• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,374 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

  • ...

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Trial Eight: A Rare Rescue

“Downstairs, everyone, and hurry!” Rainbow Dash shouted, leading the charge out of the room.

Kanathara pushed herself up. “Right. We better bar the door before we search for the reason we are here in the first place.”

“Which is?” asked the guard expectantly.

The keeper narrowed her eyes. “I think you know why we are here.”

The pony sighed. “You know what? I don't need to know. I don't get paid enough to deal with this.”

“Smart pony, now let's get moving!” Kanathara barked.

Together the trio followed after Rainbow Dash, trotting down the stairs and into the bottom floor. Kanathara lingered on the first landing, her gaze flitting over the many racks of weapons and armor which littered the area. Using the now familiar locator spell, Kanathara found that the Element wasn't on this floor and reluctantly continued on.

“Why exactly are you here, if you don't mind me asking?” Rarity inquired as Kanathara entered the final room.

“We are here to find a rather unique piece of jewelry,” Kanthara began before fully stepping out into the wide open storage area. “A task that suddenly got a lot harder.”

The demon had assumed the diamond dogs had been rather successful in their gem hunt given the area. On the other hand, she would never have guessed they would have amassed this much wealth in such a short amount of time. Gem piles nearly reached the top of the nine foot-tall ceiling in some places, and numerous pieces of gold could be seen mixed along with the precious stones.

Rings, necklaces, gold teeth, pocket watches, and seemingly anything that would hold more than a modicum of value were piled along with the rest. Even at a glance Twilight could tell there was little rhyme or reason to the enormous mounds of valuables. A realization that made Kanathara’s eye twitch and a spark of lightning to shoot from the tip of her horn.

“Boss! We got incoming! What are we doing?” Rainbow Dash shouted.

The yell broke Kanathara from her rage-induced stupor, and she looked over to where Rainbow Dash was bracing herself against the entrance. A sudden impact against the door nearly knocked the demonic mare off her hooves, though she quickly got back into position. Kanathara quickly concocted a plan, jabbing a hoof towards the lone guard.

“You, find something to bar the exit with,” Kanathara barked. “There are weapons on the second floor, see if you can arm yourself while you’re there.”

The pony seemed ready to argue with the command before shrugging. “Sounds good,” he replied.

“Rarity, you will assist me in finding the Element,” Kanthara declared, turning to the dirty white unicorn. “It's a gold necklace with a diamond-shaped purple gem set in the middle. From what I’ve been able to gather, it's on the right side of the room though I can't make out any more details.”

“I’ll take this rather luxurious-looking pile!” Rarity exclaimed, jumping right into action and beginning to sort through one of the mountains of glittering valuables.

“Rainbow Dash, keep doing what you’re doing, but try to come up with a battle plan on getting out of here. My attention is required elsewhere,” Kanthara finished.

“Easier said than done,” Rainbow Dash grunted as something heavy slammed against the door. “But not impossible!”

“Good. These dogs are strong and naturally resistant to evocation magic, but are poorly armed,” Kanathara exclaimed.

The keeper didn't need to wait for a response to know that her familiar was already on the job. Instead Kanathara merely turned and began to sift through the enormous pile of riches. Gold, gems, and other vluables flicked past her, a conga line of glittering items which were ultimately tossed onto the other side of the room. Kanathara briefly considered simply dumping all of the unwanted items into her dimensional pocket, but thought better of it.

She had little need for material possessions, and the drain on her magic wouldn't really be worth it, especially considering how many enemies might be right outside.

She continued to watch as the innumerable glittering items were tossed aside like trash, the pile quickly beginning to shrink. During this time the guard returned with his sole functional wing outfitted with a blade while a loose-fitting set of royal guard armor hung over his frame. A short sword was belted at his side, and a missing board that was supposed to fit into place behind the door in order to help secure it was under one of his legs.

With it in place, they at least stood a chance against the increasingly powerful assault on the entrance. The frenzied shouting and stomping of booted feet only added to Kanthara’s unease, and she accelerated the rate of her inspection. Items flew past her in a constant stream.

Including a gauntlet studded with six stones, a globe with a thousand facets which shone like silver in the low light, and oddly enough a blood-stained smiley face button. As she dug, Kanathara contemplated her next moves, and though she was certain she could handle anything the dogs threw at her, she was less certain she could keep Rarity safe at the same time. That last part wasn't essential to her mission, but it seemed rather needlessly cruel to simply abandon the unicorn.

Plus if Kanathara was being honest, she kinda liked the white-furred mare. Anyone who volunteered to kick someone’s ass that readily was a friend worth having.

“Aha, I’ve got it!” Rarity exclaimed.

Kanathara tossed aside the rest of the stuff she held in her magic and looked over to where the fashionista was holding the Element of Generosity. For a moment the demon expected another surge of light, but when nothing happened, she glanced over to her familiar. Who gave her a shrug, conveying her shared confusion on the matter.

The demon immediately called out for her magic, willing the dimensional pocket to open and allow her to deposit her find safely away. That never happened, however, as her spell flickered and died a second later, leaving her with a strange feeling on the tip of her horn.

“They’ve likely detected our teleportation spell, as there is an interdictor field over the entire area,” Kanthara exclaimed, trotting up to the unicorn. “As such, you will hold onto the artifact while we leave. Don't worry, I’ll apply a few defensive spells to you so you won't be in as much danger.”

“Why, thank you, darling,” Rarity replied, only to frown. “That makes me feel a lot better, considering I just now realized how out of my depth I truly am.”

“Where did that kick ass attitude go?” Rainbow Dash teased.

“Out the window as soon as I realized they want to kill us,” Rarity murmured.

A titanic thump made everyone turn to the door, where the board barring it had splintered along the middle. The guard lay on the floor, and Kanathara quickly picked him up with her magic before depositing him next to Rarity. Who she focused on briefly, casting a few minor protection charms on the mare, including a tracking spell.

“There. You two stick together and stay behind us. Rainbow Dash will lead the charge while I support,” Kanathara declared.

“We’ll head back out and around the left side of the cavern,” Rainbow Dash declared, pointing back the way they came. “I’ll lead the way back into a lower tunnel where we can split up.”

“I’m assuming that's about where the captain was last seen?” asked the guard.

“It was,” Kanathara replied, her tone firm and confident.

The fashionista nodded. “Right, you can count on me.”

The guard grumbled, but ultimately nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

“Excellent, now stand back. Rainbow Dash likes to make an entrance, and the plan she came up with is especially showy,” Kanathara exclaimed.

“Ha, you enjoy it as well. Don't deny it,” Rainbow Dash retorted.

The keeper of secrets smirked. “You got me there.”

The commander stood impassive a dozen metres away from their storage structure, a frown present on her broad features. A warhammer hung loose in her grip, her towershield sitting on the ground next to her within easy reach. Before her, the soldiers under her command struggled to get into position, nearly tripping over one another in the process. She made a note to cuss out the boss for taking all but one of her trained guards when she left to confront the pony.

At least the brutish, flat-faced pug-like diamond dog at the front was doing his job properly, his battering ram repeatedly slamming against the door. On either side of him stood three other armed dogs while a dozen more were a few feet back, half of which wielded crossbows. It was a solid defensive line made stronger by the presence of a pair of shamans nearby, but it was a far cry from what she would have liked.

They simply had too many civilians here, and their nervous curiosity was beginning to grow tiresome. If she saw even a single one of the older members of their town peeking from around a corner, she would blow a-- She noticed the door begin to glow a soft purple which grew brighter by the second.

“Get away from there! Shields up!” she shouted.

The ram-wielding dog barely had the time to scramble out of the way before the entrance exploded outward in a shower of wood. Splinters rained against their raised shields, all save for a rather young male dog who had chosen not to listen. He went down in a heap, a six inch-long hunk of wood sticking out of his crotch.

Making a note to drill her soldiers more after this was done, the commander hefted her warhammer and waited for the strange black smoke to clear. She could feel her fellow dogs begin to grow nervous almost immediately, the relative quiet on this side of the village frying their already frayed nerves. Rather than dissipate, the smoke only grew more voluminous, and it took a moment for the commander to realize what was happening.

“Shamans, summon a breeze and clear that debris!” she shouted, turning towards the two elders standing behind her.

The pair immediately got to work, with one pulling out a totem while the other began to pray. They weren't quite fast enough, however, as a great clawed black hand emerged from the entrance and slashed across a dog’s chest. The soldier’s armor seemed to do little as he toppled over, landing in a pile with his arms held across his torso.

Moaning in pain, the dog writhed on the ground, his weapon forgotten as was his unit discipline. The small squad immediately broke after their ally was downed, throwing aside their weapons as they fled in the opposite direction. The commander wanted to tell them to get back into the fight, but figured that she would be better off without the cowards.

“Keep your shields together! I want all crossbows to fire the second they see anything!” she barked, spinning around to the shamans. “Where are we on that wind?”

“Seconds away, Lieutenant Broken Fang!” replied the younger of the two, who had planted the white bone totem into the stone floor.

The taller dog was about to order her soldiers to reform around her, only for the enormous clawed hand to emerge once more. This time it slashed across the midsection of the ram-wielding dog, leaving him screaming in agony on the ground. Blood poured from his gaping wounds, his eyes going wide in panic.

“Fire, godsdammit!” she screamed, pointing to the open door.

Six crossbows twanged, their bolts flying through the open doorway to seemingly no effect. No beast roared in rage, no enemy came toppling out of the darkness, only the dull thud of metal bolt tips hitting stone. Thankfully her shamans had finally managed to summon the correct spirit, and a great howl suddenly filled the area.

The cry of an angry dog roared from the tunnel on her right, passing her by and carrying away the dust and debris which had filled the air. An enormous skull-headed demon had just finished squeezing himself through the narrow opening. The monster stood easily three stories tall, his impressive stature made even more intimidating when his large membranous wings shot open.

Arcane sigils painted in blood covered his chest, and a rack of skulls hung from around his waist like a set of twisted trophies. His copper skin was marked with many scars as well as words in a strange tongue which hurt to even gaze upon. His blazing red eyes stared out from within the skull atop his head, a wave of despair immediately rippling out over the diamond dogs’ ranks.

The other smaller squad immediately broke and ran, with the remaining defenders forgetting their orders to attack. They simply stared up at the great monster in a mixture of fear and awe, weapons hanging loose at their sides, giving more than enough time for the great demon to breathe a gout of twisted black flames down on them.

Flesh melted, and dogs screamed in panic as their fur caught alight. Nearly everyone ran, save for the commander herself who had been knocked down by a screaming crossbow-wielding dog a second earlier. Saved from the scorching flames, Broken Fang couldn't help but wonder.

Hadn't the hand been black a second earlier?

So preoccupied were the terrified dogs that they didn't even notice a smaller set of four legged demons as well as a pair of ponies sprint through the demons legs. The dog’s eyes were either glued to the towering skull headed monster, or on the closest escape route, leaving the four equines to flee the area unimpeded. Not even the frantically muttering shamans noticed their departure.

Kanathara snickered to herself as she looked back over her shoulder, laughing at the terrified dogs who lay screaming on the ground. Though none sported any real wounds, the dogs continued to run in terror, utterly panicked by what they had thought had happened. The keeper made a note to thank Orcus the next time they spoke, as his visage was a truly terrifying one.

Good thinking on that illusion. I knew a particularly scary demon would likely cause them to run, but I wasn't sure which one, Rainbow Dash remarked, the now fully armored vengeant walking ahead of Kanathara. Though I think Rarity might throw up.

Kanathara smirked when her gaze landed on the rather green unicorn who was trotting alongside the keeper. I’m amazed she was able to resist the illusion’s effects. She's tougher than she looks.

“Outta the way!” Rainbow Dash bellowed suddenly, startling a terrified dog and causing him to leap back into his house.

For a second Kanathara’s gaze met Rarity’s. The keeper got the distinct feeling that the unicorn appreciated not simply slaying all the dogs in their path. Kanathara gave her a nod in return, and just like that they were back to running down the narrow path. As they hit the edge of the cavern, the group was forced to run in single file over the rickety bridge.

Rainbow Dash was in front, the demon making short work of any resistance the scattered guards could put up. A gout of flame caused one to leap from the bridge into the distant waters below, leaving behind the scent of burnt fur. A second guard was a little quicker on the draw and raised his shield to defend against the burst of flames that shot from the vengant’s helmet.

He did not, however, have time to react before Rainbow Dash ran across the wall before crashing into him, carrying them both over the edge. Kanathara didn't bat an eye at this, and just as she assumed, the vengant appeared after a few seconds, wings flapping hard. She landed back at the front of the group, the demon’s mere presence caused a younger guard to abandon his dagger and cower in fear.

Though her first instinct was to toss the young dog over the side, the keeper stopped herself at the last second. Instead she merely glared at the cowering male, watching him closely as their troupe passed him by. After he was well out of the way, Kanathara put him out of her mind and continued toward their goal.

“Down here!” Rainbow Dash shouted, pointing to a small ramp which went down to the lower set of bridges.

The guard accompanying them nodded and followed after her a second later, with Rarity letting out a startled yelp when she slid down the slightly wet timbers. Kanathara quickly caught the unicorn in her magic, setting her hooves back down on solid ground a second later. They didn't have time to exchange so much as a nod this time, as the scattered guards were beginning to organize themselves.

The spell had evidently run its course, as the familiar sound of the commander they had faced earlier had returned in the distance. Even still, there were only a handful of guards between them and their target. Each one of which seemed to have realized how thoroughly the odds were stacked against them.

One shucked off his armor and leapt into the water below while his ally scrambled up the supports, clambering his way onto the upper layer. The rest merely ran, disappearing into holes or vanishing into the odd tunnel, quickly swallowed up by the ever-present darkness. Those who ran were not seen again thankfully, allowing the demons and their allies to pass unimpeded back the way they came.

While they ran, the sounds of fighting grew closer, and the occasional lightning bolt could be seen from the upper tunnel. Spells flew, metal clashed against metal, and battle cries were screamed, though it wasn't exactly clear who had the edge. Still, Kanathara had little doubt that the paladins would win out in the end. They were facing a much less organized foe.

Once they had reached the entrance they had passed through only a few minutes earlier, the group paused.

“I suppose you’ll be joining your allies now?” Kanathara inquired.

“I will,” replied the pegasus stallion.

“You know, I should just fry you in order to ensure you can't oppose us,” Kanthara pointed out.

“You can't!” Rarity cried.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “She wouldn't have said that if she was going to do it.”

The guard chuckled and shook his flanks at her. “What, and ruin this amazing piece of meat? You’d be crazy.”

The keeper snorted. “It wouldn't be that big a loss.”

“Speak for yourself,” remarked Rarity.

Kanathara smirked. “Good luck, by the way.”

“Thanks, and don't worry, I promise I won't breathe a word of you till you're long gone,” replied the guard before slipping away.

The keeper let out a long sigh. “These ponies are making me soft.”

“You were always soft,” Rainbow Dash interjected, bumping her hip against her mistress’ side.

“I should have you whipped for such a statement,” Kanathara replied, smirking all the while.

“Maybe later,” Rainbow Dash shot back, smacking the other demon with her flaming tail.

“I don't know if I’m more envious or scared,” Rarity muttered.

“That sounds about right,” Rainbow Dash stated, chuckling.

“Now, let's try our best to escape the interdictor field,” Kanathara began. “As soon as we are out of its range, I’ll take back the Element and send you to the nearest town.”

Rarity bowed slightly. “That is most generous of you.”

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow when the piece of jewelry levitating above Rarity didn't begin to glow. I guess she isn't the Bearer.

She might be, Kanathara thought back. That is a topic for another time, however.

“Right, Rainbow Dash, lead the way,” Kanathara stated.

The vengant’s helmet slammed shut. “Right away.”

“Would you two mind slowing down just a tad? I’m afraid they worked us for quite a while before you showed up,” Rarity pleaded.

“Fine, but do your best. I do not wish to stick around any longer than necessary,” Kanathara retorted.

“Very well, darling,” Rarity replied.

And then they were off once more, with Rainbow Dash taking the lead and Rarity trotting in the middle. Kanathara took up the rear, her gaze increasingly drawn to the mare before her, despite her attempts to look away. The keeper couldn't help but wonder if she was infatuated with the pony, or if she was being genuinely nice, and which was worse.

Putting those thoughts out of her mind, Kanathara ascended a sloping incline, noting that they had very nearly returned to the fork they had seen earlier. The stomping of steel-shod hooves vanquished the brief thought of victory which flashed through the demon’s mind.

“Spread out, find the diamond dog leader!” barked a gruff stallion. “She must be brought to justice.”

“I saw a tunnel further back which should lead back to the surface,” Rainbow Dash whispered after coming to a stop.

“I don't suppose you wouldn't mind just giving up by chance, would you?” Rarity gently inquired.

Kanathara shook her head. “I’m afraid not, and I need my magic free, so you're going to have to stick with us for a bit longer.”

The unicorn sighed. “Blast it all.”

“It shouldn't be much longer,” Rainbow Dash claimed.

“Fine. Lead the way,” remarked Rarity in a slightly defeated tone.

The trio turned and trotted back the way they came, diverting down a much narrower tunnel which sloped gently to the left before going downwards. Though it had initially looked like it had been carved by the diamond dogs, it quickly smoothed out. Now resembling a natural lava tube and not something purposefully constructed by civilized hands, Kanathara was beginning to grow irritated.

She tried to access her dimensional space again, only to find that her spell was disrupted once more.

“Damn it all to Tartarus,” muttered the keeper of secrets. “If this goes any deeper, I don't know if I’ll even be able to teleport us back to the surface.”

“Should we go back?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

“Wait,” Rarity interjected, holding up a hoof and closing her eyes.

Kanathara and her familiar shared a curious look as their companion remained motionless for several seconds.

“What are you-”

“Aha! I’ve got it,” proclaimed Rarity. “There is a bit of air movement. I think this tunnel is connected to the surface somehow.”

“How do you know that?” questioned Rainbow Dash.

“I’ve been mining my own gems since I was a foal,” Rarity replied, giving her dirty hair a graceful flick. “It's only natural to pick up a few tricks during that time.”

Rainbow Dash lifted an eyebrow and glanced at her mistress for confirmation.

Kanathara frowned. “Let’s keep going. This tunnel has to lead somewhere.”

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: John, MestreJ, Starless, Gear Change, DioKyo, Tacocat598, Canary in The Coal Mine, Ceepert, Doomgoey, Tiwake, Vigilant Watch, Joshua, Nfreak, Facinus, M, John, Rhys, Corey, Blade Tech, Mephia, Peter, Apollyon, Nightwing, 浩民 簡, Hannibal, Dragon's Sheperd, BeenMcsqueen, Mop Hop, Dale, Xvos, Nathan, Octavia and Lowbar, Lich lord krosis, Prysm, Mike, Astor, Travis, Soundtea, Menthol Qtip, Craig, Mirvra, Ivar, Pacsik, Kali, Makani, Steven, Fiamgoku, free, GruB, Todd, Megatyrant.

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