• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,341 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Five: An Overdue Conversation

I don't like this one bit, Rainbow Dash remarked.

“Please, take a seat,” Blackguard declared, his magic pulling out two comfortable-looking black leather chairs from the side of the room and placing them in front of the desk.

Kanathara did as prompted, seating herself across from the mass of swirling darkness. I don't either, Rainbow Dash, but she may be able to help us get revenge on those who have wronged us, Kanathara thought back.

I’d rather settle with just having a peaceful place to stay away from everyone else, but you’re the boss, Rainbow Dash replied, sitting next to her mistress and settling into her chair.

The top hatted stallion took position behind and to the right of the prime evil, a wide smile remaining plastered on his face. “Ahh, that's much better now, isn't it? I’d offer you some refreshments, but I’m afraid that will have to wait for later,” he remarked with an exaggerated sigh.

“Yes, I’m afraid we have much to discuss first,” interrupted the cloud of stars and darkness.

“Like what your name is, for starters,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, the vengant crossing her forelegs over her chest.

A brief flash of anger could be seen behind the larger demon’s draconic orbs but it was quickly banished. “My name is Nightmare Moon, and I am here to present you with an offer I have a feeling you will accept,” declared the creature, a small smile slowly creeping through the shroud of darkness she wore.

“What kind of offer?” Kanathara pressed impatiently.

“Revenge on Celestia for starters,” Nightmare Moon began. “But that's not good enough on its own, is it? So why don't we sweeten the pot a little bit.”

Rainbow Dash and Kanathara exchanged a look, with the keeper of secrets leaning forward expectantly, her chair groaning under her shift in weight. “We’re listening.”

“As a sign of good faith, you will be given free reign over the facilities, and will be allowed to come and go as you please,” Nightmare Moon exclaimed, her fang-filled grin growing ever larger. “If you accept my deal, I will even hoof-deliver you the demon who ordered the attack on Tirek’s tower.”

“As a sign of good faith you’re going to allow us such freedom immediately? Or is that a part of the deal?” Kanathara pressed.

“I told you she was sharp,” Blackguard remarked with a smirk.

“She is, isn't she?” Nightmare Moon mused. “And to answer your question, you will be given your freedom the moment this conversation ends. All I ask of you in return is that you hear me out.”

“Provided this conversation lasts a few hours at most, and if this agreement is merely verbal in nature,” Kanathara declared.

“Yeah, what she said,” Rainbow Dash added.

A small section of Nightmare Moon’s mass formed into a hoof and waved dismissively. “Yes, yes of course. If you really want to drag this out and force me to sign a contract just to have a conversation, I will allow it,” exclaimed the elder demon.

Kanathara nodded. “Fine, go ahead.”

“Excellent, like I was saying.” Nightmare Moon rose up, the swirling mass of sky stuff becoming more solid. “My offer is simple. I will give you the opportunity to strike down the sun tyrant, and will also deliver you the demon who attacked Tirek’s tower.”

“And in return you get what?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Nothing,” Nightmare Moon declared with a grin. “All I want is to give you the shot you so desire.”

The other demons exchanged another look. “I assume that we would be helping you achieve this goal then, correct?”

“Of course. I'll give you the shot, but you must still work for it,” Nightmare explained. “The actual details we will discuss later, but suffice it to say I need two more pairs of hooves to ensure everything goes smoothly.”

“That's… generous,” Rainbow Dash muttered, turning to the keeper. What do you think, boss?

I think she's hiding a lot, but right now it sounds pretty good. If we play our cards right and ensure she can't sneak anything in the fine print, I think this is actually a decent deal, Kanathara replied before turning to the other demon. “I’m not sure if I really want to kill Celestia. What if I only want revenge for my father’s most recent enemy?” Kanathara inquired while leaning back in her chair.

Blackguard lifted an eyebrow. “Well, that seems like a bit of a sudden switch.”

“Offering changes to feel out what I hope to gain, smart,” Nightmare Moon remarked with a grin. “I will humour you and admit that though I may be interested in a deal such as the one you mentioned, I had hoped to gain your assistance with a very particular problem.”

Kanathara tapped her chin and stared at the demon across from her, trying to read as much as she could from Nightmare Moon’s strange and borderline featureless face. “Your first offer is an interesting proposition. I’ll give you that,” Kanathara exclaimed.

Nightmare Moon scoffed. “Of course you’re interested. Celestia ruined your life, ruined the life of your adopted father, and has committed a litany of other injustices in her long career as the sole monarch of Equestria.” She smirked. “Unless all that doesn't bother you anymore?”

Kanathara resisted the urge to gnash her teeth and merely leaned back in her chair, keeping her expression neutral. “Let's say that I’m in, and that I agree to help you kill Celestia for good. Who would control the sun if that happens?” asked the keeper.

“We have a cadre of unicorns who may be able to take over said position, but they are untested, I’m afraid,” Blackguard stated.

“Besides, what do you care what happens to this plane?” Nightmare Moon retorted, the demon’s fang-filled grin returning with a vengeance. “It's not like you can't simply leave should things get out of hoof as they say.”

“Provided I destroy both circles that summoned me here,” Kanathara corrected. “I can't go anywhere until the planar binding is dealt with and I can ensure that I can't simply be rebound after those two are destroyed.”

“True enough,” Nightmare Moon remarked. “How about this? I’ll sweeten things even more and promise to destroy one of those circles.”

“Now that's really generous,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“I wouldn't say that,” Kanathara corrected. “I can feel that one of those circles is very close. Given the fact that Nightmare Moon knew my true name and thus could track me, she's likely one of the parties who summoned me here in the first place.”

Blackguard bowed suddenly, taking off his hat. “That would be me and my little group actually. Moony may be a patron of ours, and a long time ally, but she does not own us.”

The prime evil’s eyes narrowed for a moment before she became calm once more. “Yes, well. I hold enough sway that I could at least arrange for their circle to be destroyed, isn't that right, Blacky?” Nightmare Moon exclaimed, turning to the stallion in question.

Blackguard grinned and plopped his hat back on his head. “I do believe that is in your power, my dear.”

“See? With that done all you have to do is destroy its twin, and it won’t even matter what happens to this entire plane of existence,” Nightmare Moon finished.

“Well, I mean, I still have family here,” Rainbow Dash stated. “Or at least I think I do. I haven't had the chance to check on them since this whole thing started.”

“I’m afraid that's where you’re mistaken,” Nightmare Moon exclaimed with a sigh. “Your parents are dead.”

“But I just checked on them a few months ago,” Kanathara retorted.

“And since that time they have perished,” Nightmare Moon calmly replied.

“What did you do?” Rainbow Dash demanded, the vengant’s hooves slamming against the desk as she glared at the elder demon.

Who merely rolled her eyes in response. “I had nothing to do with your parents’ demise. If you don't believe me, then by all means, find out for yourself.”

“Yet you seem to know a great deal about their passing,” Kanathara exclaimed.

Nightmare Moon shrugged her night-clad shoulders. “Your arrival in Tartarus created many waves and drew the eye of many interested parties. I merely watched on the off chance that something interesting happened.”

“Bullshit. Prime evils don't just watch,” Rainbow Dash retorted.

Nightmare Moon’s eyes flashed dangerously, and the shadows lengthened, creating a darkness so deep that even Kanathara’s demonic eyes could not pierce the gloom. “Do not claim to know anything about me, young one. For you know not what you speak of!” spat the greater demon as she loomed over the vengant.

Kanathara noticed that even Blackguard’s implacable cheer had vanished, and the stallion was deftly avoiding the shadows. “We can find out what happened to them later, Rainbow Dash. For now why don't we back things up a little bit?” Kanathara offered while gently pulling her familiar away from the greater demon.

Rainbow Dash silently gnashed her teeth and grumbled, but reluctantly allowed herself to be seated once more. “Fine, but if I find out you have a hoof in this-” began the vengant, only to be cut off.

“You’ll do what, little pup? Bark until my non-existent ears bleed?” Nightmare Moon retorted while settling back into her chair, her scowl morphing back into a familiar smirk.

Kanathara shot her familiar a glare, keeping the vengant from saying something she would regret. “Speaking of keeping an eye on us... I assume you know of what we did to one of your underlings, yes?” Kanathara half asked, half stated.

Nightmare Moon blinked. “I don't know what you're talking about.”

“Yeah, that's right, we messed with Starswirl’s plans!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “How do you like them apples?”

“Bravo, pup, you discovered that Starswirl is indeed under my employ as it were,” Nightmare Moon declared with a dismissive wave of her hoof. “Though if you are expecting me to be angry about losing a pawn’s pawn, then I’m afraid you're going to be disappointed. Rather I should be thanking you, the fool’s ego needed to get knocked down a peg or two.”

“A pawn’s pawn?” Rainbow Dash scratched her head. “What are you talking about?”

“It's an old demonic saying,” Kanathara began. “A pawn has value, a pawn’s pawn does not.”

“I see at least someone paid attention to their lessons.” Blackguard grinned, and leaned in. “I don't suppose you play by chance, do you?”

“I do.” Kanathara eyed the stallion curiously. “Though I don't think it's the right time to talk about chess.”

Blackguard swallowed hard and took a step back, nodding to the night-clad demon. “My apologies.”

“You are forgiven,” Nightmare Moon quickly replied.

“I’m surprised you are so flippant. Rockhoof and Mistmane would have been valuable tools if utilized correctly,” Kanathara pressed.

The elder demon shrugged her shoulders. “Starswirl did not have the ability to do such a thing and thus their untimely demise was of little consequence,” concluded Nightmare Moon.

“Plus it was cruel to keep them like that,” Kanathara added.

The other demon nodded, though the keeper could tell she didn't care. “That too,” she agreed.

“So you are not mad, and are we still talking about the deal here? I’m lost,” Rainbow Dash reluctantly admitted.

“Would you give me a second to talk to my associate?” Kanathara asked.

Nightmare Moon nodded and gestured to the vengant. “Of course, go right ahead.”

Honestly, this is actually pretty good. Plus it gives us the chance to scope this place out, Kanathara pointed out while leaning close to Rainbow Dash.

I mean, that's true, but come on. There is definitely something fishy going on here, Rainbow Dash countered, raising her wing to shield them from the prying eyes of the rest of the room’s occupants.

That may be, but you can't deny the opportunity this gives us, Kanathara began, the demon conjuring images of a dead Celestia lying next to a decapitated Starswirl. That's nearly all of our enemies dead at our hooves, and we get to walk out of this situation not having made another one.

True. I doubt she is the type to just let us walk out after turning her down, no matter what she says, Rainbow Dash muttered bitterly, glaring in the elder demon’s direction through her wing.

I was trying not to think about that, but yes, we’d likely be dead within seconds of saying no, Kanathara remarked with a mental sigh. Which just leaves us with how we will say yes.

What do you mean? Rainbow Dash asked.

Well, if we are definitely saying yes, then all that's left is the details, right? Kanathara replied.

True. Well, in that case, I’ll let you handle the negotiations, but after this we are so finding out what happened to my parents, Rainbow Dash declared with a surprising amount of conviction.

Kanathara nodded, the keeper of secrets able to feel a hint of the sadness that her partner felt. It will be the first thing we do once we’re out of here. I promise.

Thanks, boss. Now, let’s try and fish for some more info. I don't like how many questions are left unanswered, Rainbow Dash thought while recoiling her wing.

True, and I know just where to start, Kanathara declared, the keeper turning towards Nightmare Moon the second her familiar’s wing was out of the way. “You said your unicorns might be able to handle the sun, but you don't seem like the type to leave things to chance. What's your real plan for this eventuality?” Kanathara questioned.

Nightmare Moon grinned while Blackguard blinked in surprise. “Why whatever do you mean? That is my plan,” Nightmare Moon stated in a tone that made it clear she was lying and was making no intent on hiding it.

“You don't seem the type to leave things to chance, and by the sounds of it, leaving the sun without a controller would result in a bad day for everyone on this plane,” Kanathara pointed out.

“I told you she was a smart cookie,” Blackguard remarked with a grin, the stallion elbowing the swirling mass of darkness sitting behind his desk.

Nightmare Moon chuckled. “I suppose you have me again, young keeper, though I feel it necessary to point out that I know what you're doing.”

“What do you mean?” Kanathara shot back, her eyes narrowing.

“Your fishing remarks are obvious. You want me to confirm them because you don't have the evidence to assert them as a fact otherwise.” Nightmare Moon smiled. “Not like I mind though, as this was all information I either didn't care to keep from you or was going to give you anyway.”

“So you're telling me I wasted my time then?” Kanathara retorted while raising an eyebrow. “Is that what you're saying?”

“Absolutely not. Your questions were good, in fact you probably saved time by asking them, but enough banter. Behold, the answer to your most burning of questions,” Nightmare Moon declared, a hoof reaching from the swirling mass of darkness and grabbing it as if it were mere fabric.

With a tug, the veil of night was pulled back, revealing a grim, yet clearly equine countenance beneath it. Most eye catching of all the demon’s features were the wings upon her back and the horn atop her head, the combination of which indicating that she was at least part alicorn. Though her wings and horn were larger than even Celestia’s, Kanathara could tell that they were natural in a way that a demon’s wings typically were not. A demon’s wings could not channel the magic necessary to fly like a pegasus and relied solely on brute force to get the job done.

There were some clear signs of her demonic heritage however, chief among them being her teal, draconic eyes which continued to gaze down upon the pair. In addition, her wings were also bat-like, and her horn was filed to a deadly point, unlike the fluffier and more rounded counterpart that Celestia sported. Nightmare Moon’s mane and tail contained the stars and galaxies that had previously made up her entire form, and they swirled idly, floating as if unaffected by gravity.

The armor she wore was simple, yet elegant, exaggerating her already quite considerable curves while also covering her most vital areas in thick plates. Though not quite as dark as her pitch black fur, the bluish steel of her armor sparkled faintly, the metal humming with magic. Stranger than even her odd mix of demonic and equine features was the sudden urge to bow which Kanathara had to resist with every fibre of her being.

“Ahh, it has been too long since I have been able to stretch my legs properly. I simply must find the time to go for another midnight flight sometime soon,” Nightmare Moon exclaimed with a grin, flapping her wings in emphasis.

“What the hell is going on?” Rainbow Dash muttered through gritted teeth.

“Ahh, my apologies. Allow me.” Nightmare Moon waved her hoof and the sudden urge to bow vanished, resulting in both demons lurching upward suddenly. “It has been a long time since I spoke to an Equestrian demon.”

Blackguard straightened his hat and coughed into a hoof. “Yes, well. I’d appreciate it if that didn't happen again. I do so dislike groveling.”

Nightmare Moon grinned. “Now then, I suppose a true introduction is in order.” The prime evil placed a hoof against her chest. “I am, or was, Celestia’s sister, and I intend on taking control of the sun and moon after her demise.”

“Woah. I didn't know the princess had a sister,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

The taller demon scowled. “Yes, well, my dear sibling has done an excellent job erasing me from history. Regardless, we shall both get our revenge for what she has done to us, provided you are willing to help me acquire six very special artifacts.”

“The Elements of Harmony,” Kanathara declared.

Blackguard grinned. “She is better read than even I anticipated.”

“I am quite amazed you knew of these artifacts as my dear sister has done her best to erase all mention of them as well,” Nightmare Moon added.

Kanathara smirked. “You do know I am a keeper of secrets, right? That's kind of our whole deal.”

The prime evil chuckled aloud. “Your knowledge is more extensive than my agents gave you credit for. And you are right. I need the elements of harmony to take down Celestia, and you will bring them to me.”

“And what's stopping us from taking the Elements and running? Or using them on you?” Kanathara countered.

Nightmare Moon exploded into a deep laugh, her hoof slamming against the desk hard enough to leave a dozen small cracks. “Oh child, you cannot wield an Element of Harmony. You are a demon through and through,” Nightmare Moon declared.

“Plus that would be part of the contract,” Blackguard added.

“Blackguard is correct. Bring me the Elements of Harmony, and I will give you the demon who attacked your father’s tower, and the alicorn who ruined your life and the life of the man who has raised you,” Nightmare Moon declared with a smile. “A generous agreement, is it not?”

“It does sound pretty good,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Do all that for me, and I may even give you the honor of striking the killing blow,” Nightmare Moon offered.

Kanathara frowned and looked down, glaring at the floor while tapping a hoof against her arm rest. “This agreement does sound mutually beneficial, though I’d reserve my final judgement for when I see it in black and white,” Kanathara remarked after a long pause. “But I have conditions.”

“Oh, like what?” Nightmare Moon inquired, the demon steepling her hooves and staring intently at the keeper of secrets.

“For one, you cannot compel me to harm an innocent and two, you must destroy the circle immediately after signing. Lastly, you will give us the freedom to acquire the Elements however we want, within reason,” Kanathara finished.

“You're fairly soft for a demon, you know. Most wouldn't bat an eye at killing the odd innocent to get what they want,” Nightmare Moon teased.

“Collateral damage breeds enemies, vendettas, and future problems,” Kanathara replied dismissively. “I avoid senseless slaughter not out of kindness, but practicality.”

Nightmare Moon smiled and nodded. “Perhaps I judged you too harshly. Regardless, I’m glad to see you’re seriously considering my proposal.”

“I’ll consider it a lot more seriously once I see it in writing,” Kanathara stated again, the demon tapping the desk for emphasis.

“Then we are at least in partial agreement,” Nightmare Moon declared with a smile, the demon standing and relinquishing her seat. “Blackguard, would you be so kind as to draft the first iteration of our contract? I know not the location of your stationary.”

“Absolutely,” Blackguard declared, the stallion slipping into the chair Nightmare Moon had occupied a moment earlier. “Provided we are ready to go on that front?” he asked while looking at Kanathara, one hoof on the handle of a drawer.

Kanathara nodded. “We are indeed, isn't that right, Rainbow Dash?”

The vengant nodded as well. “It is.”

“Good. Then I will begin with drafting the basics.” Blackguard pulled open a drawer and retrieved a long scroll, an inkwell and a rather fancy metal quill. “Now then, let's get started, shall we?”

“Sorry Oluuraal, I’m afraid that contract took a bit more out of me than anticipated,” Kanathara apologized while bowing slightly before the gatekeeper.

Who sighed. “It's fine, Blackguard has been running me ragged the moment you signed on the dotted line. Something I’m a little disappointed by considering that is the one thing I warned you against, but I suppose it cannot be helped.”

“Hey, that was a good deal,” Rainbow Dash shot back, only to frown. “At least I think it was.”

“It was,” Kanathara declared. “We are compelled to do very little, and the rewards will be great.”

The gatekeeper grinned, its serpentine tongue flicking from its lips. “Oh yes, I could just about taste Blackguard’s distress after all of his usual tricks proved fruitless. Though I’m surprised you didn't try any of your own, she may be brilliant, but Blackguard is at the end of the day not a demon like us.”

“We had no need for such underhanded tactics.” Kanathara smirked. “Or perhaps they all went undetected.”

The gatekeeper laughed a harsh, barking laughter. “I like you. Please do make the time to come and chat before you leave our little clubhouse. It has been too long since I had the chance to have an intelligent discussion. It's always, Oluuraal do this, go there with these mortals.” The gatekeeper sighed again.

“I promise,” Kanathara stated.

“Wonderful, now if you’ll excuse me, some whiny peon is growing impatient,” Oluuraal remarked with a bitter snarl before her body twisted in on itself, vanishing and leaving behind a blank stone wall.

Once the other demon was gone, Rainbow Dash hastily looked around. “Are we alone here?” she asked hesitantly.

Kanathara nodded after looking around, having found that the long hallway was devoid of demons or any other beings. “It seems like it, though perhaps we should wait until we get back to Velvet’s quarters before we do this,” Kanathara cautioned.

“No. I need to know right now,” Rainbow Dash demanded.

Kanathara sighed and lit her horn. “Very well, but I must warn you that others may be scrying our location as we speak.”

“Let ‘em watch, I don't care. I just need to confirm if they really are gone,” Rainbow Dash repeated, her tone taking on an almost pleading edge to it.

Nodding, the keeper of secrets cast her first spell, creating a large black orb that floated between the demons. Pushing her will into it, Kanathara began the next spell, and after quickly double checking her calculations, released it. The second that happened, the darkness within the orb began to part, like a cloud of smoke being hit by a gentle breeze.

Revealing a pair of plaques which rested upon a wall of what looked like a building constructed by a pegasus, as clouds drifted just outside a nearby window. Pulling back a little further, numerous other plaques could be seen covering three of the walls, each one bearing another name. The building itself was small, with arched ceilings that had images of pegasi in flight carved all over it.

“That's the mausoleum, right where she said it would be after the deal was signed.” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “And those are their names…”

Kanathara sighed, the keeper able to pick out the names in question which were Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles. “Don't give in quite yet, this may all be some manner of trick,” warned the keeper of secrets.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Use the finding spell and we’ll know for sure.”

“But a spell like that can't be used unless I have some manner of focus or a true name, which ponies don't have,” Kanathara retorted.

“Actually, if you use the spell without something to focus on or a proper array, it will be easily resisted, provided they are alive,” Rainbow Dash explained.

Kanathara blinked. “Which would tell us if they were alive or not, depending on if the spell fizzled or completed, but didn't find anything. Wow, Rainbow Dash, that was some quick thinking.”

The vengant chuckled. “You know I do pay attention to you and Tirek when you ramble about magic. Well, most of the time anyway.”

“Right, give me a moment,” Kanathara remarked before lighting her horn and causing the crystal orb to fill with smoke once more.

After another spell was cast, the smoke began to twist and fold in on itself, though no image came through. After casting the same short spell again, Kanathara sighed and shook her head.

“I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash. They're gone,” Kanathara whispered.

“Which room is Velvet’s?” demanded Rainbow Dash.

Noticing the grim expression on her familiar’s face, Kanathara sighed, and pointed to one of the doors near the end of the stone hallway. “Second from the end on the left,” she replied.

Rainbow Dash nodded and began to trot in that direction, only for her hooves to slowly pick up speed until she was all but sprinting towards the room. Skidding to a stop, she grabbed the handle and threw open the wooden portal, stepping quickly inside. Kanathara didn't bemoan the sudden sprint however, as she already knew where this was going.

Stepping inside, Kanathara closed the door behind her, erected the necessary anti-scrying spells and opened her hooves just in time to catch a teary-eyed demon. “I’m sorry you had to find out like that, Rainbow Dash,” Kanathara whispered.

Rainbow Dash sniffed, wiping her eyes of the thick black sludge which had collected at the edges. “When I find out who killed them, I’m going to, I’m going to…” She growled, her chest heaving as smoke billowed from her nostrils. “I can't even come up with a good threat. I’m so angry.”

Kanathara nodded and gently stroked the other demon’s scaly back. “It's okay, Rainbow, it's just us. You can let it all out.”

The vengant sniffed one final time before breaking down completely, the demon hanging limply on Kanathara’s shoulders as she sobbed deeply. Her tar-like tears dripped onto the keeper’s shoulders and were swiftly wiped away, all while Kanathara continued to gently rub her friend’s back. Minutes passed, and slowly strength returned to the vengant’s limbs, with the demon picking herself up and wiping her eyes.

“You know I always held out hope of meeting them again some day,” Rainbow Dash whispered, only to laugh bitterly. “I know it's stupid, given what’s all happened to us, but I always thought we might be able to make it work.”

“You are not stupid, and neither was your dream,” Kanathara retorted, the keeper gently lifting the vengeant’s face and using her magic to remove the black tear stains that were left behind on the demon’s scales. “We couldn't have known what would happen. They may have accepted you with open hooves.”

“You're just saying that because your birth mom turned out to be a demon cultist,” Rainbow Dash replied with a slight smirk.

“Well, statistically speaking, one hundred percent of the family I’ve met has accepted me for who I am, so the evidence is there,” Kanathara declared.

“True,” Rainbow Dash admitted. “Still, I’m glad Velvet wasn't here, and that she left the door unlocked.”

“She actually used a spell that allows access to certain individuals whose magical signature she's inputted, but yes, it was quite fortuitous that she was not here,” Kanathara explained with a nod. “Though I’m not sure if we’ve walked into a home or the world's strangest library.”

Rainbow Dash blinked while slowly looking around, the demon quickly realizing what her mistress had been referencing as the walls were covered from top to bottom in bookshelves. To the point that the black stone walls barely even visible, and neither were the grey floors, as various experiments seemed to cover just about every possible surface. Even the bathroom which sat in a nook to their left had been converted into what looked like an alchemy laboratory, with the bathtub filled with a glowing red liquid.

The sink was barely usable, and the toilet was currently occupied by several large stacks of books. Pots filled with alien plants hung from the walls, fed by a strange pulsing orange crystal set into the ceiling, replacing the simple chandelier that lit the other rooms. The bedroom was fairly similar, and the only reason the pair knew it was a bedroom was from the fact that a small bedroll was laid out under a particularly large table that had several dozen experiments on it.

From bubbling liquid, to strange pieces of metal held aloft in magical fields, it was evident that the pony was testing a great many different things at once. Things that ranged from the forging of demonically infused armor, to cross planar spells which were far more powerful than anything Kanathara knew. Jaw hanging open, the keeper looked from one blackboard to another, silently marveling at the fact that a mere pony could do all this.

“Hey uh, boss?” Rainbow Dash muttered, interrupting the keeper before she could get too carried away.

Kanathara tore her gaze from a particularly interesting bit of magical formula and faced the vengant. “Yes, Rainbow Dash?”

“I, uh, just wanted to thank you for well… you know.” Rainbow Dash blushed slightly, her cheeks physically heating up as she waved a hoof around.

“Of course, what kind of mistress would I be if I did not look after my familiar?” Kanathara teased.

Rainbow Dash blushed harder. “I... also wanted to say that I err… well I…” She gulped. “That I love you.”

Kanathara stopped and blinked several times. “That was… sudden.”

“Do you…” Rainbow Dash muttered before looking down and pawing the ground pathetically.

“Of course I love you too,” Kanathara declared, grabbing the vengant in her hooves and planting a firm kiss on her lips. “I’m just surprised. I thought you always said love was stupid and for mortals.”

“Recently I’ve been feeling pretty stupid and mortal,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

The click of a door unlocking made both demon’s turn to the entrance where a surprised Velvet stood. “And here after hearing that my daughter had become a demon I thought I would miss out on seeing her get a special somepony. Yet here you both are.”

Kanathara ran a hoof down her face and groaned. “Augh, this is going to be like that one time with Pear Butter all over again.”

“Ahh yes, the wrath demon, right?” Velvet replied, the pony shutting the door behind her with a kick of her hoof.

“Yes.” Kanathara winced. “I guess we have a lot to talk about, huh? Given the fact that I’ve never met you, and you haven't seen me in a decade.”

Velvet nodded slowly. “Yes, yes we do.” She motioned towards the lone corner of the room not dominated by experiments or books. “Please, sit. I want to hear everything.”

“Oh, it couldn't be as bad as that time Pear Butter tried to have the talk,” Rainbow Dash offered, elbowing the keeper in the side. “I mean, Velvet ain’t even a demon.”

“I don't know, Rainbow Dash, mothers are their own kind of demon,” Kanathara replied.

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