• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,368 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Five: Flight

The two demons all but crawled down the steps of the inn, their hooves almost completely silent as they crept through the seemingly empty building. As quiet as death, they stalked through the bar area, making sure no one saw or heard them leave. After making it to the front door, Kanathara paused and lit her horn before leaning close to the opening, her ear pressed against the wood. A small ping later and she was able to tell that the street just outside the door was almost completely empty save for a pair of ponies walking far to their right.

After nodding to her familiar, the keeper gently pushed open the door and slipped through the crack, followed closely by Rainbow Dash who silently shut the portal behind them. Outside, the early morning sun made the buildings cast long, deep shadows, perfect to hide two demons who didn't want to be seen. The early hour meant that almost no one was out and about and though there were no crowds to hide within, there were also far fewer prying eyes.

Slipping down the road, the two demons ducked from one alley to another, until they managed to sneak their way towards the edge of town. There, they were forced to stop and wait as a trio of guards lazily patrolled the street, allowing the duo time to look around. Rainbow Dash frowned as she was forced to sit there and do nothing, prompting her to search the area for something of interest.

Look, she thought suddenly, pointing down the other end of the alley.

Kanathara waited for the guards to pass before turning towards where Rainbow Dash was pointing. Where a short, squat stone building she hadn't noticed before could be seen a block over. Outside stood two familiar earth ponies, one of whom seemed half asleep while her partner was speaking animatedly to a third pony who stood in the door. The keeper nodded her assent and slipped a little closer, slinking through the shadow-filled alley and towards the ponies.

Once in position, Kanathara frowned when she realized that the stone building was no doubt a headquarters of sorts for the Everfree rangers and she cursed her poor luck for missing it the other day. The building itself wasn't terribly intimidating, there were no windows and the entire thing seemed to be built like a small keep rather than a normal building. It was even complete with a short tower that rose from one side of the building and allowed someone to oversee the town. How she managed to miss such an odd sight was beyond the demon, though she certainly made a note of its location now. She slunk as close as she dared in order to hear what was being said.

“Look, I’m just telling you to keep your eyes peeled. It's not complicated,” Applejack remarked with a snort.

The pudgy, brown stallion that stood in the door seemed unmoved by her request. “And I’m telling you that the rangers can't act on the hunch of some random pony.”

“She isn't a random pony,” Applejack shot back. “She's been a member for over five years for crying out loud.”

“I’ve been a what now?” Pinkie Pie muttered, only for her head to slump almost immediately, and the pony begin to snore audibly.

The brown pony sighed and Kanathara turned away, pulling her familiar along with her. What they are doing is unimportant, we must leave immediately lest they have the chance of following us back to the hideout, she reminded.

Rainbow Dash gave the two earth ponies another look before nodding and turning away, hot on her mistress’ heels. I know, but something tells me we are going to run into them again soon.

Well, let's hope you are wrong, because I am not liking how many guards there are this early in the morning, Kanathara shot back, the demon having noticed that a second trio of guards had just passed them by.

That does seem… excessive, especially for this hour of the day, Rainbow Dash murmured as the pair slunk down the road, ducking from cover to cover as they went.

Kanathara frowned as they neared the end of the road, and she looked out at the field that opened up before them. Great, just great.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow and slowly trotted up to her mistress who had ducked behind a dumpster near a restaraunt. Those aren't regular guards, Rainbow Dash pointed out.

No. No they are not, Kanathara thought back grimly.

Peeking out from their hiding spot, the two demons were able to spot the several dozen heavily armed and armored golden ponies who were scattered over the field. Though all over the place, they were mostly centered on the point that the demons had entered the town, which was far to their right. Several other paladins were lazily patrolling the area though never straying too far from the central mass at the field’s edge.

Those must be the paladins, Rainbow Dash concluded. They look tough, like really tough.

Kanathara’s frown deepened as she watched them move about the area. Their armor was well-enchanted and expertly made, with the ponies walking easily and at a relaxed pace while in full plate mail. Just looking at it made the young demon’s eyes hurt from the sheer amount of light magic that imbued it, Kanathara quickly concluding that there must be dozens of enchantments placed upon their metal armor.

Their weapons seemed to vary wildly, from dual short swords to warhammers the size of small trees. It was evident that they had great freedom to choose what they took as their personal armament, which also meant they were likely specialized in fighting individual demons and not a horde or army of them. The gears of Kanathara’s mind churned with possible solutions to this issue, though none seemed particularly likely to work given just how great her enemies’ numbers were.

That was until Kanathara noticed something strange amidst the field of featureless armored ponies where a single pony seemed to grab her attention. A male unicorn had taken off his helmet, and was facing the town, an odd look on his face. It was an expression of concern and nervousness, that made the young demon stop and stare for a reason she couldn't fully explain. He was taller than most of the paladins, with broad shoulders, a wide frame and an impressive horn but that wasn't what drew Kanathara’s eye.

It was his bright teal eyes and short cropped blue mane, as well as the insignia on his shoulder pauldron that marked him as above the rest of the paladins. Kanatahara’s gaze lingered on the strange and impressive unicorn stallion, a faint sensation of deja vu lingering at the back of her mind as she did so. His appearance was familiar and not at the same time, as if she knew not him, but a younger version of him.

“Boss,” Rainbow Dash whispered, poking the keeper in the shoulder.

Shaking her head, Kanathara dismissed whatever urge had temporarily overtaken her and turned back to her familiar. “What is it?”

Rainbow Dash gestured towards their left. “There's a cottage near the edge of the forest. It might be able to offer us some cover and allow us to get past these golden dopes.”

Kanathara nodded. Then that's where were going to go, she declared.

The keeper of secrets took the lead, her body low to the ground, and her eyes opened wide as her head turned back and forth, scanning her surroundings. Her body shimmered as soon as she took a step out from the cover of the buildings, her enchantments flaring to life and obscuring her from sight. A second later and the same occurred to Rainbow Dash, turning the pair into little more than a blur that blended perfectly with the field of green that surrounded the town itself.

Knowing that the enchantment wouldn't last long due to the demon being blocked from using the majority of her spell power, Kanathara and Rainbow Dash dashed straight for the cottage. Even with their demonic magic and abilities sealed for the most part, they were still able to make it across the field in no time, stopping once they were in the shadow of a short bridge and ducking just beneath it. Kanathara breathed hard, the keeper of secrets still not totally at home in her new body, especially after her rough transition to a new plane.

“They aren't following us,” Rainbow Dash whispered, leaning back down from her perch. “They didn't even notice us.”

“Good, we can't let them follow us back to the hideout. I don't think the enchantment would have lasted much longer anyway,” Kanathara muttered.

Rainbow Dash nodded as she plopped down next to the other demon. “It’s weird that they got here so quickly.”

“There's no way that they were alerted only by the shield,” Kanathara replied, the demon pursing her lips. “They must have gotten wind of us earlier somehow, perhaps from the rangers.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head. “I don't think so. They seemed surprised to find out that we were demons and were convinced we were poachers until they physically saw us.”

“Hmmm,” murmured the keeper of secrets who shook her head suddenly. “Regardless of the reason, we need to get out of here, and quickly.”

“Ready when you are,” Rainbow Dash announced.

Kanathara nodded. “Hopefully after this I can practice my magic more so we can stand a chance against those big metal jerks.”

“Hopefully we won't be forced to run again,” muttered Rainbow Dash with an indignant snort. “All of this tail turning is starting to piss me off.”

The keeper chuckled. “Don't worry. After we get back to the safehouse, we’ll do some more training and make sure that we don't have to run anymore ‘tactical retreats’ anytime soon.”

Rainbow Dash snorted. “Good. Now let's get out of here, this place is starting to make my scales crawl for some reason.”

Kanathara raised an eyebrow. “Why? Is something wrong?”

The vengant flapped her wings nervously. “It's nothing. Just nerves, I guess.”

“Really? The demon who flew directly at a spirit of vengeance screaming bloody murder is suffering from nerves?” Kanathara deadpanned.

“I told you it's nothing,” Rainbow Dash hissed with unexpected venom. “Let's just get out of here already.”

The keeper frowned, and looked her friend up and down, noting the way that she seemed ill at ease, and was glancing nervously over the slight rise next to the bridge every few seconds. “Right. Let’s go,” announced the keeper.

Rainbow Dash reacted instantly, leaping up the rise and dashing towards the cottage and the forest beyond. Kanathara was a second behind her, taking a slightly slower pace and keeping her eye out for enemies. Though she saw no gold-clad ponies nearby, she did notice a sign she hadn't seen before, one that indicated that the simple cottage they were heading towards was in fact an animal preserve and veterinary hospital. A claim backed up by the many bird houses, chicken coops, and other animal houses placed all around the property.

No animal sounds greeted them though, and there was only the barest hint of motion at the edges of her vision. Animals hid in their homes, ducking out of sight the second Kanathara turned to look at them, including a bear who hid inside a small house set next to the cottage itself. So surprised by their strange surroundings, Kanathara didn't even notice that her familiar had stopped until she ran face first into her butt.

Falling to the ground in a heap, Kanathara looked up at her friend, only to realize the vengant didn't even notice her presence. “What the fuck, Rainbow Dash,” Kanathara hissed.

The vengant said nothing, merely standing stock still as she stared at… something.

Getting off the ground, Kanathara brushed her hooves and searched for whatever had mesmerized Rainbow Dash. Only to stop and stare when she found herself watching a butter yellow pegasus as she hummed and poured out a mix of food into numerous bowls. She was tall, graceful and with a sleek figure that made Kanathara feel a mixture of desire and envy. Three butterflies adorned her flanks and long pink hair hung from her head, framing her face perfectly.

For the moment she was unaware of her animals’ sudden shift in attention and was completely focused on getting the feed just right. Thinking quickly, Kanathara ran in front of her familiar and glared up at her. “Rainbow Dash, snap out of it. We need to move,” she demanded.

Rainbow Dash gulped and glanced over Kanathara’s shoulder. “But it's Fluttershy. She has to know I’m alive.”

Kanathara grumbled and grabbed her friend’s face in her hooves. “We need to move. Now. Do you hear me? The guard could be coming this way as we speak.”

“J-just let me talk to her,” Rainbow Dash pleaded. “She needs to know I’m okay.”

“You are not okay,” Kanathara shot back. “You are a demon, not a pony.”

“B-but,” Rainbow Dash stuttered, only for the rest of her words to be cut off by the clang of metal being dropped.

“Rainbow Dash?” asked a nervous voice.

Kanathara growled and grabbed the vengant by the face. “Look at me. We need to go.”

Rainbow Dash ignored her, and looked over to where the pegasus sat, her eyes wide, food lying everywhere. “Fluttershy, it’s me. Rainbow Dash,” she whispered.

The keeper of secrets was about to slap her familiar across the face until she caught sight of something unfortunately familiar in the distance. Two ponies were trotting directly towards them from the direction of town, and though they didn't seem to notice the demons’ presence quite yet, that wouldn't last for long. “We have company,” Kanathara hissed.

Rainbow Dash stumbled forward, a hoof tentatively rising towards her childhood friend. “You are okay. Thank goodness.”

“I watched you die…” Fluttershy whispered. “How are you here?”

“That doesn't matter,” Rainbow Dash replied hastily. “What matters is that I’m back.”

“N-no. You can't be here.” The pegasus shut her eyes. “I took my medication this morning. You are just a figment of my imagination. You don't exist, this is all in my head.”

The vengant stumbled a step and was interrupted before she could say anything else. “Rainbow Dash. Get over yourself. We need to move,” Kanathara whispered harshly.

The vengant frowned. “Just let me convince her I’m real. She needs to know I’m real.”

Kanathara growled and tugged on her friend’s leg. “We can come back. She won't be going anywhere.”

Fluttershy covered her head with her hooves and began to shake. “This isn't happening, this isn't real,” she began to repeat over and over, tears building at the edge of her eyes.

“I’m real, Fluttershy. It's me. I’m back,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, her hoof touching the butter pegasus’ shoulder and making her flinch and begin to cry in earnest.

“Remember what the doctor said, Fluttershy. The hallucinations can feel real, but it isn't real. It’s all fake,” Fluttershy whispered to herself between sobs.

“Rainbow Dash! Leave her!” Kanathara shouted.

“I can't. Not again. Don't you see? This is my chance to tell her-” Rainbow Dash began, only to be interrupted by a shout from behind them.

“It’s them, Pinkie! Get the paladins, I’ll hold ‘em here!” exclaimed the angry voice of Applejack.

Kanathara groaned and spun around just in time to see the earth pony stomp out her cigarette and straighten her hat. “I do not have time for you,” Kanathara grumbled.

“And I don't want you torturing poor Fluttershy, so I guess neither of us are going to get what we want,” replied Applejack with a snort.

“We are not- that wasn't...” Kanathara groaned. “Come on, Rainbow Dash, we have to go this instant.”

Rainbow Dash didn't even seem to notice her friend’s words and continued to shake Fluttershy. “I’m real, Fluttershy, please just look at me. I swear I’m real!” she cried, burning tears streaking down her face.

“P-please leave me alone,” Fluttershy blubbered weakly.

“Look at me, Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash yelled, the demon lifting her former friend from the ground. “Look into my eyes and know that I’m real.”

“That's enough of that,” Applejack declared, before charging directly at the pair.

Growling in irritation, Kanathara focused her magic, and shot a beam of energy at the approaching pony’s center of mass. Though the earth pony was quick enough to try and dodge out of the way of the bolt, it still managed to clip her hoof, sending a wave of numbness through her body. The mare could only curse as she fell facefirst into the ground, her hooves no longer cooperating with her.

“Consarnit, I knew I shoulda worn my armor,” muttered the pony, sprawled out in the dirt.

Kanathara took one look at the downed mare, considering her options. She could kill her and be done with it, but the keeper of secrets had precious little time left, something that was confirmed by the heavy thumping of hooves approaching from her left. A glance in that direction confirmed her suspicions, as over a dozen paladins, headed up by a certain pink pony, were all charging in their direction.

Stifling a curse, Kanathara lit her horn and cast another stun spell on the earth pony, dropping her completely. Knowing she had very little time left, the keeper of secrets turned and grabbed her familiar, forcing their eyes to meet. “I command you to take us away from here as quickly as possible,” she demanded, her voice brimming with power.

For a moment it seemed like the vengant was going to fight the command, her face contorting with a mix of emotions before straightening suddenly. “Augh, fine!” she shouted, before picking up the keeper and all but throwing the other demon onto the center of her back.

Hooves beat against the dirt, kicking up clods of earth before Rainbow Dash took wing and leapt into the air.

Behind her, the shy pegasus opened her eyes tentatively, her gaze drawn up to the rainbow maned pony as she soared through the shield just outside her home. The second she passed through that pinkish barrier, her body melted away, revealing a demon with black scales instead of skin, great batlike wings, and a mane and tail made of hellfire. Despite the abrupt change in appearance, Fluttershy could still see the underlying similarities between the two. From the style of her flaming hair, to the way she moved, flew and simply carried herself. It was all the same as the pony she once knew, right down to the way she flapped her wings harder than necessary.

Fluttershy could only sit there in shock as her mind struggled to process what had just happened. Conflicting thoughts and emotions roared within her, hooves trembling and mind scrambling to come up with an answer for what she had seen. All those thoughts came crashing down the second she felt a warm hoof touch her shoulder bringing the world back into focus.

“Are you okay, Fluttershy? They didn't do anything to you, did they?” asked the familiar voice of Pinkie Pie.

Fluttershy shook her head weakly and looked up. “It’s Rainbow Dash. It was really her. She's alive.”

Pinkie Pie pursed her lips as all around her paladins began to charge into the woods, not slowed in the slightest by the wall of wood or the pink barrier. Some taking wing, some running, most gripping their weapons while others cast spells and tried to catch up to the fleeing demons. The only pony who seemed to notice Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie was their commander who slowed to a stop, lighting his horn as he did so.

“Are you hurt? Do you require aid?” he asked tersely.

Fluttershy shook her head. “N-no. I’m fine,” she whispered.

“She's just shaken, Commander Armor,” reiterated Pinkie Pie.

The unicorn nodded and let his spell fizzle. “You should probably bring her back to the outpost just in case. The demon could have cast any number of spells, none of them good.”

Pinkie Pie nodded, the mare gently rubbing her friend’s back. “How does that sound, Fluttershy? Would you like to go down to the outpost with me for a little bit?”

“Oh, I don't know. I still had so many chores left to do,” muttered the pegasus who looked down at her dropped bag of food and gasped. “Oh my. I made such a mess.”

Pinkie Pie smiled. “It’s okay. I’ll come help after we are done in town.”

Fluttershy nodded weakly. “Oh um, okay. I should probably bring my medication with me if we are going to stay for very long.”

Shining Armor smiled grimly and clasped the earth pony on the shoulder. “You did a good thing here, Pinkie. I’m leaving Fluttershy and Applejack in your care if that's alright with you. I need everypony I have for the fight ahead.”

Pinkie Pie sighed. “Yes sir. I can handle these two.”

“And please, if you wouldn't mind delivering your report directly to me at the earliest convenience, I’d appreciate it,” Shining Armor half commanded, half asked before turning and sprinting away.

After a few seconds he disappeared in a flash of light, teleporting into the Everfree and leaving Pinkie Pie with a very confused Fluttershy and a very out of it Applejack. With a sigh, she gently patted the flustered pegasus on the shoulder. “Why don't you get your medication and I’ll see about helping Applejack up. We can meet at the bridge, okay?”

“Oh um, sure. I just need to bring this bag back first,” Fluttershy remarked before trotting off, the bag of food slung under her.

Pinkie Pie frowned as she trotted over to Applejack, and pulled the heavy earth pony onto her back. “You girls just always have to fight, don't you?” she whispered.

Applejack muttered something incomprehensible, her lips and vocal chords still suffering the effects of Kanathara’s stun spell.

“Shh, don't talk,” Pinkie Pie whispered back as she turned and began to trot towards the small bridge that seperated Fluttershy’s home from the rest of Ponyville. “Just lay back, and relax. I’m sure someone at the outpost will be able to help undue her spell.”

The usually upbeat pony sighed. Why does nothing ever turn out right?

Author's Note:

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: Anonymous, Apollyon, Astor, Blade Tech, Brendan, Canary in the coal mine, ceepert, chris, craig, dale, diokyo, doomgooey, egery, facinus, free, ghidrah, grub, I am unknown, Ivar, Jeffrey, Kali, M, Makani, Megatyrant, Menthol Qtip, Mike, Mikhalia, Mirvra, Nathan, Neverborn, Nfreak, Nicky, Octavia, Pacsik, Peter, Random Reader, Renegade, Soundtea, Sparkizeil, Starless, Steven, T Sparkle, Tiwake, Todd, Travis, Vigilant Watch, aaaand Xvos!

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