oh uh, Sunny, Sunny Smiles,” Kanathara replied after a short pause.

Real smooth, Rainbow Dash remarked bitterly.

“So just Sunny then?” the scribe replied.

Kanathara nodded. “If you wouldn't mind. Evidently my parents didn't think I was going to join the guard as soon as I hit eighteen.”

“I know the feeling,” muttered the pony.

“Thanks again, and best of luck sorting out this mess,” Kanathara replied, patting the unicorn on the back before walking off.

That was surprisingly smooth for once. I thought I was going to have to do the talking for you, Rainbow Dash quipped.

You mean like that time when you farted and tried to tell the guard that they did it? Kanathara retorted.


Slipping through the crowd of soldiers turned out to be easier than anticipated, as Kanathara merely kept her nose up and strode confidently towards her destination. Noone even so much as gave her a second glance, and in no time at all, she was standing next to the final car of the train. Well away from the central hub of commotion that was further up the loading area and obscured by a tower of crates, Kanathara gave a quick look around.

Sure enough, no one was paying any attention to her, the main focus of the various paladins seemed to be packing goods into the front few cars. They must be almost done packing the first shipment, Kanathara thought.

Then we better find a place to hide out for a little while before someone realizes Sunny Smiles isn't a real pony, Rainbow Dash added.

“Right,” Kanathara murmured.

Ducking back around the wall of crates, Kanthara peeked around the corners and then gave the handle a spin before quickly slipping through the opening. After that was done, she secured the exit behind them and looked around once more, observing the interior of the car. Sure enough, the scribe had been correct, and crates marked with various foodstuffs were piled high, leaving only two thin hallways to walk between.

Kanathara’s horn flashed, and a low level locking rune appeared over the door behind her. “There, that will ensure no one walks in on us. Though it's not like it would take much effort to bust through it,” Kanathara remarked aloud.

A second later Rainbow Dash reformed next to her, a grin on the demon’s undisguised face. “So, what you’re saying is we got like, an hour or two to pig out on all this free food before we get to bashing heads,” exclaimed the demon, who began to hungrily eye the many crates.

The keeper was about to tell Rainbow Dash that was a bad idea, only to shrug. “This car is soundproof, so yeah. I guess that is what I mean,” Kantathara replied after a short pause.

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Well, alright then. Let's see what we got here.”

The vengant tore open the first crate and peered within, her eyes going wide. “Aww, hell yeah. An entire crate of chocolate pudding. They are even in those cute tiny cups with plastic spoons!”

Kanathara peeked over the side. “That's odd. You’d think they wouldn't prioritize something like this.”

Rainbow Dash smirked. “Remember what the old man always says. Don't underestimate stupid, and never look a-”

“Gift horse in the mouth,” Kanathara finished. “I remember.”

“So, what's the plan anyway?” Rainbow Dash inquired, the demon grabbing a whole armload of chocolatey treats before plopping down on the abnormally cold ground.

The keeper took only a few for herself before sitting across from her partner. “They always put like a hundred guards around the most important thing. So I was thinking we knock out a couple of them and make our way up to the front where they are probably keeping the Element.”

Rainbow Dash swallowed a mouthful of pudding and nodded. “Sounds pretty standard. You think they’ll have any surprises in store for us?”

“Oh, most definitely,” Kanthara replied, removing the lid from one of the treats. “There are a number of wards on this train and though one of them isn't active quite yet, I’m fairly certain it's meant to suppress higher level magic.”

“Oof, that will practically neuter you,” Rainbow Dash remarked before tipping back the contents of four pudding cups over her mouth.

“I will not be quote unquote neutered,” Kanathara remarked bitterly before magically prodding her familiar’s leg, causing four circles of chocolate flavored pudding to land on the other demon’s face.

The vengant glared at her partner, chocolate pudding sliding down her cheeks. “That was so uncalled for.”

“And so was insinuating I would be useless,” Kanathara countered.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Touche… again.”

Kanathara peered intently out the window, watching as the sun slowly descended below the horizon and the train sped through an open plain. They had left the swampy lands of the coast far behind and had entered an area dominated by fields while in front of them lay the imposing visage of mount Canter. This wasn't exactly visible from the small window, but Kanathara had a detailed enough mental map that she could tell pretty much exactly where they were.

Kanathara knew that in about twenty minutes, they would begin to start entering the first of many tunnels which would ultimately end with the Solaris tunnel that led directly to Canterlot. At such point they would likely be screwed, given just how easy it would be for the paladins to call in reinforcements. Not only that, but the possibility of Celestia personally intervening was much higher, the demon dreading the mere chance of such a thing happening.

Hopping down from the box, the keeper of secrets was about to ask her familiar if she remembered the plan, only to notice that the other demon was sprawled out on her side, chocolate pudding smeared across her face. “Really, Rainbow Dash? I turn my back for two seconds and you ate an entire crate of the stuff?” Kanathara deadpanned.

The vengant belched and wiped her lips. “Relax. I’ll just reform and be as good as new.”

The demon turned to mist before becoming solid once more, now sans the pudding that had covered her face. “See?”

Kanathara sighed. “You would be so fat if you weren't essentially made up of willpower and magic.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Yeah, probably. So are we doing this or what?”

“Do you remember what I said earlier?” Kanathara replied, taking position behind her familiar who had trotted over to the door.

“Try not to kill too many of them. If we look like heartless monsters, they won't hesitate to kill us and won't take us prisoner in case of a screw-up,” Rainbow Dash repeated in a mocking tone. “Oh, and that super spell matrix thingy is still up, so you got like two spells you can use.”

“Which is more than what will be needed to deal with these amateur hour punks,” Kanathara added.

“Yeah yeah. You know I was joking before, right?” Rainbow Dash replied.

Kanathara smiled. “Of course, dear. Now let’s go kick ass and steal stuff.”

“Hell yeah--wait. Can you like, pocket a few of those crates of pudding? They were surprisingly good,” Rainbow Dash inquired, glancing over her shoulder.

Kanathara’s smile grew. “Already done. Now seriously, let's get a move on. We’re reaching about the midway point, and I do not want to blow this one.”

“Right right, sorry. Oh and boss? Thanks,” Rainbow Dash remarked before turning around and throwing open the door.

Instantly the quiet of the sealed car was gone, replaced by rushing air and the distant thump of a powerful engine which overwhelmed all other sound. Before them stood a small walkway, a mess of cabling, and a normal sliding entrance that had a simple handle, as well as a small square window. Rainbow Dash creeped up to it, laying low and keeping her armor as little more than a breastplate in order to ensure she could move freely.

Her hoof reached towards the opening mechanism, and for a moment it looked like the demon was about to keep going, only to jerk to a stop. Her eyes narrowed, and Kanathara leaned even lower still, instantly on alert for whatever had set her familiar off.

What is it? Kanathara inquired.

You’re gonna wanna see this, Rainbow Dash replied, stepping awkwardly to the side, and making room for her mistress.

Now more curious than ill at ease, Kanathara trotted up to the small window and peered through it, the demon finding herself looking at what seemed like a normal cargo car. That was until her eyes adjusted and she saw three shapes huddled close between the wall of boxes that flanked them on either side. Though armed and armored, they clearly weren't paladins, as each one had unique armomorents.

One wore a heavy set of spike-coated and partially blackened plate mail that covered every inch of their bulky body. The spikes ranged from as short as the average nail to nearly two feet in length like the one that stuck out from their forehead. An angry, baleful yellow gaze could be seen from between the two thin slats though they had no visible weapons to speak of.

Another was a tall, lanky unicorn stallion who had his eyes covered by a simple slip of cloth upon which a single blazing red eye had been painted. His horn was unusually long and quite thin, which went double for his gangly blue limbs and lengthy purple mane. His robes were a tattered mess, though it was clear that at some point they had belonged to a member of one of the many Discordian cults.

The last individual was the smallest of the group and seemed to be talking quite animatedly while struggling to shed a light orange leather jerkin he wore overtop of a set of black-studded armor. Once free of the shirt, Kanathara realized that it was the same demure earth pony stallion she had seen earlier, his short mane being a dead giveaway. He was the only one who seemed to have some manner of weapon, as he quickly started sheathing over a dozen daggers all over his armor, pulling the weapons out of a nearby bag.

Leaning down, Kanathara lit her horn, conjured a simple eavesdropping rune and slipped it under the door. She then leaned towards Rainbow Dash so she could hear as well before activating the spell.

“-no, we cannot at any point join the others,” exclaimed what sounded like the grey-furred stallion.

“And why not?” rumbled an incredibly deep, but clearly feminine voice. “We are wasting our time guarding an empty car filled with useless baubles and trinkets while our sisters spill the blood of the heathen paladins.”

That must be tall, dark and spikey, Rainbow Dash commented.

“You know very well why we must remain here,” remarked an oddly high-pitched male voice that warbled strangely, as if two voices were speaking as one. “Besides, fret not, good fleshrender. I smell battle in our immediate future.”

“What, really? From where?” asked the jumpy-soundy young stallion.

“I know not. Perhaps our superiors will seek our aid after all and give our job to some lowly imp more befitting of simple guard duty,” continued the strange unicorn.

A heavy stomp could be heard through the door. “Bring it on', I say. I did not take this mission to stand around and watch the wretched scenery.”

“Money’s money, y’all need to relax,” replied the slim stallion. “We get paid either way, so who cares if we fight or not?”

“Some of us do not fight for simple bits,” snarled the spike-covered mare.

“Yeah yeah, and some of us need a breath mint,” remarked the stallion, who sounded like he covered his nose while he spoke.

The blind unicorn chuckled disturbingly, his voice sounding like it was coming from everywhere at once. “He has a point, you know. You’re nearly overwhelming my precognition with your scent alone.”

“One more word, and it will be you who is impaled upon my horn and not some foolish interloper!” snarled the berserker.

As amusing as this is, I must know if we are gonna go around them, or through them? Rainbow Dash inquired.

Kanathara paused for a moment, rubbing her chin. Through. We need more information. Just knowing that they are a loose confederation of mercs and cultists isn't enough.

You don't think Velvet betrayed us, do you? Rainbow Dash gently asked.

Why even tell us about the train at all if she intended on grabbing it for herself? Kanathara countered.

True, Rainbow Dash admitted. So, what's the plan?

Simple, Kanathara began, we just need to-

“--and I am telling you that giving the people the right to vote over almost everything will lead to a freerer society,” exclaimed the plate-armored mare. “Right now we have a handful of elites that are able to introduce all the laws, and although elected officials get to vote on approval of those laws, it's not a just system.”

“How so? Can't they vote on all the stuff already?” countered the mercenary lethargically.

“Our dear meatwall is talking about direct democracy, which isn't quite the same as what we have now,” explained the blind mage.

“Thank y-”

“Though that doesn't change the fact that she's wrong. The state must be dismantled in its entirety and all unjust hierarchies have to be dissolved before we can be truly free,” continued the unicorn.

The steel-clad pony pressed her iron-shod hooves against either side of her head. “Not this again. I know you are a Discordian, but must you argue for anarchy every time we-”

“Shut up. We got company,” interrupted the mercenary, who rose onto his back legs and retrieved a pair of daggers from his chest.

As one, the three turned towards the entrance, where a mist began to seep through one side, while a dark black smoke spilled through the other. From the gathered fog stepped two demons, the larger of whom was clad in magical platemail which crawled up her neck before transforming into a metal maw that slammed down over her head. As the vengant’s armor finished covering her face, the horned and wingless demon to her right smiled gently, taking a step forward.

“Greetings, gentle ponies. I have a proposition for you all,” Kanathara announced.

“I’m listening,” murmured the mercenary, who remained on his back legs.

“Is this the battle you spoke of, mage?” remarked the berserker in a low tone.

“It may be. There are many tantalizing possibilities, some of which end with our deaths!” exclaimed the mage, who let out a short, mad giggle.

“I already don't like this one,” Rainbow Dash stated evenly.

“So, what's this proposition you have?” asked the mercenary. “Because you are going to have to offer quite a bit to make disobeying an order worthwhile.”

“Speak for yourself. I will never betray our dark mistress,” declared the spike-covered mare, who stomped an angry hoof in emphasis.

“I must agree. There is no way that someone can betray one such as her without wishing they hadn't,” added the mage.

“Answer all our questions, and we won't devour your souls,” Kanathara exclaimed, opening her forehooves. “It's as simple as that.”

“Though I do hope you resist. Flying all this way has left me with such an intense hunger,” dared the vengant.

“Demon or not, all who stand before us will die in agony!” bellowed the berserker, who smashed her forehooves together, sending sparks flying across the cabin.

“You cannot stop what is coming. You must know this,” proclaimed the mage, his horn glowing a faint purple.

“I suppose this makes things simple then,” Kanathara began, her own horn beginning to emit an eerie light. “Kill these two and leave the merc alive for mind probing. I want to know everything he does.”

“With pleasure,” purred Rainbow Dash before leaping into action.

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