• Published 26th Jun 2017
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Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

  • ...

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Trial Ten: Rhetoric

“I am going to sleep well tonight,” Applejack began, only to pause and scratch her head. “Or would that be today?”

Big Macintosh snorted, though if it was in agreement or disagreement, Kanathara didn't know.

“We are almost there,” exclaimed the keeper. “Now all we gotta do is find whoever’s been left in charge and then see if we can't round up more help.”

“I don't know if that's a good idea,” Applejack exclaimed, brushing aside a branch that had attempted to block her way. “These folk have suffered enough. Do you really think they are gonna march out there and fight this Nightmare fella?”

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh confidently declared.

“The big guy’s right,” Rainbow Dash quickly added. “I mean, you left your family behind pretty quick.”

Applejack stiffened before quickly relaxing. “It's ‘cause of them I gotta keep movin’. It won't matter if the farm’s safe if the whole world is gonna freeze.”

“And don't you think other people will have the same thought as you?” Kanathara pointed out.

“I suppose,” Applejack reluctantly admitted. “Just don't be too angry with ‘em if they decide to stay home and defend their town.”

Big Macintosh shot his sister a curious look, one that Kanathara couldn't quite discern the point of. Whatever silent conversation the two were having was over the demon’s head, so she simply decided to focus on the path ahead.

Though small and little more than a turkey trail, it was wide enough for the group to walk two abreast. Applejack and Big Macintosh took up the lead, while Kanathara and Rainbow Dash hung back. In order to not startle the guards, the two demons had donned their pony disguises, which only removed a few inches from their towering heights.

The next few minutes were quiet, with the Apple siblings clearly deep in thought, though only one of them wore a tense expression. Rainbow Dash kept her gaze up, ever vigilant for any monster or demon that may spring up. An effort that Kanathara knew was wasted, as the only heartbeats she could discover were terrified squirrels.

That was until they reached the edge of the forest and came to where the magical barrier met the Everfree. There they paused in order to look at the town which now lay just beyond the strangely hued wall barring them entry.

The first thing they noticed was the field of corpses that separated them from the half-destroyed barricade erected around the village. Most of the bodies were of animals large and small, though there were a few ponies as well as monsters strewn throughout. Even a half-rotted corpse of a hydra lay crumpled over a partially collapsed house which was now clearly abandoned.

“Well, damn. Aloe and Lotus weren't jokin’ around,” Applejack murmured. “They musta busted through the barrier at least once.”

“What a mess,” Big Macintosh remarked.

“No kidding,” Rainbow Dash added. “He sure threw a whole lotta cannon fodder at this place.”

“At least the town’s defenders seemed to have held out,” Kanathara pointed out, gesturing to where several groups of ponies could be seen walking along the barricades.

Though the actual defences were little more than wooden walls that came up to a pony’s chin, it had evidently worked. Those manning the defences had been decked out in primitive, though effective armor, and most wielded spears. A few carried pikes, but they were in the clear minority and sat further back in a small group, ready to rush to the front at a moment's notice.

Clever, Kanathara thought to herself.

“Not bad,” Rainbow Dash declared. “Ready to go give them the good news?”

Applejack nodded sternly. “Big Macintosh, would you mind makin’ sure we don't accidentally sneak up on ‘em?”

“You got it,” Big Macintosh muttered, stepping through the shield and clearing his throat. “Hello!”

The shout was strong, the male’s word carrying across the field with ease and visibly startling the sentries. Kanathara meanwhile just stood there in shock, a little surprised that the stallion’s deep baritone voice could even become that loud. Together she shared a look of appreciation and amusement with Rainbow Dash, who chuckled as the Apple siblings strode out in front.

“You don't think he's a necromancer, do ya?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Kanathara blinked. “No. Why do you ask?”

“‘Cause that was loud enough to wake the dead,” Rainbow Dash retorted, already snickering at her own joke.

Kanathara groaned and trotted forward. “You are the worst.”

“You love it,” Rainbow Dash shot back, bumping her hip against Kanathara’s side.

“Just let me and Mac do the talkin’,” Applejack whispered.

Kanathara merely nodded back, her attention already fixated on the small welcome party that had assembled at the wall. A few of the sentries had gathered together, and the squad of ponies armed with pikes stood nearby, though they had yet to lower their weapons. The brief bit of surprise have quickly been banished by an earth pony adorned from head to hoof in platemail.

As the four of them picked their way through the field of half-rotted corpses, Kanathara saw that order had been established at the walls. Though the pike brigade remained ready, only a single three-pony team walked up to the barricades themselves. At their head stood the sole member among them armored completely in steel, a mace belted tightly against her side.

“Stop!” she shouted in a commanding, yet feminine voice. “Identify yourself.”

The small group came to a stop a good twelve metres from the defences, and Applejack took a step forward.

“Hey there, boss lady,” Applejack replied.

The lead soldier seemed confused for a moment before pushing her grille up and revealing a set of sparkling teal eyes. The mare’s fur was a light cream color, and though her mane was cut short, Kanathara could tell that it was quite fluffy. One half of which was a deep blue, while the other was the brightest pink Kanathara had seen on a pony outside of the eponymous Pinkie Pie.

“Applejack? Well, damn. I shoulda known that was Big Macintosh’s holler,” exclaimed the pony.

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh replied.

“I also shoulda left this damn helmet back home. Can't see nothin’ in it,” she muttered.

“So are you gonna let us in, or do we gotta keep standin’ out here amidst these piles of rot?” Applejack shouted back.

“First, who are your friends? And what's your business here? Don't tell me they got little Apple Bloom,” asked the other mare.

“Nah. The whole family’s just fine on account of these good folk with me,” Applejack answered, nodding to Kanathara and Rainbow Dash.

“We also took care of your little necromancer problem and were hoping to speak to your leaders,” Kanathara added.

“Not many folk around here could claim any official title, but I suppose I could round up the few that do,” replied the mare.

“That would be excellent, thank you, Bon Bon,” Applejack exclaimed.

The armored mare nodded. “Though before I do, I have a few questions for you.”

“Go right ahead,” Kanathara invited.

“Right.” Bon Bon cleared her throat and motioned towards the town. “You can start off by telling me all about how you dealt with this Flintheart fella and then we can go from there.”

“Sounds fair,” rumbled Big Macintosh.

Applejack frowned. “Well, ya see, it all started when-”

“And that pretty much brings us up to now,” Applejack finished, turning to Kanathara. “Did I miss anything?”

“You covered all the major points like Nightmare Moon’s attempt to end the world, what we are doing to stop that, and how everyone can help,” Kanathara remarked.

“Don't forget the part where that evil bitch plans on killing Celestia in like a week or whatever,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, leaning against an empty fruit stand and picking at her teeth with a splinter of wood.

“I’ll be damned,” Bon Bon muttered, glancing around at the other guards who had clustered in the empty marketplace. “I don't know about you lot, but I’ll be joining these guys when they leave for Canterlot.”

A smattering of agreements and affirmations could be heard over the low murmur of the gathering crowd. Though a few remained silent, Kanathara could tell that those who said nothing were deep in thought. All in all, the keeper of secrets was quite happy with how things were going, and she was certain that with the right words, she could gain even more support.

“That's good to hear, ‘cause this is gonna take a whole helluva lot of us to do,” Applejack declared.

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh agreed.

“No kiddin’. Last I heard, it seemed like every two bit bandit gang and villain with delusions of grandeur had come out of the woodwork,” Bon Bon remarked. “Probably more of this Nightmare Moon person’s influence at work.”

Kanathara nodded. “She probably knows that in order to win, all she has to do is kill Celestia. After that it's just a matter of waiting for the world to freeze and hunting down what few survivors could handle the cold.”

“So that's why I detected all of those anti-teleportation arrays,” murmured a lightly armored unicorn stallion near the front of the group.

“She's slowing everyone down, but that won't work,” Rainbow Dash declared, stomping a hoof in emphasis. “Provided you guys keep pushing towards Canterlot, we’ll acquire our little ace in the hole and defeat Nightmare Moon before she even sees us coming.”

A short, demure stallion slipped up next to Bon Bon and began whispering in the mare’s ear. Upon relaying his message successfully, the male slipped away, leaving Bon Bon to turn back towards the group.

“Everyone’s assembled in the town hall,” she declared. “If you’re going to get the support you need, you should make some kind of speech.”

“Why?” Applejack asked incredulously. “Isn't it enough that the whole dang world is bein’ threatened?”

“Eenope,” Big Macintosh remarked.

Rainbow Dash wrapped a hoof about the farm pony’s shoulders. “Come on, Applejack, even you gotta know that not everyone is convinced by pure logic.”

“I suppose,” Applejack murmured.

“Which is why you have to get up there and convince them,” Kanathara declared, nodding subtly towards Rainbow Dash. And why you’ll be in the crowd, working them up.

The vengant smiled back. Sounds like a plan.

“Oh fine,” Applejack muttered, jabbing a hoof at Kanathara. “But yer comin’ with me.”

Kanathara grinned. “Of course,” she declared. “And if it seems like you’re getting overwhelmed, don’t worry. I’ll help you out.”

Applejack breathed in slowly, held it, then breathed out. “Alright. I’m ready. Let's get this over with.”

“That is a lot of ponies,” Applejack muttered, clutching the curtain which separated her from the crowd just beyond.

The town center was packed with ponies young and old, all of whom were busy whispering to one another. A sense of nervous excitement had filled the room, and rumours flew faster than the pegasi fluttering above the gathering. Families bunched together in groups while squads of soldiers clustered near the edges of the crowd, waiting patiently.

“You’ll be fine. Just go out there and tell them what they need to know,” Bon Bon declared.

“And try to really sell them on the whole ‘saving the world’ thing,” Kanathara added.

“Well, I for one think this is silly,” declared a grey-haired mare who strode up to the trio. “We should let the guard handle such a matter while the people of Ponyville defend their homes.”

“We can't just sit on our hooves,” Applejack exclaimed.

“And why not?” countered the bespectacled pony. “We were hardly holding our own against some amatuer necromancer who had only two powerful spells to his name.”

Kanathara opened her mouth to respond, but found something about the new arrival’s demeanor to be slightly off-putting. Not in a bad way, but rather it made the keeper of secrets wonder if she was pointedly attempting to get a rise out of Applejack. So Kanathara decided to remain silent and merely watch as the pair continued to argue.

“With a little help, we dealt with him in no time,” Applejack declared, stomping her hoof in emphasis. “And I bet there are plenty more towns out there that just need a little push in the right direction.”

“Why should we help them when we can barely help ourselves?” demanded the other mare, who straightened her collar and raised her nose.

“I don't know what the heck’s gotten into you, Mayor, but I sure as shoot ain't about to leave my neighbors hangin’,” Applejack stated.

The mayor snorted and rolled her eyes. “Oh, come now, Applejack. You can't believe that everyone is just going to follow you out on some crusade to help a bunch of Canterlot elites? We are but peaceful farmers and traders. We can't do anything against a prime evil.”

“We won’t need to,” Applejack retorted. “‘Cause we’re helping those who can do something about it. Furthermore, I know they’ll join us because they are good, honest folk. Unlike you!”

Applejack then turned and trotted proudly out onto the stage, confidently stepping out into the spotlight.

“You were provoking her, weren't you?” Kanathara asked the second after Applejack was gone.

The mayor chuckled and awkwardly scratched the back of her neck. “I hope you don't think it's too underhanded of me. Applejack can be quite the persuasive speaker, but not when she's doubting herself.”

“I get it,” Kanathara quickly replied. “I’m just a bit surprised you want to lose what little guards you have left.”

“We’ll leave enough behind to make sure nothing happens,” Bon Bon interrupted.

“The ponies of Ponyville are stronger than we look,” Mayor Mare proclaimed. “Even without the paladins, rangers, and militia, we will survive just fine. Provided your little cadre complete their mission, and the whole world doesn't freeze over.”

“Don't you worry, Mayor. We’ll succeed or die trying,” Kanathara exclaimed.

“Hopefully just the first part. I don't know how many of us can truly stand up to something as terrifying as a prime evil,” Mayor Mare exclaimed.

Kanathara smiled. “I think you’ll find that there are plenty of ponies capable of such a feat of bravery.”

“If you say so,” Mayor Mare murmured.

Kanathara stepped forward, listening to Applejack as the earth pony spoke to the crowd in a clear, confident tone.

“Those ponies didn't have a choice,” Applejack passionately exclaimed. “They didn't follow Flintheart out of malice, but fear. Now I know that doesn't make it okay, but please, just ask yourself this. If someone was going to throw your parent’s or child’s soul into the depths of Tartarus, what lengths would you go to stop that from happening?”

The crowd was silent, save for a few scattering murmurs, and after several seconds had passed, Applejack continued once more.

“Flintheart’s demise isn't the only news I bring, however,” Applejack cautiously began. “The pony, neigh, monster, called Nightmare Moon, not only wants us dead, but the whole dang world!”

A collective gasp filled the domed room, and the hushed conversations returned in greater numbers.

“As you’ve likely already guessed, Celestia didn't raise the moon and keep it there, but rather a demonic creature that she had previously defeated and banished to the moon did all this,” Applejack declared. “One that we will need every able bodied pony to defeat.”

“Now I know what yer thinkin’,” Applejack pressed. “Yer askin’ yourselves what you can do about some crazy demon alicorn, and yer wonderin’ if there's even a hope of winning. I’m here to tell ya there is, and that we’ll need every capable pony in this room to make it happen.”

The farm pony smiled as she looked out over the captivated ponies staring at her with wide eyes.

“A friend of mine has a plan to rescue Princess Celestia and defeat this Nightmare Moon critter,” Applejack continued. “Though powerful, she can't do this alone, for between her and Nightmare Moon is a whole army of mean mother hubbards. Together we can do our part to protect not only our families and Ponyville, but everyone everywhere!”

Applejack winced and took off her hat. “Now I won't lie to ya. Some of ya probably won't come back from this, but I got just one question. Is there a better way to go than givin’ yer all to protect every pony, gryphon, and creature that lives on Equis?”

The farm pony waited expectantly, and though quiet for a few seconds, a voice suddenly bellowed two proud words.

“Heck no!” yelled a familiar feminine voice.

Rainbow Dash’s hearty declaration heralded a flood of affirmations.

“And if it ain't enough for ya to just be savin’ the world, remember that this demon is out there right now tryin’ to kill Celestia!” Applejack shouted, stomping a hoof in anger. “And I for one ain't gonna stand for it. My family owes everything to that mare, and I think it's about good gosh darn time that I pay her back for everything she's done for us. For what shes done for Equestria!”

“For the Princess!” exclaimed a pegasus mare.

“For Equestria, for the Princess, and for Equis!” Applejack bellowed, pumping a hoof into the air.

“For Equestria, for the Princess, and for Equis!” yelled the crowd.

Applejack smiled grimly as she watched the entire room chant her impromptu slogan for nearly thirty seconds before finally beginning to quiet down.

“Now I know I don't need to ask, but who here is with me?” Applejack asked.

Nearly every pony in the room raised their hoof confidently into the air.

“That's what I like to see!” Applejack proudly stated.

Behind the curtain, Kanathara smiled, silently congratulating the farm pony on her success.

“I feel like I could fight a dragon,” Bon Bon muttered.

“Something tells me I’ll be out of a job come next election season,” Mayor Mare murmured.

Applejack grinned. “I’m proud of y'all. Now I don't know all the logistics and whatnot, but we’ll be joinin’ up with a bunch of others just outside of town once we get everything figured.”

“You should lead us!” shouted a voice.

“Yeah, you should do it!” added another voice.

“Applejack, Applejack!” the crowd chanted, building from just a single pony chanting the mare’s name until the entire room repeated the word.

“I can't… I’m not…” Applejack grumbled and ground her teeth together. “I can't lead noone!”

The crowd continued unabated, with the desperate farm pony turning expectantly to Kanathara for help. The keeper merely shrugged and gestured back to the crowd, causing Applejack to grimace. Her irritable expression didn't last long, and soon Applejack raised a foreleg in defeat.

“Fine, fine. I’ll do it, but I gotta find a bunch of the smartest folk to make sure I don't mess this whole thing up,” Applejack exclaimed.

“Oh yeah!” shouted a muscular pegasus with tiny wings.

The crowd quickly became abuzz with activity, as ponies volunteered for various jobs or otherwise began organizing themselves, allowing Kanathara a moment to sneak onto stage and gently tap Applejack on the shoulder.

“You did great,” whispered the demon.

“Yeah, it wasn't so bad, was it?” Applejack murmured absently, as if she didn't quite believe her own words.

“It seems like you got things well in hoof,” Kanathara remarked, glancing at the excited crowd. “I think I’ll leave the rest to you. Just make sure to get in contact with your mother. She’ll need to know where you are in order to set up your supply lines and whatnot.”

“Don't worry. I’ll get all that technical stuff figured. Once I get all this sorted first,” Applejack muttered, gesturing to the crowd.

“We’ll leave ya to it,” Kanathara exclaimed, only to stop. “Wait, where exactly is Rarity’s little community anyway?”

“Southeast end of the gorge,” Applejack answered with a shrug. “I never got the chance to go out there before all this happened, so that's all I know.”

“It will be enough. Good luck,” Kanathara declared, giving the mare one last pat on the back before turning and walking away.

A move Rainbow Dash mirrored, slipping quietly through the crowd and meeting her mistress outside the hall. Where they both exchanged a slightly surprised, but nonetheless genuine set of smiles.

“I didn't think she had it in her,” Rainbow Dash opened.

“She just needed a bit of prompting,” Kanathara replied.

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Evidently. So, where to next?”

“We’ll go pick up our snack and then start heading towards Ghastly Gorge,” Kanathara answered. “Unless you think we should stick around a bit?”

“Nah,” Rainbow Dash quickly stated. “Between Pear Butter and Applejack, they’ll have everything organized in no time.”

Kanathara nodded in agreement. “Most likely. Hopefully we can acquire the rest of the bearers as easily as we have Applejack.”

“Do you really though? This has been pretty easy,” Rainbow Dash replied, leaning in close.

“Okay so maybe a bit more of a challenge would be nice,” Kanathara admitted.

“Ha,” Rainbow Dash laughed. “That's more like it. Now let's get movin’ before our dinner gets stolen by some enterprising wolf or something.”

“Good thinking,” Kanathara replied.

“Get off of me, you foul creature!” Perfect Pace shouted, kicking wildly at the badger clinging to the back of his pant leg.

The small mammal growled and shook itself, tearing the pony’s clothing even more, its back legs digging into the ground. Despite the pony repeatedly attempting to punt the tiny creature away, his bindings were secure and he could barely move. With his range of motion more or less non-existent and only a single limb not completely bound by a thick rope, he couldn't actually hit the creature plaguing him.

“Stars above,” he cursed. “This is going to take a fortune to replace.”

The badger’s growl deepened, and it shook its head from side to side, ripping a good chunk of expensive fabric clean off. Confused, the creature chewed on the bit of cloth before violently spitting it back out and eying the stallion closer.

“Oh no, you don't, you foul little abomination. Begone from my presence!” Perfect Pace yelled, straining as he attempted to push magic into his horn.

It barely even lit up, as the inhibitor ring he had been forced to wear robbed him of nearly all of his power. He couldn't even use levitation, and his attempt to lift the badger merely caused its legs to glow faintly. Thankfully for the noble, his attacker was spooked by the strange light and quickly backpedalled before sprinting off into the woods.

“That's right, you better run!” he shouted. “Now I just need to get out of here.”

“Oh, don't worry. I was just about to do that,” Kanathara cooly declared, her pony disguise melting away to reveal her true demonic form.

“W-what. Wh-who are you?” Perfect Pace muttered.

Rainbow Dash chuckled as she followed in her mistress’ wake, her own appearance returning to its natural state. “We’re just a couple of hungry mares looking for a hot meal.”

“Well, I have been told that I am quite a snack,” Perfect Pace exclaimed, flashing the two demons an awkward smile.

Kanathara stumbled briefly. “That was a surprise.”

“No kidding. I’ve heard about fear boners, but this is something else,” Rainbow Dash remarked with a snicker.

“Yes, well. Cut me down from this tree, and I will give you everything you can handle,” Perfect Pace continued.

“You are hilarious,” Kanathara exclaimed. “But we’re not interested in your flesh.”

“Speak for yourself. I was planning on roasting his thighs after we were done with him,” Rainbow Dash declared.

“Roasting my…” Perfect Pace’s jaw fell open, and he hung loose in his bindings.

“Ahh, now he’s realized what's going to happen,” Kanathara exclaimed. “I love this part.”

“P-please don't. I’ll give you anything you want! I have bits, property, art, weapons! Anything you could ever desire!” he shouted, the stallion’s voice growing increasingly high-pitched as the two demons approached him.

“Why bother trading you for those things when we can just take them from you after we eat you?” Kanathara retorted.

“Yeah. You’re not really negotiating from a place of power,” Rainbow Dash added.

Perfect Pace gulped. “I have caches all over Equestria. I can tell you the codes and where they are!”

“Oh, that's not bad,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“Not good enough though,” Kanathara declared.

“I’ll do anything you want! I’ll be your slave for the rest of my life!” Perfect Pace continued.

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Like that would be e-”

“Actually, wait a sec,” Kanathara interrupted. “This guy is a landed noble. Which means he's capable of giving out diplomatic immunities, and if his properties were divided, he could even make a few people into barons.”

“So?” Rainbow Dash replied. “He’s sinned like, a whole ton. You can smell how delicious he is from here.”

“Oh, I’m sure I’d taste terrible. I have a dreadful sweet tooth, you see,” Perfect Pace exclaimed.

“Would you accept a geas?” Kanathara asked.

Perfect Pace paused before hastily nodding his head. “Yes, anything.”

“You can't be serious. He would taste so good!” Rainbow Dash whined.

“I mean, we can always eat him later,” Kanathara replied.

Rainbow Dash smirked. “Oh, that's dastardly.”

“I don't suppose I could negotiate a little by chance? Maybe trade my freedom for my survival?” Perfect Pace offered.

“Fair. Though we are under no obligation to protect you,” Kanathara exclaimed.

Perfect Pace grimaced. “Fine. I accept.”

“Wonderful. Now we will have a spy and a nice little piggy bank for when this is all over,” Kanathara declared.

“If we survive, that is,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“It pays to be prepared,” Kanathara exclaimed, summoning a sheet of paper and a pen out of thin air. “Now then. Just sign here.”

Perfect Pace was about to ask how, when the ropes around his right forehoof loosened enough for him to snake the limb out. He then got all of two seconds to inspect the contract before it was levitated in front of his pen.

“I’m not going to get a chance to read it over, am I?” muttered the stallion.

“Nope!” Kanathara replied.

The male sighed. “I suppose I’ve already sold my soul to one demon. What's two more?”

“Wait, did you literally sell it?” Kanathara asked, recoiling the contract.

“Just metaphorically. All agreements were made verbally or with non-magically binding contracts,” Perfect answered.

“Perfect, I don't want to fight her for your soul,” Kanathara declared, hovering the contract closer once more. “Ah, excellent. Now for the geas.”

“I don't suppose it's painless by chance?” Perfect asked nervously.

The two demons exchanged a look before erupting with laughter.

“Oh no. It's quite painful,” Kanathara stated.

“Like getting your soul sucked out, put through a blender, then stuffed back into your meat shell,” Rainbow Dash added.

Perfect Pace sighed. “Bugger.”

Author's Note:

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